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Mega pokemon/pokemon mobs(or whatever they r called)


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So I was playing reborn and just started to think about mega evolutions and mobs( i dont know the name since i didnt play x and y but its the thing where u battle 5 wild pokemon at once) and if we r ever gonna get them. I understand if we dont get mega evolutions for our teams but I would like mobs cuz this would make it easier to find pokemon/shinies/ or to train. Was this ever discussed by the developers at all in the forums?

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I hear mega evolutions are available in E15. As for mobs, I doubt it. It would have to be made from scratch as Pokemon Essentials doesn't include that.

Mega Stones have been available since E14.5, but are currently unusable. There are three stones so far.

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...Uh. Well. We have Megastones (like everyone just said), and will eventually be able to use them.

But, hordes? Technically something we had, even before the Mega Stones.

Well. Kind of. In those "Pokemon Boss Rush" battles. You know, agains the Scrafty gang and Nuzleaf?

Yeah, I know, not actually a horde, but still. They're technically ~5 wild Pokemon! Attacking you at the same time! (Even if you can't catch them).

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Wait, which ones and where?

Banettite, Heracronite, Pinsirite

The first, you get from finding the girl that was blocking the path in Ametrine looking for her lost necklace, she moves to some house and you can give her a Floral Charm for the Banettite

The other two, you get by giving Nyu in North Aventurine Forest Blue Moon Ice Cream from E14.6 onward. You need 2 BMIC for both stones

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