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Pokemon Knavery: a Team Rocket Story

Guest Ruin

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Guest Ruin

Dev stuffs:

Midwives of Discord have a song called Kimitana that I may be allowed to use in my pre-startscreen intro. I plan to put it into in a flash format (or a mp4 depending on what my animator recommends for maximum quality) to deter piracy. Which shouldn't really be a problem in itself. I might actually compress the file down to 128kbps if it doesn't make it sound like shit, or add an additional sfx throughout it for the same purposes. Not sure how i want to do it atm on that end. But i will eventually purchase it when i get a stable address to mail my bank card to. But those are the plans for the moment.

A final product on that side is so far away. It's a few months at redos and refinement that I have to give my animator and spriters.

I actually have a pretty solid crack team. Also procured RPG Maker XP. So that is a huge leap in dev.

Working on a flexible world map atm.

I also have to make 500 posts and drop 15 dollars so I can get ace membership in our community. I haven't been concerned with it until now.

I am picking a limited audience to do some beta bullshit and alpha bullshit until I am comfortable with a demo. I also have select testers already, but nonetheless everything is rolling, slowly albeit, but rolling.

UPDATE 1/6/16:


•One big ass list of promises that will hopefully all be met.

•New exploration tools involving your pokemon and it's happiness. Happiness will directly or by proxy influence how far it can travel away from you, think safari zone.

•Fresh new start method that is more difficult but still has that original safety net feel.

•New methods and obstacles; some are borrowed from other games and some may be new.

•New mega system for ALL pokemon giving them 3 forms.

•New battle items that kick ass. Period.

•New never-seen-before abilities to check and balance the new mega system, yes I will log them and tell you who has what because it would be otherwise annoying to a seasoned player to just throw something like that at you. If you don't want to know it will be hidden with a spoiler tag.

•Ditto gets a buff with universal move tutor moves. May happen, or it may not. I plan to run a demo with it in the first three episodes. Given he isn't too broken it should be fine.

•Thick and delicious plot you can smear on your toast. Yes, toast. Fuck your bagels.

•Fully animated intro full of information and foreshadowing.

•Gore. Lots of well placed gore.

•Speaking about the unspoken ritualistic eating of pokemon and pokemon parts. Slowpoke tails anyone? No? Spearow and Rattata stew? Oh, well, fuck you, I guess.

•Grand theft tilesets. I will use the shiny gold/foullump's white version tilesets if I can talk Foullump and Zel into it. Those things are gorgeous. No, really. Look at this shit when you get the chance.

•Your mother is a whore. No, literally. Your mother is a prostitute to retain continuity with the intro song.

•New perpetual currency system to keep you playing whilst I pump out new episodes. I probably won't make this a thing until AFTER episode three, but hey, it's a thing.

•Hard start, it gets easier, and then even harder, perpetually.

•Data collection of reborn game for the sole purpose of making my game just as difficult if not a little more so.

•Feelings of wonder and dread AT THE SAME TIME. I am really fishing here.

•Music made by Rose and I. Mostly Rose.

•Custom field effects... I mean, who doesn't have those. Probably gonna steal some ideas. CFE, 'nuff said.

•Sprites by Bazaro. That dude is a beast with those pixily things.

•Work from Dan, Sparky, and Roxie if they still want to.

•Johto, Kanto, and misc region north. probably add some isles too. Basically after the GSC Arc team rocket runs north and sets up base, we are some odd 40 years into the future from then or something.


•Some other really messed up things.

•X Drugs. New TR X Drugs called eX Drugs. Examples would be, eX-01036: Cuts Health by 16% and lowers accuracy, but and raises special attack, attack, and speed by one.

•Robberies and other TR shenanigans to obtain new pokemon. Events aren't cool enough, nor do they give you a great enough sense of reward. You may feel accomplished, but you didn't do anything.

•Endless missions means endless fun.~ And by fun I mean ways for me to fuck with your heartstrings and psyche.

•Tight maps that make you walk to explore, think Foullump white.

•Something else I forgot.

•New HM's. One in particular is air cutter is in place of cut. Just Like FLora Sky.

•Remembering what I forgot.

•Reinvented gym concept. You scale ranks, not badges. Badges will be a thing, but it's a low priority and meta game concept, maybe I'll randomize the gym leader's set via PNG and make it all competitive feeling like the Reborn League and x League was.

•Decisions with game changing impacts.

•Order this messy list.

•More lists

So now that you have this new update a few things to clear up. I have a work associate that wants to help with the game dev and animation. His name is Alec.

As of late I have been feeling a bit more manic than usual. I feel like a reborn pheonix each time I try to do this, stronder with each rebirth. I plan to actually do more this time and hopefully not "die" again. I have relevant distractions, but I should be fine with temptation this go-around. I plan to do more than develop a few overworld sprites and draw up a few maps this time. I'm not just gonna brainstorm and come up with a story I only half write out before getting distracted. I am on the cusp of production with everything i need at my fingertips. Time to start shitting out results and content like a bird fed mineral oil and seed. Wish me luck and godspeed to my team.

Alec and I will be working on this at Krystals come Friday-1/8/16.

UPDATE 1/11/16:

I may use a few glitchxcity tracks permanently because I have thought of some nice key elements that I could use them for. I have come to glean a few ideas from my coworkers as well. I have keyed them into my outline. I have also been rendering backdrops for field effects. That's really all I have to say. I am sticking to development like gummy bears to my floorboard. Thanks to everyone for all the support you have given me.

Our current listing of staff is as follows:

•Shadow Roxas (does stuff, I think)

•Dan (consult)

•Alec from work (dev and animation)

•LidaRose (misic guru)

•Bazaro (over-worked spritescribe)

•Ruin, myself (Does pretty much everything the others do and everything they don't do, only he sucks at it).

--Pokemon Knavery Lead Director Ruin

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I also have to make 500 posts and drop 15 dollars so I can get ace membership in our community. I haven't been concerned with it until now.

Getting Ace membership is a little different now. You also need to be a member for at least 6 months I believe.

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Guest Ruin

Lol no worries I have been a member for two years on the forum now.

Member Since 27 Feb 2013.

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