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Beautiful radiance

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Hi guys. Reignited'Light/DestructiveSkitty here.

So I've been noticing a whole bunch of screaming and finger pointing around the server. Can we all take a moment and just place a smile on our faces? I want to spread a lot of cheer and joy with this topic for today. I won't be around the server as much, so I'll just leave this gif here.


I hope we can grow our community to a better direction, instead of the path that leads to meaningless drama and shooting pain.
Let's bring out the light, and put on a crystal smile!

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http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=14714 (Moony and Jelly)
http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13499 (Skitty)
http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=14011 (Skitty)
http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13585 (Skitty)
http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11343 (Skitty)

Those are the current Teambuilding shops, opened and closed. Moony's teams are a bit better though, however the teams you requested are in one of my four threads! Have a nice day, Red! ^^

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Now hold on mates. The person's trying to address a serious matter and y'all are being comical about it. I mean seriously, wtf? This is why I don't do the server, because I don't really like BS like this.

Avoiding the server is one thing and you know, you do you, but-

meaningless drama and shooting pain.

I don't see any of this here, do you? I think we're doing just fine.

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I don't see any of this here, do you? I think we're doing just fine.

I don't want to call any names, but yes. I do see a bunch of drama that does cause pain for some people. It's not all terrible, but I rather not let the community grow into that direction.

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What do you imply when you say that? I take that a few different ways.

I'm saying you're free to do what you want, but the "BS like this" you're seeing here isn't anything more than friends poking fun at each other, because they're the sort of friends to do that. The quote and message following were supposed to imply that, but, I guess that was pretty unclear. Sorry.

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.....Welp I really just didn't know. I'm really under a rock on server deals. I have heard that Skitty is a serious thorn in the sides of many when it comes to battling. I guess I was misinformed.

I think I'm a solid OU player and a great teambuilder, yeah. However, I too, have my moments when I'm not in the competitive zone. You're free to discuss this with me in PM, if you like to.

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