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Taka and the Best Ending {SPOILERS}

Lord Chespin

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Um, I've gotten to the point in the game where I have to battle Taka in the Water Treatment Plant. I get the feeling that whether I battle him or not will alter whether or not I get the best ending, so could anybody who's beaten the game already tell me which path leads to the best ending?

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No one knows what will lead to the best ending because we haven't gotten to the ending yet. There is no possible way to know. Hell what if picking all the bad choices gets you the "best" ending. We won't know until the ending is finally available to us.

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Yea I choose to beat him but I donno the result yet

I guess if you beat him he'll continous do his thing with Meteor but if you dont he'll get kick out or maybe get toture by his dad(AKA.Solaria)and he'll hate us

Well that just my guess.

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Um, I've gotten to the point in the game where I have to battle Taka in the Water Treatment Plant. I get the feeling that whether I battle him or not will alter whether or not I get the best ending, so could anybody who's beaten the game already tell me which path leads to the best ending?

If I had to guess, you probably have to fight him for the best ending.

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the best ending also depends on what type of person you are

with all choices so far the endings will change the setting of a battle in the near future or just gives you different backstory for the game

really playing the game multiple times to get all endings seems like the best so you get the most out of it

but its really up to you to decide what you would do in this situation

you know what would you do if in real life you swam down a waterfall into a sewer that you explored with an angry woman carrying a sword trying to find her "girlfriend" with terrorists all around you

i fought him because im a nice guy and even though i agree with titania that he could just leave any time i do have hope that he might in the future and maybe this act of kindness with influence him

Edited by dragoniteborntacoz
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Well let's see:

Fight Taka=extra boss fight=harder overall

Don't fight Taka=skip a boss fight=easier overall

I think it's safe to say the "secret ending" will require the harder overall choice.

More importantly, you probably needed to give Titania the Blue Moon Ice Cream for the secret ending as well. After all, since there's no item PC anymore, and you need Blue Moon Ice Cream to be the only thing in your bag, that means you have to have no candy or ice cream AT ALL but the Blue Moon Ice Cream. Very hard, and you don't get anything out of it. Not immediatley, anyway.

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Well let's see:

Fight Taka=extra boss fight=harder overall

Don't fight Taka=skip a boss fight=easier overall

I think it's safe to say the "secret ending" will require the harder overall choice.

More importantly, you probably needed to give Titania the Blue Moon Ice Cream for the secret ending as well. After all, since there's no item PC anymore, and you need Blue Moon Ice Cream to be the only thing in your bag, that means you have to have no candy or ice cream AT ALL but the Blue Moon Ice Cream. Very hard, and you don't get anything out of it. Not immediatley, anyway.

Yeah, that's what I assumed. Thanks!

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Actually I kinda disagree. I chose not to battle Taka because I think that'd be better for him in the long run, if you battle him then he still plays the role of the team meteor admin who has to impress his dad, and continues to live a life he doesn't believe in. Where as if you don't battle him you're not enabling like Titania said. Then again it's all up to you as the player.

The harder path isn't always the right path necessarily.

Edited by Stealth
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Actually I kinda disagree. I chose not to battle Taka because I think that'd be better for him in the long run, if you battle him then he still plays the role of the team meteor admin who has to impress his dad, and continues to live a life he doesn't believe in. Where as if you don't battle him you're not enabling like Titania said. Then again it's all up to you as the player.

The harder path isn't always the right path necessarily.

and this is why i love the split paths

everyone can make choices based on what they believe and it brings you into the game more

honestly i hope there isnt a absolute best ending for the game i just want to feel like i am in control of the protagonist making the choice i would make

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I thought about the enabling him thing, which made it hard to choose for a moment. But I'll live with my choice to battle him, because thats what I would have honestly done in that situation. It might not be the best, and the harder way for him may be better, but I chose to grant his request.

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Actually I think not battle him would help in Solaris redemption.

