Deleted User Posted June 9, 2015 Share Posted June 9, 2015 On 6/9/2015 at 2:45 AM, Hukuna Fulmine said: Literally every Flower Garden member but me is on there... ((Irrefutable proof that no one likes me.)) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted June 9, 2015 Share Posted June 9, 2015 Hmmm... I think I will take Hugs over that thank you very much. Na, I don't really want either. *Runs at top speed.* ((which for Hukuna is really slow cause Hukuna doesn't run.)) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zephyrus the Priestess Posted June 9, 2015 Share Posted June 9, 2015 On 6/8/2015 at 8:52 PM, Dobby said: I'm afraid I'm not going to list out 20+ people like Bibs because I know for a fact that I will miss people out and feel so fucking guilty for it "you truly are my mother" the presequel that and although I highly approve of threads like this, I feel like doing something more intimate, like sending messages of appreciation privately instead. anyway the things I want to say are going to take a frikton of spoiler tags and I have class in an hour, more or less, so I can't post it all here now so, I'm going to follow Mother Dobby's lead too, and say this: Reborn is one of the biggest reasons why I'm glad that my second relationship happened, even if it was a very shitty one. If I hadn't been pushed to look for a way to battle online, I would have probably not further investigated this fangame I read about in TvTropes. So, I want to thank Ame and all the devs and folks who contributed to the making of this game, getting word out and such. If I hadn't learned about the game, I probably wouldn't have found my way into the community either. I'm either lucky or blessed or both to have met you guys and found a family to come home to whenever I'm online. In turn, I'd like to thank all the auths and members, Ace or no Ace, for such a great time. special shoutout to all the children of blue \o/. And, totally not copying Vinny of course, you, whomever you are, whether you're a guest or a member or Google or Yahoo or Bing. Just by being here, you're helping keep this place alive (I think, anyway). Plus you're a pretty swell person for sure. :] you keep on doing your thing, bruv. tl;dr: ily Reborn. y'all keep being insane and awesome <3 uh I'm all out of words and time so take this with you instead dear reader Reveal hidden contents INCOMING MEMES AND .GIFS-- oh darn I'm too late Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkhi Posted June 9, 2015 Share Posted June 9, 2015 On 6/9/2015 at 2:45 AM, Hukuna Fulmine said: Literally every Flower Garden member but me is on there... ((Irrefutable proof that no one likes me.)) I added you. You're not the one at fault here, that was my error. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted June 9, 2015 Share Posted June 9, 2015 On 6/9/2015 at 4:07 AM, Arkhidon said: I added you. You're not the one at fault here, that was my error. THat... and I jsut like messin' with you to much XD. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Bagel Posted June 9, 2015 Share Posted June 9, 2015 On 6/9/2015 at 2:26 AM, Jelly said: interesting Interesting Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Simon Posted June 9, 2015 Share Posted June 9, 2015 Well, I've been procrastinating this and keeping trying to think of what to say and yea. I suck at stuff like this. To be honest, there are members on here that I'm closer with in a sense, despite the fact I don't go on the server anymore. That being said, I appreciate everyone I got to talk to, discuss, debate, laugh with, argue with, etc. on the forums. Without this, who knows what type of person I would have turned out to be probably less lazy... maybe. Anyways, love ya'll. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chase Posted June 9, 2015 Share Posted June 9, 2015 People APPRECIATE ME?THIS WAS NOT A PART OF THE PLAN........................ --- First let me get my obligatory cop-out appreciation for the entirety of the community. Without you guys I wouldn't have anyone to hold dominion over be a part of a community with at ALL a lot of the time. You guys are alright. Dan - Dan was the first person that ever talked to me when I arrived at Reborn in the first place, which makes him the first person to make me feel welcome. Not only that, he quickly become a great friend - one who cared enough to reach out to me when I was living in a considerable rut in my life - and gave me shelter. Dan did everything he could to make sure I -stayed- with Reborn, which really was a startling effort on his part - and a huge reason I didn't leave Reborn behind. Sometimes the only way you know you're truly welcome somewhere is when someone pursues you. Thank you, Dan. Maelstrom - Mael and I have different points of view on a few philosophical and theological areas that sometimes result in spats - but one of the weird things about me is that I can always appreciate passionate resistance as it makes me want to fight back harder and keep up, while also causing me to try to understand why someone feels so strongly about something. Mael is a passionate person when you get him talking about the right things, and this has not only made him a memorable opponent, but a wonderful "co-worker" and friend when the debates are called off. Both of us appreciate a good drink and both of us have a degree of "seniority" on quite a bit of you as well, which is actually refreshing at times. Skitty - A lot of people will think of Autumn as that one chick who is in AO and is good at competitive Pokemon. Those people miss out on just how funny, lively, and equally caring about things outside of 'Mons she is as well. One of the things that I appreciate about Skitty is that she reminds me a lot about myself. We're like that we have layers (meaning she isn't heartless or cold on the inside at ALL). Her heart isn't made of stone, it's just guarded behind stone walls. I can assure you all that it's nearly as large as the fortress that it resides in. Rose - Rose really should be on -everyone's- appreciation list if you have even held one conversation with her or have been lucky to have been graced by her presence. She's one of the most compassionate people you will ever meet, which is where she gets the kudos from me. For those of you in the know (and if you do some perusing through older Quotebook entries and the Pairing thread) Rose was my first two-sided "Reborn Shipping" around these parts - and I ended up starting the avalanche of other people she got shipped with offhand just because I was the first. Then there was this phase where we legitimately acted like married people, saying or doing something that would unintentionally cause distress, anger, or upset to the other person. Each time I wronged her, she forgave me and even went so far as to put the blame on herself at times - while being off-base, something like that is touching to me. Humility is a strong quality and makes this woman stronger than she thinks. Sheep - Sheep isn't around much due to living in one of the most oddly placed continents on the map as far as timezones are concerned and his studies, but he essentially was the first person to hold an intellectual discussion with me here. He's very smart and every time I talk with him I feel like I was productive in some way. He needs to get back over here so I can appreciate him some more. Thank you, "mate"......Yes, that was a bad Australian bit of mockery. What are you gonna do? Winter - Speaking of Australians, Winter gets the mention for being one of the earliest tutors for competitive 'mons of mine - as well as being a really hilarious guy. However, the biggest reason Winter is on my list specifically is that we've had some pretty close talks about life. He kinda has experienced some of the same crap I have - and I his. Relate-ability and deep conversations are big winners, and while I talk to everyone here...or try to...I don't get those often. KyraAlexusMasterWeavile989??? - This person is an angel and is very brave - considering the kinds of heart-to-heart we've shared. Definite hope to keep in touch with you. Jelly and Rupe - When it comes to having playful banter about the things that are NOT important, or appreciating someone for catching you at a time where you needed to pop your lid due to some other crap you have dealt with earlier in the day, Jelly and Rupe out of AO are excellent for causing the floodgates to open. Yes, I -do- need to blow off steam and while I could just attack someone who would willingly listen, it feels a little better on my conscious to do it while someone else is trying to fight me over it. Some of the things I may have said to these too could come across as disparagement or disdain torwards them. Not the case at all. I'm confident that behind all the shit-talking and 1-upping these two engage in they are some rather fine gents. In fact, I'm quite certain even. MIKE - BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRR~ .....This guy is my best friend. Jericho is a guy who is very adaptable and goes as far to help everyone he possibly can. He also understands some of the more obscure loves in my life, such as College Football and things that you wouldn't give a crap about on a Pokemon site. There's not enough words to exalt Mike, but he certainly isn't the bad guy. Someday, we'll swim in a lake full of McNuggets when we strike it rich, buddy. ....This is the obligatory part whe- Ame<3 not enough words for Ame either. She's a wonderful hostess, insightful, compassionate, cute, cute, cute, cute, cute, cute, smart, cute, NEVER AGREES WITH ME, which is something I appreciate more often then I would expect, cute,......did I mention cute? Next Christmas Party the former/re-coronated Snow Queen will try to match your ability of word-weaving. Here, I think my inability to be poetic speaks for itself. I love you. a lot. Okay? