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[Poison Outbreak] - A Reborn Monotype Run


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Okay, thanks :P

Then, a few comments about Corey - That dude needs a team edit, his own field fridged him over when it came down to a win or loss situation for him.

Here we go!

690.gif- Lv29 Shiny_Roselia.gif(Reido) -lv 29stunky.gif(Mao)-Lv28nidorino.gif(Niro)-lv29trubbish_by_creepyjellyfish-d7a48ur.gif(Garbage Bag)-lv20gulpin_it_down__by_sprite3g-d4sq6p1.gif(Blob)-lv20

Vs Corey

Note: At this point of the game, I have a Moon Stone and could evolve Niro with it, but I chose not to, yet, nor did I have a need to, apparently

Battle commences with Corey's Skrelp vs Garbage Bag. The Skrelp kept spamming Poison!Bubble which didn't do much to a fellow poison type, thus allowing Garbage Bag to get a few acid sprays in, before falling. Of course, I wanted to make Corey waste his heals , so I opted for sending out my own Skrelp, which nearly KO'd the enemy Skrelp with Water Pulse enough times for Corey to waste the potions. With that out of the way, his Skrelp fell.

Next up, he sent out Grimer, while I opted to switch Niro in... well, that didn't go well, seeing as Grimer had ground moves, taking it down rather fast.

With that, I chose to send out Skrelp again, trying a Water Pulse, which didn't manage to OHKO, thus leaving Skrelp to take a ground hit, which it survived. The second Water Pulse took it down, fortunately.

Next up, Croagunk. That one wasn't much of a threat due to it trying to use Fighting moves on Poison types, letting my team take it down swiftly with another bunch of Water Pulses.

Skuntank's turn up next. Well, that one was surely going to be a bit tough. Skunk versus Skunk. I didn't have much choice. Knowing it had way better moves than Mao, I had to start with Smokescreens again. Fortunately for me, Mao could take enough hits before falling. Enough to get 2 Smokescreens , a Screech and a Slash in. At least it took off SOME HP. I risked things , sending out Reido.

The Smokescreen allowed Reido to get 2 Acid Spray!Nature Powers in, lowering Skuntank's sp def enough to allow Reido a 2-hit-KO.

Next, Corey sends out his Nidorina. Switching back to a low-hp Skrelp, it managed to land a Water Pulse before falling to Nidorina. Luckily, Reido managed to take off its remaining HP. Corey was now down to his Ace - Crobat.

With only Blob and Reido left, I switched Blob in, trying to get a Yawn in. Of course, Crobat was faster, but it chose to use Nasty Plot , letting Blob land the Yawn. ... And this is where Corey got done in by his own field. In normal circumstances, my low-lvl Blob probably wouldn't survive a Nasty Plot-powered Air Cutter. However, as Corey's field turns certain moves into Poison type, Air Cutter didn't take out Blob in one hit, letting it land an Acid Spray, lowering the Crobat's Sp. Def. As the Yawn triggered next turn, I switched Reido in. To my misfortune, Crobat woke up right away, landing a Poison!Air Cutter on Reido. Again, in normal circumstances, Reido would have fainted to a Flying move. But it didn't do more than take away around 50% of Reido's HP. Getting some HP back from the Giga Drain that followed, I knew Reido would be able to survive another hit before landing the finishing Giga Drain. Well, Corey, you could have had this in the bag, but alas, your field prevented that. With that, Reido and Blob managed to prevail.

To my pleasant surprise, upon exiting Corey's gym, I saw none other than Absol, standing on the very roof. I knew it meant only one thing- a disaster foretold by the disaster pokemon. Naturally, we all what comes next- Corey saying goodbye to this world.

