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Who wants to talk about Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons?

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Considering Natsume's announcement today of the second game in their "not Harvest Moon" series, I thought it would be cool to chat about the beloved farming simulation series as it has come from Natsume and the original series continuing on with Marvelous & XSeed.

A full-fledged HM game on mobile/PC!

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Oh my God, THIS. I absolutely cannot wait for it to come out. I love the Harvest Moon series (even this new, "not really HM HM").

Also, the fact it's coming out on the PC is great. Now I can lurk on these forums look things up on the internet while playing the game, just by switching windows!

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The new Natsume game is... different. I enjoyed it, even if it was a little odd. Most people didn't like it because there wasn't a town and, yeah, that was kind of strange (why are you people all randomly hanging out at my farm?), but it was still fun. The landscaping/terraforming was interesting, and could keep you occupied for hours (in real time). Most of the characters were kind of cute, and I, at least, found them to resemble "real Harvest Moon people". I think the only real problems were sort of wonky design ideas, a slightly-too-fast clock, and the fact that most most crop mutations were essentially random (and people still haven't found the requirement for all of them, I believe). Also, there were only 3 love interest each, and a few were kinda... meh. It was still fun though!

Oh, and if you fix the seasons so that it's no longer always Winter and never Christmas, every season change kills all your crops. NATSUUUUMEEEEE

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Oh wow. It sounds interesting to say the least. It didnt look like a bad game, but if I had a dollar for every person who thought it was the real Harvest Moon continuation game xD

Mkay~ Good its not uninteresting. Bought Hometown story when it came out and I just...lost interest in something I thought was a cute idea QwQ, so Im glad its not uninteresting.

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TLV was a disappointment to me mainly because there was no town! the whole landscape was so barren, and I think the minecraft-style editing was supposed to off-set the drab background but it did nothing. And I kept getting stuck and having to warp back to my house and start over. I felt zero connection to any of the characters because there was no town, and they all just sort of wandered...aimlessly....

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Oh. Aw that sucks then.

So many different opinions of the games.

Then hows Story of Seasons doing for ya? Ive enjoyed it so far, and am trying to further my ability to rank in the cash and claim all the rented land!

(tho i havent played in a bit)

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