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Rule Breaking and Steps Taken Against It.


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[size=5]Soo.. We came up with this plan awhile ago but never made an offical announcement or topic for it. Therefore I am making one now.

When people break rules what are we to do and what steps do we take? As I stated we have already came up with this.

Warning 1: With warning one also comes a kick when it is a major case.

Warning 2: If said rule breaker continues to break the rules another warning then a mute will be put into place until a set amount of time by the authority.

Warning 3: If the rule breaker continues even after two warnings, a kick and a mute then a temporary ban will be put into effect and said person will be unbanned after a period of time. A separate topic will be made to keep records of this.

Warning 4: If it comes down to four warnings.. Obviously that person will not change and there fore a permanent ban will be used.[/size]

Ame will probably edit stuff into this like a lot but.. For now this is the basic guidline.

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Guest Hikaru Hitachiin
[quote]Rule 7 and YOU: An informative guide
In order to help you better understand your local Rule 7 determining and disciplining procedures, please review the helpful pamphlet conveniently posted below. Delicious non-neurotoxin-filled cake will be provided in the mean time.

For your luxury, a scale of potential offense of Rule 7 has been outlined just below. Please take a moment to browse its highly-professionalized contents, followed by the brief examples of each incidence, and our current level of standard disciplinary procedures.
1. Light Sexual Discussion
2. Explicit Innuendo
3. Mature Discussion
4. Inappropriate Imagery
5. Vulgar Joke
6. Using a Vulgar Name
7. Graphic/vulgar Discussion
8. Offensive "Discussion"
9. Posting Vulgar/Pornographic Material

1. Light Sexual Discussion-
Brief mention of sexual conduct, either in passing or skitting across details.
"I'd so do her"
"We get done "Doing things" then I whisper to him "Kitchen now"~<3"
*** EFG hides his whips. ***
Things that could sorta be Rule 7 if you read it that way but don't necessarily have to be.
"EFG's Tactic Handbook Rule # 253: Don't put it in if you're not sure"

2. Explicit Innuendo-
Regardless of how explicit it may or may not actually be, Your Mom/In Bed jokes fall here. 'Course, it's easy for those to just get annoying if used more than once or twice, don't be afraid to mute on that regard.
Inoffensive/non-vulgar puns
"Roadside ass-istance"
Minor allusions to kinks, etc
"(perhaps refering to the ladder) Alright, I'm finally rising to the top!" "Oh, really? I thought you were total sub."

3. Mature Discussion-
Although it's often far from mature, it is more contained, so let's consider games a la Truth or Dare part of this.
Legitimate discussion seeking advice/etc on sexual affairs
Discussions regarding individual tastes/preference in sex (assuming it's kept relatively clean). Not including things as simple as "Psh, blondes are so much better." [s]Even if we are.[/s] Rather, preferences about the act itself.
A border-line case: "This guy was like "Does being a whore help you sleep at night?" I replied saying "Hell yeah, after sex you can helppp goooood"" While not exactly mature, persay, it's neither light nor vulgar.
Also included in this category are songs and images that you wouldn't want say, an 10-11 year old to see/hear but would normally be enjoyed by teenagers.

4. Inappropriate Imagery
This is pretty simple. Posting pointless things such as:
" / /(())\ \ "
So on. Regretablly it didn't comfortably fit into any of the other categories.

5. Vulgar Joke-
Sexually-oriented humor at another's expense.
"People who ___ are fags/sissies" etc. This may also fall under disrespect, but this covers in case it's not aimed at a specific person.
Creating inappropriate anagrams from words. Neku used to be a fan of this, but has calmed down a litte lately. For instance,
"Hmmmm U.S.A = Under-Sexed Assholes"
Also included are songs that are overly sexual/inappropriate... Like... Khia, My neck/My back.

6. Using A Vulgar Name-
"DJ Kirby Big Cock"
"i raep u all"
Good rule of thumb? Suppose you met a person on a street, shook their hand as they said, "Hello, my name is _____"
"My name is Niggertits, nice to meet you."
If the name at this point would want to make you remove your hand, slowly back away and then run, then it is inappropriate.

7. Vulgar/Graphic discussion
Uncontrolled/immature and/or excessive sexual discussion
"My cock is so fucking huge and hard"
"can i get pussy on this server?"
"It's all I can do to not touch myself right now"
Those are borderline examples. I don't think I have to elaborate on more direct cases.
Also included is posting lightly or tastefully pornographic material. This clause is mainly here to make distinct the punishment between something like this (such as Kajj's wanting to share PokePorn with everyone because he thought they would enjoy it) versus a case of level 9 offense.

8. Offensive "discussion"
Note discussion is in quotes because the closest this usually gets to discussion as is is a person saying it and then getting banned. A la DJ Kirby.
Alternatively, Invasive "discussion"
"EFG loves my cock in his anus every night"
*** EFG shoves penis in everyone's faces ***
Also included is sexual harassment. Be it in PMs or otherwise
"will you be my feet mistress?"
Asking for nudes, etc
All that stuff you learned in 4th grade to tell a trusted adult if someone does to you.

