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First letter of your first name game~


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it's harder than you think!! every answer must start with the first letter of your first name.

use dis template:
Boys Name:
Girls Name:
Something you wear:
Something you find in the bathroom:
Reason to be late:
Something you shout out:

rules and stuff:

-use your name

-only your name

-if you're not comfortable giving out your name then use your nickname that people call you

-you have to use the template and nothing else ok

-you can search for answers but it's more fun if you figure it out yourself :^)

disclaimer: i wasn't the only one who made the questions. a friend helped me out~

have fun and good luck. you're gonna need it~

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Name: Pigolo the Gigolo < one of many nicknames

Animal: Penguin

Boys Name: Peter

Girls Name: Paloma

Occupation: Pathologist?

Colour: Purple

Something you wear: Piercings (not me personally)

Drink: Pinapple juice (don't like pinapples tho)

Food: Pistachio

Something you find in the bathroom: Pliers < don't question

Place: Paraguay

Reason to be late: Plane was taken by terrorists

Something you shout out: P*ta<just in case someone takes offense to swearing in other language

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Name: Mike
Animal: Monkey
Boys Name: Mason
Girls Name: Miranda
Occupation: Meat Packer
Colour: Maroon
Something you wear: Mittens
Drink: Mountain Dew
Food: Meatloaf
Something you find in the bathroom: Mint Toothpaste
Place: Mexico
Reason to be late: Missed the bus
Something you shout out: mmBOP!

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Name: Yash
Animal: Yorkie
Boys Name: Yuvraj
Girls Name: Yvonne
Occupation: Youtuber?
Colour: Yellow
Something you wear: Yamika (Thanks google)
Drink: JYaegermeister
Food: Yams
Something you find in the bathroom: Your toothbrush.
Place: Yorkshire
Reason to be late: You were out with friends and lost track of time and then you tried hurrying home only to get stuck in traffic, and then decided to run all the way, only to sprain your ankle..
Something you shout out:

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Name: Zephyr yeah no you guys aren't getting the truth outta me that easily
Animal: zebra cause I'm too lazy to think of a smartass answer like Zhang's toad or something
Boys Name: Zephyr
Girls Name: ... Zephyr >>
Occupation: Zookeeper
Colour: Zany Pink
Something you wear: Zapatos. You know. Like, shoes.
Drink: zombie blood
Food: zombie meat
Something you find in the bathroom: Zombie/half-awake woman doing her morning routine/me
Place: Zombieland
Reason to be late: Zombies ate my driver
Something you shout out: ZOMBIES!

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pft. forgot to do this myself lol.

Name: Comet (y'all are probably never gettin' my name heh)
Boys Name: Cal hue
Girls Name: Catniss
Occupation: Cat owner-er Chef
Colour: Cerulean, Cinnabar, Celadon. bam. and all of them are gen I place names what you wanna fight about it
Something you wear: Coat, (preferably like Cynthia's *v* ) Cardigan and a Cape!
Drink: Cranberry juice
Food: Canned bread. (whispers Spongebob reference)
Something you find in the bathroom: Cotton balls. (boo. boring. i know :^( )
Place: California is all I can think of
Reason to be late: Cat didn't bother to wake me up Car broke down
Something you shout out: "CHRIST- JESUS CHRIST CHILL"

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Name: Lucas (my real name)

Animal: Leopard

Boys name: Leonard

Girls name: Lana

Occupation: Laboratory worker

Color: Lilac

Something you wear: Leather shoes

Drink: Lemonade

Food: Lasagna

Something you find in the bathroom: Lotion

Place: Los Angeles

Reason to be late: Late bus

Something you shout out: LIAR!

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Name: Vijay
Animal: Viper
Boys Name: Victor :^)
Girls Name: Veronica
Occupation: Vice president of 'murica
Colour: Violet
Something you wear: Vans shoes
Drink: V8
Food: Vegetables
Something you find in the bathroom: Vagina blood
Place: Vienna
Reason to be late: Vortex ate my alarm clock

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Name: Adam
Animal: Alpaca
Boys Name: Alfonse
Girls Name: Anita
Occupation: Author (Oh look, it's my dream job huh)
Colour: Alabaster white
Something you wear: A... hat? Jk, I won't cheat. Assless chaps
Drink: Aspirin-laced water
Food: Apple
Something you find in the bathroom: Aspirin
Place: Antarctica (No, not america, ya stupid yanks)
Reason to be late: Accidental explosion

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Name: Vinny (Not my real name, but it's very close~)

Animal: Vulture

Boys Name: Vin Diesel 8)

Girls Name: Victoria

Occupation: Vault Concillor

Colour: Vermilion

Something you wear: Visor

Drink: Vitamins \o/

Food: ...Various snacks. Okay, that's cheap. Vanilla Wafers

Something you find in the bathroom: Vases. Lots of them.

Place: ...Varies. Okay I'll stop. - Virginia

Reason to be late: Victor had his head stuck in the toilet.

Something you shout out: VROOOOOOOOOM

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Boys Name:-Kokkimidis
Girls Name:-Kiki/Katie
Occupation:-Key Cutter
Something you wear:-Kneehighs
Something you find in the bathroom:-Khazi.... please cite Liverpool
Place:-Kanto Region MUAHAHAHA , jk Kentucky
Reason to be late:-Killing people.... So time consuming
Something you shout out:-KMN aka Kill me now

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okay I'm sorry I'll try to take this seriously this time

Animal: Godzilla Grey wolf gazelle
Boys Name: Gregorio
Girls Name: Gayle
Occupation: Gourmet cook
Colour: green no wait that's too easy grey oh no lemme try again gold oh gosh darnit
Something you wear: glasses lol
Drink: grape juice lol
Food: garlic fried rice <3
Something you find in the bathroom: goddamnit they didn't take out the trash Gillette
Place: GRATERRAS. I DON'T CARE IF IT'S FICTIONAL (in case it doesn't count, Galilee, then)
Reason to be late: God's will (half-joke, half-serious answer)
Something you shout out:

1. goddamnit

2. good lordy

3. goodness

4. gah


6. gtfo or ti-- wait...

