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Reborn XV: Never After

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Alright so I know the struggle of the bad AI is real guys, but cut the staff some slack. This only happened because of pokemon essentials updating for once in a blue moon (ice cream). The AI before that was nearly flawless imo. Now it's a pile of dung thanks to the update, everything got wiped and everyone in Reborn got dumb. This was a big issue back when E14 was being made I think. The staff has been working their hardest to try and perfect the AI once again, just give them some time. I feel like when the game is fully finished at E19, the AI will be near top percentage once more. And really, who here is not going to start another file to play through all 19 episodes worth of content in a day, two days, or more.

Just give them some time. Soon it will be all better... soon

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  On 6/9/2015 at 3:18 PM, Sonikku said:

The whole Community Release thing confused me a little, is this going to be a staple to Episode releases?

It is, going forward. Probably for Starlight as well if it's distributed similarly.

  On 6/9/2015 at 1:48 PM, Masquerain said:

I'd like to comment on the fact that Serra and the gym AI in general are a joke. She makes literally 0 use of her field and the AI doesn't help the case at all. Also, most gyms feel like they've been needlessly nerfed . I'd strongly suggest tuning up that AI WAY more than its current status :I Feels like Reborn isn't really challenging anymore if I think back to the 1st playthrough I made.

There's a lot of gravity in what another user said about you developing as a player too, even if you don't notice it. I've found this to be very true over the time of watching people play. You eventually acclimate to the game from the main series. Knowing what to expect in itself makes it a lot easier.

Now that's not to say the AI is great. It's not. E14 AI is dismal. Changes as of 14.7 make singles AI passable. Doubles AI is a disaster still. We're looking at that for E16, and then in E17/18 we'll be adding code to make it actually advanced. In E19 we should be able to add field-specific AI too. It's a work in progress.

But, it isn't being set to half. Almost every gym leader has their AI set to maximum. The code itself is just incomplete from Essentials.

Regardless, I think we can all agree that it isn't like average Pokemon games. Leaders in the main series are jokes. Two pokemon and they're done? Nawh. Now, almost no reasonable fight is going to be unbeatable. The problem is we don't want to pigeon-hole players into a single strategy to beat each fight. Examples of this are the original Charlotte and Serra, where you either bring Rain Dance, bring Drought or Magmar, or you don't have a chance. That's not fun, it's frustrating, especially in effectively forcing players to use those Pokemon.

While Reborn is supposed to be harder than the main series, it's not meant to be a nightmare mode. My goal with gyms is not for it to be impossibly difficult, but to make you, as a player, stop and think about how you're going to overcome it.

If you want Nightmare-Mode Reborn, the game will be open to modding after it's completed.

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  On 6/10/2015 at 3:37 AM, JosephMD said:

Just wondering. Has anyone made a list of all the places that have waterfalls? The only ones I remember are the waterfalls in the Ametrine Mountain and the waterfall where Amaria and the steel gym leader fell

There is one in Iola Valley~

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  On 6/12/2015 at 9:35 AM, Amegoose said:

The problem is we don't want to pigeon-hole players into a single strategy to beat each fight. Examples of this are the original Charlotte and Serra, where you either bring Rain Dance, bring Drought or Magmar, or you don't have a chance. That's not fun, it's frustrating, especially in effectively forcing players to use those Pokemon.

To be fair that's not exactly true, for example: against the old Serra i didn't bring a fire Pokemon (used Rain Dance instead) for Charlotte i didn't even change the field to win so no it's not one stategy or you lose it's few good strategies or you lose, i agree that it is a "limitation" but i much prefer this sort of "obstacle" to the usual bring whatever 6 Pokemon you trained from the beginning of the game and you're set of the main series (i just have this feel that with every nerf Reborn is slowly but steadily advancing towards that approach to the gameplay) anyway most of the percieved difficulty drop is probably the A.I. "fault" so i just hope it'll be fixed soon.
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  On 6/12/2015 at 9:35 AM, Amegoose said:

It is, going forward. Probably for Starlight as well if it's distributed similarly.