9. Posting Vulgar/Pornographic Material
A la 2girls, tubgirl, meatspin. Things intentionally spammed/trick-posted to make people click and say, "OH MY GOD. WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT. MY EYESSSSSSSS." The exception to this rule is Saya posting pictures of me, because although they are not anything close to the aforementioned sites/videos, they tend to elicit the same reaction. QQ[/quote]

So, you know, what not to do.
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[color=#800080]...Anybody else Lol at this? Not to mock you, but..... some people should've been banned a while ago by this standard. *points to self* Honestly cracking down like the Gestapo isn't going to change much. You can't rightly ask people to change solely for the fact that it bother you. Just Saiyan......[/color]

[color=#800080][img]http://www.myfacewhen.net/uploads/449-cool-story-bro-.png[/img] [/color]

[color=#800080]inb4 delete.[/color]
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You're right. A lot of people should be banned yourself should be on temp ban. We had this planned awhile ago but never put it into effect. Now we are. Soo this is basically everyone's first warning. To know that auth is going to be more strict. and to your cool story bro. Klol~
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  • Administrators
Actually, this is effectively the same as it's always been. We just thought it would be nice to get everyone on the same page. Cool Story Bro all you want- if you don't want to be informed, you don't have to read.

However, "[color="#800080"]You can't rightly ask people to change solely for the fact that it bother you[/color]"
Well, we can. And if they don't, then we do have the power to ask them to leave. But I, for one, prefer not to have to resort to that. How about you?
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[color=#800080]Yes you can, but seriously this is a tad bit extreme. Especially with (no offense) Tyler on the staff who has had a history of being kick/mute happy, and has no remorse for it.... I mean I still have that old thread hidden away to show evidence. I'm all for reforms, but like a said extremes are extreme. Just Saiyan. As it seems I'm already in line for a temp ban......sooooo[/color]
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  • Administrators
You guys realise this is actually more lenient than we have been in the past right? There's nothing extreme about this. Before we were using a three-strikes and you're out, thing. This makes the third strike a temp-ban, not a permaban. So... I'm not sure what the problem is, really.

I understand that this is kinda out of nowhere. Usually when we make these sorts of announcements it's because discipline has been lackluster lately but the times I've been on the server recently (albeit that is sparingly,) everything's been all right. This isn't in response to anything, or trying to reform everything. This is just so you all know the poclicies the staff are abiding by as well.
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Not siding with Erick here, but, I somewhat agree with some of his points.

But. Rules are rules, and I'm definately not going to challenge/break them unless everyone else is at the same time. When there are only regulars, we want to let loose some steam sometimes, and sometimes, it is rather fun.
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[color=#800080]Bro I'll post that thread right back only. Only to have Ame take it down so somebody doesn't get all butt hurt over it. Seriously. Ya'll can come at me with your best shot, but I can guarantee mine will be 10 times worse. Oh and FYI you were the catalyst in the whole scenario that lead me to post the damn thread Mashew. Like I said I', not going to back down, so have fun~[/color]

[color="#800080"]I'm not openly opposing the rules, but we ALL know how big of A-holes you two can be when you guys get a stick shoved where the sun don't shine. Seeing as a certain someone popped in solely to mute/kick me.[/color]
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  • Administrators
All right, right now, you are out of line, Erick. There are much more mature ways you can be handling this. I suggest you find them, otherwise you'll just be shooting yourself in the foot. I will close this topic if necessary.
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All I see is "QQ now if I do something you're going to slap my wrists. These wrists are gunna get me through college via modeling career and I don't want them touched."

Seriously, if you have a problem there are tons of other servers out there.
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Good lord this thread screams "VIVA LA REVOLUCIÓN!!!"

Hopefully you authies can do better at this attempt at peace then back when I was serving.
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[color=#800080]Yes Ame I understand there are more mature ways of doing this, but we have seen where THAT has gotten me. When I try to talk with you in a civilized manner all I get it "We'll see what we can do" or "Just Ignore it". Honestly this is like the one way I can actually get someone to see what I have to say. The thread for instance. I objected in a quiet civilized manner, and oh looky it was deleted within 10 minutes. I'm trying to get my point across, and acting like a nun has got me nowhere in the past, so pardon me if I'm a bit blunt.[/color]
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I think this was put up because [b]some[/b] of us DO need structure (to include certain mods) while the vast majority don't. So, if a member or mod gets out of hand, we have a standard by which we can clearly point to a deviation.

Erick, even when tired and frustrated, you should strive to be the righteous thorn in the backside instead of the backside thrust into one's face.

And I have to side with Erick that it's grating to hear some of this coming from two of the mods who have been the most guilty of much of this in the past. Especially given that none of this has actually happened recently to my knowledge, posting this is a bit like picking a scab open to toss salt on it and then pouring on lemon and lime. It just brings back distasteful memories.
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