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A shiny, new, slightly gimmicky, type of run.


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So, given Reborn's increased Shiny rate, I had an idea for a new sort of run I should play. Essentially, the rules are as follows:

-Your team is allowed to consist of any pokemon you want at the beginning, however, as soon as you find a Shiny pokemon, it MUST occupy one of the slots.

-Once you have 6 or more Shiny pokemon, your team may ONLY consist of Shiny pokemon, although it can be any combination of those you own (So if I like into some brilliant Shinies, good for me. If I find 6 shiny Woobats, less good.)

-No repels may be used until you have at least 6 shinies (To ensure I don't try and avoid Shinies so I can keep my normal team)

It seems simple enough, but it felt like an interesting idea that would slowly narrow my team options until I had 6 shinies, and from then on, my options would grow again. Anyway, I'm going to choose Fennekin and reset till it's shiny, partly because I've never used it, and partly because it's my favourite reborn starter shiny. After about 10 minutes I got one, but it was Jolly with 0 Sp.Atk IV, so I think I'll keep going until I get one that isn't entirely geared to be awful... This might take a while :S

(Also I wouldn't mind someone telling me how I could get the Reborn Shiny sprites from my game folder into my posts, so I'm able to show what shinies i have in my posts.)

EDIT: That took nowhere near as long as I thought, I guess it's time to start. I'll actually post team stuff and whatnot after I've gotten to the Name Rater.

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See I wasn't sure about the bred shinies sort of thing. Part of me feels like I should probably restrict breeding, but 1/100 or whatever Reborn's rate roughly is still isn't hugely likely, so breeding may still be more pain than it's worth, even if you do manage to get the charm. I don't intend to breed unless I hit a huge brick wall, but I reckon it'd probably be fine to do so if you wanted.

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Anyway, the run has now begun! I think for the sake of differentiation at the moment, I'll be nicknaming Shiny Pokemon and not nicknaming the normal ones. So, stumbling through Peridot, We have a rather predictable team of:

Mozilla (Lv8) [Yes, I know the joke's been done before]

He has a calm nature, and a 28 Sp.Atk IV. Pretty damn good, especially considering I almost ended up with the worst Fennekin ever. Also Magician is a nice bonus which MAY be useful.

Bidoof (Lv5)

Patrat (Lv2)

Obviously I've only just started, and it'd be pretty crazy to already luck into a shiny. Although I have to say, this run's already off to a harder start than normal, mostly because my main offense is Ember and it's currently raining ingame. Still, I will persevere!

Anyway, I'll probably keep a list of my Shinies at the bottom of the posts, I'm not sure though, I'ven ever really done a documented run before. Either way, here it is!


Mozilla post-49908-0-49274500-1433418465_thumb.png

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Alright, so what I'm gonna do is just show my team composition before each important battle, and give any comments on said battle. I'll probably show statscreens with IV's of any Shiny catches, and I'll get round to Mozilla's once he evolved. Anyway, first important battle, is, of course, against Fern.

Team Vs. Fern:

Mozilla Lv12

Bidoof Lv11

Beautifly Lv10

Cherubi Lv10

Tynamo Lv10

Wingull Lv10

This battle was... Way easier than I had been expecting, given the rain. Despite said rain, Mozilla got lucky with some burns on Ember, Tynamo dealt with Lotad well enough... Straightforward battle. Mozilla even levelled up. That brilliant Braixen pallette is one level closer.

Then some stuff with some terrorists happened, after which it was time for the Aster & Eclipse battle!

Team Vs. Aster & Eclipse
Mozilla Lv15

Munna Lv15

Tynamo Lv11

Beautifly Lv10

Wingull Lv10

Cherubi Lv10

Another pretty straightforward batle here. Far more importantly, though, Mozilla evolved! Have a statscreen!

...Or not, it's apparently too big of a file. Oh well, I tried. Anyway, next time I guess I'll be taking on Julia after some training!


