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Rise of the Skullgirl (A In-Character Reborn Monotype Run)

Lord Chespin

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Dear Diary,

My name is Marie Dusek, and I've made the biggest mistake of my life.

I though going to Reborn would be good for me. My parents told me that getting out and taking on the Reborn League would help me prepare for my role as the future Ghost-type Gym Leader of the Umbrella Region. I was even excited to go; getting out would help me prove that I was truly worthy to be a Gym Leader. Unfortunately, when the time came to actually go, disaster struck. I was being instructed on the Reborn League by a woman named Amethyst and was filling out a form necessary to enter the League, when all of a sudden... I can't remember exactly what happened. One moment, I was just patiently standing there, filling out paperwork, and then there was this massive explosion... I must have blacked out, because the last thing I remember was pain, far more pain than I've ever felt before in my life. When I came to, all I could see was darkness, dark as night, and a strange, black figure in a trench coat (who, for some odd reason, was slightly glowing red). He told me- to my horror- that there had been a bomb planted on my train, and that I had been fatally wounded in the blast. However, he told me that he could save me- but at a cost. He explained that he was not human, but some kind of shade- a spirit that has managed to gain a corporeal form. He said that he could turn me into one as well, or I could just let myself die. Needless to say, I decided to let him transform me. He touched his pointer finger on the center of my head, and mumbled some strange words. Then, an incredible sensation filled my chest- almost as if I had become hollow, lighter than air, and a great weight had been lifted from my chest. The figure then pulled out a mirror and handed it to me so that I could see my new face, and I almost dropped the mirror in shock. I my hair had turned a light gray, my eyes had turned red, and my skin had lightened to a pale, deathlike white. He told me that he was going to send me back to the real world, but first, he had a gift for me. He pulled out a Pokèball from a pocket within his trench coat, and gave it to me. He told me that as a ghost, I might as well have a ghost to accompany me, as it would be less frightened by my nature.

And then, suddenly, I found myself awake, in the ruins of the train. I walked out of the wreckage and made my way outside, where I gave the police officers and Amethyst quite the fright. I explained to them that I had just been knocked unconscious by the blast, and one of the officers had just mistaken me for dead. When they asked about my hair and eyes, I attempted to cover it up by claiming that my hair had been stained with ash, and that my contact lenses had fallen out. I'm not sure if they bought it, but I didn't really have a better explanation. Fortunately, the attention was taken off of me by the arrival of a green-haired girl in a cheerleader's uniform. Apparently she and Amethyst know each other, and the green-haired girl (Julia, I think her name was) is the Electric-type Gym Leader of the Reborn Region. Although I'm sure she's nice enough, I was kind of put off by how... happy she was at the destruction of the train station. I died in that explosion, and she had the audacity to marvel at the wreckage?

Oh well, I suppose the past is the past. Still, as soon as I find the person who was responsible for my death, I will make him pay. Mark my words, diary. Mark my words.


*cough cough* Um, anyway, hello and welcome to my second challenge run of Reborn! I'll be doing a ghost type monotype (as the opening implies), and as the opening also implies I'll be doing in roleplay, as a character very loosely based off of Marie Korbel from Skullgirls. I'll also be nicknaming my Pokèmon after major characters from Skullgirls. I'll release updates around every major battle, so stay tuned!

The team so far:

679.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 5

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Update #1: Sword OP

Before I get into character, I'd like to let you know that you can find a play-by-play of the events described in the story here.->https://youtu.be/f2MJXWu_HAY Anyway, without further ado...


Dear Diary,

Well, I got signed up for the Reborn League. I followed Amethyst to a building she identified as the Grand Hall, and introduced me to another friend of hers: a young woman named Victoria. Victoria seemed nice enough; at the very least, she didn't question my hair and eye color like Amethyst did. We went inside, and Amethyst offered to give us both Pokèmon. I politely declined, stating that I had already brought my own Pokèmon and showing her the Pokèball that the figure had given me. Amethyst was a little confused, since she probably assumed that I had decided to start over fresh, but she shrugged it off and took Victoria upstairs to get her own Pokemon. While I was waiting for the two of them to come back, I was approached by a young man with purple hair. He flirted with me at first (although, if he had known that I was undead, he probably would have thought twice about that), then introduced himself as Cain. He told me that he had to start over by necessity; honestly, I can sympathize with him. I wonder how my parents are going to take the news when they find out their little girl's a shade...

