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Eeveelutions Team


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So I was planning on making an Eeveelutions team, and now finally have perfect IV Eevees. I already have some movesets made for the team, but would like suggestions. So can you guys help me out.

I'd also prefer if they have movesets that are benefited by the Rainbow Field, if possible.

I also have Wish and Baton Pass which I can breed onto the Eevees.

I'll be updating the movesets below.

Flareon (Guts) [252 HP, 252 Att, 4 Def] {Adamant}

-Flare Blitz


-Quick Attack


Vaporeon (Water Absorb) [252 HP, 252 Sp.Att, 4 Def] {Modest}


-Icy Wind

-Acid Armor

-Stored Power

Jolteon (Volt Absorb) [252 Sp.Att, 252 Speed, 4 HP] {Modest}


-HP Ice

-Shadow Ball

-Signal Beam

Espeon (Magic Bounce) [252 Sp.Att, 252 Speed, 4HP] {Modest}


-Morning Sun

-HP Fire

-Grass Knot

Umbreon (Inner Focus) [252 HP, 252 Att, 4 Def] {Adamant}


-Feint Attack


-Secret Power

Glaceon (Ice Body) [252 HP, 252 Sp.Att, 4 Sp.Def] {Modest}

-Icy Wind/Ice Beam/Frost Breath

-HP Ground

-Signal Beam


Leafeon (Chlorophyll) [252, Att, 252 Speed, 4 Def] {Jolly}

-Leaf Blade

-Iron Tail

-Swords Dance

-Baton Pass

Sylveon (Pixilate) [252 HP, 252 Sp.Att, 4 Sp.Def] {Modest}


-Shadow Ball

-HP Ground

-Light Screen

Thanks for any and all suggestions guys.. :)

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For Flareon, make it a Guts one and get the Toxic Orb that's in the mountains somewhere. Use the search feature for details, I'd link it if I wasn't on my phone. Adamant, max HP and Attack seems like the best due to that low Speed. Moves are obvious, Flare Blitz, Facade from the Game Corner, Quick Attack, Dig. If you don't like that, Flareon's stats look like a Curse set could work, though it's low initial physical bulk means that it would fail much more often than not.

It's best set is a cleric set, but clerics are completely unnecessary unless you've decided to not use any healing items. And even then, it gets neither Heal Bell nor Scald, so it won't be a very good cleric either.

You could try an offensive set instead, Hydro Pump/Surf, Icy Wind, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam. Or you coukd swap the last 2 moves for Acid Armor and Stored Power, it should have a pretty easy tine to set that up.

Max HP and Sp.Atk, Modest. And Water Absorb, like Hydration would ever be useful.

Discharge, HP Ice, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam would be ideal, but you already said that they're perfect IVs, so Ice isn't an option I assume? Though it really does need it. I mean, the only other viable move for it is Charge Beam, but it doesn't have the bulk for that. You could use it to get 1 boost, but that's avout it before it goes down.

Modest, Max Sp.Atk and Speed, Volt Absorb

Max Sp.Atk and Speed, Magic Bounce, Modest. Psychic, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Grass Knot.

Another wall without it's tools. The only way it could do anything would be a Curse set, Curse, Feint Attack, Dig, Secret Power. If so, make it Adamant, Max Attack and HP, Inner Focus abd don't expect too much from it.

Signal Beam, Shadow Ball, Frost Breath, Mirror Coat? Even Jolteon gets more options than this one. Max Hp and eithe max Sp.Atk or Sp.Def with either Modest or Sassy, I guess? Ability really doesn't matter, bith are terrible.

Leaf Blade, Dig, Iron Tail, Swords Dance. Or Curse instead of SD, but SD is much better IMO. Max Speed and Attack Jolly, whatever ability.

Trump Card, Shadow Ball, Light Screen, Moonblast? Or you could try a Curse set since it has great bulk on both sides and Pixilate Quick Attack. If so, run Curse, Quick Attack, Dig and Return/Secret Power.

Max HP and either Modest Max Sp.Atk or Adamant Max Attack. Pixilate

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a few of them are quite hard to do without the right tutors, tm or items..

though there are so many possibilities I'm quite at a loss for flareon and Sylveon. But still:

Volt Absorb
252 Spaw 252Speed
- Charge Beam
- HP Ice
- Thunderbolt/Voltswitch
- Shadow Ball

quite the standard set, but it works and I like it

Magic Bounce
252 Spaw 252 Speed
- Psyshock
- HP Fire
- Shadow Ball
- Charme/Morning Sun/Yawn

Another standard set except for the last slot. Since you have no access to Calm Mind you have quite a few options left.

EVs should be supporting Umbreon's hardcore defensive potential
-Foul Play
-Heal Bell

Actually I'm not sure if you can pull this set off (mostly because of foul play) but I think I've seen someone posting about it, but there are also some other options:

252HP 252Sp.Def
-Heal Bell

Somewhat similar to bulk-up Scrafty with less coverage but more supporting abilities

Ice Body/SnowCloak
252HP 252SP.Attack (guess you could also go for a "sweeping" glaceon or a defensive one but I prefer the tanky version)
-HP Fighting/Ground
-Babydoll Eyes/Yawn/Shadow Ball/Mirror Coat (I had a hard time picking the last move but in the end went for mirror coat)

You could also go without hail and Ice Beam or Frost Breath + some other move instead of the Hail/Blizzard combo

252HP + Attack/Defense Split
-Swords Dance
-Leaf Blade
-Yawn/Heal Bell/Toxic/Double Edge/Bite/Quick Attack (I prefer Yawn~)

Its actually a really nice physical Tank/Wall D:

Water Absorb
252HP + (Sp.)Def/Sp.Attack Split
-Aurora Beam /Ice Beam
-Muddy Water/Scald
-Toxic/HP Electric

I prefer going with the Modest full HP Sp.Attack version.