Mozilla post-49908-0-68162000-1433431639_thumb.png / post-49908-0-01720900-1433432437_thumb.png

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My main run is a shiny run too. Will you take the random shinies you'll find or reset until you find the one you want ? That's what I did. But I must admit that finding some shinies through fishing or breeding after already training around 20 other shinies was a bit painful x)

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My main run is a shiny run too. Will you take the random shinies you'll find or reset until you find the one you want ? That's what I did. But I must admit that finding some shinies through fishing or breeding after already training around 20 other shinies was a bit painful x)

My plan is to only take random stuff and not actually reset for anything, with Mozilla as the only exception, although I may breed/reset for certain Shinies if I find myself with access to a brilliant pokemon, like from the new E15 egg event, but generally, I'm looking at all random. That's the main reason I'm letting myself use normal pokemon until I get 6 Shinies, incase I get crazy unlucky, I don't wanan be stuck with only a Delphox forever, I'm not good enough for a potential Solo run. Part of me was hoping I'd find a Shiny Trubbish while training for Julia, because I love Garbodor, but it wasn't meant to be :(

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There's also the problem of catching them. I can't even remember the number of shinies I KOd trying to catch them. You will suffer for a long time...

For the beginning, maybe you can EV train the speed stat of your Braixen in the underground railnet, you will surely find a shiny Woobat that way ;)

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Without Further ado, it's time to battle Julia!

Team Vs Julia:

Trubbish@Black Sludge Lv15

Mozilla Lv17

Wingull Lv15

Cherubi Lv15

Munna Lv15

Tynamo Lv15

So, I began this battle as I usually do, by setting up toxic spikes. And then, an unexpected MVP emerged. I don't know when it happened, but between Morning Sun & Leech seed, at some point Cherubi became a tank capable of toppling one of Julia's Voltorbs and even her mighty Electrode. It's a real shame I'm getting so much use out of these guys, because I know I'm going to inevitably have to drop all save Mozilla, as soon as my luck picks up (Or drops, depnding on which Shinies I get.)

Speaking of luck, shortly after the Julia battle,I happened upon a new team member. I admit, I did do a little bit of time fiddling to allow for me to get said pokemon, but I didn't want to wait until the Sunny weather on Tuesday to get access to one of my favourite pokemon. And when it happened to be shiny... Without further ado, introducing the newest member of our team, who has taken Munna's spot....


With solid IVs, sassy, and generally my love for Ice types, we have lucked our way into a VERY nice staple for the forseeable future. So I guess all there is to say is welcome to The Shiny Squad, Brainfreeze!

Anyway, that's pretty much it for now. I may make some more progress into Obsidia and maybe Onyx tomorrow, or not, we'll just have to see. Either way, hopefully my Brainfreeze luck continues!

The Shiny Squad:

Mozilla post-49908-0-68620700-1433439901_thumb.png Brainfreeze post-49908-0-07230900-1433441527_thumb.png

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We're now on to the journey through Obsidia! So, we'll jump right in with my levels for the Victoria battle.

Levels Vs. Victoria(2):

Brainfreeze Lv16

Mozilla Lv20

Cherubi Lv16

Tynamo Lv15

Wingull Lv15

Trubbish@Black Sludge Lv15

Not much to say about this. Brainfreeze took down Ralts, Wingull tok down Makuhita, & Trubbish took down Pignite. Onwards, to the slums!

In the slums, I'm going to count the Gang battle as a boss, so I guess it's time for levels before that!

Levels Vs. Scraggy Gang:

Ducklett Egg Lv0

Branfreeze Lv19

Trubbish Lv17

Tynamo Lv15

Cherubi Lv16

Mozilla Lv20

Surprisingly, I'd say that THIS was my first difficult battle of the run. Perhaps because my team is currently only 5 pokemon, while Brainfreeze with Icy Wind got me of to a good start, the moment Scrafty came out, swaggers were flung and I started losing pokemon after pokemon. Mozilla only narrowly survived, but I still managed to beat it first try, even if just barely. I'd call that a success! Shortly afterwards, I end up in a battle against Cain. Levels have barely changed, but may as well be consistent:

Levels Vs. Cain(2):

Ducklett Egg Lv0

Tynamo Lv17

Trubbish Lv17

Branfreeze Lv20

Cherubi Lv16

Mozilla Lv20

Maybe it's because I've been through Earlygame Reborn so many times [Done a buncha playthroughs which usually make it up to Corey and then I normally get distracted and start a new playthrough], but this was another uneventful battle.