Right now he would be pissed at his son but after the slaughter that Lin will cause (in my expectations) I think he will realize that his son was right.

But if you chose to battle Taka Solaris will just think that his son is useless.

I think many of the path (Defeating Garchomp, letting Taka open the nuzleaf cage, and not battle Taka) will cause Solaris to defect to our side.

But that's just my opinion. Would be cool tho'.

Also what is this blue ice moon for Titania kind of thing ?? When does she ask for it ?

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I didn't know about the story splits until I had already done most of them (the yes/no questions I assumed were rhetorical/inconsequential, and I didn't even know where the last policeman was until I finished E14), but most of the choices I ended up making I would've made anyway. This was the first time I actually felt conflicted, because I understood both sides and was worried about the consequences of both choices.

I eventually decided to fight him. He's been helpful, and to just make his dad mad at him after all that would make me feel ungrateful. I have a feeling this choice won't turn out the way Titania wants it to, and instead not fighting him would have pushed him further into the "destiny" thing and have him hold a grudge. Besides, even if not fighting him would make him wake up immediately (and it doesn't; I tested both choices) he can be more helpful as a mole admin than an ex-member because he'll have access to everything and can continue to rig obstacles and such. People who openly fight against an organization have to be strong enough to fend off any forces who come after them, and not get caught in their facilities if they have too much force to deal with. People who manipulate things from the inside don't have to sneak in bases because they're authorized to be in them.

Edited by Ice Cream Sand Witch
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yeah what the heck is a blue moon ice cream??

i also didn't fight Taka. If I fight him, nothing changes. He'll continue his passive aggressive defiance against Team Meteor, but in the meantime people are dying. If I don't fight him, not only does Team Meteor lose a commander (I'm assuming they'll kick him out or kill him for this), but it will also mess with Solaris's mind, making lose him calm and calculated demeanor. Hopefully this makes Taka realize how stupid he is and join our side, but either way it's a blow to Team Meteor.

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honestly i hope there isnt a absolute best ending for the game i just want to feel like i am in control of the protagonist making the choice i would make

Sorry dude but it's already been confirmed by Ame.

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Nobody wants to talk about my theory ? It may be because I also like to write stories, but I think that it's a pretty strong one.

Solaris won't kill Taka, as Taka said, he is the last of his lineage and Solaris respect that too much, so he'll probably be enjailed/banished but making Solaris realize that his son is NOT a useless admin but instead a man who does his own choice and think that Team Meteor is not doing the right thing might turn Solaris to our side when Lin goes wild.

So far as I can see you have 3 paths that change depending on your choices.

The Taka-Solaris-You relationship (Garchomp,Nuzleaf Cage, Treatment Center)

The Heather-Corey-You relationship (The cops,the ring, The orphanage and what i think would include also catching all of Corey's pokemon and give them to Heather (Because otherwise why make them catchable?))

El-Bennett-You relationship (Ditto,The fight before Luna, ???) (I'm not rly sure about this one)

And as for other sidequests, when Team Meteor will split ( which will happen, Solaris vs Blake Sirius Lin Fern) if you did things correctly, you will have Solaris, Simon, Taka and Aster helping you in the final battle.

What do you guys think ? I would LOVE to see Ame react to that.

Edited by Tetsuma
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Nobody wants to talk about my theory ? It may be because I also like to write stories, but I think that it's a pretty strong one.

Solaris won't kill Taka, as Taka said, he is the last of his lineage and Solaris respect that too much, so he'll probably be enjailed/banished but making Solaris realize that his son is NOT a useless admin but instead a man who does his own choice and think that Team Meteor is not doing the right thing might turn Solaris to our side when Lin goes wild.

So far as I can see you have 3 paths that change depending on your choices.

The Taka-Solaris-You relationship (Garchomp,Nuzleaf Cage, Treatment Center)

The Heather-Corey-You relationship (The cops,the ring, The orphanage and what i think would include also catching all of Corey's pokemon and give them to Heather (Because otherwise why make them catchable?))

