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Heracross or Gallade


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Heracross is bit faster than Gallade and has an overall better bulk, although from the special side Gallade is better. But Gallade has something Heracross doesn't have for now and that is a set up move in the form of Swords Dance! I know that Hera has Moxie but it needs to KO 2 pokemon to reach the levels of Gallade that only needs one turn to use SD. You can even get lucky with any of Gallade's abilities and have more stat boosts. From type coverage both have a wide variety of moves and possess strong STABs. I would suggest Gallade cause both in normal and mega form run the same sets, unlike Heracross that has different sets in normal and mega form (whenever we are able to use them though)

Edited by pyrromanis
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I'd go purely Heracross. Although Gallade has a way better movepool, something about Moxie, and two beast power moves in Close Combat and Megahorn, I'd think it outclasses Gallade by miles. Guts is also a beastly ability. Burns? No problem. Poison? DEAL WITH IT. Swarm is also sub-par for those pinch moments with Megahorn. Although GALLADE is way easier to obtain than Heracross. If you got time to kill, Heracross, otherwise Gallade all day, since this is still Reborn we're talking about.

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Go Heracross. I've messed around with Gallade a fair bit and even with what seems to be it's best set (SD, STABs, Shadow Sneak), it struggles a lot. It's bulk makes it impossible to set up on anything but special attackers and even then, it needs to set up a LOT because it's rather slow and, again, physically frail, so it relies on Sneak a lot.

Heracross is much better, same attack stat but with a more useful movepool (it has no Psychic moves, but gets EQ and Rock moves, Bug is also pretty useful), slightly less special bulk and way more physical defense (though it's still not supposed to be taking hits). It's especially more viable because of Guts and the fact that a Toxic Orb is in the game:


You could also go Moxie, but sub-par speed and defenses mean a hit-and-run style is more efficient. Unless you have Trick Room or Tailwind support.

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