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E3 2015

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  On 6/8/2015 at 2:41 AM, Shanco said:

I have a feeling that Nintendo will lay it down this year at E3....

No Sony Will


Game I'm looking for

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  On 6/8/2015 at 3:02 AM, Solace said:

Truthfully this is the most hyped I've been for an E3 in years.


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I don't really care who you all think will win, but all the games I enjoy likely will make an appearance somehow.

Fallout 4

Gears of War (Remaster and/or 4 teaser)

Halo 5

?Kingdom Hearts 3 Teaser?

Those are the big ones I know I'm looking forward to. No I'm not getting a PS4 and I don't PC game. Nintendo? What's that. I don't Nintendo.

Actually I'll even throw in Final Fantasy 15 since they're doing away with the turn based system.

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  On 6/12/2015 at 6:11 AM, Solace said:

I don't really care who you all think will win, but all the games I enjoy likely will make an appearance somehow.

Gears of War (Remaster and/or 4 teaser)

I don't have high hopes for a Gears of War game showing up at E3 this year, since Epic (the developer) is currently taking its time with Unreal Tournament 4 and stability updates with the latest Unreal Engine.

If Gears of War showed up in any capacity, that'd be huge.

PS, the Unreal Tournament 4 open alpha is still running, iirc. It's somewhere on unrealtournament.com in the forums, and is free to play. First, make sure your computer can handle it...it's pretty intense.

UT4 itself will be a free-to-play game come release, with the profits from user-generated mods in the mod marketplace (yes, made by scrubs like you and I) split between Epic and the mod author. Or so the story goes.

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  On 6/12/2015 at 6:11 AM, Solace said:

Nintendo? What's that. I don't Nintendo.

That's cold, damn lol. I have to be honest though, I don't care about Nintendo at all either. Haven't owned their consoles since like 2001....

  On 6/12/2015 at 6:11 AM, Solace said:

No I'm not getting a PS4 and I don't PC game.

If Phil Spencer delivers (he said he's pretty confident) and at least introduce 4 new IP's that aren't FPS, I might, MIGHT reconsider buying a Xbone. If they don't get to impress me this E3 I'm afraid I won't be buying it at all.

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  On 6/12/2015 at 6:49 AM, Shanco said:

I don't have high hopes for a Gears of War game showing up at E3 this year, since Epic (the developer) is currently taking its time with Unreal Tournament 4 and stability updates with the latest Unreal Engine.

If Gears of War showed up in any capacity, that'd be huge.

Epic has nothing to do with Gears of War anymore. It's been shifted to the new company Black Tusk Studios. They do however have many old faces from the old Epic team that worked on it though.

Actually Blask Tusk Studio was just renamed to 'The Coalition' but same thing.

Additionally Rod Fergusson the project head tweeted they'd be at E3. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/no-xbox-one-marcus-fenix-collection-but-dev-teases/1100-6426025/

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  On 6/12/2015 at 4:35 PM, Solace said:

The Nintendo Fanboyism is strong in this one.

I know, kind of begin to get more fanboysim to nintendo, but i do admit that nintendo have games, and what they do i don't like.

I should say that post was a joke. My truly opinon about E3 isn't really any much. I haven't play much games nowadays.

Except for sonic games or Sega, but that's another story.

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The confirmed titles for Wii U being made by Retro Studios and Platinum games is pretty damn hyped for me.

As for street fighter V, I will get more excited for that game when they announce a character I care about. Though Charlie Nash is kinda awesome.

GuilexWesker ftw

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Sony had a good show. Well done on the good things.

Excited of MGSV, The Last Guardian, FFVII Remake, Horizon, Dreams and Uncharted 4. I wish they showed more of games like ABZÛ, Rime and The Witness, though.

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Sony was kind of meh at the show imo. To quote a friend, the conference was "too much talk, not enough walk", I suppose referring to the abundance of trailers. Not to mention a lot of the games that Sony showed off are most likely going to show up on the XBOX as well, such as FF7, Hitman and MGS5.

The Last Guardian looked solid, as well as Uncharted 4. Well in reality all of the games shown had some appeal to them. World of Final Fantasy looked...odd, but at the same time a fair bit of fun.

Really wanted to see more of Project Morpheus though, especially with Microsoft going in depth on Oculus Rift, but Sony sort of left it at "yeah, this is a thing." This was the thing I was most looking forward to for Sony's conference and they just kinda blew over it. Stuff this advanced does take its time to get ready, I suppose.

Persona 5? Where was that? The game was supposed to be playable on Sony's floor at this E3 but no details from the conference. Looks like it got delayed...again.

Square Enix have their own conference tomorrow right after Nintendo's, which will probably have more information on Deus Ex, FF7, Hitman and whatever else they have in store.

While I'm here I will mention one game's graphics in particular, those being Rory McIlroy PGA Tour. I don't play the EA Sports golf games nearly as much as I used to back in like '02, but DAMN those graphics are amazing. Beginning to lament not having the patience required to play the golf games...

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Last Guardian was announced when the ps3 was first announced. It is a project a lot of people thought was dead.

As for Microsoft... I am really really annoyed that they didn't show anything for Scalebound...

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I liked Sony's presentation, but in retrospect, they didn't really show much that would be a reason to buy a PS4 for myself. Seeing Birdie in the SF5 roster kind of gives me hope for Karin, but kind of bums me out too with her copyright issue rumours.

Bethesda definitely winning this year so far for me mostly because I'm an exclusive PC gamer for now anyways.

