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I Hate The Hood. [Story/Jounal/Spoilers]


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Where do I even start... Honestly I have no idea. Before leaving Amaria and Titania's place I managed to grab an empty journal Florina said a journal was a good way to keep my thoughts in order, something about keeping the pressure from getting to me. Seeing as she's never been wrong... or at least not in the time I've known her I decided to grab this empty book and chronicle at least bits and pieces of my journey. I'm nervous seeing as the last time I did anything with a journal someone literally tried to literally kill herself but I suppose that's neither here nor there.

My name... Well I don't really give it out instead I just go by the name Kuro. I figured it was the best thing to do since coming to this fucked up region, I wouldn't want anyone connected to me back home to get caught up in this...mess I've gotten myself into. Honestly it was supposed to be simple plan , train pokemon, collect gym badges, fuck bitches get money a simple effective plan right? If only I knew how wrong I was.

I suppose I'll start after my last adventures with Terra seeing as anything having to that is a bit too.... 'Confusing' to write about accurately, or at least too confusing to use for a first entry, Instead we'll start after I left 'The Game' with my twelfth gym badge, I think it was my twelfth, I don't fucking know anymore honestly the whole gym thing has lost a lot of meaning for me these days.

Anyways... All that's really important is I have the HM for Waterfall and the badge to use it after busting my sorry ass through some virtual bullshit to get it. I exit the computer... game.... thing, and Samson god bless that man shuts it down keeping the insane one from getting out. I dip out from the Agate Circus Trio Duo making my way to Amaria and Titania's house. Last I was here one of the two attempted to commit suicide while the other jumped to fucking save the first, Only after making it my responsibility to save them. Sidenote: If there's one thing I learned from this experience. DON'T GO THROUGH OTHER PEOPLES SHIT PLS. If I had sat the fuck down and twiddled my thumbs it would have saved me so much: time, energy and most importantly peace of mind. Something I haven't had in months. But no my stupid ass gotta go read peoples diaries and shit, because hey, "Why not, right?" This is exactly ' why not'.

So I make it to the waterfall My main man Ira (Gyrados) is ready to bust this waterfall wide open as he should be. (Bless based Iro tbh) We ride down the waterfall, and low and behold I'm actually back in the hood. (I call Reborn City 'The Hood' because when I first arrived I was: scammed, hobos tried to fucking rob me, and people were blowing shit up. It was a very ratchet place, still is.) I'm not the biggest fan of the hood if you haven't guessed, but through it all maybe it's grown on me a little. Maybe I'm a little happy to be back in the actual city seeing as I've been gone for about a month and a half or so. I even manage to catch what I think is a familiar face on my way down to the waterfall, but I don't exactly have the time to linger on it because the waterfall actually takes me to the fucking sewers.

Just my luck right? it doesn't take me to a nice little island or get away in another part of the region, doesn't take me to even a normal fucking place like a basin or larger body of water. Nope, I get to go to sewers because that's the life I live now. Ya boy isn't allowed to have nice things fyi.

So I end up in the sewers and the first thing I see is dead meteor grunts a litter of them. Half a year ago I would have vomited at the sight of a single dead body, As I hit the ground I barely feel nauseous. Among the heap of bodies I see a half starving Titania waiting on guess who, (spoiler alert: me) to bust her and Amaria out of this mess seeing as it is admittedly my fault. (Again please don't read other peoples shit without permission if you learn one thing from this let it be that. don't do it fam.)

As we're catching up, and by catching up I mean she berates me for a couple of minutes casually filling me in on the situation two meteor grunts or I suppose meteor prophets? whatever the fuck they calm themselves these days I don't care anymore. Anyways they tell us that some admin or commander has arrived and wishes to see us. You remember how I mentioned a litter of meteor bodies a second ago. Well Titania's never been the kindest person, and seeing as she was... is so emotionally charged for lack of a better word well... I got to see first hand how the bodies piled up. As I watch her cut down another grunt half of me is again slightly nauseous, the other half is kinda flustered by how well... badass it is.