Anyway, Cain challenged me to a battle, and I decided to send out the Pokèmon the figure gave me. I wasn't sure what I expected it to be, but I didn't expect it to be a Honedge of all things. I also didn't expect it to turn around and talk to me. Yes, that's right; it talked to me. It introduced itself as Squigly the Honedge, and told me that I could understand her because, being a ghost myself, we could communicate telepathically. I figure that might come in handy later. Cain sent out a male Nidoran, but the poor thing must not have had any attacking moves to use on it, because it just kept using leer. I almost felt bad for it. Almost. I had Squigly use a swords dance, then had her tackle the Nidoran until it fainted. Squigly was quite overjoyed to win, so that mde me happy, I guess.

After defeatng Cain, he took me to heal Squigly. We had just finished when Amethyst and Victoria came back. Cain claimed we were just having some fun, which Victoria (poor girl) took the wrong way. After clearing up the miscommunication, Victoria decided to battle me while Amethyst got Cain set up in the Reborn system. The battle went pretty much how my earlier fight went; Victoria's starter (a Tepig) just kept wagging its tail, while Squigly set up a swords dance and then tackled away. Victoria complemented me, telling me that I was no ordinary trainer. Oh, if only she knew... Fortunately, Cain came by and interrupted Victoria before she could draw any conclusions, telling her that he was leaving and that Amethyst was waiting for us to give us stuff. I followed Victoria to Amethyst, who gave us a Pokèdex and a Pokègear. Victoria gave me instructions on where to find the first Gym, and left me be. I walked outside into the cold night air (not that I felt much, being already dead), and began my adventure...


The team so far:

679.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 6

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Update #2: Weed Whacking

As always, you can find the details for the battle here! Anyway...


Dear Diary,

Well, nothing too eventful happened today. I decided to explore the Peridot Ward, the only ward currently accessible to me currently (the Obsidia Ward was on lockdown- something about killer plants- and the North Odsidia Ward was closed due to a bomb threat). Nothing too exciting happened there; I just battled with the locale, gaining experience for Squigly and picking up items as I went along. I did get a rose incense from a prostitute, so that'll come in handy if I ever get a Pumpkaboo or a Phantump.

What was really rather interesting, however, was what happened to me in the northern part of the ward. I came across an old factory, and in front of it was a teal-haired boy. I heard him muttering to himself about it being the wrong factory (from what I can gather, someone must have told him to visit a factory or something), when he noticed me and asked me (in a standoffish way) what I was looking at. I tried to tell him it was nothing and walk away, but he blocked me off and told me that was going to "teach me a lesson in class". Sighing, I whipped out Squigly and told her that we were in for a fight. I never did like stuck-up people.

The teal-haired boy (his name was Fern, apparently) sent out a Lotad. Squigly set up a swords dance, survived an astonish, and took out the weird duck-lily-pad thing with a single fury cutter. Fern sent out a Snivy next, and Squigly shrugged off a leer to take it down with another fury cutter. All Fern had left was a Budew, and it went down fast to one last fury cutter. I don't know who that figure who revived me was, but apparently he knew exactly what Pokèmon to give me to hold me over until I got more Ghost-types.

Fern stormed off, scoffing off his loss as mere bad luck (sure, like getting your entire team OHKO'd was just a stroke of bad luck) and claiming that, unlike me, he had places to be. Although I took offense to him insulting me, he did make me realize that I should probably take on the first gym by now. I went over there as fast as I could, only to just narrowly avoid bumping into Julia as she ran out of the doors like a coffee-addicted hummingbird. She told me that the culprit behind the bombing wasn't working alone, and that his friends were planning to blow up her Gym. Not wanting this to happen, she told me that she was going to chase them down to their hideout: an old abandoned factory in the Peridot Ward. So that's what Fern was talking about. She asked me if I wanted to join her, and I almost instantly said yes. Those thugs are going to pay for what they did to me, and when I personally find their leader, I'm going to make him or her wish he or she was never born.