There's a lot of gravity in what another user said about you developing as a player too, even if you don't notice it. I've found this to be very true over the time of watching people play. You eventually acclimate to the game from the main series. Knowing what to expect in itself makes it a lot easier.

Now that's not to say the AI is great. It's not. E14 AI is dismal. Changes as of 14.7 make singles AI passable. Doubles AI is a disaster still. We're looking at that for E16, and then in E17/18 we'll be adding code to make it actually advanced. In E19 we should be able to add field-specific AI too. It's a work in progress.

But, it isn't being set to half. Almost every gym leader has their AI set to maximum. The code itself is just incomplete from Essentials.

Regardless, I think we can all agree that it isn't like average Pokemon games. Leaders in the main series are jokes. Two pokemon and they're done? Nawh. Now, almost no reasonable fight is going to be unbeatable. The problem is we don't want to pigeon-hole players into a single strategy to beat each fight. Examples of this are the original Charlotte and Serra, where you either bring Rain Dance, bring Drought or Magmar, or you don't have a chance. That's not fun, it's frustrating, especially in effectively forcing players to use those Pokemon.

While Reborn is supposed to be harder than the main series, it's not meant to be a nightmare mode. My goal with gyms is not for it to be impossibly difficult, but to make you, as a player, stop and think about how you're going to overcome it.

If you want Nightmare-Mode Reborn, the game will be open to modding after it's completed.

Yeah, people do develop a bit while playing, that much is always gonna be true. What I meant to say is that I don't think that's a major as to why the game seems considerably easier than it used to be.. It's rather a mix of various factors I'd say.

Never said Reborn is like a mainseries game now, but as Gaunt said, it sure looks like it's heading more and more towards that direction. Of course the gyms are still harder than your average pokemon game, but as it stands right now, the same applies that you don't even need to keep pokemon in rotation in order to pass gyms... and yes, a single strategy works on all gyms and you don't need to adjust what you do anywhere , tested and proven in my case (even on the dittoceus).

tldr Not saying Reborn should be a nightmare game, I'm saying that I'm gonna put my hopes in the belief that it's gonna start being as it used to be- a challenge that makes you think out of your comfort zone instead of going through every gym with the same team and same strategy like you can do now. Can any of you really think back to what gyms used to be like before, compare them to gyms now, and say player development is the major reason why they're easier? :| I can't. I think as it stands now, the absolute maximum AI anything in the game can get would do some gyms wonders, and a few team adjustments on some other gyms, especially Serra who makes 0 use of her otherwise very cool field.. And I still think the level-nerfs of the gyms were unneeded.

  On 6/12/2015 at 10:46 AM, Gaunt said:

To be fair that's not exactly true, for example: against the old Serra i didn't bring a fire Pokemon (used Rain Dance instead) for Charlotte i didn't even change the field to win so no it's not one stategy or you lose it's few good strategies or you lose, i agree that it is a "limitation" but i much prefer this sort of "obstacle" to the usual bring whatever 6 Pokemon you trained from the beginning of the game and you're set of the main series (i just have this feel that with every nerf Reborn is slowly but steadily advancing towards that approach to the gameplay) anyway most of the percieved difficulty drop is probably the A.I. "fault" so i just hope it'll be fixed soon.

Basically I guess we're on the same opinion.

For the record, I never once dispelled a field of a gym leader, not even Charlotte, and still managed to win by some means, which is what made, and still makes the game most fun..except that you don't need to think so much at all anymore

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To those of you complaining about the easiness of the games most current releases, I agree but understand the role of the creator. I have been with reborn since episode 8 so I know the tremendous amount of stress, hardship, anger, and pain that most players who played these earlier versions of reborn went through. We made through with trial and error but some did not, some could not. There were entire topics geared toward Ame and her team to make the game less difficult and the gym leaders much dumber. After so many disgruntled fans of the game spoke out, Ame, as the maker of Reborn, had to do something. It would not be fair to the entire community to make a game that only some could play and even less could enjoy because of difficulty. She rewrote and nerft, but not too much, and we are left with a still challenging and enjoyable game. Now the lengths of the episodes is a different issue, they should be much MUCH!!!! longer. But that is a different story for another time. Relax and let Ame shine guys.

