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3D vs 2D Sprites: What do you prefer and why?


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Assuming you've played a lot of Pokemon Fan games you might have noticed some using 3D rather than 2D unanimated battler sprites, what's your preference and why?

(Mine is usually 2d but damnnnn, that 3D Magikarp.

Edited by Chivalry
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why,well if it the real game I would prefer 3D but fan game well it take a lot of space and time and a lot of file tranfer,it doesn't even have attack animation

and I like gen 5 animated sprite

Edited by BBD
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It all depends on the context upon which the sprite is being seen. I prefer 2D sprites for games such as Reborn and many of the handhelds, but to see a fully 3D rendered sprite at times is also really liked - the 3D being the closest thing to realistic we can get of a Pokemon without government experiments going right/wrong.

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I played pokemon X so I have to say 3D. It's just plain better.

However, if we talking fangames, I'll take 2D. It's easier to implement and one can work with it to create something new. (fakemon, new evolutions, forms and such)

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XY/ORAS style of spriting and graphics is probably the limit of my preference. I hope Pokemon never goes beyond that in their strive for "3D" because to me, things like the MD game and stadium look horrible. I feel like Pokemon wasn't designed to go full 3D and is perfectly fine as it is

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I actually really love fifth gen's 2D animated sprites. I prefer them vastly over the 3D animated sprites. The 2D sprites just look so much cuter. I don't know why though. The reason is on the tip of my tongue. I just can't quite get the right words to say it...

purrloin.gif vs purrloin.gif

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When it comes to the actual games, I prefer 3D. It just makes Pokemon seem more realistic, and that's great. For fangames, I prefer 2D, because it's easier for the developers, and I'm extremely used to 2D sprites for Reborn and Rejuvenation.

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Honestly, I'm a big fan of the 2D sprites. The 3D sprites just don't have the same feel to them. It's kind of unexplainable, as DarkSpite said. They just seem... better. I honestly remember being disappointed with Pokemon X because of the 3D.

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I'm split between the 2D and 3D sprites honestly. Like SHIA pointed out, some of the new 3D sprites lack the past animation that the 2D sprites had originally, but the same can be argued as some of the 3D sprites give more feeling than the 2D sprites could have possibly done.

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i love 3d sprites because holy crap that Gardevoir animation

mostly because the Ralts line has got to be my all time favourite Pokemon

additionally GameFreak went all out on Pikachu's animation. it effectively sells its personality and I love it.

pretty much most Pokemon- *squints at Stunfisk* -'s animation is beautiful.

but in the end I prefer gen 5 sprites. because it works. for both fan-made and main games alike. I mean I thrilled when I found out the Pokemon actually MOVE when you're choosing what attack to use or whatever. it's just refreshing to look at. it gives me Li fE oK-

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the 3d sprites were a pretty cool addition, but overall, i prefer the 2d ones. one of the main reasons for this is how derpy some mons, like breloom, look in the 3d sprites, in comparison to how amazing they look in 2d.

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Before anyone knew any details about XY, I stated that the pokemon games needed to improve their features, including turning 2D into 3D. Haters all hated on me, saying it not only would ruin pokemon...but that it would also never happen, period. Guess what happened? XY did.

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