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MoveDex Coordination


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Hi! So if you're looking here, you're probably interested in helping out with the MoveDex, [s]or maybe you just want $R you greedy little...[/s]But either way, you're at the right place!

So here's how this is going to work. If you want an assignment, post in this topic saying so. You'll be given whatever the next block of four moves is on the list below. See it?

[s]--Karate Chop[/s]
[s]--Comet Punch[/s]

--Mega Punch
--Pay Day
--Fire Punch
--Ice Punch[/s]


[s]--Razor Wind[/s]
[s]--Swords Dance[/s]

[s]--Wing Attack[/s]

[s]--Vine Whip[/s]
[s]--Double Kick[/s]

--Mega Kick
--Jump Kick
--Rolling Kick
--Sand Attack[/s]

--Horn Attack
--Fury Attack[/s]
--Horn Drill

[s]Pika Amelia
--Body Slam
--Take Down[/s]

--Tail Whip
--Poison Sting[/s]

[s]--Pin Missile[/s]



--Water Gun[/s]
--Hydro Pump

[s]--Ice Beam[/s]

[s]Sai Ray[/s]
[s]--Aurora Beam[/s]
[s]--Hyper Beam[/s]

[s]--Drill Peck[/s]
[s]--Low Kick[/s]

[s]--Seismic Toss[/s]
[s]--Mega Drain

Pika Amelia
--Leech Seed
--Razor Leaf

[s]--Stun Spore[/s]
[s]--Sleep Powder[/s]
[s]--Petal Dance[/s]

[s]--String Shot[/s]
[s]--Dragon Rage[/s]
[s]--Fire Spin[/s]

[s]--Thunder Wave[/s]
[s]--Rock Throw[/s]

[s]Pika Amelia


[s]--Quick Attack[/s]

[s]--Night Shade[/s]
[s]--Double Team[/s]


[s]--Confuse Ray[/s]
[s]--Defense Curl[/s]

[s]--Light Screen[/s]
[s]--Focus Energy[/s]

[s]--Mirror Move[/s]

[s]--Egg Bomb[/s]

[s]--Bone Club[/s]
[s]--Fire Blast[/s]

[s]--Skull Bash[/s]
[s]--Spike Cannon[/s]

[s]--Hi Jump Kick[/s]

[s]--Dream Eater[/s]
[s]--Poison Gas[/s]

[s]--Leech Life[/s]
[s]--Lovely Kiss[/s]
[s]--Sky Attack[/s]

[s]--Dizzy Punch[/s]

[s]--Acid Armor[/s]

[s]--Fury Swipes[/s]

[s]--Rock Slide[/s]
[s]--Hyper Fang[/s]

[s]--Tri Attack[/s]
[s]--Super Fang[/s]

[s]--Triple Kick[/s]

[s]--Spider Web[/s]
[s]--Mind Reader[/s]
[s]--Flame Wheel[/s]


[s]--Cotton Spore[/s]

[s]--Powder Snow[/s]
[s]--Mach Punch[/s]
[s]--Scary Face[/s]

[s]--Faint Attack
--Sweet Kiss
--Belly Drum
--Sludge Bomb

--Mud Slap
--Zap Cannon

--Destiny Bond
--Perish Song
--Icy Wind

--Bone Rush
--Lock On

--Giga Drain

--False Swipe[/s]
[s]--Milk Drink

--Fury Cutter
--Steel Wing
--Mean Look[/s]

[s]--Sleep Talk
--Heal Bell[/s]

[s]--Pain Split

--Sacred Fire

[s]--Baton Pass[/s]

--Rapid Spin
--Sweet Scent
--Iron Tail
--Metal Claw

--Vital Throw
--Morning Sun

--Hidden Power
--Cross Chop
--Rain Dance[/s]

--Sunny Day
--Mirror Coat
--Psych Up[/s]

--Shadow Ball
--Future Sight

--Rock Smash[/s][font="Verdana"][size="1"][color="#FFFFFF"]1,000,000[/color][/size][/font]
--Beat Up
--Fake Out[/s]

--Spit Up

--Heat Wave

--Focus Punch

--Follow Me
--Nature Power

--Helping Hand
--Role Play[/s]