Anyway, that's all for now. I'll probably tackle the Park and Onyx gym later on at some point. And hopefully a new Shiny soon, but I think I used up all my luck getting Brainfreeze.

The Shiny Squad:

Mozilla post-49908-0-33217800-1433497808_thumb.png Brainfreeze post-49908-0-36104600-1433497837_thumb.png

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So I realise this isn't really getting any interest, but no point stopping now, I'm enjoying the run. I've never really done a documented run before, so if anyone who is reading has any suggestions or critiques or requests, go for it. Anyway, onwards to the Obsidia Park stuff!

So, umm... This is different There's no park dungeon anymore. Not sure how I feel about that. Less Meteors to battle means less Exp. On the one hand, it makes sense, because no matter how overgrown the park gets, it'll still be the size of a park. But on the other... my Exp... :(

Anyway, to the ZEL battle!

Team Vs ZEL:

Trubbish@Black Sludge Lv19

Cherubi Lv18

Tynamo Lv18

Glameow Lv20

Brainfreeze Lv20

Mozilla Lv21

Now, I may be remembering wrong, but last time I did this battle, back when there was a whole forest-y dungeon for the Park, this was on the Forest Field. Now it's not, it's way less brutal. Which is fair, given it's still earlygame. It was always the second Tangrowth I had problems with, although forgetting the part poison on this had me waste a turn trying to poison it. Regardless, it went down pretty easily, so onwards I go.

So... I THINK I have a third member to my team. Y'see, I acquired an egg, and said egg has the shiny star in the statscreen so... I assume that means it'll hatch into a Shiny. So I'm tentatively adding him/her to the squad until I know for sure. So umm... Welcome aboard Jalapeno?

Anyway, after trekking through the school and an excursion to the Game Corner, it's time to face Fern!

Team Vs. Fern(2):

Jalapeno? Lv0

Brainfreeze Lv22

Glameow Lv21

Trubbish@Black Sludge Lv23

Mozilla Lv23

Electrike Lv21

His Servine really managed to do a number on a few of my team members, but it was smooth sailing otherwise. Although Lv25 Roselia? Was he always this strong, or has he gotten a buff in the last few episodes?

Either way, that's all for now. I'll train the team up, hatch the egg, if it's shiny, train Jalapeno up, and all in all, prepare so I don't get utterly destroyed by Florinia.

Team Sparkles:

Mozilla post-49908-0-93783300-1433539726_thumb.png Brainfreeze post-49908-0-89157100-1433542649_thumb.png Jalapeno? post-49908-0-79478300-1433542666_thumb.png

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A shiny egg, how nice! Oh are you playing on episode 15 right now? I haven't played it yet but I wouldn't have guessed that the park would've been made smaller. I guess it is more sensible really.

Yeah, I am playing on Episode 15. And I can confirm that the shiny marking on the egg DOES indeed mean the pokemon inside is shiny. I'm looking forward to seeing all the updated Leader fields and everything, personally. While I've played through Earlygame a fewtimes on E14, the only time I've ever gotten past Corey is on my main file, which was done way back in Episode 12, I believe. So I have plenty to experience. On thinking about it more, I quite like the fact that the Park is now small and just with the ZEL battle, it definitely seems more reasonable. A bit weird s/he didn't have any backup, though.

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So, a LOT of stuff has happened while training for Florinia. Jalapeno? hatched and was indeed shiny (I decided to put the question mark in his name anyway). And so I was training him in the slums, and BOOM, team member number four. Shortly followed by number 5. Shortly followed by me trying my new luck at Voltorb Flip, winning immensely,geting 2 of the TMS, all of the pokemon and, you guessed it, BOOM. That included lucky number 6. So I hereby have a full team, which is good and bad, the bad coming from my needing to get rid of useful team members like Trubbish, and the fact that I use a Pangoro on my main file. But he'll be useful agaisnt Florinia at least, although hopefully I get to replace him soonish. Or I'll get attached to the pallette! It's also worth noting that with Brainfreeze as the only female member, my team is starting to look like Attract bait. I don't recall any time that's been a problem in Reborn before though, so it should be fine.

tl;dr, I got crazy lucky and am going aginst Rini with not 2, not 3, but 6 Shinies. I did some training of course, and two of them have evolved from their base forms. So, here we are!

