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Which place do you love and hate in the game?


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Hello y'all! Some of you may know me, some others may not, anyway..I was playing Reborn yesterday and I was in Route 2..hmmm..that route..I hate that one..and that's how it came to my mind to start a topic like that. So...which place/rote/town etc. do you love and hate most? My fave, until now, is Iolia Valley because of these crystals.

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I really like the area just outside of Laura's house 'cause of the music. The music in Spinel town is really nice too.

I don't like the wasteland much 'cause that music's just nasty. I don't really have much else to go off when it comes to liking/disliking a place 'cause I never really had any trouble with any of the puzzles.

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Oh, my favorite area is definitely Agate Circus. There's just so much you can do there it's easy to lose track of time having fun with all the different stalls and games. Also, I'm a fan of clowns so that, and Megaterra get plus points~

Now, my least favorite area? I despise Chrysolia Forest. I cannot tell you how long I got stuck there trying to figure out that darn tree puzzle. :P

Edited by Aurorain
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I really like the area just outside of Laura's house 'cause of the music. The music in Spinel town is really nice too.

I don't like the wasteland much 'cause that music's just nasty. I don't really have much else to go off when it comes to liking/disliking a place 'cause I never really had any trouble with any of the puzzles.

You took the words straight out of my brain.

I HATE the Chrysolia Forest puzzle - but at the same time, I don't feel too frustrated because the music is so awesome xD. I really like Spinel Town's new music too (the old one was alright, but the opening was sorta intimidating for me)

As for my least favorite areas, the Wasteland and 7th Street

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Hello, I love agate circus because CIRCUS is love. I also love 7th street because of the realism it portrays, and the general plot-relevance of it. I also like Laura's house and the area around it, and Ametrine mountain! Snow <3

Places I hate.... all da caves! No really, I hate caves. That's why I disliked the part with Iolia valley , the route to the Arceus fight and just all the caves.

The first thing I really hated though, when I started Reborn, was ragequitChrysolia forest :| it's better now than before though..

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my most hated place:


now I haven't played the most recent version of the game and don't know if there were any changes made to it... but the sole reason why I hate that route is: TAUROS RIDING!

Whenever you have to go from Reborn City to Agate Circus etc. you have to ride a damn Tauros... MULTIPLE TIMES... that is so annyoing:

Kill a Bouffalant...

ride a Tauros until you reach a spot where tauros can't get through (very tall grass)

dismount tauros

find another Bouffalant to kill

ride a Tauros again

dismount tauros... rinse and repeat...

blehhhhhhh... This route is most likeley the sole reason why I finally want fly! (or a guy on both ends of the route that teleports you...)

Oh, and the music... it's so unfitting (in my oppinion) -> it is a very happy, green place... why does the music have to be so sinister with those 'dark' bells??

the place I like the most... now that is a tough question... and actually I don't know... but everything is better than Route 1...

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my most hated place:


now I haven't played the most recent version of the game and don't know if there were any changes made to it... but the sole reason why I hate that route is: TAUROS RIDING!

Whenever you have to go from Reborn City to Agate Circus etc. you have to ride a damn Tauros... MULTIPLE TIMES... that is so annyoing:

Kill a Bouffalant...

ride a Tauros until you reach a spot where tauros can't get through (very tall grass)

dismount tauros

find another Bouffalant to kill

ride a Tauros again

dismount tauros... rinse and repeat...

blehhhhhhh... This route is most likeley the sole reason why I finally want fly!

This is definetly how i feel about route 1 too.

As a favorite place there's that Citae place, Pyrous and Ametrine Mountains and 7th Street.

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Ok, that was very early in the story, but how come no one mentions that sad mess of the Jasper ward? It's dark, t's a wreck, it's empty, the music adding to the atmpsphere of destruction and it's full of bugs.

I really like the mess of the wasteland in the night, on the other hand. That place really has its own chaotic personality and raises a lot of questions.

I dislike the tones of the Apophyll cave and Pyrous Mountain, the railnet in general (too silent and soft and slow music, also a dull place), and I'm kinda jared by the Yureyu building's architecture. Also yeah, Route 1.

I really love Iolia with the great shade of green, the silver slopes, the water, the crystals and the bridges, Route 3 and it's ruined bridges, Shade's when the power's out and the Apophyll beach.

my most hated place:


now I haven't played the most recent version of the game and don't know if there were any changes made to it... but the sole reason why I hate that route is: TAUROS RIDING!

