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Stuck on Third Tangrowth fight, any suggestions?


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The Team:

Marshtomp Lvl 27: Water gun, mud bomb, mudshot, forsight

Pansear Lvl 25: Flame burst, yawn(absolutly keeping), cut, amnesia

Meowstic Lvl 27: Psybeam, Psyshock, Confusion, Lightscreen

Lombre Lvl 27: BubbleBeam, Absorb, Fake Out, Nature Power

Grimer Lvl 27: Poison gas, Sluge, Mud Bomb, Minimize

Happiny Lvl 25: Charm, Copy Cat, Sweet Kiss, Refresh

I lead with meowstic and Marshtomp as Glaceon and Lileep fall pretty easily to them. i try and switch Marshtomp out for Pansear before Tangrowth(the dirty cheating bastard) is out. but i cant swing it this fight, probably because i cant use the forest field to set everything on fire with Flame Busrt. so, any team changes or moves change suggestions would be helpful. im on ep. 14 stil also. thanks in advance all.

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Hariyama is great in this battle. It can take out ZEL no problem, Force Palm the Umbreon and Glaceon, Knock Off the Espeon. After than, start attacking Taka. His Tangrowth doesn't appreciate Paralysis, and Meowstic should be able to defeat it with a barrage of Psyshocks (although why you have three Psychic type moves on it is beyond me). When Chatot comes out, Hariyama and Meowstic should be able to take it out, especially if it goes for Nasty Plot. You should consider Charge Beam on your Meowstic for those occasional Special Attack boosts, as well.

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I have defeated both guys with many pokemon combinations, but there's one tactic that I use that always worked.

-Don't attack his lileep, try to kill all eeveelutions first before facing the green beast;

-Make sure the lileep is confused or sleeping, otherwise it will spam confuse ray;

-After all the eeveelutions are dead, you should have 4 or 5 team members with you. Kill the Lillep;

-Kill tangrowth and any other pokemon that comes after;


Edited by Knight_Teutonic
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