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mikzal Posted June 9, 2015 Share Posted June 9, 2015 On 6/9/2015 at 2:45 AM, Hukuna Fulmine said: Literally every Flower Garden member but me is on there... ((Irrefutable proof that no one likes me.)) Calm down there, big boy. This guy is much less important than you'll ever be Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noir Posted June 9, 2015 Share Posted June 9, 2015 I can't say I interact with a lot of people here more or less know them, as much as I'd like to. Obviously Ame is on the exceptions list because most if not everyone knows her and interacts with her well. I suppose I'll drop a few names here though. Special thanks to Tacos and Flowers for help with Macs as well as Red_Chaos and a few others that have helped me with a few things. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kurotsune Posted June 9, 2015 Share Posted June 9, 2015 Huh. Well, I'm surprised. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rosesong Posted June 9, 2015 Share Posted June 9, 2015 On 6/9/2015 at 2:45 AM, Hukuna Fulmine said: Literally every Flower Garden member but me is on there... ((Irrefutable proof that no one likes me.)) On 6/9/2015 at 9:55 AM, Mikzal said: Calm down there, big boy. This guy is much less important than you'll ever be ...I should really kick both of you >> Anyway, I'll post mine in a bit Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sheep Posted June 9, 2015 Share Posted June 9, 2015 On 6/8/2015 at 8:00 PM, Pineapple said: - Sheep: Thanks for being the best farm animal ever, gotta love. On 6/8/2015 at 9:25 PM, Yash said: Sheep for helping me out and being such a cutie anyways.. Can I has Wool??? On 6/8/2015 at 11:55 PM, Deadpool said: Sheep: Thank you for being a kindhearted, friendly, and patient guy (given you read everything here). You're also a Heracross. On 6/9/2015 at 1:42 AM, Vinny said: Sheep: Mat-- Friend, I don't need to say anything to you, just this: You're one of the few people, that I can actually call friend. Stay you, and never change. On 6/9/2015 at 9:08 AM, Frosted Cranberry said: Sheep - Sheep isn't around much due to living in one of the most oddly placed continents on the map as far as timezones are concerned and his studies, but he essentially was the first person to hold an intellectual discussion with me here. He's very smart and every time I talk with him I feel like I was productive in some way. He needs to get back over here so I can appreciate him some more. Thank you, "mate"......Yes, that was a bad Australian bit of mockery. What are you gonna do? I'm touched. No really, I... I know I'm a sensitive soul but I almost teared up at some of these. I know I haven't been around as much as I'd like, I was actually thinking about how much I'm missing these days and well, I don't like it. That's a story for another time though. Firstly let me just acknowledge Washman, Vinny, Alexus, Tempest, Nova, Arkhidon, Clara, Sky, Neo, Khayoz, Mikzal, Sandy, Frostbite, Cowtao, Jelly, Fezzdog, Bear, Sec, Notus, and Zachyl. They probably don't remember but these are the fine people who were quick to welcome me in my very own intro thread. Some of them are still here, some of them aren't, but all of them deserve a shout out for that alone. On to the main event then. Notus - You are without a doubt one of the best friends I could ever ask for, and once you get to the level that you're at, I stop ranking people. My Brazilian brother (Vinny calm down, and go to the end of the list), I doubt there's another person on this earth that could have resonated so well with me, so shortly after meeting me. I can't get enough of your helpful attitude, drive for the future, shared interests, and fantastic personality. You're also probably my eternal rival when it comes to competitive battling. Not much can make me feel more accomplished than winning a match against you, 'cause when it's against you it goes without saying that it'll be tough. When you come sailing over to my neck of the woods, make sure to say hi. Amethyst - What can I say that I haven't already said to you before? You're my boss, you're my friend, you're someone who has created something beautiful here, something I'm so, so, so proud to be a part of. Once you seemed far away, but the reality couldn't be more different. You're a role model for everyone in the community, I personally still have a lot I can learn from you, and you're a paragon among game designers world wide. That may seem unrealistic but it's true. You understand that the ridiculous heap of feedback and criticism I've tried to provide you has all been because I want this game to be the best it can be. I'm sorry that I'm not around more, but the fact that you understand why is just something else I have to be grateful for. From the bottom of my heart thank you, you have personally improved my life so much, and you've allowed so many others to do the same. DarkDesire - My nation leader, we have been victorious! Or we were. Thanks for a good time, you ran the best nation in the competition and I'm proud to have been a part of that. Azery - If you were to look up maturation in the dictionary you'd find a picture of this bloke. I had faith in you for a long time, and you proved me right. Contrary to what others have been saying I'd like you to keep changing. Keep changing in a good way. Dobby - I don't know you well, but that doesn't matter. We've never really connected but that doesn't matter. What matters is that you bring life to this place, and I can't help but thank you for that. Etesian - The lone soldier of the Team Showcase section. But you're so much more than that. You're a wealth of knowledge to rival my own, and you helped me and a host of others achieve a goal that one person alone could never have managed. We got those people their answers. Be glad of that. Fezzdog - Fezz, you are one of the best friends I ever made here, one of the earliest friends I ever made here, and a huge encouragement to me when I was still learning the art of battling. You quickly became one of my greatest rivals on the competitive scene, and I still proudly remember how surprised you were that I picked the game up with the initiation of gen 6. You taught me, you encouraged me, you challenged me, and you kept me company when the server was dead 'cause the sun was down in the US. You have no idea how happy I was when you returned, or maybe you do. I dunno. Hilda - You are without a doubt one of the firmest friends I've made in my time here, and one of the best friends I've ever made. That's a big call seeing as we haven't talked properly in forever, but I can just see so much of myself in you it's crazy. But there's so much that's different too. I'm glad to think that there was a time that I'd stay up late into your night, talking with you while your leg was broken, or when you couldn't sleep. I loved those times. One thing I've learned from my time spent in your company is never start an argument with Hilda 'cause it won't end in my victory, but despite that fact there's just something that keeps me trying. We share interests, we share faith, we share many more things and I hope I never forget the day that we met. That day represents a significant milestone in my life. Kaito - We fought as hard as we could to keep bug for nations huh? It's a shame that fell through, but it gave me a glowing first impression of you. One that only reinforced itself as the competition continued and by the end I felt like you were my friend. You've never fell short of the exceedingly high standard you set in my mind, and I've got faith that you never will. Thanks for being so cool man. Kyoyoyoyoyoyoyo - Yes I made sure that was the right number of yo's. You, are someone I really wish I knew better than I do. We've talked, but we've never really talked. Still, I appreciate your wit, your friendliness, and your capacity to help others. Dan - I don't really know what to say Dan. Perhaps