Whenever you have to go from Reborn City to Agate Circus etc. you have to ride a damn Tauros... MULTIPLE TIMES... that is so annyoing:

Kill a Bouffalant...

ride a Tauros until you reach a spot where tauros can't get through (very tall grass)

dismount tauros

find another Bouffalant to kill

ride a Tauros again

dismount tauros... rinse and repeat...

blehhhhhhh... This route is most likeley the sole reason why I finally want fly! (or a guy on both ends of the route that teleports you...)

Oh, and the music... it's so unfitting (in my oppinion) -> it is a very happy, green place... why does the music have to be so sinister with those 'dark' bells??

the place I like the most... now that is a tough question... and actually I don't know... but everything is better than Route 1...

Now there's a sole Tauros running around at each end, if you talk to him he gets you to the other side.

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My favorite place has to be Ametrine city, the music is very good and is a very pretty place. But I also like the Apophyll beach and even route 4 (even if it is a short route).

My least favorite place is route 2, it takes too long to go through this place to get anywhere.

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my most hated place:


now I haven't played the most recent version of the game and don't know if there were any changes made to it... but the sole reason why I hate that route is: TAUROS RIDING!

Whenever you have to go from Reborn City to Agate Circus etc. you have to ride a damn Tauros... MULTIPLE TIMES... that is so annyoing:

Kill a Bouffalant...

ride a Tauros until you reach a spot where tauros can't get through (very tall grass)

dismount tauros

find another Bouffalant to kill

ride a Tauros again

dismount tauros... rinse and repeat...

I thought It was only me, hahaha!

I almost got crazy doing that between ep13 and ep14...

Also, In my case, the wasteland. Sure the place is cool and all, but when you have to grind to defeat aya, it can become quite annoying... and specially the music, it drove me insane at the time...

Now there's a sole Tauros running around at each end, if you talk to him he gets you to the other side.

Probably it was before that wonderful tauros. I almost cried when I saw It JK

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I like Agate Circus the most, its so fun and the Sinnoh Game Corner remix is pretty great in the background.

I can't stand Byxbysion wasteland, just because of how challenging it is to maneuver, and also all of the damn Venipedes everywhere.

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Favorite places have to be the wasteland for the really fitting music and the Agate circus for trying to be everything in the city. The only place I truly hate in the game is route 2. The tediousness of maneuvering through all those rocks and other than the fact that you have to do it to go further in the game makes it not worth it

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The Byxbysion Wasteland is probably my favorite place, along with Ametrine Mountain.

I do really really really like Ametrine holy scratch that Ametrine Mountain best place for now

As for a place that I hate? ehh, I don't really hate any of the areas from Reborn, tbh.

I guess the old Chrysolia Forest was bad because of the lag it would cause ALL THE TIME sometimes. But that's it.

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Love:Reborn city,celcenon(cause the moving floor light),Glitch city and maybe more but I cant think

Hate:that way to dull key and that border puzzle room

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For me, every place has its charm, but atm i would have to say Iola. Its just a generally pretty area.

Least enjoyable?...unsure. (Wherever Fern is?) Probably Route 2. My first time with it.

Edited by Myst
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Route 3 and 4 are just beautiful. It's a wonderful landscape that had me in awe first time I saw it.

Have to say I don't like pyrous mountain. Just because I'm not the fondest of the repetitiveness yet simplicity of the puzzle there

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Hate: The cave under the Grand Stairway. Those Digglets are the most frustrating things in the world along with the field. I'll probably warm up to that place in EP15, since the Cave Field got nerfed.

Love: Route 3 and the Labradorra-Calcenon Control Center. While the Cave Field was still annoying, everything else was just awesome. It's also ridiculously good for level grinding as long as you're with Aya.

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Love: Ametrine City. it's the first place where there was actual snow, and i love snow. and i still remember the first time i walked into the town with the music playing and then i heard the Kingdom Hearts element in it. i utterly flipped out screeching in joy, haha.

Hate: Byxbysion Wasteland. the music's terrible. :[ it grated on my ears so i replaced it with the Ametrine City music. no seriously also, it was especially irritating back when venipede would always ambush you whenever you walked past one of the trees. thank god that was taken down some recently.

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I really like Iolia Valley, Byxbysion Wasteland, Agate Circus, Apophyll Beach, Ametrine City, and Glitch City.

I don't like cave-like areas by default, and even after solving the Route 2 puzzle it still takes a while just to navigate through the route.

Edited by Ice Cream Sand Witch
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I dont know why you all think of music but I got this: https://open.spotify.com/user/foovy10/playlist/62EMYeIVHncucBue9tdERK

and to answer the question I dont really hate a place or love a place but if I have to say something I like routes 3/4 cuz its easy to get through and there are a ton of cool pokemon from my childhood(Staraptor was one of my first pokemon) and if I have to hate a place it has to be the bug type gym. I was stuck there FOREVER.

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