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Guest DeathWarrent

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Guest DeathWarrent
Oh don't mind me, I'm a shadow who can't be denied his rights to speak. If denied my rights to speak, I have no choice but to deem these fourms unconsitutional since I'm not saying anything idiotic or descrimative. Anyway, I always wanted to speak so let me speak and ask these question. Answer these all in one go.

Why would you leave this wonderful place? if not, explain why you don't want to leave.

Are you the only one who feelin like something wrong with this place, if not then explain why you would stay?

What is your future here? If not here, then where else?

Is there any goals you want to complete before leaving? If your not leaving, explain your goals and how are you planning to complete them.

Your goal have been completed, how do you feel?

Good day~
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[color=#800080]Such poor sentence structure by the people complaining about the original posters English. Anyway I do believe this person just would like to know about Reborn, and how out views on life here is. Now for the reason I posted here in the first place.[/color]

[color=#800080]Why would you leave this wonderful place? if not, explain why you don't want to leave.[/color]

I'll more than likely be taking a leave soon, since there are things brewing here, that I want to have no part of.

[color=#800080]Are you the only one who feelin like something wrong with this place, if not then explain why you would stay?[/color]

I can guarantee that I'm not the only one who not only feels that something is wrong, but knows that not all is right in the land of Reborn.

[color=#800080]What is your future here? If not here, then where else?[/color]

I'm attempting to "tolerate" everything that is going on here, but it is turning out to be increasingly difficult, so I doubt I'll be staying here any longer. I've become too engrossed in my work to have time to deal with people, and their petty squabbles.

[color=#800080]Is there any goals you want to complete before leaving? If your not leaving, explain your goals and how are you planning to complete them.[/color]

I think that the only goals I have remaining here as the following:
(A.) I finish the new league them

(B.) Justice.

[color=#800080]Your goal have been completed, how do you feel?[/color]

Both goals are en route towards completion quite soon. My views on leaving just might just change when they are completed.
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Guest DeathWarrent
[quote name='Slut' timestamp='1318225461' post='19816']
This mademy head hurt :(

[color=#0099ff]Don't mind Mash just putting my two cents in Hark's post. I AGREE e.e lrn2englishperson :c[/color]
I'll break it down in terms you'll understand.

Shadow used Confuse Ray!
Victim became confused!

Victim is confused!
Victim starts hurting himself while thinking and played Russian Roulette.
Victim died!

Shadow loled!
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Firstly, Erick don't play dumb you know who it is. [color=#582c84](22:57:02) [/color][color=#582c84][Ninja] Erick:[/color] Geo posted...........
Secondly, don't start a fight on here as well.
Thirdly, it's lol'd and
[quote]Victim starts hurting himself while thinking and played Russian Roulette.[/quote][i] WHAT[/i]

He does want to know about the view point of the members which isn't against the rules. We are just saying please word it better.
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  • Administrators
"Secondly, don't start a fight on here as well."

He's trying to stop it. But nice try. And yes, to be completely honest, those are legitimate questions but because people need to overreact cause OMG IT'S GEO WTF, I won't hesitate to lock it if Mashew doesn't.
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  • Administrators
And one more thing, Geo. Don't talk about constitutional rights. Firstly, this isn't America- the internet doesn't have a home country, and we have plenty of international users.
Secondly, that's not how the constitution works. Posting here- being here is a privilege, not a right. If it were a right, I could not silence you, but you are here of your own choice, and as such it is also my choice if I allow you to be here. Incidentally, last I recalled you [i]weren't[/i] allowed here. I was willing to let a few messages and a status slide, but I'm going to reinforce my own privilege now, given the mess this all has started.
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