Yeah I know that's fucked up, and even like a little bit, it's honestly all the way fucked up, but in times like these you learn hard truths about yourself. One of which being watching this woman completely murk some chomp was lowkey kinda sexy, I OF COURSE DIDN'T SAY THAT, but I thought it and that ain't right. I really need to just get away from all this, a nice vacation, meet some normal girls... Ya know I hear Hoenn is beautiful this time of year.

Anyways after I get over how she cut another man to pieces in the blink of an eye the door into the later half of the sewer is open for us. Oh joy. We make it out of the first area and begin to navigate through the sewage system. I slide Titania some candy I've managed to keep in my bag through the journey, and she shows the most gratitude I've ever seen out of her ever, which if I remember correctly was, "Thanks. I guess..."

But enough about my interactions with Titania lets talk about the sewer. Reborn isn't a clean city up top: The water is gray, the streets are dirty, the people are either rude af, insane or both honestly. It'd give it a solid 3/10 wouldn't recommend. So if that's the city they show to normal people you can imagine what the sewer is like. After a solid 20 minutes of fucking around in the sewers getting the putrid smells stuck in my clothes and fighting all the nastiest groddiest poison type pokemon (AND GETTING FUCKING SLUDGE ON MY KICKS.) Titania and I manage to figure out how the sewage system works.

You know what that means?

Hand me a red cap, and some shrooms because I just became Super fuckin' Mario.

I decide to switch my party up slightly moving Esam (Excadrill) to the front taking care of any unwanted sludge-y sewer-y pokemon while we make our way through the sewers gathering various keys and changing the water levels constantly all in an attempt to push through. Titania almost falls out a couple of times seeing as she's been trapped in a sewer for three or so days without food to my knowledge, rough life, but we manage to progress. After pushing through a number of different rooms we come face to face with the admin (semi-admin?) in charge. Honestly it's one of the better ones in my opinion. Then again his competition is pretty easy to beat seeing as all the others have: tortured kids with electricity, tried to sick a fake Arceus on me, or attempted to kill me at least once. Shit I was almost beheaded by a Garchomp. Twice. Ain't that some shit?

So Taka is honestly a pretty decent dude in my book, he's always seemed pretty laissez-faire when it came to Team Meteor's bullshit. Like... He was never really about the goal always passively losing and ending the plan whenever he lost, he even saved me from some Nuzleaf a while back ,definitely a pretty ok dude... As far as region destroying psychopaths go of course. Titania calls him out on his attitude and Taka goes to do whatever Taka does, while we continue through the sewers. Occasionally he'll appear every so often in attempt to halfheartedly goad us and guide us further in. Titania (bless her half dead ass) continues to call him out on his attitude until before Taka finally gives his reason for working Meteor.

Apparently I've reached the level in friendship where I can here his tragic backstory. Cool.

His whole deal is, he's inheriting the business. He's the descendant or Arceus or some shit idfk, (in a way wouldn't we all be descendants or Arceus?) Point being his bloodline is hella special and he and his dad are the last of said bloodline so it's their responsibility to save the region and bring peace back to the world. His dad of course being Solarius. Truly some special snowflake/ Avatar: the last air-bender type shit, but who am I to judge this man? Anyways he jogs off again leaving good ol' Titania and I to continue our 'Super Mario Brothers' stint, in hopes of saving the suicidal princess from Team Meteor (and herself in the long run).

As we continue moving through the sewer Titania seems to find some mercy in her heart as she stops murdering all the grunts, something I'm slightly thankful for. She even manages to prompt two grunts to turn their lives around, She went from Vengeful Homicidal Gym Leader to Vengeful... Less-homicidal Motivational Speaker. We're obviously moving up in the world.