you should go and read over the last post I made about how great you are, because you can be sure my opinion hasn't changed. One thing I remember though, is that you were there with Fezz, when I first stepped onto the server for anything other than league. You made me feel welcome Dan. You're a large part of why I'm where I am today. Perhaps larger than you think. Lost Lore - A calm head on calm shoulders from what I've experienced. We haven't talked as much as I'd like, but that's my fault. You joined around the same time as me, and I was grateful for the company. Mikzal - You get the place and I'll get the kangaroos. We'll even make sure to invite Jerry. Oh, and I'm really sorry I couldn't make good on my promise that I'd stick around on Skype. Just one more thing I've got to try and fix one day, hold me to that. Winter - Winter, you are the greatest representative of my home country that I could ask for. But you're more that just "that cool Australian guy," you made me feel comfortable, and welcome the instant I dropped by on Skype. I was shocked to find that you're someone who's been here as long as time itself, because up until that point "those people" all seemed on another level, unreachable legends that I could never be, but you befriended me and I miss hanging out with you. Pineapple - A shout out for the thread, and a shout out for the friendship. Thanks for the lower tier battles once upon a time. RainbowDash - You helped make me feel welcome on the server when not many people knew who I was. I always had time to listen to what you had to say, and I was overjoyed when you returned here. Thanks for everything you've done and are doing. Rosesong - Rose, you beautiful, caring, wonderful person, I'm lucky that I decided to teach you the basics of competitive in preparation for nations huh? I feel like that was the driving force behind you leaving the pool of people from the community and truly becoming one of the best friends I've ever known. I remember all to well you staying up late listening to me chatter on about this and that, to crazy hours of the morning, and being able to take pride in your wins, while being able to help you see the path to improvement in your losses. Your passion for your friends, your readiness with a word of encouragement or congratulation, and your caring nature are things that I'll never appreciate enough about you. Clara - As much as you're a crazy one, you're certainly fun. Your constant threats to set my wool on fire make me chuckle, as weird as that is. And can I just say a punishingly good battler. Puts me to shame. Jerry - Jerry. I'll come clean with you mate, first impressions with you were pretty intimidating. It took a while for me to learn that you have a heart of gold under that mass of bear muscle that is your shell, but perhaps nothing can truly convey the respect, admiration, and friendship I feel for you like #wefam can. It might seem silly, but it's the truth, somewhere along the line we became part of a family full to the brim of awesome people and always encouraging more to join. Sparky - The always peppy Sparky. Someone who makes me feel like a role model but in a good way. Keep it up, you'll be a fine person. Sparsyle-0 - A shout out to a recent member? Have I actually been active? Keep that guide going, it's great. Really. Iowayshay - Those. Damn. Sims. Puts a smile on my face every time. Tacps - You're useful. You're always so damn useful. Helping with the game, helping unstick people save files, helping moderate the forums, helping people enjoy this game on Mac's, helping people find things in the game. And at such a young age. Nowhere better does "an old head on young shoulders" fit. I look forward to seeing who you will become, you have so much potential. Fush - I probably can't express how glad I am that I started playing those Fate VN's shortly after you did. A great part of my life here, and far better for someone to share that with. Zeph - \o/ Ayahoyoyo. I'd say that is all but it doesn't even scratch the surface. Zeph, you are the most amazing person. Don't let anyone, ever, tell you otherwise. You light a smile on my face every time I walk into that server and see your name. Your art skills are something I envy, and the fact that you drew your current avatar with just a small amount of prodding from me still astounds me. You're one more on the long list of people that I don't see enough, but hey, at least we have similar time zones right? I can't express enough how much I appreciate your company at any point in time. Thank you. Thank you so damn much. ~DerpySimon - Mate. You gave me competition for that "question answering guru" slot for the longest time, and eventually you won out. People come, and people go, but you're a constant. I hope that doesn't change. Secundum - This may surprise you, but a shout out to you Sec. Not only did you welcome me here, but you were instrumental in my challenging the league, in and of itself a huge part of my early experience with this community. Yash - Your wish is my command oh great and illustrious Yash. Arkhidon - Ark, we don't talk much huh? No really, have you ever stopped and thought about that? I consider you one of the best friends I've made here, but we never talk. I feel like that says something in and of itself. I can honestly say that I liked you from the moment I stepped in the door here, it's just something about how you conduct yourself. You just exude cool, calm, and collected, you're passionate about music, you're smart, you're fun, and you've got a hell of a future. I can't say I consider you the little brother that Jerry does, but perhaps you're a truly awesome cousin. Alexus - August 21st is a fine day isn't it? Just about as fine as Cordelia Fire Emblem Awakening. Thanks for being around, even if I'm not. Skitty - You're someone with a beautiful soul. I'd seen you around, but the first time we really interacted was through nations. DD and Kaito may have been the head of our little group, but I'll always consider Jerry, you and myself to have been its heart. You're so caring, and strong, and mature that you make me wish I could say that we had spent more time together up to this point. Even so, you're still my friend. And you can kick me around a battle any day, I've definitely got more I can learn from you there. Deadpool - I'll be honest, I had my doubts when you first joined. The contest with the orbs, and the voting, and the bageling right? I'm glad to say I was wrong, and that you are a fine member of the community. You earned your way to ace. Gutten_tag - My irrepressible breeding mad German friend, if you ever read this, never stop being you. Hukuna and Murdoc - I'm lumping you two together because I have largely the same things to say for both of you. That Fate RP was great fun, and you two helped a lot with my introduction into RPing. I'm sorry that it fell through, I know you were both enjoying it a lot, but hopefully this new one will work. Murdoc, I've really enjoyed being a part of your introduction to what I now know is a franchise that both of us love. Vinny - How can I even begin to fathom the number of things I appreciate about you Vinny? You really are my other Brazilian brother, someone who made me welcome here right from the beginning. Perhaps you don't know this, but for a while there you were my role model. Astounding huh? To think that I had lessons to learn from someone a decent number of years younger than me. All I can hope is that you learned a thing or two from me too. At the end of the day, I just can't put it into words, other than to say that you're right. Your truly are my friend, not only that but one of the best friends I have ever had, and will ever have. And lastly to all of my greatest friends here, you know if you're one. (I hope, otherwise I haven't really done a good job huh?) Thank you so very much for improving my life through your words, care, and deeds for the past year and a bit. My life wouldn't be the same without you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kurotsune Posted June 9, 2015 Share Posted June 9, 2015 Okay, so I've been struggling with whether or not I should write this, especially considering it'd be an incredibly short list and I'm not good at talking about others - Specially when it comes to saying good things about them. Regardless, I'll try my hand: Reveal hidden contents Jericho - Mike, you`re... Just gonna have to keep scrolling down. I'll talk about you later. The community - “I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve." Amethyst - Figured I'd get this out of the way. I'm partially more amused at the thought of imagining your reaction to this than to my own writing it. Partially I want to detail why I appreciate you, partially I just want to leave some pseudo-cryptic "you know why" message of the sort. Because that's just how I roll. Well, I'll keep this simple. You've said once I