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Location/purpose of gates like the one below the grand staircase?

Flower Paradise

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e.g. this one in the wasteland grotto... Really wondering what their purpose will be in a future episode, unless it's obvious and I didn't pay close enough attention before. I know you can find these in a bunch of different caves/obscure places, so maybe it's a good idea to keep track of where they are so it'll be a lot easier to find them again in the future. The ones I remember off the top of my head are in Mysidia Railcave (where the TM is), Apophyll Cave, and the dark room in the Peridot factory, but of course there's probably many more, so feel free to add to the list if you know of any.


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Well like the gate that you open to get to the wasteland, guess you can assume that they will be unlocked with keys according to story purpose. The gates in Peridot I'm pretty sure will lead to the desert, which will be eventually unlocked in the next...2? episodes.

Unless, we can unlock them postgame and they have legendaries behind it...

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I've seen a LOT of these doors around the game. Underground Railnet, Apophyll Cave, the Bysbyxion Wasteland...They're freaking EVERYWHERE(I'll try to make a note later where all the ones I know of are in a post or something). Legendaries seems like a half-decent bet, most likely post game content. That, or Mega Stones. Considering the fact that we have access to a decent amount of Pokemon that can Mega Evolve now(Gardevoir, Gengar, Camerupt, Mawile, ECT), it wouldn't be an unsafe guess to assume Mega Stones will be SOMEWHERE in the game, probably around the time that enemies are able to use them. I'm half assuming it'll be after the next gym, maybe two. Considering the fact that we have 6 gyms left(Water, Fairy, Flying, Rock, Steel, and Dragon), I'd hazard a guess that at least one of them is going to have a Mega Evolution on their team.

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I've seen a LOT of these doors around the game. Underground Railnet, Apophyll Cave, the Bysbyxion Wasteland...They're freaking EVERYWHERE(I'll try to make a note later where all the ones I know of are in a post or something). Legendaries seems like a half-decent bet, most likely post game content. That, or Mega Stones. Considering the fact that we have access to a decent amount of Pokemon that can Mega Evolve now(Gardevoir, Gengar, Camerupt, Mawile, ECT), it wouldn't be an unsafe guess to assume Mega Stones will be SOMEWHERE in the game, probably around the time that enemies are able to use them. I'm half assuming it'll be after the next gym, maybe two. Considering the fact that we have 6 gyms left(Water, Fairy, Flying, Rock, Steel, and Dragon), I'd hazard a guess that at least one of them is going to have a Mega Evolution on their team.

I think only the champion will have mega evolution,and maybe the elite 4.

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