There are a few(actually a lot) of sets that need egg-moves to work properly but Toxic/Payback/Ice-Beam/Scald would need special Ep12 TM-Breeding (there should be a how to-thread in this section).

Edited by Mimmu
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So, it seems I didn't mention it, but I can breed the Eevee's for the required Egg Moves and HP spreads as well.. I will update the OP with stuff that I am taking from what you guys have suggested..

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Just checked out the changes you made to your OP and a couple things:

Ice Beam on Glaceon is impossible. Frost Breath does the same damage and all you lose are a very small freeze chance and an even smaller crit chance from Ice Beam.

I'd recommend Mirror Coat over Signal Beam since it's unnecessary if you have HP Ground, it does next to nothing for your coverage, I think MC would be much more useful.

I'd say don't bother with Morning Sun, you already have Wishers and it's not bulky enough to get any major benefit from it. Definitely give it Shadow Ball, you otherwise can't touch fellow Psychic types and an SE hit on Ghost types is always nice. The only reason you'd have to use HP Fire would be against Steel types, Psychic is stronger in every other instance (or Dark types, but most are heavy enough for Grass Knot to be the better move). Instead, HP Fighting would be my suggestion, still hits Steels and also Dark types.

You don't need Baton Pass on Leafeon, only Umbreon and Flareon would benefit from passed SDs, though Umbreon can take it's time to set up anyways; it's fine for Flareon, but it's not gonna last, so I guess that'syour call, but having Dig instead of BP would give it waaaay better coverage.

Sylveon can't get Calm Mind.

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I also want to make a eevee team. The hardest , part I think , is to find more moves / breed since I did not fully explore the map yet.

Quick question , how do you get to breed perfect IVs ?

I think I'll look for a move list in Reborn ,if there is one :wacko:

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Just checked out the changes you made to your OP and a couple things:

Ice Beam on Glaceon is impossible. Frost Breath does the same damage and all you lose are a very small freeze chance and an even smaller crit chance from Ice Beam.

I'd recommend Mirror Coat over Signal Beam since it's unnecessary if you have HP Ground, it does next to nothing for your coverage, I think MC would be much more useful.

I'd say don't bother with Morning Sun, you already have Wishers and it's not bulky enough to get any major benefit from it. Definitely give it Shadow Ball, you otherwise can't touch fellow Psychic types and an SE hit on Ghost types is always nice. The only reason you'd have to use HP Fire would be against Steel types, Psychic is stronger in every other instance (or Dark types, but most are heavy enough for Grass Knot to be the better move). Instead, HP Fighting would be my suggestion, still hits Steels and also Dark types.

You don't need Baton Pass on Leafeon, only Umbreon and Flareon would benefit from passed SDs, though Umbreon can take it's time to set up anyways; it's fine for Flareon, but it's not gonna last, so I guess that'syour call, but having Dig instead of BP would give it waaaay better coverage.

Sylveon can't get Calm Mind.

Considering how bad the team looks without TMs, I think I will just add them to my existing team.. Most of them can be useful somewhere or the other...

Actually Signal Beam gets me damage against Psychic and Dark types giving Glaceon the ability to attack 11 types.. Gotta love the Ground and Ice combo..

I guess Shadowball would be better in place of Morning Sun..

I don't like Dig, so that's why keeping SD..

What would you suggest putting in place of Calm Mind on Sylveon??

I also want to make a eevee team. The hardest , part I think , is to find more moves / breed since I did not fully explore the map yet.

Quick question , how do you get to breed perfect IVs ?

I think I'll look for a move list in Reborn ,if there is one :wacko:

True, the moves are difficult due to the lack of TMs.

Breeding IVs takes a while.. You need to get a pokemon with the perfect IV in your wanted stat and work on it..

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I use this set on my in-game Glaceon:

Glaceon @ Brightpowder

Snow Cloak


(Can't remember the EVs in detail)

- Hail

- Blizzard

- HP Ground

- Barrier

With Snow Cloak + Brightpowder, it instantly becomes a hax troll xD

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trump card would be nice, since you have nothing to use pixilate for other than that. if not you might want to change its ability :0

For Flareon, make it a Guts one and get the Toxic Orb that's in the mountains somewhere.

Do u know where exactly its located? It isn't listed in the in-game item location guide and I'd want to use it :x

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Do u know where exactly its located? It isn't listed in the in-game item location guide and I'd want to use it :x

Currently is only available due to a glitch.

In Ametrine mountain (or Citrine cave I'm not sure), there are some cross shape puzzles with a strenght boulder in the middle. If you move the boulder, save and reset you can advance in new areas we are not supposed to go without waterfall. Near one of the puzzles there is Corey's Skuntank and behind it is a key/card that unlocks a secret room in Berryl gym. In there you can find toxic orb

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I have to agree that the hail-blizzard spam combo from glaceon is probably the best.
And since we are talking about weather, you can use the rain dance-thunder combo for your jolteon. You can even have thunder without RD since it seems that rain is really common in reborn. Plus it gets some accuracy boosts in the new mountain fields

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry to gravedig, but I had a few questions about these movesets:

how does one get Iron Tail and/or Dig on Leafeon?

Signal beam on Vaporeon?

Dig is a TM move for Eevee, the other 2 have tutors, both on 7th, iirc.

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Are you sure Signal Beam and Iron Tail are tutor moves? I went to both 7th Street and the Circus and couldn't find either.

New tutors were added in 14.6, look around a bit more I guess? I'm missing Signal Beam right now, but for Iron Tail:


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