Team Vs. Florinia

Brainfreeze Lv23

Jalapeno? lv20

Jackie Pan Lv20

Mozilla Lv24

Unique Typing Lv22

Lucky #6 Lv21

So, Maractus managed to get out one layer of spikes, but I also got just lucky enough with my Icy Winds to make her eat all of her super potions. Breloom was straightforward thanks to the 4x Weakness (And it choosing to use Mega Drain instead of Spore against a flying type. gg genius Rini :x). Ferroseed was also dealt with thanks to a 4x Weakness. Cacnea met the wrath of Brainfreeze, although that was mostly me lucky because anothr hit on Pin Missile would've had me faint. Cotonnee... Has she always had a Cotonee, because I certainly don't remember it. I swear she had like... a Foongus or something. Anyway, Cotonnee also went down to Icy wind, but sand tomb had Brainfreeze taken down as well. Which just leaves the dreaded Cradily. Who was, umm... Not much of a problem, because Smack down is NVE against Pancham. So, I guess that's my second badge! Honestly, the Scraggy gang has still been my hardest battle so far, so I guess I musta gotten lucky with my team, because I usually spend ages struggling on Florinia.

Only one battle, but I think I'll leave it here for now, given it was one battle and 3/4 new team members. I guess it's off to Beryl and Jasper next, and *shudder* that Chatot.

The Garish Gang

Mozilla post-49908-0-40136800-1433583993_thumb.png Brainfreeze post-49908-0-60460400-1433584052_thumb.png Jalapeno? post-49908-0-42116600-1433584070_thumb.png

UniqueTyping post-49908-0-94116000-1433584102_thumb.png Jackie Pan post-49908-0-65289400-1433584131_thumb.png Lucky #6 post-49908-0-75350000-1433584152_thumb.png

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I think the cottonee is new and used to be a grotle. Your team seems really good, and rather balanced. I think the casino pokemon might've changed as well as I don't recall any nidoran.

Yeah, they're definitely new. Shinx is still there, but we've lost Trapinch and the other one for Nidoran & Slugma, it seems.

Wow nicely going! I use repels and dont reset for any pokemon so far,but I still didnt see any shinies and I am facing Noel already. Keep up the good work,looks fun :)

Yeah, it's likely enough that 6 before gym 2 CAN happen, but still unlikely enough that none before gym 7 isn't unreasonable either. My first Shiny in my main file wasn't until around Tanzan, I think. That's why I reset for the Fennekin, there was a risk I'd just play through a bunch of the game with no shinies. I'm glad it didn't turn out that way for the sake of the run, haha. Although it means I'm forced to use this team until I get more Shinies, and I reckon if I don't get anymore, I might start to struggle with this team around Kiki. Hopefully all goes well! If I somehow manage to just get no more shinies all the way up to Charlotte, I imagine this team would make her a total nightmare.

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Alright, so into the Jasper Ward! I want to clarify before starting something about I sai with the myster egg. Essentially, unless it's a baby pokemon (I only know a handful of the options so I don't know if that's possible) I WILL put it in the daycare with a compatible pokemon to breed. I won't wait for a Shiny Egg, but I will check back every so often. So I may end up with an awesome Lv1 shiny in a few updates time, or it may never happen.

I have to say after my main playthrouh, it's nice to pay attention to the names of the meteor grunts, particularly because I'd never noticed Simon and Tara until after Charlotte points them out later, but they're always present. Also Jalapeno? is becoming very useful because I forgot how good Nature Power is in Reborn.

Now, while they took the park Dungeon away, has Malchous Forest always been a seperate area with an entrance and all? I swear it used to be attached to Jasper. Maybe I'm thinking of the place by Beryl, though. Anyway, time for the second Tangrowth

Team Vs. Taka:

Jackie Pan Lv22

Mozilla Lv24

Jalapeno?@Big Root Lv25

UniqueTyping Lv24

Brainfreeze Lv25

Lucky #6@Black Sludge Lv23

So, the dreaded Taka. Every run, without fail, I've always struggled a crazy amount with this battle. At first, I was doing fine,Lileep an Tangrowth only took down one pokemon between them. Then I got unlucky with Confusion and Chatot took out another four. Mozilla managed to survive though, and I win another difficult battle! Did he always only have three pokemon in this fight? My memory is really sketchy of earlygame teams, no matter how many times I've played through.