7. get out

8. go away

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Name: Amalia
Animal: Albatross
Boys Name: Alexander
Girls Name: Alice
Occupation: Actor
Colour: Auburn
Something you wear: Anorak
Drink: Apple juice
Food: Asparagus
Something you find in the bathroom: Avocado-scented soap (not even kidding. I don't like the smell either...)
Place: Aachen
Reason to be late: Alarm didn't go off
Something you shout out: ARCEUS Argh!

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Name: Flux
Animal: Flamingo
Boys Name: Frank
Girls Name: Frankina Francesca
Occupation: ...Fisherman.
Colour: Fuschia
Something you wear: feet Fedora
Drink: Fanta
Food: Filet mignon
Something you find in the bathroom: feces ...Okay I can't think of anything else so we're going with that.
Place: Florida
Reason to be late: Forgot my... forgot to... forgot... FLEW TO THE WRONG COUNTRY
Something you shout out: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-[Redacted]

Alternatively... FREE WILLY!!!!!!

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Animal: Turtle
Boys Name: Timmy Turner (Do I get double points?)
Girls Name: (M3G4) T3RR4
Occupation: Teacher? Idk.
Colour: Turquoise
Something you wear: T-Shirt
Drink: Tea
Food: Tangerines
Something you find in the bathroom: Towels
Place: Taiwan
Reason to be late: Tom Robbins says: "Anyone who goes to work everyday... everyday... IS sick! So, 'call in well' to work today! (Got this from a website~)
Something you shout out: TICKLE TIME! (Again, idk)


Name: Chubb
Animal: Camel
Boys Name: Cameron
Girls Name: Carol
Occupation: Cheerleader
Colour: Cream
Something you wear: Clothes
Drink: Coca Cola
Food: Chicken
Something you find in the bathroom: "Chocolate"
Place: China
Reason to be late: Candy. That's all.
Something you shout out: CANDYLAND IS HERE

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Name: EXLink32

Animal: Eagle

Boys Name: Eric

Girls Name: Emily

Occupation: Executioner

Colour: Emerald

Something you wear: Ear Rings

Drink: Elixir

Food: Empanada (Taco Bell 4 da win)

Something you find in the bathroom: Ear wax on Q-tips

Place: Europe

Reason to be late: Execution

Something you shout out: Excuuuuse me, Princess

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Name: Ragnar
Animal: Racoon
Boys Name: Rollo
Girls Name: Reily
Occupation: Revolutionary leader
Colour: Red
Something you wear: Rings
Drink: Red Wine
Food: Raw meat
Something you find in the bathroom: Razor
Place: For mutha Russia
Reason to be late: Rallying the soviet union *communism intensifies*
Something you shout out: RAWWR?

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Name: TV

Animal: Tortoise

Boys Name: Travis

Girls Name: Tiffany

Occupation: Teacher

Colour: Turquoise

Something you wear: T-Shirt

Drink: Tequila

Food: Tacos

Something you find in the bathroom: Toothbrush

Place: Taj Mahal

Reason to be late: My Tornadus threw a tantrum that destroyed ten towers with ten tornadoes

Something you shout out: TIMEOUT!!! TIMEOUT!!!

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Name: (You'll just have to take my word for it that it starts with P, haha)
Animal: Penguin
Boys Name: Paul
Girls Name: Patty
Occupation: Psychologist
Colour: Pink
Something you wear: Pajamas
Drink: Pepsi
Food: Pasta
Something you find in the bathroom: Piss (well, it's true...)
Place: Parthenon
Reason to be late: Practically murdered on my way here, I had to escape from a biker gang
Something you shout out: Peter Piper Picked a Patch of Pickled Peppers!

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Name: David (becuase there are millions of davids and it's not a big deal)

Animal: Dire Wolf
Boys Name: Donovan
Girls Name: Dominique
Occupation: Disc Jockey
Colour: Denim
Something you wear: Draws
Drink: Deus Ex
Food: Dumplings
Something you find in the bathroom: Doo doo
Place: Dubai
Reason to be late: Didn't give a damn
Something you shout out: Dope doggies!

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Name: James

Animal: Jaguar
Boys Name: James
Girls Name: Jennifer
Occupation: Job Journalist
Colour: Jade
Something you wear: Jeans
Drink: Jack Daniel's
Food: Jam Sandwich
Something you find in the bathroom: James' Toothbrush
Place: Japan
Reason to be late: "Jumped for the bus, and missed."
Something you shout out: "Jelly beans, anyone?"

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Name: Alex

Animal: Aardvark

Boy's Name: Alex

Girl's Name: Alex (lol)

Occupation: Actuarian

Colour: Amethyst :D

Something you wear: ascot

Drink: apple juice

Food: apple

Something you find in the bathroom: aftershave

Place: Amsterdam

Reason to be late: "Almost cared, but not quite"

Something you shout out: "AM I REAL?"

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Name: Tack, since nobody knows my real name iirc
Animal: Tiger
Boys Name:Taavi
Girls Name: Tina
Something you wear: Tank Top
Something you find in the bathroom:Toilet
Place:The Crab Shack
Reason to be late:Talking on a phone comboing into an accident
Something you shout out:TAP DANCING IS BETTER THAN THIS SH**

yeah i yelled that out once

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