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Moveset recommendations


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I want some advices for pokemon I have never used and want to try them out: relicanth, sableye, huntail, gorebyss, carbink, elgyem, slurpuff and carracosta
Note that I'm not willing to go back to E12 for TM egg moves. I will only use gen 6 mechanics!

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Rock Head
252HP 252Attk
- Head Smash
- Waterfall
- Zen-Headbutt/Double Edge
- Yawn

252HP + ?
- Nasty Plot
- Dark Pulse/Shadow Ball
- Confusion Ray
- Power Gem

(Never tested this one.. I'd rather have a physical one with Hone Claws, Knock Off/Sucker Punch, Zen Headbutt, Shadow Sneak)


252Speed 252Attk/Sp.Attk
-Shell Smash
-Ice Fang/Psychic
-Crunch or SuckerPunch/Shadow Ball or Draining Kiss

Carbink is such a bad pokemon.. Especially without Toxic. But I guess..

252HP 252 Sp.Attk
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Stealth Rock/Power Gem
- Moonblast


252HP 252Sp.Attack
- Psychic
- Recover/ Charge Beam /Trick Room (.. guess with this one Analytic wouldn't be as useful)
- Shadow Ball
- HP Fighting

252HP/Speed 252Sp.Attk
- Draining Kiss
- Energy Ball
- Flamethrower
- Fake Tears

(A physical set is nearly impossible here since there are no useful physical moves available.. at least as far as I know)

Solid Rock/Sturdy
252Hp/Speed 252 Attack
- Curse/Shell Smash
- Aqua Jet/Waterfall
- Rock Slide
- Crunch/Knock Off

Edited by Mimmu
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Would bulldoze on Relicant be helpfull since it's so slow?

Shouldn't I use either Huntail or Gorebyss as a batton passer? If yes, which is better for the job?

I'm going for the special set up set for sebleye, but I'm itching to use recover over confuse ray! But that would need more breeding so your set is probably better

I still can go with sychronize if I use TR on Beheeyem. Is it worth to get it Calm Mind or Nasty Plot?

Yeah I have seen most Slurpuffs running Belly Drum sets but we have no really good physical moves for now :(. I will probably use surf over fake tears though

For Carracosta both set up moves are tempting! I can't choose which one is better

So about Carbink I shouldn't give it a shot at all?

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For Relicanth, go Head Smash, Double Edge, Waterfall, Bounce with Rock Head.

Sableye is terrible even with E12, with this limitation, it's a complete waste of space.

Gorebyss is nigh useless and definitely outclassed by Huntail without Ice Beam.

Go with Waterfall, Shell Smash, Ice Fang, Sucker Punch for Huntail, Water Veil is the better ability.

Carbink is pointless. It lets you set up Stealth Rocks, which Reborn doesn't need, and Screens, which are alright, I guess, but I really think you'd be wasting your time with those.

With how slow it is, and with it'S bulk being only decent, Trick Room is pretty much a must. And even then, all you've got for coverage would be a STAB, Shadow Ball and, if you're reeeeaally lucky or breed it, HP Fighting, but Reuniclus does exactly what Beheeyem does, just way better. And don't bother with set-up moves, you'd have to use 2 non-attacking moves, Trick Room and Calm Mind/Nasty Plot, which means you'D have coverage that definitely wouldn't suffice.

Slurpuff only has 1 physical attack worth using, so a Belly Drum set is impossible, and it's a terrible special attacker.

For Carracosta, Sturdy with Shell SMash, Waterfall, Rock Slide and Knock Off is the way to go.

For your other questions:

No, Relicanth's Speed is beyond help, not eveen Bulldoze would help much. Not that it would matter since it can take hit decently, so it's not reliant on Speed.

Nothing on your team (or what part of it we can see right now) needs the Baton Passing and those 2 are great attackers on their own, why bother passing.

Carracosta's typing and special "defense" make a Curse set very questionable. You'd be doomed the moment a special attacker came in. Shell Smash also lets you use moves other than Aqua Jet to outspeed and actually do something.


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Hmm in showdown I run Earthquake > Yawn cuz then it can use Assault Vest but Bulldoze would be nice as well.. Still Yawn is quite useful so it would come down to Bulldoze or Zen Headbutt. Bulldoze hits all opponents and will lower their speed making it possible for you to outspeed pokemon u normally wouldnt ..

If you're using a batton passer I'd use Gorebyss. but tbh the only reason I'd choose Gorebyss would be cuz you already have two physical water mons on this team.

I put Confuse Ray on the set so It'd get possible extra rounds to set up without dying but Recover is also a nice move to have.

I think CM is worth a shot but I don't like having 2 set up moves on one mon which is why I would get either CM or TR.

Slurpuff learns surf? o.o

I'd go with shell smash just cuz itll make you hit harder :3

At least I wouldn't. would be a huge pain to lvl up.

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It seems I'll drop carbink and slurpuff for now

For reli I'll go with the bounce rather than zen headbutt or yawn

I'll give a shot for sableye because I have never ever tried to catch one and want to try it out even if its bad

So I'll go with the sweeper huntail and for a passer gorebyss. I know that I don't really need the stat passing but it may come in handy at a some time (all of them are going to be on rotation either way)

Ok then, TR and 3 moves for beheeyem is the way to go then. I know it's similar to reinuclus, but I recently used one and want to try different pokemon

I'll try to get 2 caracosta then: one would be a S.Smasher and the other curser just to test wich is better (i got a lot of spare time to do that :P )

Acording to serebbi slurpuff can get surf

Where can I found deepseetooth?I thought i had one but I had 2 deepseescale instead -.-

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