Titania gets trapped in a room (something that's been happening far to often) much to our dismay and I'm stuck to continue on my own. After a long series of draining and filling rooms with disgusting sewer water, (as well as contemplating the choices I've made that got me here in the first place.) I manage to find the source of my woes. Water drains in a room, but instead of the typical disgusting gulpin, or grimer I ran into I find a pulse machine, connected to a Swalot. For a second I sit down in a relatively dry area and just look at it. It looks at me with overflowing hate. I continue to contemplate life choices. It's a good time for everyone. Eventually I hit the button, and expectedly the gigantic swalot comes at me, thankfully I have Based Esam here reminding the world ground and steel trumps poison every time.

Esam doesn't even look worse for wear after the fight ends, but get this. I try to fill the room with water again in attempt to report back to Titania, but the room fills with WATER. Like you have to understand. NOT JUST THE GRAY NASTY SEWER WATER, BUT BLUE FUCKING WATER, LIKE BRUH. BRUH. As I realize what i've done I'm grinning hella hard. Not that normal 'I said something kinda clever grin.' But that chesire cat-I won the lottery grin. Adrienn owes me big time, shit Ame owes me big time. Nah, nah. Everyone in this goddamn city owes me. I better be known as the fuckin' water god after this. Shit put me in El's scriptures right next to Arceus tbh. Call me Kuro 'The Water Bringer'. Cause i'm out here doin' the lords works bringing water back to a city i don't even like. My ass out here being the Suicune the city doesn't deserve but the one it needs, feel me.

Anyways enough bragging about How I totally brought clean water to the region again, 'BASED ME'. Lets continue with the story. I make my way back to Titania going HAM on every water machine I've touched in this damn sewer. I'm hitting these switches like I ain't got nothin' left to lose If there is a switch on it then I flipped it. Before finding Titania. She hits the final switch and everyone gets blue water again, and for the first time in a minute I feel like I've accomplished something worthwhile honestly. Recently every time I've gotten close to a goal it's gotten fucked up one way or another by some team meteor jackass so honestly it feels good to have this success under my belt, all bragging aside.

So Titania finds her way out of the trap leaving one last door to go through. That being the one that Leads to both Taka, and Amaria. As we walk in my main man Taka tells us he's already had Amaria treated much to Titania's relief. She says to thank the men who healed her, but Taka oh so tactfully tells her that the men who treated the water gym leader have already been eighty-sixed by no one other than herself to which she responds with and I quote, "Rough." -Titania 2k15

After that display of integrity Taka's looking for a fight, so he wont have to explain how this entire operation got wrecked by yours truly, however Titania doesn't want to enable him, (She knows because she's been enabling her girlfriend for god knows how long, and we all know how that ended up :/ ) So with some harsh words and her ex-girlfiend she leaves the room, leaving a panicking Taka and I to chat.

With her gone he asks to battle me and I honestly hesitate. I know Titania's right I can't enable him, but I know how Meteor works and there was a chance Taka may not make it out alive, and being real I actually like Taka. As I said earlier in terms of bad guys he's by far my favorite. I don't want his death on my hands, but at the same time is what he's doing now really living? He hates what he does, but doesn't have the guts to just dip out. I'm shaking and I begin to panic slightly myself.

I decide not to battle.

My voice isn't nearly as firm as I want it to be, it never is. But I deny the battle and he sulks off. Honestly I hope the best for the man if I find out he dies because I... Well it's whatever right now I honestly just hope he manages to make it out of this one. I really just hope I don't regret that decision in the long run.

On my way out I meet one of the most enigmatic figures from my time here finally explaining something that's had me paranoid since day 1. Shade showed me four prophecies, and three have come to pass, not quite in the way I expected, but came nonetheless. I don't really understand him, as I'm too busy swearing at him internally before he disappears back into the void or wherever that motherfucker goes to be honest.

