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Lightening the Workload.


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All good things come to an end.

..... No I'm not cancelling Rejuvenation, but that first sentence is super click bait-y, so I win.

Anyways, after consulting some people and doing some personal thinking on my end, I've come to the conclusion that I'm probably working myself to death(Not literally) Although, before everyone spams the thread with "Stop overworking yourself, Jan > :(!", consider this: the work that I do is fun. I enjoy it. However, that's where the danger comes in. I probably enjoy it a little too much. To the point where I can't distinguish it being work or leisure time. So in that, I never stop working. When I'm not working, I'm thinking about working. Which is bad.

So here's what's going to happen. I'm going (force myself) to cut some development time and the next version's release content. Which means instead of 2 badges in v6, it'll only have one. I'll also be taking days off. Do not fret. Mademoiselle! All is not lost. There are some benefits to this. You'll get version 6 a lot earlier than intended, and I'll have more time to polish more things (Which- Dear God, some places needed polish) and refine things more.

That being said, I am super ecstatic for version 6 because it's probably the most polished it's ever been. A lot of things have been redone a lot better, and gameplay goes along smoothly. Not to mention a plethora of new Pokemon being introduced early game. This will change the meta quite a bit so I'm not sure how difficulty will be normally.

Ah well, we'll see. Thank you guys for taking the time to read this.

I honestly hate making public announcements like this because it makes me feel self centered and make it seem like I'm important, but I ain't lol.

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Oh well, I suppose by making a smaller version, we also have less new secrets to discover, so guides shall be updated very quickly! Glad you've decided not to kill yourself with an overload of work, Jan! Who else will make us more updates for Rejuvenation?

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Do what has to be done.

Just a little tip for situations like this:

If you really are working non-stop... get your cellphone and set the alarm clock for your work time, and put it a few meters away from you

Say you want to work on this 4 hours. you set the alarm clock for 4 hours later and when it goes of... you know your time is up... maybe finish the event you are working on, so you don't forget to finish it later, and CLOSE THE PROGRAM.

and don't dismiss the alarm... let it ring... it will get annoying as hell by the time so you have to force yourself to quit

Only dismiss the alarm when the program is closed (and the project saved)

(or maybe get a friend to call you when the time is up so (S)HE forces you to quit)

I know that feeling "I'll work on that for 1-2 hours" ... later "HOLY DAMN IT'S ALREADY WTF-o'clock???" that alarm trick helped me a lot personally

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Just from reading the topic title, I thought more people had come to help you work on the game; honestly i'm suprised you are still the only one working on this great game. If I knew anything about the rgss player or mapping i'd surely help out lol, sorry im only good at playing :[

Edited by SexyMilotic
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I am ok with this, I mean, nobody pays you or something like that for making the game, it is just your hobby. I think that the most of us will support you even if the progress goes a little bit slower.

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Just from reading the topic title, I thought more people had come to help you work on the game; honestly i'm suprised you are still the only one working on this great game. If I knew anything about the rgss player or mapping i'd surely help out lol, sorry im only good at playing :[

Nah, he actually does have people who work on the game as well (including me, I do spritework for the game and have been helping him out with updating graphics as well), but he still does most, if not all, the coding and mapping himself. He still has to do most of the work.

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Nah, he actually does have people who work on the game as well (including me, I do spritework for the game and have been helping him out with updating graphics as well), but he still does most, if not all, the coding and mapping himself. He still has to do most of the work.

u wot m8. It's only you and I. Git gud.

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If i could spriting(which i could once but gave it up), i would definetly help you.

And don't be like that, you are super important for us all and me very much. You made something that i enjoy a lot and made me help people and such.

And the posting i got from it <33 I got more than you because of that. In seriousness do what you have to.

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That being said, that's completely fine by me Jan. You should have time to do other things you want to instead of just working on Rejuvenation.

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lol whats this thing even code in? ik a bit of lua and python so im sure this cant be THAT hard to learn and id love to help...just be warned that if im ever allowed to hide a secret you all will never find it eheheh...

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Well you know honestly, I would be willing to help you Jan. It would be nice to help me get comfortable with scripting and mapping, etc. I mean, there are probably others better than me, but at least I'm willing to help.

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lol whats this thing even code in? ik a bit of lua and python so im sure this cant be THAT hard to learn and id love to help...just be warned that if im ever allowed to hide a secret you all will never find it eheheh...

It uses Ruby.

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:0 ohhhs nobody else picked up on the statement about new early game poke's, am i the only one thats curious what they are? :'(

probably a magikarp somewhere, in an extremely convoluted and tedious side quest. :Kappa:

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brb going to go learn ruby on Codecadamy rlly quick.

I doubt RGSS is on CodeAcademy.

probably a magikarp somewhere, in an extremely convoluted and tedious side quest. :Kappa:

Doubt it. Magikarp used to be in this game but it was removed.

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I doubt RGSS is on CodeAcademy.

Doubt it. Magikarp used to be in this game but it was removed.

RGSS is not on CodeAcademy but Ruby is. ill learn that first to mkae RGSS easier i guess? meh ill just go learn it all xD

Also the ::Kappa:: was kinda indicating a joke but meh

Edited by Mukkod
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no jan hates magikarp hence why it got axed and to be honest with you it is super overpowered gyarados with moxie will solo every gym leader to date .... and im not kidding either

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