was among the four smartest people you'd ever met. In a similar fashion, it occurs to me you are among the four wisest people I've ever met; I trust you to know the difference. I could go on, but I figure this is enough to satisfy whatever curiosity draws you to read this. Jericho - Still not here. Keep 'on scrolling. Finkeltinklewinkle - I've mentioned before you were the sole reason I stuck around Reborn, but I seldom ever elaborated on this. I'll be frank, as I don't think you're someone who appreciates kind lies over hard truths. We're not close friends, and we're not people with very compatible personalities. Yet, you bothered to engage me when nobody else did, and I'd probably not have bothered to stay long enough to actually meet Amethyst and join the team if not for you. Therefore, credit were credit is due. I also appreciate your sarcasm at times, though your sense of humour could use some work. (Or you could just accept your role as the straight man). Pyon Pyon Kyuu - This one is an interesting one to write. I'll use it as a medium to let you know something you might have picked up on, but when we first met, I had a crush on you. Yep. I'm not the kind of person who acts out on those things, nor do I have a desire for a relationship (or a long-distance one at that) but I was initially attracted to your personality. It died off quickly, but that's just because that's how it usually is with me. I've always seen you as someone who understands what actual maturity is - The ability to know when to act like an adult, and to be an idiot at all other times. And I've always greatly appreciated that in you. I see you as a really good friend and someone I've fond memories of. Donger on, bud. Show those mods what's what. Jericho - Just kidding, I'll get to you later. Rosesong - So we've an interesting relationship. We had a rocky start, and we don't talk that much anymore, but I see you as a close friend regardless. Everytime the opportunity arises I make it a point to let you know I'm here for you, and I mean it. You're a great girl, and I know you'll be fine. Diana - Another one to the list of people I seldom talk to, our first interaction was one to remember. Only that I don't, given that I was really drunk when it happened. I vaguely remember something about cammels, or alpacas, or llamas. Some animal of that sort. I think you're a person who is trying to figure things out and at times struggling to do so, but that's okay. We all did, and we all still do. I don't really have much to say to you. I think you're a cool girl and that if you're patient, good things will come. (Don't mistake patience for complacency, though.) Jericho - I don't even know why I singled you out to do this, but I'm commiting to it. Keep scrolling down. (We're getting there, I promise) Hukuna - I figure I should at least make a small note for you since you're one of those rare few individuals that I meet and instantly click with. We don't talk a lot, but I don't think we have to, given that we're constantly agreeing with each other when we do. You're one of the few people I actually consider good roleplayers. And that's saying a lot. Pineapple - You're correct in saying that we don't talk much anymore. I think you're a good person, Fruit Ninja, you've just been out of the Den for too long. Tacos&Flowers - When I met you, it was probably at one of my lowest moments in the community, and you helped cheer me up. You're wise beyond your years, and I've already told you this, and I know there are others of the same mind. I've nothing to say to you other than that if anyone I know deserves happiness, it's you. Jericho - I get to you and then I keep thinking of new people and decide to drag the joke further along! Ah well! Keep scrolling. Arkhidon - If there's any words to describe our initial interactions, it'd be "rocky start". It was never because of you, though, and I always appreciated that. You're smart and mature, and you put effort into being nice, which I think is a really cool thing. I've never seen you refuse help to anyone, and that's something we share and that makes me greatly respect you. You also have great musical tastes, but that one is a given. Maelstrom - I figured you'd also deserve at least a small mention. I think you're a smart man with a sharp sense of humor, and I greatly appreciate both your opinions and witticism. You're harsh at times, but I don't see that necessarily as a bad thing. Jericho - At last! You're a cool guy. Okay, there is more. So, when we met, we definitely didn't "hit it off". Unless "it" was each other's teeth. You're someone who definitely takes a stand for their friends, to the point where you could stand to give it a bit more thought before you act. However, I saw that bull-headedness of yours as a respectful trait, and oftentimes would cite it as a comparative measure of others who'd not have the guts to address me directly. As you know, I've never liked passive aggression, so funnily enough, though our initial encounter didn't make me like you, it did make me respect you. Fast forward a bit, skip the mandatory friendship is magic montage and we arrive at today. When I decided to teach you ruby so that you could work on Reborn alongside me, it was a decision I put more thought on than you could probably imagine. I needed someone I trusted, and someone I respected. I needed both of these for my ultimate goal: To leave development ultimately in your hands. No, this is not my letter of dismissal, as there is still a lot of work to get done; But it is my ultimate goal, and you've made me proud at every turn. No matter how much work you're given you'd put your back into it, and although sometimes you'd get stuck in some things that weren't that hard, but you always do your best to understand. Because of our difference in age, I've come to see you as a student of sorts, and I've been fairly strict with you. I expect a lot out of you, and I know you beat yourself up over your nonsensical idea that you underperform. Know then and now that you don't, and that I appreciate you most, and the fact I've chosen you to succeed me means you're the person I've the most expectations of, and I know you'll grow to meet them in time. There. If I rethink this, I'll edit it later. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jelly Posted June 9, 2015 Share Posted June 9, 2015 i dont rly talk outside of ao anymore BUT i gotta s/o my homies kam- srs man never stop bein you. you've been one of my best friends aver since i came back to reborn and i know we make tons of jokes at your expense but i know you know we dont mean anything by them :> rupe- a vital member of the banter brigade and a friend you can rely on when you need to talk about some shit/person/meme >:3c skitty- you're one of the most caring people ive ever met!!! if someone's feeling down you go out of your way to talk to them and make sure everything is okay. thank you for that. never stop bein u void- you've taught me a lot about mons in general even though it doesnt show. youre a connoisseur of early-mid 2000s music and a top memer slant- who,, nah man youre always there to give me advice when i need it and i hope you do v well in school :> bagel- lord bogel. you dont show up as much as you did a few months ago but school will do that to people. i hope you get more active in the summer so we can have a few calls and get up to some shenanigans w/ the goons fink- a new friend here. i dont really know what to say abt you bc youve just recently started showing up on the server but you always have something witty to say and are a great guy :> dd- you never talk to us anymore troy . probably bc you're off to get starbucks or smthn,, always a great presence in chat when you are there :> fezz- i missed you when you were gone but now that youre back i dont have to worry :> jory- WHERE R U copashicaluminaconnor- my league buddy and great friend :> it's a shame you dont like mons anymore renzo- may you never stop getting angry at league lmao. it's fun to see you get a lil mad after a game sometimes :> i might have forgot someone Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted User Posted June 9, 2015 Share Posted June 9, 2015 I'm not one to make a public display myself. So I'll just say this, I appreciate each and every one of my friends more than words can express. You all know who you are. .....Meow Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Veterans Azeria Posted June 9, 2015 Veterans Share Posted June 9, 2015 Thanks guys.....I know I acted like a complete tool when I first arrived here,and I've been trying to change that about myself,I still act like that sometimes but progress is happening lol. Hilda I only started talking to you late last summer but you've made a pretty lasting impression on me lol. I remember when the AmeXHilda thing started and I still find it really cool,don't change unless it's for the better. Lost Lore