Ahh, Beryl. Probably tied with Obsidia for my favourite music of all the Reborn City wards. So atmospheric. Now, I guess it's on to the third Tangrowth.

Team Vs. ZEL(2) & Taka(2):

Lucky #6@Black Sludge Lv24

Mozilla Lv26

Brainfreeze Lv25

Jalapeno?@Big Root Lv25

UniqueTyping Lv25

Jackie Pan Lv25

So... This is the first time I've lost a battle all playthrough.Everything hits so hard, especially Espeon and Chatot. The second try, I used the simple strategy of ignoring Taka until I'd dealt with ZEL. The main threat was Espeon, Mozilla is the only think I have that can take a Future Sight and survive. The issue arose that after dealing with ZEL, I had no good pokemon left to deal with Taka. So that's two losses. This time I accepted the loss and the exp it brought, and then attempted again. My third try was more succesful. Took out Lileep and it's confuse rays, took out all of ZEL's Eeveelutions, ook out Tangrowth... It was Lucky #6, Unique Typing, and Jalapeno? left, all just to take out Chatot. And thanks to him using Nasty Plot which let Jalapeno? get a nasty plot of his own off, I did it! FInally, third try, I beat this crazy battle.

One plot thing that I've always wondered about is after this battle. It takes Heather and her Salamence that ENTIRE battle to beat the other Meteor Admin's Crobat. Now, given we battle said admin and see their levles AND given that we find out in E14 roughly how powerful Heather really is... How could that possiibly have taken that long? In fact, she didn't even win. Her Salamence is surely in the region of Level 90, after all. I mean, obviously, it has to go that way for the sake of the plot. But just a thought that came to mind.

Something else I wonder, the following scene with the police and the reveal. I've never NOT saved all the police, so I honestly have no idea how this scene goes when you don't. Not to mention why Corey does what he does after the gym battle, but ah well, maybe another playthrough.

Anyway, I'd just like to point out the cemetary is now on the mountain field, which I think is a nice touch. So I guess it's onwards to Corey, and then finish up for now.

Huh, the new Gym Guy replacement thing says Corey's badge doesn't increase the cap. Which is weird, I was under the impression the badge did, it was just about recieving it (I think it's... Luna and Samson who's badges don't increase the cap. Although looking at my badge case, unless I misremember the order, it appears instead to be Luna and Charlotte.) Unless Ame is psychic regarding the events that are about to unfold. But either way, I have a gym leader to fight!

Team Vs. Corey:

Lucky #6 Lv26

Jalapeno? Lv27

Brainfreeze Lv26

Jackie Pan Lv26

UniqueTyping Lv27

Mozilla Lv28

So, much like the last battle, I also lost first try here. But this was way closer, it to crobat Vs Mozilla, and Crobat is obviously faster. Battle two went about as well, so I took some time to train. Essentially, I just ran around Beryl cemetary for a bit. Which included the discovery of team member number 7, who's going in the box for now. Although given that grinding becomes easy after Corey, I'll likely keep everyone levelled to rotate as needed. So I'd like you to all welcome aboard UniqueTyping's distant cousin, Stephen Quawking, or S. Quawking for short!

So, I tried Corey again. And still lost. I can consistently get down to crobat and then get completely destroyed by it. So after a few more losses, I got frustrated and went back to training. And Evolutions appened. And I went back to face Corey. And I finally did it. Even after all the training, it was still close, but UniqueTyping was definitely the MVP here. Anyway, I'm going to train everyone at the Grand Hall before heading to Lapis, as well as hatching the Mystety Egg and putting the hatchling in the daycare. That's all for now!