The team so far:

679.pngSquigly - Lv. 15

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Update #3: Thanks For Nothing, Fern

As always, you can find footage of the fight here! Now then...


Dear Diary,

Well, the raid on the factory went a little harder than I expected. I met Julia at the factory, and the maniac blew the door clean off of the factory. I know I shouldn't feel so worried, but I felt terrified watching that explosion; it just brought back horrid memories of my death. I was so out of it that I didn't even notice Julia's friends arrive until I heard a monotone voice right besides me. I whirled around, and right there was a young woman with glasses and green hair and- wouldn't you know it- Fern. Julia introduced me to he two of them (apparently Fern's companion was named Florina; she and Fern are siblings, and she and Julia were friends in trainer's school). I introduced myself to Florina, while Fern put on a goody-two-shoes act and apologized, claiming that he would try to get along with me better. Sure.

The four of us entered the factory, and instantly I was hit with this horrendous stench. Turns out the people behind the bombing (Team Meteor, Julia said they called themselves) have been dumping toxic waste into the lake for... well, I'm not sure how long, but a long time. Even more reason for me to kill them. Florina told us to split up, and I got paired with Fern. He claimed he'd be a good partner, but the moment Julia and Florina left, he got this smug grin on his face. I asked him what was so funny, but he wouldn't say anything... at least, not until we got into the first fight with the Team Meteor grunts. I sent out Squigly, but Fern just laid back and smiled smugly. I asked him what the hell he was doing, but he just said, "consider this payback for what you did to me back at the other factory". It wasn't until I held Squigly up to his chest point-first that he relented, and even then he just promised to heal me after each battle. The grunts were a little more relenting (although they, too needed a little coercing from Squigly), as they only took me on one at a time. After storming through the factory taking on guards left and right, Squigly, Fern and I came across what I presume to be their leader and two elite grunts. Their leader monologued about how we were weaker than he expected and he had plenty of time to delete all mission-critical data before we arrived (trust me, we would have taken a lot less time if Fern had just helped me out), but before I coud smite him with Squigly he sicked his two elite grunts- Aster and Eclipse, their names were- on us. Since Florina and Julia were watching, Fern decided to hep me take on the grunts.

The Grunts sent out an Elekid and a Magby, and Fern sent out his Budew while I sent out Squigly. Squigly set up a swords dance but got hit by a smokescreen, while Elekid hit Budew with a low kick and Fern had Budew use mega drain on Magby. Bravo, Fern. You're a genius. Anyway, Squigly managed to take down Magby with a single tackle while Fern actually hit a foe who didn't resist its attacks (although he did get paralyzed). Squigly survived a thundershock and took down the weakened Elekid with a tackle, ending the fight. The leader, being the coward that he is, retreated, bringing the rest of the grunts with him, and then Julia blew up the whole factory with some bombs that she stole from Team Meteor. I got out of there as fast as I could, because believe me, I didn't want to die a second time. I just barely escaped with the rest of them, and we all said our goodbyes and went on our separate ways. With that over with, I'll get ready to take on Julia and prepare myself for the next confrontation with Team Meteor. Trust me, as soon as I see that horrible leader again, I'm going to kill him with my own hands.


I'm not kidding about Fern not helping me; he really didn't help me out. Oh well. Probably just a glitch.

Anyway, the team so far:

679.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 19

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Update #4: Conductor

As always, you can see the action here! (You also get to see a behind-the-scenes failed run at the beginning, too).