You always manage to insert some kind of lewd comment and I love it XD,I should talk more to you but w/e keep being your lewd and amazing self! Tomas Elliot I don't know where to start with you man,thanks for keeping up with my lazy self and letting me work with y'all on Se7en,I keep slacking off but I really love the game and try to come up with new Ideas when I can Stratos Man,I can't describe how much I look up to you as a writer and person in general. Reading over Surge's story and it's soon to be child(Best way I can describe it lol)as well as Project Sky Slayer (I really wanted to participate more in that but I just lost the interest)but even beside that,you're also one of the people who made me want to become better at RP'ing and I thank you for that. Shadow Tack I remember last year when me,you and tous played PMMO,I spent a good part of my summer enjoying that with you guys. It's one of the few things from last year that I can look back on and be...well nostalgic about(No genwunner bull here zzz)You're like a brother to me man,don't change Explosms You're sarcastic remarks always manage to lift me up if I'm in a bad mood and yer generally a chill person. Don't know what else I can say here to be honest besides that you're a person I respect quite a lot. Sheep :](I had the chance and I took it ) I havent talked to you all that much recently,but thanks for having faith in me,hope I didnt disappoint I'll continue to change yes,have a noice day Tacos I havent really talked to you all that much,but I remember you changing me name to Can't Type(Which it stayed as for quite a while)and I may not have shown it,but I laughed quite a bit at that. You've done a lot of work in this community and helped quite a lot of people and I can't help but think you're a great person for that. Diana I know that we usually don't get along all that much but the reason I'm writing this is because of that first warning point you gave me,that thing is rather significant because it amongst other things is what showed me that I had to mature and change,so thank you for that,aside from that you're a pretty nice person. Pyrrhon Ayy,mah yung boy Pyrr,I can't describe how much I appreciate you(You already know man:P)but I will say this,keep on going in the way you think is right. Zim Thanks for teaching me that there are people lazier than me in this world,aswell as all the great artwork and ideas for Se7en.....seriously,I wish I could be half as good at art as you and Nova Chubb I remember when you first came here,you and I had a banterish talk about the foxening lol,t'was great....We can never agree if Resseti is better than Wigglytuff but know this,you're a great person,you put up a lot of guides around reborn and help a lot of people by doing so,keep it up man! I've got a lot more coming so I guess I'll do this in short editions Again,to those not in here,you'll come...soon Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rosesong Posted June 10, 2015 Share Posted June 10, 2015 Ok, time to actually do this... Arkhidon: Arki, I'm glad I've gotten to know you. You're funny and always appreciate my bad music jokes when no one else fully understands them. Plus, it's always a blast sharing grammatical/English like things with you; the music shared is always awesome too (though we don't do that quite as often as we should). Skitty: I remember when I barely knew you, and you popped into my backchannel on the server and asked if you could hang out there. I'm glad you did that; you're one of the sweetest, kindest, and most caring people I've come to know during my stint here. I appreciate you to the fullest extent, and you will never be just "that girl that plays Pokemon" to me. Cowtao: Cow, should you read this (and I hope you do), you are a fantastic person that has time and again made me laugh with your crazy antics. We don't talk as much as we used to, but rest assured; I will always have pets and hugs for you, as well as be more than willing to protect you from becoming steak. Dan: Dear lord, where the hell do I start? You, time and time again, have listened to my bellyaching and groaning. Even when you knew I was upset, you always tried to put a smile on my face no matter what. You were the first person that I was able to call a friend on Reborn, and in doing so, you introduced me to many of the friends that I now love and cherish from here. I appreciate you so much as well as everything that you do. Please, never ever change. Hilda: Oml, you were my first ship here, and god did we have a blast. While we had our "marriage spats" on the server, I remember us dying of laughter in our PMs, constantly trying to play off of each other. Like you mentioned, we have had our ups and downs, but through that I think we both came to learn more about how communication is necessary. I would love to start talking to you more again; your wit and humor is hard to rival. Hukuna: The first time I actually interacted with you was in an RP gasp what a shocker. You're truly one of a kind, though I may have corrupted you and for that I'm so sorry. But your laughter is out of this world, as is the kindness and gigantic heart that you have. And don't you dare start saying that you don't deserve this or don't see this, because you deserve every word and I'll smack you when I get up to PA if you start Jericho: Regardless of what you say, you're a really great guy. You're always trying your damndest to be friendly and help everyone out, and it doesn't get past anyone how hard you work. Give yourself a break; no one, not even you, is perfect. Notus: We met in the Onyx Arcade, in that King of the Hill game, and wow am I glad I've met you. I love the battles we have, as they always force me to think hard and push me to be a better player. Plus, we exchange great music during our battles. I think I said this once, but the fact that you had chosen me to cohost UtH with you was such an honor, one that I'm still unsure that I deserved. I'm sorry I couldn't keep it running, btw. Kaito: Y'know, it occurs to me that we first started talking when I was having issues with someone during PokeNations on the PO server. I'm glad we did, because you're one of the most patient people I've ever met. We don't talk as much anymore, partially because you've got so many post-graduation things to do, but you're seriously awesome. Kiozo: Way back when I first ventured onto the server, you immediately PMed me and started talking to me. You're another enormous sweetheart, with a huge heart to boot. Thanks for letting me talk to you about whatever and offering sound advice; I really do appreciate that about you. Kyoyo: It occurs to me that I've only recently just gotten to actually know you, even though we've spoken for almost a year now. You're one of the coolest guys ever, and the speed of your comebacks is fantastic. I hope to continue to get to know you; you always make me laugh when it counts and I appreciate it. Mikzal: Honestly, I would come to Norway if I could to come see you. Our timezones suck, so we don't get to talk too often, but when we do, it's those casual chats that we have that stick out the most to me. Shadow Roxas: I'm glad we started talking through the assistance of a mutual friend. You're so talented in the web stuff you do for the Treehouse, not to mention the wall papers you've made and your stream. Please keep raging at games; you make me laugh so hard when you do. TheScarletSword: Will he ever see this? Probably not, seeing as he rarely pokes his head in here anymore. However, this scrubby guy is fantastic. Originally, I thought he couldn't stand me because he would hardly talk to me; however, when we did speak, I got to know him as one of the most caring guys ever. Seriously, he is fantastic, and I'm glad to be his friend even if he is a gigantic scrub Sheep: You, my friend, are fantastic. Thank you again for teaching me how to competitive battle; I still remember the words you would tell me when I watch replays of my battles for reflective purposes. You always check on me when I'm just feeling like shit, and remind me that I do in fact matter; I still have that last PM you sent me on here when you told me I'm always needed in some capacity. We need you around here too, and I miss being able to talk to you as often as we used to. Tacos&Flower: Haaaaay fellow valley girl/cheerleading buddy! I'm so glad that you join in on my absolute craziness; having a partner in crime is always fun and you're one of the best. I wish we talked more; though I must thank the friend that dragged you into our Skype group. I've gotten to know you as a fabulously funny and great person. Zephy: My dear Zephy, you are one of the sweetest people ever. We also met in that crazy King of the Hill game, and from there we just kept talking. I love being able to call you my twin; we laugh so often about different things. Plus, you have a blue violin (at least, I think it was