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Rock Monotype Run ( Advice/Help is welcomed! )


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Hello everyone, this is Sakuya and for this Topic I am showcasing my team and getting advice from you guys, the Reborn Community, if possible. I recently started my Reborn Monotype Run with my friends at the Sora League ( Pokemon Showdown League ) and I've chosen the Rock Monotype which I think I find difficult yet interesting. So far, I am at Post-Shelly and working my way to Shade by grinding up bit by bit. My current team follow and all are around level 35~37ish right now.

My team:

post-55707-0-48733000-1433606556.pngGolem ( Lvl 35 )

- Rock Blast
- Bulldoze
- Stealth Rock
- Smack Down

post-55707-0-08929200-1433606583.pngAnorith ( Lvl 37 )
- Smack Down

- Fury Cutter ( I love this move a lot. It's underrated but powerful :D )

- Metal Claw

- Slash

post-55707-0-33098100-1433606580.pngSudowoodo ( Lvl 36 )

- Rock Slide

- Sucker Punch

- Low Kick

- Rock Tomb

post-55707-0-66256400-1433606578.pngGraveler ( Lvl 29, Filler )

- Magnitude

- Self Destruct

- Smack Down

- Bulldoze

hope you guys can give me feedback/advice on my team. Thank you for taking your time to read this and as always, have a nice day :D

Edited by SoraFalcon
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Thing is, that in this point of the game Rock Monotype is extremely limited, so the Pokemon you get from Shelly to Shade (Credit to this thread: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=14182) only include Lunatone and Solrock which may be useful later on but against Shade will more than likely be a liability. If you're really looking for another Pokemon to use in the meanwhile as a filler or something I'd recommend Onix just for the sake of it being there if anything since Onix is horrible. What I think you should do is evolve Anorith and common candy it down from 40 so it obeys you against Shade. Good news is after you beat Shade, you get a bunch of new Pokemon available to you such as Binacle, Shuckle, Slugma, Nosepass and Corsola. Against Shade himself though, I'd recommend leading with Sudowoodo in order to OHKO his Gengar with Sucker Punch and after that get your Stealth Rock up from Golem ASAP since Shade uses a Chandelure.

Anyway, hope this helps man; good luck with your run!

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All i can really suggest right now is to fill the other slots with pokemon, even if they're just garbage. Having extra slots just to potion up your Golem or whatever is very useful in such a hard run.

At the moment I'm pretty sure all you can add are the Solrock/Lunatone from the Grand Stairway. After you get to Apophyll a plethora of ok rock types become available so you don't have to use the second Graveler.

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Like the posts above said, just go fill up your team slots with Lunatone/Solrock and Onix. I'd recommend first setting Stealth Rocks up with Onix, and then, well, just try to go with the rest of Female Gallade's strategy! Chandelure's Energy Ball may be a problem, but hopefully you can live one and kill it with any Rock type move!

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alright then thanks guys for all your feedback and better yet, your experiences throughout the game. I thank you guys again because this helps out a lot considering I don't really get much of a choice with pokemons with Rock Mono until Post-Aya because then I will be able to get Fossils and stuff like that. Anyways, thank you so much for giving feedback.

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