From where I left off in the game- Current Progress:

Location: Grand Stairway( preparing to enter the cave below)

Badges: 2 (Corey pls. )


690.gif-Lv33- Male, Modest, Adaptability - Play Rough, Poison Tail, Acid, Water Pulse

Shiny_Roselia.gif(Reido)- Lv32- Male, Naive, Leaf Guard- Grasswhistle, Giga Drain, Nature Power, Stun Spore

stunky.gif(Mao)- Lv33- Male, Timid, Stench- Toxic, Smokescreen, Slash, Acid Spray

nidorino.gif(Niro)- Lv30- Male, Adamant, Poison Point- Horn Attack, Cut, Poison Sting, Double Kick

trubbish_by_creepyjellyfish-d7a48ur.gif(Garbage Bag)- Lv20- Male, Gentle, Sticky Hold- Double Slap, Toxic Spikes, Sludge, Acid Spray

gulpin_it_down__by_sprite3g-d4sq6p1.gif(Blob) -LV21- Male, Careful, Liquid Ooze- Acid Spray, Poison Gas, Encore, Yawn

There may be team changes soon, who knows! Next stop, Shelly!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hayo all. To whom it may concern, sorry that I haven't been updating this but due to various circumstances, I had to do my battles and playthrough in a rather rushed way, thus causing me to not even properly recall how my battles went. But now that things are ok again, I can update my current progress and then start writing out from next Gym battle onwards. That said- - - I can give a summary of the missed battles - Shelly, Shade, Kiki and Aya. I've acquired new friends since then, but ...

To put it in the simplest terms- Mao 435.gif was the hero of most battles, especially against Shelly and Shade. Nothing special happened during those 2 fights, they were both close calls, Shelly battle took 0 resets, Shade took 1 reset because my team got demolished by a Trevenant the first time, causing me to realize I took the wrong approach. The second time around, it was a close fight again, but it went quite well.

Now Kiki ... well that took a lot of resets. Namely because she has a Psychic-spamming Lucario. Luckily, that day, the winds were on my side and after many many resets, Mao saved our bums again by snagging a burn on that Lucario, causing Kiki to switch it out and let me take out the rest of her team before the Lucario returned to get finished off by the burn eventually.

Aya... sorry Aya, but as it stands, your field worked more in my favor than yours, and you are just generally quite weak. I really think her levels are way too low for that tight 5-level cap raise that exists between Shade and Aya (all things considered , such as Kiki, everything that comes before and after her...) Really nothing to say about this battle, it was close in that she took out 5 of my pokemon but there wasn't really the peril of losing anyway.

And now we are here:

Current Progress:

Location: Spinel Town, Serra's mansion

Badges: 5

Current Team:

691_dragalge_shiny_by_3d_poke_sprites-d8- Lv49, Male, Modest, Adaptability- Play Rough, Aqua Tail, Sludge Wave, Dragon Pulse

407.gif(Reido)- Lv47, Male, Naive, Technician- Giga Drain, Grasswhistle, Nature Power, Stun Spore

435.gif(Mao)- Lv46, Male, Timid, Stench- Smokescreen, Flamethrower, Night Slash, Acid Spray

Sprxymsh452.gif(Zero)- Lv45, Male, Adamant, Sniper- Toxic Spikes, Night Slash, Bug Bite, Venoshock

Sprxymsh545.gif(Pendora)- Lv39(In training), Female, Hasty, Speed Boost- Strength, Protect, Steamroller, Poison Tail

tumblr_mx18ilSv0x1rv6iido3_250.gif(Kirie)- Lv44(In training), Female, Gentle, Inner Focus- Acrobatics, Swift, Venoshock, Poison Fang

In Rotation:

nidoking.gif(Niro) -Lv47, Male, Adamant, Poison Point- Poison Jab, Earth Power, Shadow Claw, Toxic Spikes

toxicroak-2.gif(Dokuro)- Lv46, Male, Lonely, Dry Skin- Sucker Punch, Mud Bomb, Drain Punch, Venoshock

Needless to say, I'll be doing some more training before facing Serra, but the next update will be about the battle vs Bennett and Serra.

Edited by Masquerain
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