blue. Can't really recall...) which is just awesome on its own. Derpy Simon/Stratos: I would love to get to know you both a lot better. Whenever I post a status and am feeling down, you two offer to let me talk or try your hardest to cheer me up. I always see that and it makes me feel a bit better. One of these days I will definitely get to know you both better, because you're both great people. Silver: You are one of the most real people I know here. You never hold back on your opinion, and your bluntness is a breath of fresh air. Whether it's your cooking disasters adventures or falling asleep in a call, you're always able to be lighthearted about things, and I value that about you. Sparky: Now that I've gotten to know you better, I can say without a doubt that you are a very chill person. I love talking WWE with you, as well as friendly battles on the server occasionally. See you for the Money in the Bank watching party Sunday~ Shadow Tack: You are probably one of the people that I talk to the most on the server now days. Whether we're playing ToS, Sm4shing, or even just having a battle in a tier that I know nothing about, we're always guaranteed to have a good time and end up laughing later on. You also show me some pretty awesome music, which is something I always appreciate. EternalEdge: Another person I'm glad I got to know. Admittedly, how loud you can be was intimidating to me at first; however, you're a funny guy with a cute cat. We also love the more classical/Broadway side of music, and I can always count on you to pull through with some sort sly remark or jab that can crack me up easily. Red_Chaos: You're such a cool person. I'm glad I found someone that shares my TV interests so that we can talk while the shows are on (though I haven't watched last night's ANW, so no spoilers please!) Plus, playing ToS with you is always fun; I think trying to get people to join us in main and the advertising we try to pull off is equally as amusing. Kurotsune: We did indeed have a rough start, but you are really awesome. Your morning Skype greetings back when we talked more frequently would made me smile, and I got to learn a lot about you, particularly that you prefer to be a private person. I respect that; I'm also honored that you trusted me enough to tell me some of the things you did Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted June 10, 2015 Share Posted June 10, 2015 On 6/10/2015 at 12:35 AM, Rosesong said: Hukuna: The first time I actually interacted with you was in an RP gasp what a shocker. You're truly one of a kind, though I may have corrupted you and for that I'm so sorry. But your laughter is out of this world, as is the kindness and gigantic heart that you have. And don't you dare start saying that you don't deserve this or don't see this, because you deserve every word and I'll smack you when I get up to PA if you start I would never say that and you know it lol. While I do bash on myself every now and then, I do understand that well, people out there do care about me and appreciate the things I do etc... I am a pretty different person from my past, back when I didn't think I mattered or that I was worthwhile enough of a person to even consider people my friends or things like that. ((This is before Reborn for those of you who don't know, though Reborn has really been a big part of me learning who I am and... putting myself back together.)) People like you, those from the Flower Garden, and quite a bit from around Reborn... have all been part of my process of healing and becoming whole again. I finally can pick up a lot of pieces of myself I sheered off in some... misguided attempt to protect myself long ago. I have learned so much from people like you and others around here. I have learned how to be myself and who I wish to be. I have finally be able to figure out the parts of my I abandoned long ago cause I thought they would pull me down. And I can finally feel like I am not as broken as I used to be. I don't think I am ready to say I am whole yet. But I am a lot closer than I used to be. ANd it is all thanks to people like you, the Flower Garden and the regulars around here and the rest of Reborn. When I say this place means the world to me, it really does. It has helped me to be a much better person because well, frankly no one here asked of me to be anything I am not. You all just took who I am at face value. Though I tend to be a really broody dude who puts himself down all the time I do it cause I want to make others laugh and appreciate themselves all that more. While, I might not do it in the best most healthy way sometimes... I know now that I am a person that is worth knowing, and that I have friends and people who feel they are better for knowing me. A few years back... I would have never been able to say that. Never. So, I know just how far I have come. Even if you folks weren't always with me on that journey. Though you didn't stand beside me in my darkest times... that doesn't matter. Your here now and that counts for something. Remember, even the smallest thing in the world can make somebody's day. Folks around here just saying hi to me when I popped on the server... man that made me feel so good. There has never been a place for me where I pop in and people just say hi to me XD. And even when I have had tough times recently with my Grandma passing away, and with My dad having a quintuple bypass surgery... all you guys assured me things would be alright lol. I remember that day so vividly on server. The day I told you guys about my Grandma passing. Every single person there wished me well at the time. I never expected any place where that would happen fro somebody like me XD. This place means more to me than anyone could possibly know. So, no need to smack me around on that front Milady. I get it now. Partially in thanks to you. If I do one of those psots for individuals... it is going to get real feely lol. Because a lot of you folks... have really changed me in ways that are profound. You have helped me to love myself for who I am... because I couldn't on my own. You are all important to me in some way or another. So... as I cry while typing this XD, thank you for everything. Thank you to each and every one of you that talks me to me here even if only a little or on a rare occasion. It probably sounds mushy as all hell, but I really feel that way. Reborn is so special to me. It is the Place where I finally found who I am, and it was the place I could look at myself and actually not hate myself entirely. It taught me that. It really did. TO think... I found all of this because I happened to watch some video on shofu's channel. If I never found that video... I might not have ever found this place. And that is why I believe in a thing called Fate. There has to be something directing all the madness and chaos. Maybe things do happen for a reason. So, no worries Lady Rose. I know that now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zephyrus the Priestess Posted June 10, 2015 Share Posted June 10, 2015 Yes, that's right, Rose; David's color blue. <3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shing Posted June 12, 2015 Share Posted June 12, 2015 It seems i'm late for this party. I knew about this one in few days in offline. Never post it on party time since it was on school time. Anyway before i post the members.. Thanks Amethyst making the game and the forum a lot of yes. Without you, i wouldn't be here as many others too. And the reborn game is great despite i play it rarely. You deserve the poptarts and the strawberries \^v^/ On 6/8/2015 at 8:00 PM, Pineapple said: - Shing: Thanks for being a cool person. On 6/8/2015 at 8:59 PM, Chubb the Pig said: Thanks to Shing! You've friended me since I've joined the forums, and we had a blast during the beginning in Onyx Arcade! On 6/8/2015 at 9:42 PM, zimvader42 said: Shing AKA ShingSt, Chubb AKA Chubbthepig, Ashes AKA Eterna AKA Synn AKA Oxyde AKA Cyan for how awesome they did my onyx arcade period in the forums, and I wish I could have another onyx arcade period soon, that shit was pretty fun. Shing for being a good friend in deviantart as well as in here, and Ashes for having so many name conflicts unresolved that are just hilarious every time XD On 6/8/2015 at 10:56 PM, Odybld said: Much thanks to Shing for his helpful rupees donation! On 6/8/2015 at 11:55 PM, Deadpool said: Shing: Fuck you mate, Shing's here. And he's actually here to stay. Cool and friendly. Aw thanks you guys so much <3. Now i'll do mine. I may not include everyone, but i will definetly include people so included me and some others. If i didn't include you, you are still a great person \^v^/ Warning still, this is a lot of words. Pineapple. You are the lord of bidoofness man. Even through we haven't talk or in near, you are really cool to hang. And your replays is hillarious, especially against Azery Lmao. Odybld. We haven't had