Shiny Collection

Mozilla post-49908-0-49628800-1433669426_thumb.png Brainfreeze post-49908-0-87311200-1433669449_thumb.png

Jalapeno? post-49908-0-57067800-1433669470_thumb.png / post-49908-0-97423200-1433679045_thumb.png UniqueTyping post-49908-0-18708200-1433669491_thumb.png / post-49908-0-87258500-1433677608_thumb.png

Jackie Pan post-49908-0-47752800-1433669527_thumb.png Lucky #6 post-49908-0-94631400-1433669544_thumb.png

S. Quawking post-49908-0-70174900-1433676181_thumb.png

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Alright, so after a bit of a break (and a little/lot) of ofscreen grinding, I'm back! Thanks to the Frand Hall battles now being convenient, I MAY have trained every up a fair bit, got some cool moves and evos, and then Candy'd everyone back down to 33 because Caps. So yeah. I'm off to the Lapis Ward and Shelly's gym!

..Buuuut first some more stuff with some terrorists, who keep insisting on getting in the way of my gym battles. How inconsiderate. On the bright side, in their leading me under the Grand Staircase, they had me meet a new team member! So all give a welcome to the originally named (and inexplicably female) Sonic!

Team Vs. Aster & Eclipse (2):

Brainfreeze Lv33

Mozilla Lv33

Jackie Pan Lv33

UniqueTyping Lv33

Jalapeno Lv33

Lucky #6 Lv34

So this battle went off to a great start. It's amazing how many turns of Icy Wind Brainfreeze can get off before they think to use an attack. Even after that, they did, Mozilla made short work of their remaining pokemon.

I know it was short, but I'm gonna leave this here for now. I'll train up Sonic before my next post, battle Shelly, and who knows? Maybe I'll even get Shade in the same update. And with my current string of luck, probably 400 new team members too, maybe I'll even get lucky and get a Shiny of the Mysterious Myster Egg pokemon? Only time well tell.

Shiny Collection

Mozilla post-49908-0-08571800-1433965554_thumb.png Brainfreeze post-49908-0-52990800-1433965576_thumb.png Jalapeno? post-49908-0-83500100-1433965650_thumb.png

UniqueTyping post-49908-0-83710300-1433965617_thumb.png Jackie Pan post-49908-0-42935000-1433965677_thumb.png Lucky #6 post-49908-0-97940900-1433965693_thumb.png

S.Quawking post-49908-0-27126700-1433965713_thumb.png Sonic post-49908-0-53831100-1433965723_thumb.png

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You should have named Sonic Amy because she's a girl. I mean, she's still blue, but hey...

I was REALLY tempted to just grind it out until I found a shiny male sandshrew and name it Amy to complete the pair, but it wasn't meant to be. But I think I sorta took a middleground solution with a quick trip to the name rater while I was training her. Anyway, on with Shelly!

But before I can battle Shelly, Victoria. Interrupting me before a gym battle, shes acting just like those damn terrorists. Although my crack theory HAS always been that Victoria's the Champion, so I'll probably forgive her for these little intrusions, until I'm proved wrong.

Team Vs. Victoria (3):

UniqueTyping Lv33

S.Quawking Lv33

Mozilla Lv34

Brainfreeze Lv34

Jackie Pan Lv34

Lucky #6 Lv 34

In preparation for Shelly, I swapped out the team member with the 4x bug weakness for someone a little more appropriate. The two flying types were naturally also helpful here, utterly slaughtering Victoria. Onwards, to Shelly!

...Now, I like puzzles. Particularly the ones in Pokemon Reborn. Every one of them, I've had to think about but gotten through in the end. Except Shelly's. I've never been able to do this one, and ended up looking up a guide in my original playthrough. I hope not to have to this time, but I don't have high hopes.

Wait, I spoke to Ame's computer thing. Shelly does doubles now? Rain? Forest Field? It's been a pretty damn long time since I've gotten this far in the game, so that's all pretty new, haha. But anyway, back to trekking through the puzzle I suck at.

So, wait... The bookcases are coloured, and the colour things are ON the switches. Huh. I may be able to figure it out on my my own.

...So fter that realisation, I did the puzzle on my first try. Past me is likely kicking himself at his stupidity, but i have no time to kick myself, I have a Bug Leader to fight! And also a free leaf stone to claim, apparently. Score.