--Magic Coat
--Brick Break

--Knock Off

--Skill Swap

--Secret Power
--Arm Thrust

--Tail Glow
--Luster Purge
--Mist Ball

--Teeter Dance
--Blaze Kick
--Mud Sport

--Ice Ball
--Needle Arm
--Slack Off
--Hyper Voice

--Poison Fang
--Crush Claw
--Blast Burn
--Hydro Cannon

--Meteor Mash
--Weather Ball

--Fake Tears
--Air Cutter
--Odor Sleuth

--Rock Tomb
--Silver Wind
--Metal Sound

--Cosmic Power
--Water Spout
--Signal Beam

--Shadow Punch
--Sky Uppercut
--Sand Tomb

--Sheer Cold
--Muddy Water
--Bullet Seed
--Aerial Ace[/s]

[s]--Icicle Spear
--Iron Defense

--Dragon Claw
--Frenzy Plant
--Bulk Up

--Mud Shot
--Poison Tail
--Volt Tackle

--Magical Leaf
--Water Sport
--Calm Mind
--Leaf Blade

--Dragon Dance
--Rock Blast
--Shock Wave
--Water Pulse

--Doom Desire
--Psycho Boost

--Miracle Eye
--Wake Up Slap
--Hammer Arm
--Gyro Ball

--Healing Wish
--Natural Gift

--Metal Burst

--Close Combat

--Psycho Shift
--Trump Card

--Heal Block
--Wring Out
--Power Trick
--Gastro Acid

--Lucky Chant
--Me First
--Power Swap[/s]

--Guard Swap
--Last Resort
--Worry Seed

--Sucker Punch
--Toxic Spikes
--Heart Swap
--Aqua Ring

--Magnet Rise
--Flare Blitz
--Force Palm
--Aura Sphere

--Rock Polish
--Poison Jab
--Dark Pulse
--Night Slash

--Aqua Tail
--Seed Bomb
--Air Slash

--Bug Buzz
--Dragon Pulse
--Dragon Rush
--Power Gem

--Drain Punch
--Vacuum Wave
--Focus Blast
--Energy Ball

--Brave Bird
--Earth Power
--Giga Impact

--Nasty Plot
--Bullet Punch
--Ice Shard

--Shadow Claw
--Thunder Fang
--Ice Fang
--Fire Fang

--Shadow Sneak
--Mud Bomb
--Psycho Cut
--Zen Headbutt

--Mirror Shot
--Flash Cannon
--Rock Climb

[s]Pika Amelia
--Trick Room
--Draco Meteor
--Lava Plume[/s]

--Leaf Storm
--Power Whip
--Rock Wrecker
--Cross Poison

--Gunk Shot
--Iron head
--Magnet Bomb
--Stone Edge[/s]

--Stealth Rock[/s]
--Grass Knot

--Bug Bite
--Charge Beam
--Wood Hammer

[s]Pika Amelia
--Aqua Jet
--Attack Order
--Defend Order
--Heal Order

--Head Smash
--Double Hit
--Roar of Time
--Spacial Rend

--Lunar Dance
--Crush Grip
--Magma Storm
--Dark Void

--Seed Flare
--Ominous Wind
--Shadow Force
--Hone Claws[/s]

--Wide Guard
--Guard Split
--Power Split
--Wonder Room[/s]

--Rage Powder[/s]

--Magic Room
--Smack Down
--Storm Throw

--Flame Burst
--Sludge Wave
--Quiver Dance
--Heavy Slam[/s]

--Electro Ball
--Flame Charge

--Low Sweep
--Acid Spray
--Foul Play

--Simple Beam
--After you

--Echoed Voice
--Chip Away
--Clear Smog
--Stored Power

--Quick Guard
--Ally Switch
--Shell Smash[/s]

--Heal Pulse
--Sky Drop
--Shift Gear

--Circle Throw

Pika Amelia
--Reflect Type
--Final Gambit

--Water Pledge
--Fire Pledge
--Grass Pledge

--Volt Switch
--Struggle Bug
--Frost Breath

--Dragon Tail
--Work Up
--Wild Charge

--Drill Run
--Dual Chop
--Heart Stamp
--Horn Leech

--Sacred Sword
--Razor Shell
--Heat Crash
--Leaf Tornado[/s]

--Cotton Guard
--Night Daze

--Tail Slap
--Head Charge
--Gear Grind

--Searing Shot
--Techno Blast
--Relic Song
--Secret Sword[/s]

--Bolt Strike
--Blue Flare
--Fiery Dance

--Freeze Shock
--Ice Burn
--Icicle Crash[/s]

Fusion Bolt
Fusion Flare[/s][/scroll]
So you'll post, and you'll be given one of those blocks, and then one of the admins, Ikaru, Mashew or myself, will unlock the block for editing.