Dear Diary,

Well, the battle with Julia went better than I expected. When I entered the gym, I was greeted by a strange device that had a face-time with Amethyst. After we greeted each other, she gave me advice- not your standard "hurr durr electric is weak to ground" BS, like you normally get, but actually detailed information about the field effects she uses, and how to counter her Pokèmon. Amethyst suggested bringing a full team of Pokemon, but I didn't really have much of a choice, since as far as I can tell there aren't any ghost-types in the Peridot Ward except for Squigly. As for the gym itself, turns out the main gimmick behind it is explosions. Go figure. I had to lead Voltorb to metal gates, and they would explode, taking out the gate with them. I know Julia loves explosions, but couldn't there be an alternate route for those with PTSD or something? Every time a Voltorb blew up, I got a surge of painful memories.

Eventually, after Squigly and I fought all the gym trainers and I used a common candy on Squigly to keep her from getting overleveled (she told me that if she got to high-leveled, she would start to disobey me; it wasn't anything personal, it was just standard Pokèmon procedure to make sure that their trainers were worthy enough to use them), we challenged Julia. Julia talked for a bit about how she wished she could have fireworks within the gym (yeah, 'cause that would be a good idea) and then started the battle, sending out her Helioptile. I had Squigly use swords dance twice, while the Helioptile wailed away on her with a thundershock, a charge beam, and a mud-slap. Squigly asked me if I was sure this was a good idea, but I promised her I knew what I was doing, and had her take down the Helioptile with a single fury cutter. Her confidence restored, Squigly then mowed down her Blitzle and her Emolga with a single shadow sneak. Julia decided to bring in the big guns and sent out the first of her two Voltorbs, which went down to another shadow sneak from Squigly but exploded as it went down, taking a big chunk off of Squigly's health. Knowing that Squigly wouldn't survive another hit like that, I spent a turn healing her while the Voltorb let loose a charge beam. Thankful for the heal, Squigly took down the Voltorb with a shadow sneak and survived the explosion damage to face Julia's ace: her Electrode. Miraculously, Squigly managed to one-shot it with a shadow sneak and survived the aftermath, earning me my first badge!

Julia went to sleep shortly after giving me my badge and a TM for charge beam, and I waked outside, where I found Victoria waiting for me. Apparently, the killer plants I heard about from the people blocking the entrance to the Obsidia Ward wasn't made up; it really is happening. This just reeks of Team Meteor. II'm going to go there, and Squigly and I are going to give them a taste of her blade!


The team so far:

679.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 20

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Update #5: A Servant and an Apprentice

As always, you can see all the action here!


Dear Diary,

I'll be honest, when I first saw the Peridot Ward, I wasn't exactly impressed. I mean, sure, the Umbrella Region isn't exactly the most picturesque region, but at least it has clean water, a relatively high standard of living, and looks decently nice. The Peridot Ward, however, was atrocious. There were thugs and prostitutes everywhere, the water was toxic as a Muk's excrement, and everything just felt so... dirty.

All of that, however, was nothing compared to the horror that was the Obsidia Ward. The Ward had humongous cracks running through the streets, big enough for a Wailord to comfortably snuggle in. And the plants... oh Arceus, the plants... saplings thick as a fire hydrant burst through the street, cutting off buildings and alleyways, while sprouts lashed out at anything unfortunate enough to get close. The whole place looked like a gardener's worst nightmare come to life. I carefully strolled through the Ward (or what remained of it), and all around me all I could see was people, traumatized by the wreckage and struggling to traverse the region safely. Coming across a tree blocking access through what remained of the main street, I asked Squigly if she could cut it down. She politely declined; she told me that even if she knew cut- which she didn't- she didn't want to dull her blade on trees and rocks. She suggested I catch a Bidoof so that I could use it as an HM Slave. I managed to find one by backtracking to the Opal Ward, and dubbed it Servantdoof. As soon as I get a larger team, however, I'm going to deposit him in the PC. Although I never noticed it before, it feels... weird not being able to communicate with your Pokèmon.