Team Vs. Shelly:

Mozilla Lv34

S.Quawking Lv34

UniqueTyping Lv34

Jackie Pan Lv34

Brainfreeze Lv34

Lucky #6 Lv34

Between Dr. Quawking and Mozilla, I managed to take out Masquerain and set the field on fire before any kind of rain could be set up. And then the pair of them proceeded to sweep her whole team. That presult pleases me greatly, I didn't want another repeat of Corey, especially with how Anti-Bug my team is.

Now, let's see if things are as much of a curbstomp against everyone's favourite character, then.

Team Vs. Fern (3):

Sonicette Lv34

Mozilla Lv 34

Brainfreeze Lv35

Jackie Pan Lv34

UniqueTyping Lv34

Lucky #6 Lv34

Now, that was particularly satisfying. Soncette couldn't handle Ferroseed, but otherwise, another total curbstomp! I do enjoy the battles against Fern before he diversifies his team, it's so fun to just have a Fire Type like Mozilla tear him to absolute shreds.

Naturally, while in the cemetary on the way to meet up with Cain, a new team member. Although perhaps my good luck run is finally ending, but we should all nontheless welcome S.Quawking's close associate, Dr. HAWKing. Anyway though, we're gonna battle all of the rivals in one update it seems, and only fair to save the best for last!

Team Vs. Cain (3):

Sonicette Lv34

Brainfreeze Lv35

Mozilla Lv36

UniqueTyping Lv34

Lucky #6 Lv34

Jackie Pan Lv34

I'm so jealous of his Nidoking. I want my Robo-Nidoking already, but I'm no idiot, TMs are scarce and I only have on Shiny Nidorino. So it looks like he's waiting till Level 43 to evolve. Sad times :(

This was another pretty straightforward battle, although Brainfreeze was the surprising MVP here.

In other news I'm so glad Heather's (very reasonable) angst didn't get her confrontational enough to battle. That Salamence is probably at least Level 90.

And with that, I think I'll leave this update here. We had a Gym Leader and all three rivals after all, as well as a new team member, even if he isn't the most ideal one in the world.

Shingy Collection

Mozilla post-49908-0-03913900-1434118929_thumb.png Brainfreeze post-49908-0-64456400-1434118948_thumb.png Jalapeno? post-49908-0-54324100-1434118970_thumb.png

UniqueTyping post-49908-0-19865800-1434118994_thumb.png Jackie Pan post-49908-0-70663400-1434119012_thumb.png Lucky #6 post-49908-0-78207500-1434119034_thumb.png

S.Quawking post-49908-0-71788100-1434119060_thumb.png Sonicette post-49908-0-43912600-1434119113_thumb.png Dr. HAWKing post-49908-0-95557100-1434123007_thumb.png

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  • Developers

Alright, so as you may have already seen, I've put up a poll. While I WILL rotate my team to train and if a particular Leader's typing requires it, I will naturally have my main six, and at the moment, that is the original 6. But with three Flyers to choose from, why not put up a poll!

But anyway, enough about that. On with the game! Although exciting news from a brief Excursion to Obsidia before I go and break into an orphanage, recklessly endangering possibly hundreds of children.

Two new team members! Not only did I luck out on breeding a shiny version of the result of my Mystery Egg, while i was running around aimlessly to hatch it, so I would like the box you to al welcome our new Teamates: The Manbat and Mystery! The Manbat was promptly pumped full of drugs pokesnax and evolved, and will be added to the poll options. As for Mystery... Well, I'll train it up after this update, but if you wanna see what it is, I think you'll just have to wait...

Anyway, the orphanage was stormed, but there aren't actually any noteworthy battles in there, although this is one of my favourite segments within the plot, Anna is pretty awesome. Plus i like then ew orphanage music, it's even creepier than before :S

Between hatching Mystery, cramming Pokesnax down The Manbat's throat, and storming an orphanage, I've been playing for ages. Buuut I can hardly just NOT do an important battle. So it looks like I'm trekking onto Shade.

This gym is more than a little creepy, huh? Especially because on the firt light flicker Shade is just standing there... But at least it's not a hard puzzle like Shelly's or anything! And I didn't have trouble with Shade on my original file, but admittedly, that was before his field effect. I can hope!

Anyway, it's on.