Oh yeh, EA had some interesting things for me. Knowing that Mass Effect Andromeda is the title kind of makes me a bit less skeptical of the supposed leak. I'm actually pretty hyped for the new SWTOR expansion, I absolutely love Bioware's storytelling.

The VR thing with Minecraft absolutely blew my mind.

Edited by Fezzdog
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only good thing out of Nintendo's show was star fox. Apparently Star Fox 0 is being co-developed by Platinum games. The developer behind Bayonetta 2 and Metal Gear Rising. Platinum is also a team made up of former Clover Studios devs, so they created stuff like Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe, and Okami.

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I don't like / I'm dissapointed by the fact that Star Fox 0 is apparently a glorified re-make of Star Fox 64 / reboot... I've played enough of it and we already have a remake on 3DS...

I expected a true Sequel to the Star Fox series...

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Fallout 4 has me hyped the most, though Mass Effect, despite the trilogy's ending, at least has my attention. There was also Doom which I have never played but hey, it seemed like a proper graphical update to a classic game so might give that a shot.

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  On 6/16/2015 at 5:24 PM, Cepheus said:

I don't like / I'm dissapointed by the fact that Star Fox 0 is apparently a glorified re-make of Star Fox 64 / reboot... I've played enough of it and we already have a remake on 3DS...

I expected a true Sequel to the Star Fox series...

After the unfortunate disaster that was Star Fox Assault, I can't blame them for this approach.

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Are we just not going to talk about how the fifth paper mario game and fifth mario and luigi rpg game have been mixed together? I'm honestly really hyped for that shit. Is no one else?

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  On 6/16/2015 at 6:56 AM, Shanco said:

Sony was kind of meh at the show imo. To quote a friend, the conference was "too much talk, not enough walk", I suppose referring to the abundance of trailers. Not to mention a lot of the games that Sony showed off are most likely going to show up on the XBOX as well, such as FF7, Hitman and MGS5.

The Last Guardian looked solid, as well as Uncharted 4. Well in reality all of the games shown had some appeal to them. World of Final Fantasy looked...odd, but at the same time a fair bit of fun.

Really wanted to see more of Project Morpheus though, especially with Microsoft going in depth on Oculus Rift, but Sony sort of left it at "yeah, this is a thing." This was the thing I was most looking forward to for Sony's conference and they just kinda blew over it. Stuff this advanced does take its time to get ready, I suppose.

Persona 5? Where was that? The game was supposed to be playable on Sony's floor at this E3 but no details from the conference. Looks like it got delayed...again.

Square Enix have their own conference tomorrow right after Nintendo's, which will probably have more information on Deus Ex, FF7, Hitman and whatever else they have in store.

While I'm here I will mention one game's graphics in particular, those being Rory McIlroy PGA Tour. I don't play the EA Sports golf games nearly as much as I used to back in like '02, but DAMN those graphics are amazing. Beginning to lament not having the patience required to play the golf games...

A lot of trailers? Most of what I saw was in-game footage. Maybe you're thinking of the xbox conference.

Last guardian played out like a movie as much as it did a game, whicih looks nice, but I was never interested in it anyways. Just one of those -oh, that's neat- things and that's it for me.

World of FF looked alright. I was turned off right away by the chibi shit, but it looks like it won't be that way all the time so I'm just waiting to find out what the point of the game is and how it'll be played.

I was never interested in the uncharted series and the demo didn't do anything to change that.

Dreams looks like a claymation studio tool for use with the system. And it looked like a lot of time consuming editing that they fast forward time lapsed the hell out of. blah.

and wth? kingdom hearts unchained looks gross. is that a cell phone game? yes, yes it is. with the ugly chibi style of theatrythm and random use of chibi cats with serious dialogue that just doesn't work. WTFBBQ.

Did I mention I became less enthused about the SMT x FE game by the new stuff they showed? something something illusions? They turned tiki into a vocaloid with a terrible, generic vocaloid song shown off in the video. I am disappointed.

The star fox game really does look like a redo of the best SF game in the series, 64, but tbh, the whole dual screen thing looked really awkward. So I'm only lukewarm towards it.

wool yoshi is kinda cute I guess but not interested enough.

I didn't see the fallout 4 thing but people who enjoyed the series before said it was good and mods mods mods. kay. we'll see.

Nintendo didn't really do or show anything new for FE:Fates except give us the name and proved that they were working on getting the english voice acting done for it.

Did xenoblade chronicles look like Phantasy Star Online to anybody else? Cuz I think I'd rather play PSO. The battle system, from what little we saw of it looked like FF13's to me and a lot of people complain about that system.

The metroid prime federation force thing was on screen for only a minute, but it seemed alright. Looks like a spinoff that'll handle a lot like the kid icarus game.

Sad to say, the only thing from e3 that really had me interested was Halo 5. Geek feels when Buck from ODST is on Locke's fire team and that the MC is rolling with his original fire team. Details of warzone are vague, but it seems like they tossed enemy npc's into the middle of a bigger version of BTB to mess with both sides. Unless some of them are your allies sometimes, but there aren't any concrete details on it yet besides the number of players on each team. But it looks like there are way too many vehicles in that mode, which means a lot of one sided matches once the initial battle for vehicle supremacy is settled. I haven't been following all the tiny tidbit news about halo that came out since the announcement trailer in the past so I guess it's nice to learn a lot of new stuff at once. I'm still skeptical of the 343's storytelling ability, especially when it comes to their portrayal of MC. But it clearly has a lot of things coming together that has built up from the series canon. Profiting off of Bungie's hard work is what they're doing. But I did love how they did the Didact- have to give 'em that.

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