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According to the Episode 15 new availability list, Feebas is available in by fishing in Celestine Ametrine Mountain 4F:


But I've actually managed to land a shiny remoraid and a shiny clauncher before I've even seen a single feebas.

Is there a trick that I'm missing? Do I need a different rod? Or am I just impatient?

Edited by Zzylard
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Looks like the wrong area to me, but you're using the right rod to get it.

despite where I took the picture, I'm fishing in the pond above with the inaccessable mini-waterfalls.

Still no Feebas.

Unless you mean a completely different map, then...

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Hmm.. I don't want to give it away but.. yea.. I'll just say try another mountain, but the same floor.

but to be fair I'll just say it in a spoiler.

Look for the 4th floor of Ametrine Mountain where it leads to a dead end with a waterfall being blocked by icebergs or whatever they are. Fish in the that water area with your Good Rod.

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It's where you find the TM for Retaliate.

Hmm.. I don't want to give it away but.. yea.. I'll just say try another mountain, but the same floor.

but to be fair I'll just say it in a spoiler.

Look for the 4th floor of Ametrine Mountain where it leads to a dead wita waterfall being blocked by icebergs or whatever they are. Fish in the that water area with your Good Rod.

Contradicting statements. I'm more inclined to believe ~Derpy Simon

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*cough* Slight error *cough* To help consolidate for that, I'll show an image of the place as well as describe the path to getting here.

Meant to say Celestine instead of Ametrine. I forget which one is which nowadays..


Anyways, to get here. You'll need to start from the giant Dive Tile on Celestine Mountain 2nd Floor. Once you find the Dive tile and go back up to the surface, scale the Waterfall to reach the 3rd Floor. Once you're there, you'll encounter a Strength Tile Puzzle. It is quite easy to solve, just analyze it before starting it. Once you complete it, you'll be able to scale another Waterfall to reach the 4th Floor, where the TM Retaliate should be (sorry BIGJRA was right on this one) and the water there should be able to fish out Feebas with a Good Rod. Any other questions do let me know.

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