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Caption Contest 14


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-There will be three judges, Amethyst and two other members, any of whom are free to volunteer. First come first serve
-Being a judge will mean you cannot enter the contest yourself.
-Members can PM me images for future weeks contests. Their use is not guaranteed.
-If a Member's image is chosen, they may not enter the contest that week
-You are limited to one caption per week, but it can be changed before the contest close
-The contest ends on SUNDAY at 12 AM EST

-Each judge's favorite caption will receive $R400. If this means three different people get $R400 or one gets $R1200- so be it.
-One random entrant each week will be given $R300. This is independent of the winner. Judges will be included in this draw.
-If a Member's image is chosen, they will be awarded $R500

[u]This week's Image~[/u]

To enter, just post the caption you think best suits the image in this topic~
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(Well, since Ame's the one who's doing everything still, and all I do is post them, I can still enter << >>)

Those Tympole you KO'd to train your Petilil before the second gym? Yeah, they made it big. Your Lilligant's jelly. Are you?
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[color=#800080]*Lilligant used Quiver Dance* [/color]

[color=#800080]Lilligant's Speed Rose[/color]

[color=#800080]Lilligant's Special Attack Rose[/color]

[color=#800080]Lilligant's Assault Sharply Rose [/color]
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Kay, this is over NOW, as the first post says, SUNDAY. << >>

Yay I win twice, and the last to Inuki, fun stuff. As for the random pick, that I totally didn't forget, Mashew wins that one. Next one will be up tomorrow.
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