too much talking around in the forum. But i like what you post a lot. And i think you are a pretty cool guy. Nick. We haven't meet too so much either. But you're a pretty cool guy that's for sure. And fuck you mate, shing's here is remembered still <3 As for five weirdy wicky members that made enjoy here in the march/april onyx arcade time. Chubb. Reveal hidden contents As my honestly, i don't remember you that much in onyx arcade. But it sure was fun on that time. But i'll definetly remember you in rejuvenation. You helped Jan a lot, and you had a lot of ideas that me enjoy posting related in rejuvenation. And you pigness farm posting was incredable. Two months and you have over 1000+ posts. That's again overdriving amazing. I like greatly what you post and the topics you make. Don't stop what you do, it's amazing ideas what you do. BBD. Reveal hidden contents You are a weirdly cute chespin friend to be with. I had a lot of fun with you in onyx arcade. When people was asleep in time zones, you was mostly always there in my time when i was awake. Joking around, it was fun, well if we overdrive like the status thing. But still, had fun with you noneless. I wish we could have an another time for that. Oris. <3 Reveal hidden contents My non-binary waifu <33 Me and Oris had a lot of fun time in late march/early april. Especially on "predict the next one". And we talked other stuff too. And so come Ashes/Eterna and said Shoris as pairing lol. That stuck me still in the head XD. And you called me a waifu, i'm still your waifu ;P Sad that you aren't online anymore. When you are coming back again, i'll welcome you again friend.^^ Eterna/Ashes. Reveal hidden contents Oh you, i think you are one of the few people that "why didn't i meet you earlier!?". You have made me laugh a lot, i had joking you with status thing and called you ashes and ashes ketchum. You are a crazy gen4 lover, waiting for remake. And a damn darkrai lover. And you made the Shoris thing lol. But in seriousness, i wish i could talk to you more since we don't talk too much each other. And you're a great person man, keep what you do man. You're a great friend to me. I like how you are. Zim. Reveal hidden contents Oh you, where do i begin. You was my second friend when i joined. You was pretty nice to talk. The onyx part was a big part knowing you more. Joking around, getting ninja'd and had fun. And when i saw you uploaded your fanart to reborn, i wish i could upvote 10x more. That time was a good time. And when you mentioned you had a deviantart in one of your status, i was surprised man. I had to go and google it, and comment one of your drawings. You quickly regonize me by the lilligant avatar XD. Anyway how i think of you, you're a guy that i'll never forget. You are one of the people that i'll never see leaving here unless if you have real life things and problem, that's understandable. We may haven't that much of commen things other than pokemon, but that will not make me decreasly go down. As my last sentence, you are one of the people that i wish to meet earlier. Now is the others. "Rejuvenation gang" and it's creator itself. Some people i know have been helping that i need to mention. . People so is common now and help, you are great too Jan. Reveal hidden contents I have to thank you a lot. Your game made me stay here on forum actually. I had a point where i was going to get inactive a lot and take a break from the forum for a time. And i quited playing reborn on that time. Then i found your game, and i got hooked with it. The start for me was alright, and it was more and more it got normaly posting around and the active was finely enough. It was enough for me to stay here actually. It made me And then one day, Shofu came and made a playthrough. It was a surprisingly time, and the guest so came. When that day came, it was the day when it comed a new sub forum for rejuvenation. A explouding new people comes and joined for needing help. I was a happy for helping for the people in needs. And you asked me for being a beta tester, that was surspringly. Thanks for asking me How i think of you, you're a important person for me. As for a one man project, that's pretty crazy. Of course you had a load of bugness, But that is incredable still. As Zumi is here for helping you. Don't stop making this game, unless if real life things. For in the end thank you being here around, i'll never forget you. You are a important part of me being here. And the "gang". Reveal hidden contents Hypa. Thanks for helping around in the discussion thread. You was really a common person i saw based on rejuvenation thread. I like ya. You're a cool guy. Do and help people and report bugs and be how long you can in rejuvenation sub-forum You was one of the users that introducted me when i made my topic joining here. So i didn't forget you And thank you a lot for odd key btw. SexyMilotic. Seen you around lot too in the old discussion thread, same as Hypa. You have been a chuckle time enough, so i think you should be mention it. And i think you helped me before, thanks for being a cool guy around the forum. Loki. We haven't talked, but you have reported a lot of bugs and done things in old and new. And you have been a lot in common on the old thread. And you may helped me before. You are a cool guy. Keep doing that in every version Jan release. Zumi. I like ya. You help Jan with the game. Spriting of the subject. Based around, you're a pretty herpy derpy cool girl. You do also helping people in the rejuvenation forum. Thanks for helping Jan and helping people in the dicussion thread and other place. And i think this stops for now. As how much i got words to say some great people, i'm simply need a break after this. Over 3 hours is much enough. Another post i will mention these great people. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cowtao Posted July 16, 2015 Share Posted July 16, 2015 I'm not dead. Arkhidon - Also known as guy who gives me too many iTunes cards. Has shown me what modern music is like and has been a good musical friend to work with. Kickstarting the Reborn Radio was an interesting experience and though it may not be alive now, the memory of it is still brimming in our minds. Also I ran out of money again. Moar plz. Renzo - One of the first people of SU and still part of the old group of people still around, probably one of the people that he'd thank but doesn't stick around. He has been a great person to me and has tried to be open with what things that I have experienced in the past with dealing with hard times. A true mate. You could work on being more open to things. Pride can be checked by self conscious and you know this better than I do. Fezzdog - Fezz was one of the first members of Reborn that I have met and while we didn't talk much before I had moderation, he was still a great friend of mine. He also was my guy to go to when I couldn't check things and bad things were about. Also the name is amazing needless to say. I would like if you could be around more and show people how good of a person you are. Rosesong - She is basically my mom. Countless logs of hugs, pets, cuddles, and her showing genuine affection towards a domestic and albeit housebroken bovine shows how people can care. Outside of canon, she is a good friend and an endearing person to make sure that everybody stays happy and positive throughout their day. Negativity may be what it is, but it is best not to ignore it. The Flower Garden needs somebody who can fix both positive and negative conversations gelli / jelly - hay m8. :]]] One of the first AO members to really be friendly with me. Also been around when I used to be really good at RU and when he used to kill it back in NU. Good competitive friend to have and can be entertaining. There are moments when you troll and when you don't. Sometimes when you reserve, your jokes become that much funnier. Destructive Skitty - She ain't take no crap from nobody and she ain't fightin' no bouff to catch a bull because she is the lazy part of reborn. A great friend, an amazing battler, and an entertaining person to be around. I know life may seem bleak at moments but sometimes you can't wallow in what was. You need to press on if you want to maintain happiness. Kyra - Somebody intellectual. Somebody smart and understanding to people. Despite the stuff that has happened to her she remains strong and is somebody that I like to talk to. Well at least used to. I'm happy to see that you have become more active and I wish you best of luck on your future endeavors. Do not be afraid to chat with people about your day because unbeknownst to common belief, we care. Vinny - Weavile is in the game now. You happy? Go away. One of the people that when I was working, inspired me to try to do me. As you can see, it didn't end up so well, but the inspiration nonetheless was very moving. You youngins' at reborn don't know how much Vinny has done