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  On 6/13/2015 at 5:19 AM, TheRockGhost72 said:

To those of you complaining about the easiness of the games most current releases, I agree but understand the role of the creator. I have been with reborn since episode 8 so I know the tremendous amount of stress, hardship, anger, and pain that most players who played these earlier versions of reborn went through. We made through with trial and error but some did not, some could not. There were entire topics geared toward Ame and her team to make the game less difficult and the gym leaders much dumber. After so many disgruntled fans of the game spoke out, Ame, as the maker of Reborn, had to do something. It would not be fair to the entire community to make a game that only some could play and even less could enjoy because of difficulty. She rewrote and nerft, but not too much, and we are left with a still challenging and enjoyable game. Now the lengths of the episodes is a different issue, they should be much MUCH!!!! longer. But that is a different story for another time. Relax and let Ame shine guys.

That's understandable for a creator to wish to cater to everyone's wishes, but the people came to play this game knowing it was meant to be hard / challenging, so they should probably be the ones who knew what they're getting into and should try to develop or adapt more to the difficulty, while we, the other side of the playerbase , have been playing the easy pokemon games since the beginning of their existence and I'm sure anyone can agree that it's really exciting to finally see something that will be different. Naturally, it's disappointing to see it all go down the drain because just like mainseries pokemon games, everything gets dumped down in order to be delivered on a silver platter to the people who don't like effort, instead of making them develop their skills and better themselves. There's a reason the recent generations are considerably dumber or lazier in total percentage than the generations 10 or 20 years ago.. when everywhere things keep getting easier and more hand-holding is promoted.. That's just my opinion, though. Like I said, for many gyms, setting the AI to the absolute maximum they can have would fix their issue and make them be in the golden middle of difficulty, some others could use team tweaks because they don't make proper use of their given teams. Anyway, that said, by no means am I saying, nor will say Reborn is a bad game, nor do I plan to stop playing it because it's still the best pokemon game I've ever played. It being hard and a challenge only made it 5times better in my eyes.

Edited by Masquerain
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  On 6/13/2015 at 7:59 AM, Masquerain said:

That's understandable for a creator to wish to cater to everyone's wishes, but the people came to play this game knowing it was meant to be hard / challenging, so they should probably be the ones who knew what they're getting into and should try to develop or adapt more to the difficulty, while we, the other side of the playerbase , have been playing the easy pokemon games since the beginning of their existence and I'm sure anyone can agree that it's really exciting to finally see something that will be different. Naturally, it's disappointing to see it all go down the drain because just like mainseries pokemon games, everything gets dumped down in order to be delivered on a silver platter to the people who don't like effort, instead of making them develop their skills and better themselves. There's a reason the recent generations are considerably dumber or lazier in total percentage than the generations 10 or 20 years ago.. when everywhere things keep getting easier and more hand-holding is promoted.. That's just my opinion, though. Like I said, for many gyms, setting the AI to the absolute maximum they can have would fix their issue and make them be in the golden middle of difficulty, some others could use team tweaks because they don't make proper use of their given teams. Anyway, that said, by no means am I saying, nor will say Reborn is a bad game, nor do I plan to stop playing it because it's still the best pokemon game I've ever played. It being hard and a challenge only made it 5times better in my eyes.

I don't know if this is a spoiler or not so I won't give the level but there is only one more badge level cap. After that players can level their pokes up to 100. Their will be people who will take advantage of that and become OP. The gyms past this point don't stand a chance unless Ame makes the leaders max leveled too. To a player like you or I, the game will seem like a cake walk anyway but, are you suggesting that after the point of the next badge that Ame should max out all AI plus their levels for the rest of the game? That's ludicrous, no rapper. I just don't see how much tougher you guys think she can make it without ruining the experience when we are this far in and about to be free to train with no consequences. Or are you mostly talking about making the game harder for a second, third, etc....play through?

