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Maybe If I Don't Move--Nope, They Saw Me. Um. Hiii~?


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...Yeah. Um. I'm Lorekeeper. You can just call me Lore, if you want...

I've officially been a member for over a month, and a casual lurker since...Februaryish?

Buuuuut I never actually posted anything because, well... I'm not exactly a social butterfly (*cough*and all my Reborn questions were asked by other people*cough*).

However! With the launch of E15, I have been inspired to actually socialize. It's an Ame-inspired miracle!

(Well, that and the fact most of you seem pretty awesome.)

Sooooo... hmmmmm. Where to start? I like most video games (save particularly stupid ones), with a focus on the Pokemon, Zelda and Harvest Moon/Rune Factory series. However, I also think Okami(den) are amazing and have a sizable library of various other games.

I also like the Touhou series. Like, a lot. ...Even if I've never actually played the main games. (Touhoumon is incredibly addicting).

Other than video games, I enjoy writing (even if it's mostly just ideas that all eventually mix together to form an unholy, constantly evolving narrative based off of everything I can possibly shove into it, which I call my "headcanons'verse". The sad part is that this never stops, and it's gotten to the point where I fill in plot holes from one media using bits from something else. And it makes perfect sense. Even more then the "official" explaination, even!), reading (even more then writing. If it's text, I will read it), tvtropes, anime/manga, and... just about anything I can get my hands on.

Literally anything. If you suggest something, I will at least try it.

Except most (modern) American TV/music. Man, screw that crap. Couldn't you at least use more then the same 12 words over and over? And when the main entertainment comes from counting cliches and guessing every single "plot twist", there is a problem.

(Disclaimer: I'm sure there's quite a bit of original work from the above, but I've yet to find it. Also? I am aware that a lot of what I do like is also rife with cliches... but they manage to make them entertaining. And less annoying.)

But recently? Mostly Reborn. I spent over 200 hours on E14.5. That's more then I've spent on a Pokemon game ever. That's more time then I've spent on the last 2 gens combined. That's more time then I've spent on pretty much anything.

(Well, almost anything. I think I've spent more time on the utter insanity I call my "headcanons'verse". Maybe.)

And that is impressive.

Especially since Reborn is taking over my mind, giving me bizarre, unexplainable fanon ideas about the characters and making me semi-seriously plot out fanfictions involving hilarious crossovers. Mostly the fanon, though. Dear God the fanon.

Like, say, the Wasteland being sentient (and Terezi Pyrope. It talks like her.). Or the connections between the twins and Radomus. And between Radomus and Serra. Or who Lin actually is. Or just about anything Anna says. Or Titania being either ace/aro. Or Amaria actually being one of the few people Dr. Sigmund's "treatments" might actually help. Or just what Titania did to make Florinia shut down. My personal favorite is the idea that Arceus is lazy/a shut in and even if it gets awoken, it won't do anything (As it's too busy with its video games).

Or... well, actually, a lot of things. A lot of wierd things I won't mention simply because they wouldn't make sense if I didn't spend 2+ hours explaining how they came to be, why they came to be, and what I'm referencing from my headcanon'verse.

Mostly about Radomus and the Wasteland. For some reason, they're my favorite characters.

(Yes, the Wasteland is a character. It has dialogue. It's also probably one of the nicest/most hilarious people in Reborn. "Did you just ride a bull up a ladder???" Yeah, the entire Beldum sidequest was the best thing ever, outside of Terra.)

Aaaaaand yeah. Enough about my Reborn obsession. This is mostly just a "hi, I'm welcoming myself to this forum" thread after all. Feel free to ask me any questions you want.

Just be warned I have a tendency to completely forget about my socializing attempts (I don't even have a Facebook, and haven't looked at my email since last year) and will probably answer days later, if at all. Sorry!

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hmm what country might be "not important" reside?

anyways, welcome to reborn,

the rules are to your left, and above that is the showdown servers! also, E 15 is out you might want to check that out...

enjoy you time here :D

*ninja teleports out*

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I can't wait to chat about all the complex lore that we insane people humans love over-analyzing.

Anyway, the guys above already told you where to go and all that jazz, so I'll just leave my little welcome down here.

Hi. See ya around, I guess. Feel free to be active where ever. And most of all, remember to enjoy yourself.

Yeah, I'm about out of things to say. Peace.

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See, this is what I mean when I say you guys are awesome! I just kinda expected a reply or two--


Multiple replies! Multiple replies indicating someone actually read my absurdly long, meandering into post!

As for those replies, in no particular order:

America, if you couldn't tell by the media rant.

Yes, I actually got E15. My joy that it came out actually inspired me to socialize.

YASSSSSS someone to talk about Touhou with!

I love Okami so much. And I'm so very sad they never followed up on it after Okamiden. Those characters had some massive potential.

(And some overlap with Touhou: I like to pretend that O!Kaguya is in fact T!Kaguya, in disguise, and that Reimu is descended from Kagura. Because I'm a dork.)

Also yes, complicated lore is my thing! (So very, very much my thing.)

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well, there's somebody here I refer to as Lore already, but since her name's Lost Lore, I guess I could... go with the flow and call her "Lost"or "Losty" too :s

Glad E15 err, urged you to come forth from the shadows, lol. Welcome to Reborn \o/

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*ahem* Back to normal, now.

Literally anything. If you suggest something, I will at least try it.

Except most (modern) American music. Man, screw that crap. Couldn't you at least use more then the same 12 words over and over?

I wouldn't say most music is that way, but the popular music is. So I must say that I have objections to that: The Eden Project [now EDEN], Adam Tell, SirensCeol [now Siren], Kyko, James Woods, Markus Hakala, Feint, or Fox Stevenson are some noteworthy exceptions. If you really want to strike gold, you'll need to dig. Still, there is incredible work out there created by modern musicians that really is powerful and impressive. Here's an example ^^
Welcome! Enjoy your time here!

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Hey.. Don't forget to drop your sanity in the big box outside.. Fatman is going to eat it soon.. That's my Snorlax..

I know this is really late.. And yes I'm going to be posting this greeting to the full page of new members who decided to join in during my absence..


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