Once we confirm that we've done that, you'll go to [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/addmove.html"][u]This Form[/u][/url].
There, you'll see at the top, a drop down list of [i]all [/i]the moves. Select the move(s) you're working on (editing the others won't work, as they're locked), and fill in the information on the form. It explains itself, really.

I don't think I need to tell you take extra care when doing this, especially when it comes to inputting the Pokemon that can learn it.
But I just did.

I will ask that when you are getting your information, try to draw from [url="http://veekun.com/"]Veekun[/url] because he has actually given us permission to use his data. However, if there's something they don't have listed, feel free to find it somewhere else [s]and pretend you got it from Veekun[/s]. In particular, I would actually advise using [url="http://www.serebii.net/attackdex-bw/"]Serebii's AttackDex[/url] when looking up the Pokemon that can learn each move, because you'll need to enter them by Number, and only Serebii puts the number all in a pretty row for you.

Our Pokedex is ONLY focusing on Gen V for now, so ONLY use Gen V data. However, if there are moves that can be passed forward from Gen IV and thereby end up in Gen V games, they [i]should [/i]be included in the Past Gen/Tutor section.

Speaking of the Past Gen/Tutor section, it may be necessary to click over to Serebii's 4th gen attackdex page, and compare what can learn it then vs now in order to get an accurate past gen section.

After you've completed all four of your moves, report back, either in post or personally to an admin. We'll check to ensure that it's done/accurate, pat you on the back in the form of $R 75, and lock up the entries again so that no one can tamper with your work.

At that point, you're done, but you're free to request another set. There's no limit on how many you can do, but we are going to ask that you stick to one at a time at least to start

If, at any point during this process, you have [i]any[/i] questions about it, [i]please[/i] don't hesitate to ask one of us. We would much rather you annoy us with questions than risk doing it wrong.

Speaking of doin it ron, I realise that we are human, and will make mistakes. That's fine. Please try not to, but it's not the end of the world if you hit Submit only to realise- shoot, you said that, I don't know, Fire Blast could be learned by Luvdisc. If you're awesome, you can just do the whole form over again, or you can just tell an admin that you messed up, and there may now be Fire-Blasting Luvdisc on the loose, and we'll make note of it.

However, if you are not awesome, that's where everyone else comes in.
[i][b]Because collectively, we are awesome.[/b][/i]
If you're perusing through the MoveDex, and you notice that according to our Dex, Luvdisc is listed as being able to learn Fire Blast, and you feel like that's not right, double check on Veekun, or Serebii, or Bulbapedia, or wherever, and if it is in fact an error, make a post about it here. We'll give you $R 50 just for finding an error.

Any questions?
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Ikaru himself actually had a question, as to past gens. Our Pokedex is ONLY focusing on Gen V for now, so ONLY use Gen V data. However, if there are moves that can be passed forward from Gen IV and thereby end up in Gen V games, they [i]should [/i]be included in the Past Gen/Tutor section. Added to above post.

Phoenix, you can take Razor Wind through Gust.
Erick, you'll be Wing Attack through Bind
I'll unlock them momentarily.
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Another thing Ikaru brought up. It may be necessary to click over to Serebii's 4th gen attackdex page, and compare what can learn it then vs now in order to get an accurate past gen section. Also added to above. Looks like I'll be going over my section again for this too. ><

Also, unlocked for you two.
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--Tail Whip
--Poison Sting

--Pin Missile


Well done, Phoenix, thank you. Great work. Paying now.

The above three sets are unlocked. Keep it up everyone! It may seem like a lot left, but we've now got nearly 10% of the work assigned already. For one day? That's amazing!
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--Water Gun
--Hydro Pump

Phoenix is a machine. And nice work Patrick! Keep it up!
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Not only is he a machine, he's also a beast.

--Ice Beam

He's a beast-machine.
Something yu-gi-oh never thought of.

Unlocked. If it would be easier for you, I can assign you multiple sets at once (being that you're obviously reliable with them~)
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Oh, right. Just put in the number of the HM. So if Surf is... is it HM 4? Just put 4.

[color=#800080]I'm pretty sure it's HM3, btw.
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You missed Bind, Erick, but the others are good; I'll unlock the next sets in a second.

Sai Ray
--Aurora Beam
--Hyper Beam

--Drill Peck
--Low Kick
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