Team Vs Shade:

Mozilla Lv 38

Jalapeno? Lv36

Lucky #6 Lv38

Jackie Pan Lv38

UniqueTyping Lv35

Brainfreeze Lv37

My first try went suitably terribly. Corey went down easy enough, Banette took out half my team, Rotom dealt with the rest. It turns out I'm not prepared for Ghosts. Luckily, I have a certain new team member who I get a feeling may be able to help. Unfortunately, I did say I wouldn't reveal them here, not to mention I'm running out of steam and she's only level one so... I gues that's it for this update, only one important battle and I lost it. I'll train up Mystery for now, and reveal who the helpful new Team Member is next time as she (hopefully) destroys Shade!

Shiny collection

Mozilla post-49908-0-99445100-1434302133_thumb.png Brainfreeze post-49908-0-52465700-1434302152_thumb.png Jalapeno? post-49908-0-31340900-1434302171_thumb.png

UniqueTyping post-49908-0-09273000-1434302199_thumb.png Jackie Pan post-49908-0-80528800-1434302213_thumb.png Lucky #6 post-49908-0-00843500-1434302229_thumb.png

S.Quawking post-49908-0-05438900-1434302272_thumb.png Sonicette post-49908-0-57320300-1434302286_thumb.png Dr. HAWKing post-49908-0-05438900-1434302272_thumb.png

The Manbat post-49908-0-31790300-1434302320_thumb.png Mystery post-49908-0-05421900-1434302329_thumb.png

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Alright, so as you may have already seen, I've put up a poll. While I WILL rotate my team to train and if a particular Leader's typing requires it, I will naturally have my main six, and at the moment, that is the original 6. But with three Flyers to choose from, why not put up a poll!

But anyway, enough about that. On with the game! Although exciting news from a brief Excursion to Obsidia before I go and break into an orphanage, recklessly endangering possibly hundreds of children.

Two new team members! Not only did I luck out on breeding a shiny version of the result of my Mystery Egg, while i was running around aimlessly to hatch it, so I would like the box you to al welcome our new Teamates: The Manbat and Mystery! The Manbat was promptly pumped full of drugs pokesnax and evolved, and will be added to the poll options. As for Mystery... Well, I'll train it up after this update, but if you wanna see what it is, I think you'll just have to wait...

Anyway, the orphanage was stormed, but there aren't actually any noteworthy battles in there, although this is one of my favourite segments within the plot, Anna is pretty awesome. Plus i like then ew orphanage music, it's even creepier than before :S

Between hatching Mystery, cramming Pokesnax down The Manbat's throat, and storming an orphanage, I've been playing for ages. Buuut I can hardly just NOT do an important battle. So it looks like I'm trekking onto Shade.

This gym is more than a little creepy, huh? Especially because on the firt light flicker Shade is just standing there... But at least it's not a hard puzzle like Shelly's or anything! And I didn't have trouble with Shade on my original file, but admittedly, that was before his field effect. I can hope!

Anyway, it's on.

Team Vs Shade:

Mozilla Lv 38

Jalapeno? Lv36

Lucky #6 Lv38

Jackie Pan Lv38

UniqueTyping Lv35

Brainfreeze Lv37

My first try went suitably terribly. Corey went down easy enough, Banette took out half my team, Rotom dealt with the rest. It turns out I'm not prepared for Ghosts. Luckily, I have a certain new team member who I get a feeling may be able to help. Unfortunately, I did say I wouldn't reveal them here, not to mention I'm running out of steam and she's only level one so... I gues that's it for this update, only one important battle and I lost it. I'll train up Mystery for now, and reveal who the helpful new Team Member is next time as she (hopefully) destroys Shade!

Shiny collection

Mozilla attachicon.gif655s.png Brainfreeze attachicon.gif583s.png Jalapeno? attachicon.gif332s.png

UniqueTyping attachicon.gif521s.png Jackie Pan attachicon.gif675s.png Lucky #6 attachicon.gif033s.png

S.Quawking attachicon.gif085s.png Sonicette attachicon.gif028s.png Dr. HAWKing attachicon.gif085s.png

The Manbat attachicon.gif528s.png Mystery attachicon.gif000s.png

i think from where i am i will continue doing this challange

i have a shiny ekans and kricktune randomly roselia musharna and larvesta by breeding

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