I meet up with Titania by the waterfall, Apparently Amaria had Lapras with her so they plan on taking it up, meaning Ira doesn't have to carry three people, even though I'm sure he could if necessary. We make it up and as I head to Titania's house hoping to take a two day long shower I run into two faces I haven't seen in what feels like years at this point. In fact it's been around 4-5 months since i've seen either of them Julia, and Florina had apparently seen Titania, myself and Amaria on the way out of the sewers. It's nice seeing the two after so long, but again I'm trying to take a shower and burn these clothes ( R.I.P my new kicks). We chat for a second before a very familiar helicopter to land literally on top of Titania's crib. We all rush in Florina taking control of the situation

funfact: BEFORE REALIZING READING OTHER PEOPLES SHIT HAD CONSEQUENCES AND THAT I SHOULDN'T DO IT WITHOUT PERMISSION. I managed to find Julia, Amaria's and Florina's Diaries. (I'm a professional snoop call me 'Fillmore'.) Apparently they were all close friends until some hella big event or fight happened leaving Florina the way she is now, and kinda ruining their friendship. It had a lot to do with love or something I can't be bothered to remember. I still haven't told them I snooped, nor do I ever plan to. #nosnitching.

Surprisingly having them all together, they were pretty cordial, well except Titania she's never been 'cordial' in the sense of the word. In fact dare I call her 'hostile'. Anyways Florina comes up with a solid battle plan in like 40 seconds leaving me to prepare my team (I know better than to argue when a woman has a plan. Bless Saphira) and low and behold the enemies begin their attack just as she said they would. Florina and I are paired together this time around and we literally become an unstoppable force. First up is a set of Elite Grunts who get worked thanks to the good old 'Excadrill- Hippowdon combo.'

Following the grunts my least two favorite people to stepped in line next for the slaughter. In fact I almost killed one myself a couple of months back, was seconds away from dropping the little punk off a bridge, I kinda wish I did the little fuckboi. Blake and Fern are easily two of if not the shittiest people in the region. Where I gave Taka a solid 6/10 on being a decent human being I give these jackasses a -8/10. Before the battle begins Fern explains to his sister that he's Meteor now (Something I neglected to mention prior) however she doesn't seem shaken by it at all. Then again I haven't seen Florina shaken by anything first hand honestly.

Before I continue you have to understand that it's a widely known fact I eat chumps for: breakfast, lunch and dinner. So when these two little shits lined up they were decimated immediately. Shit, Florina and I made them look like grunts. Fern pissed at his loss, decides to dip out while Blake is floored by Julia worried about his Helicopter.

What happened to his helicopter you ask?

Julia blew it right the fuck up gg no re.

Anyways remember how I said I was almost killed by a Garchomp twice? Well guess whose back and ready for his third attempt. Solarius steps up to the plate to battle us with one of his grunts, but when you fuck with the best you get swept like the rest. It was pretty surreal though. This was the first time I could really step up to fight Solarius' Garchomp much less his entire team. Every other time someone had to protect me...some with their lives, but this time I managed to stand tall and take care of it. A testament to my own growth I suppose. (Sidenote: where is everyone getting Garchomps Terra has a Garchomp Solarius has a Garchomp, I'm 95% sure Sapphira has one locked up somewhere, real talk i'm tryna cop a chomp, someone please point me in the right direction.)

After the big dog loses he tells Sirius to light the entire motherfucker up. Sirius steps up to the plate mentioning he's done this before, (With this he also effectively signed his death warrant, if I put 2 and 2 together correctly.) but Titania steps out and reminds everyone that ITS A WATER GYM, and floods her own house. On the upside no one is going to be reading any diaries anymore, and for that I'm grateful.

Anyways Meteor having lost all its options takes this as a chance to flee and almost on cue our sleeping princess wakes up. I talk to her for literally two minutes before I leave the room. At this point i'm so mad I can barely control myself.

Retrograde Amnesia: is a loss of memory-access to events that occurred, or information that was learned, before an injury or the onset of a disease subjects are more likely to lose recent memories that are closer to the traumatic incident than more remote memories. -Pokepedia

The woman has retrograde amnesia diagnosed by Florina herself. As I leave I already know If I'm this angry then Titania must be...

