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trying to build a decent team, got 2 badges so far


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I'm stuck on shelly of all people. every other gym has been a single battle ordeal.

My team is the following.

(my fastest pokemon for some reason)Onyx Lvl 34: Rock slide, Screech, Slam, Stealth Rock

Ursaring Lvl 34: Slash, Feint Attack, Play Nice, Fake Tears

Combuskin Lvl 34: Flame Charge, Peck, Quick Attack, Sand Attack

Pancham Lvl 34: Vital Throw, Circle Throw, Slash, Body Slam

Murkrow Lvl 26(grinding him out still): Brave Bird, Wing Attack, Assurance, Night Shade

Trubbish Lvl 34: Sludge Bomb, Poison Gas, Toxic Spikes, Stockpile

I have a growlithe stored I can level, and a noctowl at level 33.

i really shouldnt be having the trouble i am with shelly. but it being a double battle throws me off for some reason. any tips?

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Use Flame Burst with Growlithe to burn the field,as Chubb and Aqua said. There's an Onix event in Peridot, grab it and just have it put Stealth Rocks on. Watch her team get rekt just by entering the field (unless Anorith has Rapid Spin and decides to use it)

Also, Dodrio with Pluck and Emolga with Acrobatics totally destroy her. And there's Ampharos, who's a great pick in reborn in general, gets Power Gem at 35 and kicks butt.

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I would go with growlithe aswell,especially because it gets xp boost in e15 so you shouldnt have much trouble leveling to something decent.Perhaps also mareep(like growlithe,should have xp boost) or blitzle,both can para some stuff and can evolve before the gym.

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which combo is killing you? you have a onix there and if i remember correctly rock slide hits both in a double battle, yamega and sirskit will be problems for onix i'd also go with growliithe, and combo with onix, use growlithe to remove the feild then just spam rock slide from onix

personally i'd swap the growllithe you have stored for the murkrow you are grinding up at the moment then go back to grinding it for shade.

Edited by sandy
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Flame Burst / Fire Pledge BURNS her Field!

Paralyzing Yanmega helps out.

Air Cutter hits both Pokemon, which is also useful.

Shelly was actually one of the easiest Gym Leaders for me, with my trusty Braixen!

Yeah Chubb has most of the strats down. Ampharos is an amazing Elec. Type. Growlithe learns Flame Burst. What's a good Air Cutter pokemon at this point?

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