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[OOC]Fate/Reborn [First War Underway, Signups for #2 Open]


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1. No. This won't be traditional Fate/. Vixen who is one of my Archers uses guns and firearms primarily. All Characters to my knowledge... are allowed so long as they were used in the CW or Roleplaying forums here.

2. It something that represents something about that character, a concept or an item that represents their struggles in life, the things they stand for and the Techniques borne from them. Some can be objects, others can be concepts etc... I'd ask Murdoc for more specific details. I can too, but I'm not the best at explaining at times lol. I get it, but I'm not so good at spelling it out for those not as familiar with the series.

3. EX is the highest for anything off the charts... however as you'll notice... my characters of the Divine Knights... which are Divine Beings hardly have them. Dust only has any because he is the literal origin ((or considered it anyway.)) of heroism, he was the first person to ever become a hero. EXs are extraordinarily rare and I doubt any characters will have them. Heck... some of the Divine Knights don't even possess any A ranks. ((Snow for example, however Snow is still suuuuuper powerful.)). Once again for more specifics just tlak to one of us via PM. If it's me I'll try but I'm not the best XD.

4. They should be useful and very important things about the character. Something very powerful within their character. It can't just be any old thing. I'd definitely suggest talking to one of us in more detail on that, as quite a few things exist already within fate to describe certain personal skills etc...

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  On 8/8/2015 at 8:44 PM, Flux said:

I've still got a lot of questions so... here we go.

1. I'm assuming the characters must be pulled from fantasy RPs to fit in this setting. Would I be correct, or would modern/sci-fi style RP characters be allowed as well?

2. What's a Noble Phantasm?

3. Is A-rank the highest for parameters, or does it go to S?

4. Are personal skills basically anything we want?

I'll stop there for now...

1. Fantasy RPs are definitely the easiest, but characters from other genres can work as well. They're just a bit harder to adapt.

2. A legendary object, ability or technique that is synonymous with the character's legend, or defines their abilities in large part. Think something like King Arthur's Excalibur, the invincibility of Achilles, things like that.

3. A is the highest, with the exception of EX, which means the ability defies traditional classification or is unimaginably powerful. An example of the latter is Fate/Zero's Rider and his Phantasm that summons an entire army of full-fledged Heroic Spirits.

4. Pretty much. There's a full list of canon skills on typemoon.wikia.com, but you can make them up if none apply.

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Right, so I think Huk and Sarcy have covered things P well, but Ima go ahead and answer questions NEways since maybe their explanations won't make sense to some people and mine will (though the reverse is more likely XD) Also @bfroger, I'll Pm you a bit later to discuss your Master

  On 8/8/2015 at 7:14 PM, Flux said:

So does every Servant have somebody Rping the character, or how exactly does this work? I don't know anything about the Fate series, so I'm in the dark about the whole Servant/Master thing...

Yes. We're having all seven masters and servants be RP'd. The Master/Servant thing isn't too complicated, the Master just uses their power to keep the Servant in the world in return for the Servant fighting for them in the war.

Servants have free will unless commanded with a Command Seal ((Murdoc or someone will expalin later if they are even being used in this.)) so to show this and make sure it happens, the Master's Player, won't also be the Servant's Player.

Yeah, Command Seals are definitely going to be a thing. And in some cases a necessity for dealing with hard to control servants. From the OP:

Your Master may order about their servant in any way they please, however, servants do possess free will and may go against these orders as they please. Your Master will also be given three Command Seals. When used, these Seals allow the master to compel their Servant to do anything the Master wishes, whether the servant would normally agree to it or not.
  On 8/8/2015 at 8:25 PM, Flux said:

I'll have to bring up a list of all my old characters and give them a look through then... Also, will Hukuna just be playing multiple servants then? I see a few Graterras characters stuck in there... And if so, are we allowed more than one?

Each war servants will be summoned from the Throne of Heroes (AKA the big list in the second post of this OOC). Not every servant will be summoned, only seven. You may create as many servants as you like to be added to the Throne of Heroes. From the OP:

If you wish to play as a servant, you may submit a stat sheet using the template provided in the second post. Submitting a stat sheet is agreeing that you are willing to play that character in the RP if they are summoned. Note that, depending on how many different RPers join and how many different classes you submit characters for, you may not always have one of your servants summoned. If at any point you no longer wish to participate as a servant (or a specific servant), simply notify one of the Fate/Reborn moderators and your characters will be tagged as inactive
I could end up playing Multiple Servants yes XD.

I feel it's worth mentioning that as of right now I am likely the only one who has a chance of playing multiple servants (this chance goes down if Flux posts a few servants owo)

  On 8/8/2015 at 8:44 PM, Flux said:
1. I'm assuming the characters must be pulled from fantasy RPs to fit in this setting. Would I be correct, or would modern/sci-fi style RP characters be allowed as well?

2. What's a Noble Phantasm?

3. Is A-rank the highest for parameters, or does it go to S?

4. Are personal skills basically anything we want?

I'll stop there for now...

1. No, not in the slightest. Whilst they're simpler to fit in, there's no rule stating this. In fact some sci-fi style characters would be nice

2. So while I could give a fancy explanation, Ima just put it in words I think you'll get. Think of Noble Phantasms as skills in a MOBA. They're what makes a Servant unique in personality and combat style (and if you read through my servants in this, esp. Layla, you'll see where I've drawn inspiration from this comparison)

3. A is the highest on the standard ranking scale and is basically the equivalent of a demigod. Occasionally a stat or Noble Phantasm may fall outside this scale and will thus be given an EX rating (for example Alexus's "Goddess of Luck" NP makes it impossible to surpass her when it comes to areas of Luck, thus her Luck stat is ranked EX)

4. Personal skills are similar to NPs but are not necessarily unique to the Servant in question and nowhere near as strong. There's a full list of canonical skills on the Type-Moon wiki, but you're allowed to create new personal skills within reason if none of those fit (EX: All the ANKL goddesses have the Goddess Incarnate skill which is not present in any canon Fate characters) You can technically use as many as you want but try not to go overboard

If you need help putting together Servant sheets PM me or Sarcy (or Huk), we'd be glad to help

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N-nyaaah! I knew I did something wrong in my char sheet! I just knew it! ><

*sits down and waits for the PM, nervously digging his nails into his clenched fists, staring blankly at the white wall in front*

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Poof! A Servant arrives! Hopefully he should be good to go now, but if there are any final tweaks, let me know and I'll edit.

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Incoming master:

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I believe that you will be finding out your servants then yes... As for the first war I think Servants have already been assigned ahead of time jsut to make it simpler etc...

Subsequent Wars might have different methods in place etc... but I will assume you'll find out in the IC. As to how exactly... I think only Alexus and Murdoc can answer that for now. I tried my best.

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Yea, Totally thought that was on purpose because you didn't want any of the newbies having to deal with my bullshit XD>

Also just want me to put Vixen's at my first post, or just post it separate when I get around to it? ((It's taking me a bit longer than expected since not entirely sure how she'd react... getting close to figure it out though lol.))

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Hopefully after this point our job as hosts will be pretty minimal.

By the way, for anyone interested, we're still taking signups. There will be Grail Wars after this one. Also, if you're in this one, get a backup Master ready because there's a good chance you won't live to be in the next one.

@Hukuna: just edit it in.

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