El-Bennett-You relationship (Ditto,The fight before Luna, ???) (I'm not rly sure about this one)

And as for other sidequests, when Team Meteor will split ( which will happen, Solaris vs Blake Sirius Lin Fern) if you did things correctly, you will have Solaris, Simon, Taka and Aster helping you in the final battle.

What do you guys think ? I would LOVE to see Ame react to that.

I actually would really like to see that happen in the final battle :D

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Well actually, if you think about it, Team Meteor may be losing itself. As we now know, their only hope is Lin, that's the only thing that makes them threatening at this point. However if they were to split, it would put a huge hole in their plan. I honestly doubt they will split until the time is right for Lin. Currently I feel as if they would be unprepared for this to happen and that's why Lin even keeps Solaris around. To stop an uprising. If she were to tell him her intentions it would all be over for them, they'd lose a driving force in the operation. It's nothing though right? Lin would still have all of her grunts. Not necessarily true. In fact the only reason El is involved is because he wants to protect Arceus correct? That's what Solaris is trying to do. I believe team meteor will be split between:

Solaris and El's team

Lin's team


There's no way Solaris would accept us right out of the split. We'd have to prove to him that we are stronger and that what he is doing is wrong, not too mention we would need to get on El's good side. This is the easier of the two to get to as we have bonded with Taka and Taka may be the driving force of what splits these two apart. Trying to join Team Meteor's side would be game over. Trying to stop them would be impossible do to their sheer fire power. We'd have to get someone who was on the inside... My only real question that I'm left with for this theory is...

Where does ZEL come in?

How would Ame write this and have it lead us to more gym battles, etc.

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Yeah, honestly Team Meteor seems pretty screwed at this point. You and Florinia basically wiped the floor with 6 of the strongest member of Team Meteor back to back... Imagine if Titania and Julia had been involved in the fight, none of the Meteors would have survived. The only one left who is strong enough to oppose you, the player, is Lin. And even if she was able to stop you, there are still 18 gym leader she would have to fight through, along with the Elite 4 and (maybe?) the champion. P R E T T Y done if you ask me. Remember Amaria was able to easily crush a dozen of the grunts back in the factory, their superior numbers and firepower mean nothing to the Reborn gym leaders when they're serious.

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Yeah, honestly Team Meteor seems pretty screwed at this point. You and Florinia basically wiped the floor with 6 of the strongest member of Team Meteor back to back... Imagine if Titania and Julia had been involved in the fight, none of the Meteors would have survived. The only one left who is strong enough to oppose you, the player, is Lin. And even if she was able to stop you, there are still 18 gym leader she would have to fight through, along with the Elite 4 and (maybe?) the champion. P R E T T Y done if you ask me. Remember Amaria was able to easily crush a dozen of the grunts back in the factory, their superior numbers and firepower mean nothing to the Reborn gym leaders when they're serious.

Quick thing to note we don't have 18 at our backs currently. Terra is on their side and Aya has been kidnapped. Amaria has just lost her memory... But can probably battle seeing as she only doesn't remember recent events. Shade is doing his own thing, as is Titania and Serra.

We may not have 18 gym leaders, but we do have some gym leaders and some elite 4 members at our back. We have Saphirra, Laura, Anna, Hardy, Cain, Julia, Florinia, presumably Radomus, Luna, Adrienn and more. Not to mention we have our rivals and friends who left Team Meteor. Also because we are going back to reborn city next episode, we can finally dive to the bottom of Tanzan Cove and help Simon out. Yes things are turning around. We are building up an army of friends at our back.

However the more allies we make, the more liabilities we get. Someone is not going to survive at the end of this journey.

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You shouldn't count the 4girls as potential allies because I think the final battle will occur to save them.

You shouldn't forget Serra too, in an interview she said she wanted Benett back and was ready to fight Team Meteor.

However, I fear for Saphirra's life, she is too protective and she will probably be the sacrifical lamb to prove Lin's power..

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