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E3 2015

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I never understood the big talk of E3, but whatever. I thought Nintendo did a good show for what they had. I don't think they were planning on winning it as they tend to release their stuff out little by little. I little bit of FE story and X's release date is all that I asked for.

As for Star Fox 0, re-imaging =/= remake. I'm sure the storyline will flow similarly but levels and such will be different. I haven't played the original Star Fox 64, but this new one intrigues me. It'll be it's own separate entity so don't compare it to 64 until you play it.

As for SMT x FE, it feels like a persona game with FE characters as Personas. It could be really good or it could be really bad depending what direction they go with it.

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The kingdom hearts trailer was... Okay... It didn't actually show us anything new, the entire thing teased us rather than showed us. Though seeing Xehonort and Eraquis playing chess was kinda cool. I am also a little confused as to why Sora, Donald, and Goofy is a thing.

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I never understood the big talk of E3, but whatever. I thought Nintendo did a good show for what they had. I don't think they were planning on winning it as they tend to release their stuff out little by little. I little bit of FE story and X's release date is all that I asked for.

As for Star Fox 0, re-imaging =/= remake. I'm sure the storyline will flow similarly but levels and such will be different. I haven't played the original Star Fox 64, but this new one intrigues me. It'll be it's own separate entity so don't compare it to 64 until you play it.

As for SMT x FE, it feels like a persona game with FE characters as Personas. It could be really good or it could be really bad depending what direction they go with it.

Watching them play through the first stage of corneria, at lot of it looked like it was ripped directly from the first level of SF64. It's like they're trying to reset the series, and tbh, I'm glad it's a lot closer to the gameplay of starfox 64. The way it flies and handles was better. But it needs to change up the enemies more.

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The kingdom hearts trailer was... Okay... It didn't actually show us anything new, the entire thing teased us rather than showed us. Though seeing Xehonort and Eraquis playing chess was kinda cool. I am also a little confused as to why Sora, Donald, and Goofy is a thing.

It did show us more of the combat outside of the flashy boats and shit for the keen eye. Like the bazooka Keylblade function. Cuz it can do that now.

And what's a main KH game without the trio? Good? Oh...

Srs pls let us not be stuck with Dolan and gooby it was cool at first but now the charm is wearing thin...

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...Sorry for that, but I've been waiting for this since 2010, and it's been my most-hyped game for that whole 5 years. It looks absolutely AMAZING, and now I'll HAVE to buy a PS4 by 2016. I played both ICO and Shadow of the Colossus and LOVED THEM TO DEATH. SotC is my all-time favorite game right now, and I expect great things from The Last Guardian. I am literally so happy right now, I can't even explain it!

:D :D:D:D:D:D:D

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Watching them play through the first stage of corneria, at lot of it looked like it was ripped directly from the first level of SF64. It's like they're trying to reset the series, and tbh, I'm glad it's a lot closer to the gameplay of starfox 64. The way it flies and handles was better. But it needs to change up the enemies more.

I'll admit the whole cockpit concept is really cool from what I've seen. Nintendo is really playing it safe by basing it off the 64 game which isn't necessarily a bad thing. My guess is that if this one succeeds, the successor will replace Assault reviving the series. (Now all they need to do is make an F-zero game).

By the way, that Metroid game looked like crap ngl. It felt more like a third party game trying to convey the name of metriod (let's be honest here, metroid is metroid because you feel alone and isolated).

Then there's that Paper Mario and Mario and Luigi crossover. I've grown less fond of the Mario and Luigi series since Bowser's inside story so I'll probably pass on this one. All I want is a Paper Mario game like TTYD without all these gimmicky attacks and 5-8 party members.

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I think sony had the best presentation overall cause for one they kept me interested for a majority of the time and they had a lot of actual gameplay

As for nintendo honestly what ruined it for me was the leaks we pretty much knew what was coming before the direct even started and then what further ruined it for me was seeing a bunch of pokemon and smash bros fan blow up over twitter because then didn't get what they wanted. But nintendo had a decent presentation just no surprise at all

only thing to say about microsoft too much CG

Square didn't looked prepared at all they just re-showed FFVII and kingdom hearts 3 which looks good but then you see the background is completely bare

the first game they showed looked interesting but I was distracted to really get a good look

EA had a good first half all the way up to GW2 then lost it with all the speeches and sports games which took the fun out of star wars for me

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I don't like / I'm dissapointed by the fact that Star Fox 0 is apparently a glorified re-make of Star Fox 64 / reboot....

This is what Nintendo has been doing for the pass 20 years, where u been? This is the reason I don't own a Nintendo console or handheld. Nintendo was the very first company to start this foolish trend of remaking games over and over again. I haven't been tracked of Nintendo since 2004, have they created any new IP's since them?

I have to admit though, Star Fox 64 was one of the best games I ever played during my childhood....

Sony won this conference period. Literally my reaction with LAST GUARDIAN


FF7 remake and first on PS4??? I been waiting for this since 2005. The new FF back them didn't really did it for me and the last few ones (FXIII saga did no justice for me). This is the only remake game I would truly pay 60.

Out of all the new IP's coming out Horizon Zero Dawn is a most wanted for me. Definitely one day purchase. Just look at the world man...

Not going to said anything about Fallout4 because everyone will be getting that one including myself

No P5 trailer but it's good. Last Guardian gave me that wow feeling I was waiting for


- Last Guardian

- Horizon Zero Dawn

- Fallout4

- P5

- SF5

- FF7

- BO3 (I love zombies <3)

PS I was really surprise Sony got the DLC first for CoD, anyone predicted that one?

Edited by Smok3iT
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