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Suggest me something to use as my team member


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so my team include



-Greninja(Water/Dark...but it has Protean)




donno who to pick next,can you me suggest something that will make my team average?maybe some fighting type?or Steel?(Lucario...that thing dont exist in this game)

Edited by BBD
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why not a Guts/Thick Fat Hariyama ?

is it good?if I going to get it then I have to grind for day to get it to my level

edit:nope!low speed and weak defend and spt.defend,cant risk it in my team

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nope,it's not in game

I completely missed it was in the rejuvenation section...

I haven't played the game but I would still recommend a Ground or Fighting type. I don't know if it helps much but having a mix of special and physical attackers might be useful. (you only have special Pokes now)

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is it good?if I going to get it then I have to grind for day to get it to my level

edit:nope!low speed and weak defend and spt.defend,cant risk it in my team

Bruh, just breed Bullet Punch from Hitmonchan onto him. Sure he's not the fastest and tankiest pokemon, but he has the HP to make it up. And he's one of the best pokemon in the current version, just ask around. But if you don't like him, then i can't force you to use him.

His moveset could be like this :

Bullet Punch

Bulk Up

Knock Off (half the reason for using him)

Close Combat

Edited by biboo195
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Mamoswine. Breed icicle crash from beartic onto a swinub and delay eveolution until lv 37 for eq.

um...check what game will ya,I mean in Reju not Reborn

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I think in the future everyone should put Pokemon Rejuvenation in the title to avoid this problem.

You can get swinub in rejuvenation. Its in akuwa cave and Angie's castle.

No beartic.

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What about Golem. it is pretty tanky, is in the game, and is a classic team member. It has stab with moves like stone edge and earthquake as well as the ability Sturdy. Hope this helped you out at least thinks in another direction.

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What about Golem. it is pretty tanky, is in the game, and is a classic team member. It has stab with moves like stone edge and earthquake as well as the ability Sturdy. Hope this helped you out at least thinks in another direction.

...maybe that'll work,maybe study and explotion steadegy for this one,should it be a real team member or just back up then?

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...maybe that'll work,maybe study and explotion steadegy for this one,should it be a real team member or just back up then?

It's up to you, but the fact that it learns Stealth Rock and Earthquake naturally should really be considered carefully for that final spot.

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I would say either Toxicroak or Hariyama, preferably Toxicroak since it'll be able to smack Fairy Types once it gains Poison Jab. Both are great mons nonetheless so its up to.

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I'm also in favour of Toxicroak since it's a very powerful Pokemon. I don't worry too much about Psychic types because Sucker Punch but Ground types will destroy Toxicroak, not the bulkiest Pokemon. If you missed your chance to catch the Shadow Toxicroak then Hariyama is the next best thing. Quite useful in a lot of gym battles, especially against Angie with Thick Fat.

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Ohh!I got a Mawile,maybe the real team member will be this one or maybe it'll be a good backup

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I'm also in favour of Toxicroak since it's a very powerful Pokemon. I don't worry too much about Psychic types because Sucker Punch but Ground types will destroy Toxicroak, not the bulkiest Pokemon. If you missed your chance to catch the Shadow Toxicroak then Hariyama is the next best thing. Quite useful in a lot of gym battles, especially against Angie with Thick Fat.

And it has decent IVs, which you can see after puifying.

Anyway, you definitely need a ground or a Fighting type, and rock is really handy against Angie (I only managed to win with Bulk-Up Speed boost Blaziken sweeping, and against an EQ-wielding Abomasnow as my best option, it wasn't ideal).

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Yes, you can. It'll play Hide n Seek with you, where it'll be located in different spots. I believe with Version 5.5 it now only is found in 4 or 5 spots.

If you need to find the spots, you can search for it in this section.

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