to help organize, maintain, and shift this site into first gear and has earned more than what his current spot is. Work Loads can't all be handled by one person. Nobody is one man army noob tubes. Hukuna - Haven't talk to you much but know that you highhandedly saved the RP section from noobs. This man knows his shit and he ain't afraid to lay the hammer down on any clown that comes around. He is also one of the few people to don the title "Sempai." Respect your elders. Mystery preserved too long becomes non-attractive. Perhaps you should give hints to make things more...exciting. Jericho - Hi. Uhm. Let me get back to you. Diana - Fuck. Uh let's try somebody else. Amethyst - Hello Mrs. Lindell. The fact that my boss, which was showcased on shofu in front of thousands of fans, gonna be honest. It was immensely intimidating to talk to you about anything. :x Your accolades and what you have done for the site and the community are shown by the clean forums and polished game you have created. I can't say anything else about what you have done that hasn't already been said by many others. I never learned to accept change and that was ultimately my downfall and termination. Never exactly was a fan of saying what's on my mind to what is my boss and I want you to keep that in mind if there is anybody like me working for you in the future. You control what happens to this place and I hope you make the right choices. If not i'm coming back to kick everyone's ass starting to Jericho's and you know i'll do it too. :3 Cheers Jericho / Jerry - God damn man. What can I say. No really what can I say? I can't really type anything much here. You know as much as I do how much we know each other and what we have done for the site together and our conversations together. I do need to say anything here either. You know your strong points as well as your weak points. Ultimately what you do with that is up to you. Eclipse / Silver / Diana - First, fuck off with the names. How do you get recognized by about 10 different other names and still resort to being called one is beyond me and probably is beyond you as well. This nerd right here is a combination of a lot of the candidates here that I have posted about and tbh most of what I have said can still hold true to you. I know we aren't the best of friends and fairy unicorns with sunshines. It's been awhile and while I do not if you care or if you might see this and pass it off, I want to let you know that you are a good person and that I do not want you to let life frustrate you. You have had some stuff happen to you and I get that. I do not know what place I have in your mind, but I do know that I have fair right to say that you always have a place with the people here in reborn and me. Take care of yourself. Well fuck that was a tearjerker. And probably wasted more sleep than I should. zzzzzzzzzz Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tomas Elliot Posted July 16, 2015 Share Posted July 16, 2015 On 6/8/2015 at 8:53 PM, DarkSpite said: Thanks to the Se7en team for having me ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ On 6/8/2015 at 9:42 PM, zimvader42 said: Tomas Elliot AKA Tomas for being a cool guy who knows a lot of competitive (should ask him to teach me NU some day XD), having fan-game-related dreams that I can contribute to, and for being awesome in general and having his head full of cool concepts for pretty much anything. On 6/8/2015 at 11:55 PM, Deadpool said: Tomas Elliot: You know when to appear serious and when to project your sense of humour and make people like you. Stay true to yourself. On 6/9/2015 at 5:59 PM, Azeria said: Tomas Elliot I don't know where to start with you man,thanks for keeping up with my lazy self and letting me work with y'all on Se7en,I keep slacking off but I really love the game and try to come up with new Ideas when I can You know, if I had noticed this topic earlier, that certain situation in that certain discussion I started yesterday night with the Se7en staff would have never happened. Or maybe it would, I dunno, I am so damn confused right now. Regardless, a big thank you to the guys who jumped on the Se7en train and made it possible for it to actually get going, and a big thank you to the people who have shown support and appreciation to the project in the past weeks, like Red_Chaos, Deadpool, Jericho and many others. My dream has a chance at finally coming true because of you guys, it really means the world to me, and sometimes I am so busy being the grumpy leader who yells at everyone to stop being lazy and get to work, that I forget to show you my appreciation. You are among the most important people in my life right now (yes even Dark whom I haven't fully figured out yet, and Calvius with whom I hardly ever interact at all) and for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Special thanks to Zim because, no offense for the others, but he had already become one of the best friends I have ever had (at least to the extent that you can consider internet friendship and actual friendship) way before we even decided to go public and recruit the rest. And why not? Thanks to Jelly too. Butting heads with you about NU teams in the past was fun. I am dead serious, no sarcasm at all here. Oh and Alexus, I didn't quote your post because of the spoiler, but I love you too <3 Other people I would have liked to mention, but I lack the time right now, include Dobby, Murdoc, Chimchain, Commander, and all the other crazy guys I met in the RP section. I will eventually return to that to... Maybe. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cyaloom Posted July 16, 2015 Share Posted July 16, 2015 I am fairly new here so don't expect any great list or stuff like that Anyways... Tomas Elliot He gave me a warm welcome on the forums, got me into RolePlaying and still was tolerating and bearing me after I was continuously tying his patience, both in PM and in normal discussions Seriously, THANK YOU. Dobby, Murdoc, DarkLight, Stratos, Hiss13, Tacos, EXLink32, Hukuna... All people I have met in the RolePlaying forums, and who are bearing my occasional clumsiness too. Sorry for that, I'll get better! (No I won't) Amethyst Not only because she created the game, this site, the Reborn League... but also because, when I was still a fresh member, on Pokemon Showdown, she said something like "Thanks Cyaloom, I have always hoped someone would say that", after I admitted I used Lumineon in Reborn. Just look at my signature... it's based of that event. Reveal hidden contents Seriously though, that thing could be decent because of Rain Dance but it's in the IRREGULAR Exp. group. Game Freak, why!? It's much harder to train up than it should be! Other people I could mention are Jericho (still in my friends list; he's been doing a great job so far), Maelstrom (first person to welcome me), LittleDevilex (pag. 160 of "What're YOU listening to?" or something like that; also she was very helpful to other Reborn Players), BreloomBot (for being a Breloom), and... that should be everyone. I could add more people later, but for now... Thank you all! what did I just write Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tomas Elliot Posted July 16, 2015 Share Posted July 16, 2015 On 7/16/2015 at 12:54 PM, Cyaloom said: I am fairly new here so don't expect any great list or stuff like that Anyways... Tomas Elliot He gave me a warm welcome on the forums, got me into RolePlaying and still was tolerating and bearing me after I was continuously tying his patience, both in PM and in normal discussions Seriously, THANK YOU. Dobby, Murdoc, DarkLight, Stratos, Hiss13, Tacos, EXLink32, Hukuna... All people I have met in the RolePlaying forums, and who are bearing my occasional clumsiness too. Sorry for that, I'll get better! (No I won't) Amethyst Not only because she created the game, this site, the Reborn League... but also because, when I was still a fresh member, on Pokemon Showdown, she said something like "Thanks Cyaloom, I have always hoped someone would say that", after I admitted I used Lumineon in Reborn. Just look at my signature... it's based of that event. Reveal hidden contents Seriously though, that thing could be decent because of Rain Dance but it's in the IRREGULAR Exp. group. Game Freak, why!? It's much harder to train up than it should be! Other people I could mention are Jericho (still in my friends list; he's been doing a great job so far), Maelstrom (first person to welcome me), LittleDevilex (pag. 160 of "What're YOU listening to?" or something like that; also she was very helpful to other Reborn Players), BreloomBot (for being a Breloom), and... that should be everyone. I could add more people later, but for now... Thank you all! what did I just write Hey I did say "all the other crazy guys I met in the RP section" <.< Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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