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Cool stuff you'd like to see in Reborn


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Yeah basically as title says, just some stuff you think would be cool to see in the game (not a suggestion thread for devs or anything, just wanted to see some ideas from other people). I'll start:

Remember that meteor guy in Beryl Ward just before

Pulse Tangrowth#2

? The no one will throw him a bone? Well I think it'd be pretty cool if we could have the option "throw" if we had a Rare Bone in our inventory then he'd thank us or something and unlock one of the "rare item" vendors who buy stuff for high price.

Be sure to keep it spoiler friendly m8s. Serious ideas and joke ideas accepted equally!

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*Runs from a distance*

ME ME ME! I have Ideas!

1- A "egg move" tutor! For those of us too lazy to breed mons this late in the game!

2- A "punch move" tutor! Can you imagine a random guy be like "Real Men fight with their fists! Shall I teach a fisting move to your Pokémon?"

3- A vendor that appears at a random location daily that will buy items at full price! BUT! After you sell him stuff, he dissapears for the day!

*Runs back to the hills*

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*Runs from a distance*

ME ME ME! I have Ideas!

1- A "egg move" tutor! For those of us too lazy to breed mons this late in the game!

2- A "punch move" tutor! Can you imagine a random guy be like "Real Men fight with their fists! Shall I teach a fisting move to your Pokémon?"

3- A vendor that appears at a random location daily that will buy items at full price! BUT! After you sell him stuff, he dissapears for the day!

*Runs back to the hills*

I like this idea a lot, but I doubt it won't be put into the game... or these will be put into the post-game.

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*Runs from a distance*

ME ME ME! I have Ideas!

1- A "egg move" tutor! For those of us too lazy to breed mons this late in the game!

2- A "punch move" tutor! Can you imagine a random guy be like "Real Men fight with their fists! Shall I teach a fisting move to your Pokémon?"

3- A vendor that appears at a random location daily that will buy items at full price! BUT! After you sell him stuff, he dissapears for the day!

*Runs back to the hills*

iirc eggs now contain egg moves? Don't quote me on that though. Like punch move tutor alot, maybe at Apophyll.

Another: some sort of ability to turn one of your Pokemon into a shiny sacrificing another shiny of the same Pokemon and some shards.

Also some flavour text when interacting with moss and ice rock to be 100% sure they are what they are (ie this stone is blooming with ever verdant energy or something)

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1. It's not possible to have a Rare Bone before that iirc

2. "throwing a bone" is just a saying

Sorry f I let you down. *maniacal laugh*

True it's just a saying but it would be a fun addition :D Also I believe you can since you get mining kit WAAAAAAAAAAAAY

before Agate

and tons of rocks to mine.

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True it's just a saying but it would be a fun addition :D Also I believe you can since you get mining kit WAAAAAAAAAAAAY

before Agate

and tons of rocks to mine.

Ah, right. Thought you meant giving it to him/her in Beryl already. Heh. :)
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I'd love my character to get to own a house where she could let all her team out at once and the Pokémon would wander around it. Decorating it unnecessarily is a bonus. I think sometimes my character wants to have a place of her own to rest.

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I'm quite humble, I just want some decent move tutors for a change... Snore, seriously?

The best thing you can learn from these guys are the pledge moves, that is, if your starter is crap.

You shall take your Quash and like it!

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Possibly a Battle Frontier of some sort? That might take some heavy work to do though, but I'm excited how Ame's going to do the postgame.

Other than that, some decent move tutors would do. Possibly when we get to Labradorra?

That house idea is wonderful too. Kinda like the villa thingy in Gen IV.

Yeah I LOVED the Villa A Battle Frontier would be pretty cool as well. I wonder who the Frontier Leaders would be?

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Also some flavour text when interacting with moss and ice rock to be 100% sure they are what they are (ie this stone is blooming with ever verdant energy or something)

Pretty sure this is already the case, is it not? At least in 15?

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You know, episode 16 is the perfect time for the house idea, what with

us returning to the city to find it rennovated

I support this idea. However, the thing about letting out your Pokemon inside isn't gonna happen. For that, we'd need overworld sprites of ALL Pokemon. Instead, it should just work like a secret base. As for location, maybe the house we let the hiker live in so long ago? Or maybe an appartment in one of the many appartment buildings.

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You know, episode 16 is the perfect time for the house idea, what with

us returning to the city to find it rennovated

I support this idea. However, the thing about letting out your Pokemon inside isn't gonna happen. For that, we'd need overworld sprites of ALL Pokemon. Instead, it should just work like a secret base. As for location, maybe the house we let the hiker live in so long ago? Or maybe an appartment in one of the many appartment buildings.

On the next episode of Pokemon Reborn Cribz~

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:D definitely up for the house thing, Reborn Cribz with new items to furnish the more you progress through story/sidequests. What I really would like to see is some gang storyline development, I know we took down the rival but could do with some more :P

Yeah then I'd make w thread where people show off their houses lol

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More funny things to happen, whether as a sidequest, or any casual incident, cause why not?




P.S. this Tauros is so pussy.

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