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  On 6/13/2015 at 8:59 AM, TheRockGhost72 said:

I don't know if this is a spoiler or not so I won't give the level but there is only one more badge level cap. After that players can level their pokes up to 100. Their will be people who will take advantage of that and become OP. The gyms past this point don't stand a chance unless Ame makes the leaders max leveled too. To a player like you or I, the game will seem like a cake walk anyway but, are you suggesting that after the point of the next badge that Ame should max out all AI plus their levels for the rest of the game? That's ludicrous, no rapper. I just don't see how much tougher you guys think she can make it without ruining the experience when we are this far in and about to be free to train with no consequences. Or are you mostly talking about making the game harder for a second, third, etc....play through?

Can't say anything to that because I don't think the Ep15 gym will be the last level cap there will be . I haven't played Ep15 yet so I don't know, but are you saying that because you can only see lv 80 as the last number in the badge case or because of some other piece of information that presumably confirms there won't be further level restriction? I mean, in episode 14, the last thing we could see in the badge case was "75" , and yet the next number got added with Ep15. I always thought the current max level caps get included only with each new episodode, but I'm not sure

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I'm sure some of the difficulty drop has been me knowing what to prepare for and such. But the new AI is definitely not helping. I am glad to hear it will be fixed later and then this game will be no doubt the best Pokemon game of all time.

Also THANK YOU so much for fixing the order of occurance in battles so that things in double battles won't faint like 3-4 of my pokes in one turn. That combined even with the old super charolette would've made the battle much more manageable

  On 6/13/2015 at 9:50 AM, Masquerain said:

Can't say anything to that because I don't think the Ep15 gym will be the last level cap there will be . I haven't played Ep15 yet so I don't know, but are you saying that because you can only see lv 80 as the last number in the badge case or because of some other piece of information that presumably confirms there won't be further level restriction? I mean, in episode 14, the last thing we could see in the badge case was "75" , and yet the next number got added with Ep15. I always thought the current max level caps get included only with each new episodode, but I'm not sure

I believe the developers only ever include the next level cap per update and not the final ones so that the game is more open ended for them to develop from. That way they don't have to plan the episode around the level cap

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  On 6/12/2015 at 4:17 AM, Danthony64 said:
Ok so quick question. . . (yay for the release btw!) i know you have to go down the waterfall where the two ladies fell down but how do you get there? I cant pass a certain part in route 2 because one of the blocks or pieces that was there before doesn't exist anymore for me. Do i have to start all over? or is there another way to get to the waterfall/ametrine mountain?

I think I posted it in Bugs/glitches. It was a moving rock in route 2, wasn't it? Well, you just jump to the rock that is closest (very close to the hiker) and get there.

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  On 6/13/2015 at 9:54 AM, There was only one said:

I personally think Psuedo Legendaries and Legendaries should be available by EP 16 since majority of players reached 75+ at this point

Just sayin why not why not why not

yaa me too wondering about legendaries wanna catch one

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Love the update! There's something though: after the sewer puzzle during the fight against the grunts sometimes the Manectric becomes weird: if put to sleep it starts evading every single attack forever. Also the game keeps crashing during the second fight-any tips?


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  On 6/13/2015 at 3:55 PM, Zane0144 said:

I'm sure some of the difficulty drop has been me knowing what to prepare for and such. But the new AI is definitely not helping. I am glad to hear it will be fixed later and then this game will be no doubt the best Pokemon game of all time.

Also THANK YOU so much for fixing the order of occurance in battles so that things in double battles won't faint like 3-4 of my pokes in one turn. That combined even with the old super charolette would've made the battle much more manageable

I believe the developers only ever include the next level cap per update and not the final ones so that the game is more open ended for them to develop from. That way they don't have to plan the episode around the level cap

They already plan around a level cap though wouldn't you say? That's the reason they show us it to know what us as players limits are.

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First the main games and now reborn remove the item PC.

WHY. Ame, please put it back. =(

Also, I am dissapoint that there is no Rodaku to change genders. =(

Edited by Sapphire
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  On 6/17/2015 at 5:46 PM, Blazeheat91 said:

Awesome its finally out thanks. Btw i can't seem to download ep 15 from the mega link :( it says file has been deleted/doesn't exist

Hm seems like it. Perhaps she is updating something? I dont know. The other links should work so try them if you are not into waiting :)

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