She managed to leave the room only moments before I did, I don't say much when I see her outside after all there isn't much to say. She needs some time, and so the steel gym leader decides to take the bracelets Team Meteor came to steal and flies away on her Skarmory. Florina thinks she went to the desert, I'm not trying to chase her down. Before departing Florina hands me the HM for fly and tells me I need to beat Ciel before I can use it. Apparently some major changes have been going on in The Hood, and I wont be able to return without Fly. I give my thanks and begin my trek back to the circus in hopes of challenging the final gym leader in their circuit.

It's a short trip I still haven't showered and I'm grumpier than ever. I barely even talk to Samson, whose proven to be one of the most amicable people I've met in the region thus far. We became homies shortly after meeting him. Thankfully he sees my mood and decides not to ask about anything, instead he continues to flirt with Ciel who I lowkey ship with him. (Don't judge me.)

I break off their most recent flirt session and, tell the woman I need a battle only for the ringmaster to walk in wondering where my battle pass is. I've honestly forgotten all about their stupid battle pass system and I'm far too tired to deal with the nuances of the fucking circus, before I raise my voice. Ciel, like the true mvp she is slides one into my back pocket, soon after the ringmaster approves the fight. The stage is set my pokemon are healed but my heart isn't in the battle. I understand this Arena now that i've fought here a time or two and can accurately utilize it to my advantage. Ira and Esam together thanks to Moxie, a Swords Dance, and a Dragon Dance she quickly concedes defeat. As I grab my badge I throw on a fake smile for the crowd before returning to the admin tent to say my goodbyes.

We talk about Terra for a moment before they begin flirting again, she's out here talking bout 52 positions, and I almost blurt out, 'Just smash already, damn.' The sexual tension so strong Cain can feel it back in Calcenon. I keep my cool give my man some dap, and nod at Ciel, figuring i'll the see the two... well the three again sooner or later as I'm sure Terra's isn't dead, not yet at least. And here I am now.

Flying atop my Braviary writing in this journal now that I have had the time. It looks like I"m circling in on the Onyx ward now, I hope Ame can prepare a bed... and a shower for me. When I arrive, that'd be so cool right now.

I don't know if i'll be able to keep this whole journal thing up, and I'm sure i'm gonna be dealing with more and more shit from here on in. I knew that when I escaped from the city the first time honestly, but now its finally set in. One could say I'm resigned to my fate. So yeah... This is where I'm gonna cut it off. It was actually pretty fun writing about this it was a good way to open my mind a little reexamine the shit that happens to me in the most sardonic way possible.

So I suppose I'll catch you next time journal. Peace.



OOC: So uh yeah, I kinda woke up at 3:00 in the morning and just had an urge to write this. I'm an aspiring writer and I kinda just wanted to test my mettle with a short one-shot about Reborn. I didn't want to make it into the goody two shoes type of thing. Because in my mind I just have a normal guy who was thrown into a world he wasn't really prepared for and now has to cope and deal with it. I also wanted to make it modern something you could see a normal snarky 18-21 year old right. So I hope if you've decided to read it you got a good laugh. I'm worried the language is a little too strong, and I apologize for that if it's a problem I'll definitely remove it post haste, but I feel like in this case the strong language adds to the character a bit. So yeah thoughts on the piece, if people like it I may do another and have him kind of journal backwards. If not tell me its absolute trash, because it probs is lmao. Also it's super rough each time I reread I make some corrections, but I really just wanted to focus on getting a piece out. If curious it took me about 4 hours or so to write this.

Edited by Stealth
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Oh snap my bad I thought it was! Can someone lowkey move it for me! my bad!

Stories related to Reborn are not normally in the CW section anyway...

It's either here or the Team Showcase section. Although this is a tad bit different.

I'll leave it here for now, but if I do move it, I'll let you know.

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