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What struggle?


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So has anyone of you guys started with Mudkip? For me the worst struggle I had with it was the first Tangrowth. I beat it after doing different strats for more than 2 hours! Recently I started a new run (again -.-) and this time I chose good old Charmander. I was a little feared of the fight because of the struggle I had before. But no. My Charmeleon 2 shot it with dragon rage. That really was the funniest moment I had playing this game. Have you guys also had a struggle on your first run but it was a piece of cake on the second/third run? Tell me about it below :)

Edited by NLSparky
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When im not prepared going into a battle yea. Gyms would take at least 2 goes before victory. But after the first attempt, I usually know what im up against and make a strategy to it. Usually new runs throughs arent so hard because you knows whats coming,

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When I first started Reborn, I picked Charmander. The struggle was real as it was raining. Needless to say, I ragequit after 10min and picked up a Mudkip.

Other than that, all the pre-nerf gyms were quite the challenge and struggle for me, I really hope some of them get re-buffed as they lost their appeal post-nerf

Another struggle was ....................................................... ragequitChrysolia forest and my 1st take on the crustle puzzle <_>

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I've only played through once, but my team up until I got Zubat (after completing E14) and next episode when I get Lapras didn't really have a good answer for Ground types. The Meteor Grunt duo you face in Tanzan Mountain gave me a lot of trouble with their Golem. I think it took me around 5-6 tries to beat them. (I started with Fennekin)

Edited by Ice Cream Sand Witch
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I got REALLY f***ed up in the beginning of the game cuz what happened was that I stopped playing pokemon when x and y came out cuz i didnt have a 3ds and i didn't wanna buy it just for pokemon. Like 2 years after I started to watch some of the playthroughs shofu was doing and it looked fun so I decided to play the game on shofus channel that was the biggest/ most popular. If u didnt guess it was reborn. And coming from the original EASY pokemon games to this AND NOT PLAYING FOR 2 YEARS. I got rekted a good million times. Especially training noibat omg. and dont talk to me bought what i thought about field affects in those days and the 3 pokemon at electric gym with sonic boom.

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