Eventually, Squigly, Servantdoof, and I came across Victoria by following the only path that wasn't overgrown or completely obliterated. She told me that the path continued through the Obsidia Slums (sounds like a lovely place to live) and that she wanted to test me to make sure that I would be able to handle myself in there. I agreed; after all, it would be a proper test off Squigly's abilities (or, at the very least, more proper than cutting down trees). She led with a Ralts, and I put Servantdoof on the sidelines, sending out Squigly instead. The Ralts set up a double team twice, but it didn't help it much; after getting off two swords dances, Squigly took him down with a shadow sneak. Her Pignite came out next, and it managed to identify Squigly with an odor sleuth; fortunately, Squigly took him down with two shadow sneaks before he could use it to his advantage. All that remained was her Makuhita, and it went down to a single shadow sneak. Accepting defeat, Victoria let me go on my way. Time to enter the Slums. It's not going to be pleasant.


The team so far:

679.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 21

399.pngServantdoof (Female) - Lv. 4

Edited by supermario79411
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Update #6: Gangbanger

Hey! Sorry for thee lack of updates; I had some trouble uploading my videos of the battle to Youtube. Now that my computer isn't acting wonky anymore, you can view the action here!


Dear Diary,

I made it through the Slums. It was honestly pretty depressing. To think that the city had fallen so far that their solution for all the homeless was to just banish them all to a giant, run-down building....

Anyway, the homeless people weren't as bad as Victoria claimed they were. Only one of them tried to approach me for reasons other than a battle (he claimed I had a "pretty face"), and he backed down after I aimed Squigly a few centimeters away from his heart. In fact, they actually served as a good source of experience for Servantdoof; she even evolved into a Bibarel while we were traversing the slums.

Things started to get eventful, however, when I happened to come across a perfectly normal box... except it wasn't just a box. I know this may sound crazy, but ever since I came back as a shade I've gained... some sort of sixth sense. I can sense auras, almost like how a Lucario can. I hadn't noticed it at first, but as time went on I found that I could see them better and better; maybe I'm just getting used to my new powers? Anyway, the point is, I could sense an aura in that box, of some small Pokèmon. As soon as I got close the box ran away, and by the time I found it the Pokèmon inside the box had already fled. Fortunately, a little while later I sensed its aura through a wall, and I saw it crawl into something (another box, I found out later) and run away. I chased it down to a corridor it was hiding in then drew Squigly and told it that it had better stop running and face me bravely. It ran off again, of course. I chased it down a corridor, only stopping briefly to take out any trainers who challenged me on my way. I eventually saw it run into a back room, and I followed it. It wasn't until it was too late that I sensed two more presences and a fourth, larger presence in the same room. It turns out that the Pokèmon I was chasing was a Scraggy that was part of a gang of Pokèmon, and it was reporting back to the rest of its team... including a very powerful Scrafty. Crud.

Unfazed, I sent out Servantdoof and Squigly and braced for the worst. Two of the Scraggy attacked me first; one of them got headbutted by Servantdoof and then went on to hit Squigly with a feint attack, while the other hit Servantdoof with a low kick while Squigly set up a swords dance. Servantdoof apparently has moody as its ability, so it was able to raise its defenses at the cost of its attack. The two Scraggy ganged up on Servantdoof, but Squigly and Servantdoof were able to team up on the two of them and defeat the stronger of the two. The third Scraggy came out next, and while Servantdoof missed a headbutt, Squigly was able to get it down to only a sliver of its health with a second fury cutter. The Scraggy went down to a headbutt the next turn, while the weakest of the three Scraggy fainted from a fury cutter from Squigly (although not before taking out Servantdoof). All that remained was the leader Scrafty. Squigly got hit by a sand attack, but managed to fight through it, get it down to only a fraction of its health with a fury cutter, and finish it off with a shadow sneak, ending the battle. The Scraggy all ran away, but the Scrafty, apparently viewing me as a worthy opponent, was king enough to leave the exit to the Slums open. I exited the Slums, took a breath of fresh air, and (since the police were blocking my way to the park) headed the only way I could- to the Coral Ward...


The team so far:

679.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 23

400.pngServantdoof (Female) - Lv. 18

Edited by supermario79411
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