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[OOC]Fate/Reborn [First War Underway, Signups for #2 Open]


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  On 8/18/2015 at 1:39 PM, KosherKitten said:

Fluuuuuuuux make up your miiiiiind. Is it Silva or Sylva? Because the inconsistency is bugging me D:

Whoops. I had a feeling that might happen at some point. Way back when, I had planned for the original character to be Silva, but when adapting it for this RP, I decided to change it to Sylva because I thought it looked better when I actually typed it out. I think the title of that one post is the only place I've messed it up so far, so I changed that. The plan is to go with Sylva, but don't be surprised if you see "Silva" show up a few times. It's like breaking a habit.

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Arky-kun!!! We neeeeeeeeeed you!!!

Also... I was going to say something about it being weird that I have 2 characters and yet probably the lowest number of posts yet... then I remembered one of mine is a Berserker... which can't freakin' talk... and Vixen who isn't the biggest talker ever since she is big ol' Ice Queen XD.

It actually... totally makes sense.

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While at the age of 22 I wouldn't normally say "kid" applies unless you're at least ten years older, her inexperience with the world makes her fairly childish (she has the maturity of a 15 year old, and that's a high estimate. She's kinda built on the same basic character as Cassidy) so I wouldn't at all be surprised if Vixen called her that. Onyx might get a little annoyed but probably not enough to correct her

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Yea, Vixen doesn't call one kid because of age reasons, but more because of maturity or certain impressions ((as long as they are even remotely younger than. Like more than a year gap.)) It's just the way she is. It's also a way she can avoid ever calling them by name. She basically find excuses all the time to not refer to people by name. It's just kinda her thing lol ((she she certainly doesn't like calling her Master. Because to her, no one controls her, even if the so called "Command Spells" can she doesn't believe they are true control.))

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First... I'm always going to forget this thing XD. Second... which is VIxen? THat Purple and Blue to me are so similar I can't actually tell the difference. In the text at least... the markers are different enough that I can tell, but the text I can't XD.

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I also dropped it into the OP. It's mostly a way to track people's locations so we avoid people instantly teleporting across the map to meet someone who should be across the city.

--merged because i'm dumb--

Coming for ya, Acqui.

Should mention that these are meant to run pretty quickly.

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So... is Ashnard hunting Yukine and Debronee or is he hunting what's his face and Lily?

Just so I'm sure.

Don't know currently which is why my latest post doesn't have him find them etc... or even get close but that he's in transit so to speak. Also, the fun thing is that which ever group it is can hear him coming so they can react to a loud loud werewolf coming towards them!

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It makes you less likely to be noticed by a lot yes. ((attacking or wielding things that are something like Identity-based give you away as a servant pretty fast as well. It's why Ashnard who would have it under normal circumstances no longer has it as Berserker. One... he's in his True Form so it's hard to hide his true nature, and two, He doesn;t have the mental capacity to on top of that.))

Heck Vixen has it as well because she is a very stealth based Archer. ((she's definitely a possible Assassin, but her ranged poweress makes her align with the Archer Class more than Assassin as her attacks exist to kill beasts and monsters so they tend to be a bit much for assassination [even though she's used them for that lol.],))

SO yea it certainly helps you go undetected as a servant or in general, Also, Ashnard's not there yet but when he arrives... he'd attack any humans at this point, just seeing you he would attack most likely same with if he sees Yukine. ((even though I believe he was expressly told not to attack the Master.)).

On the bunnying thing... I'm not sure what exactly you are referring to, but I suppose the person you are asking knows more on the sitaution so I'll let them handle it and answer that for ya lol.

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1. He doesn't know where you are ((or that he's hunting you to be precise lol.)) and you know exaaaaaaaaaaaactly where he is.

2. He's a Berserker. While his statline looks stupid overpowered... remember it comes at the cost of reasoning skills and upper metal facilities.

and lastly 3. to be more than a bit blunt... Assassin's are usually considered the weakest Class along with Caster. Both tend to have lower attributes etc... It's getting around their shortcomings that is a true feat.

Trust me, your are not at as much a disadvantage as you think you are.

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I guess I'm generalizing things a bit too highly, but its sort of common knowledge that Assassin/Berserker matchups are kinda one-sided,aren't they? I get the details and all, but I doubt this will be a matter of sheer hide and seek.

Edited by YagamiNoir4896
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