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6th Team Member (and maybe 5th as well?)


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Currently rolling with:

The Core 4 (although if one of them really should be replaced I'll take that into account):

Greninja lvl 75

Grass Knot


Hydro Pump

Dark Pulse

(sad no Ice beam available)

Arcanine lvl 72

Flare Blitz


Outrage (should I replace w/ ExtremeSpeed?)


Golurk lvl 75

Phantom Force (should I replace w/ Shadow Punch? Seems kinda weak)

Hammer Arm


Rock Tomb

Primeape lvl 75

Close Combat

Low Kick


Rock Tomb

(Open to considering the idea of replacing him, as I've been trying to use as many new pokemon as possible, with him being the only exception thus far)

The Expendable One:

Swoobat lvl 71

Calm Mind


Shadow Ball

Air Slash

(mainly keep it b/c it has Simple, but it is expendable)

The Alternates:

Skuntank lvl 68

Acid Spray


Night Slash


(mainly use it as a support pokemon, acid spray is quite useful for greninja/arcanine to finish off opponents)

Bouffalant lvl 68

Swords Dance

Thrash (would replace w/ Head Charge)


Surf (lol, normally have Revenge)

Any and all suggestions are welcome! Some pokemon I have in the box include an Ampharos, Litwick, Avalugg, Donphan, Wailord, Octillery, Typhlosion, Skrelp, Ralts, Munchlax, Riolu, Chesnaught, Piloswine, Scraggy, Joltik, Heracross, Beldum, Gligar, Murkrow, Croagunk, Mienshao, Vulpix, Rotom, Tynamo, Lanturn, and Abra

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I might be a bit biased after my monosteel run, but I really like Metagross, so he could be worthwhile to replace the swoobat. Otherwise I would go with a pokemon that covers the type you have least covered, and if you have every type covered, just pick your favorite :)

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Yea I thought about Metagross, but 1) I've used him before and 2) he's pretty OP haha (although Greninja is too, but I haven't played any 6th Gen so I wanted to start w/ him)

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If you want a good psychic type that isn't metagross, go for Alakazam. He's extremely strong, I've used him to sweep a few teams, and he's gotten me out of a couple tough spots on my first playthrough. Only con is he is extremely squishy, so if you dont OHKO them he's gonna get hit hard in return.

EDIT: Noticed you have Ralts, Gardevoir is a really good chocie too

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Avalugg is a wall, but you could use him as an Ice type

Ampharos is a pretty good electric type, (s)he can take a hit and return it back well. idk about dragon....


(Ice Body)





That avalugg would make a pretty tough wall, Ice body + hail hurting the opponent and making avalugg gain 1/16 of it's max HP per turn, being able to use Recover and then 2 moves that are decently strong, you could give it skull bash, but I don't like 2 turn moves. Double edge would be ok I guess, but I don't like recoil moves either :P



Thunder Wave



??????(Dragon Pulse? Signal Beam? Light Screen?)

I haven't used ampharos much, except in Gen2 where it's moveset doesn't really matter too much, the regular pokemon games are pretty easy :P

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For now good dragon 'mons are Flygon, Tyrantrum, Kingdra, Altaria, Druddigon, Noivern and Dragalge.

Dragalge is really slow but it's good, but if you want something faster then Flygon, Kingdra or Noivern are maybe your choices. Tyrantrum (+ with Dragon Dance Tyrantrum is a terrible monster since it's attack is already really high), Altaria and Druddigon had ok speed if I remember correctly.

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If I were to use Alakazam what would be a good moveset? Psychic/Calm Mind/Shadow Ball/Recover?

Main reason I'm reevaluating my team is that I've just started on Episode 15 and am stuck at a rather difficult double battle that happens somewhat early on (don't want to spoil too much). If anyone has advice that would be much appreciated.

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(whatever ability you like, mine has inner focus but I prefer Magic Guard, and synchronize is pretty cool too)


Calm Mind

Recover (Recover could be replaced my Miracle Eye, or Reflect, because Alakazam isn't very good at taking hits from physical attacks, making reflect pretty good as a defensive option. I've had recover save my ass a few times though, so that's your call)

(Shadow Ball is alright here, if you want to beat ghost / psychic types, and theres not too much else Alakazam can learn, so it's what I use. Unfortunately, by the time you get shadow ball theres not many ghost types or psychic types you need to beat :( but it is still a good move to have on Alakazam)

Reflect Might be a better option considering the double battle, because IIRC it affects both of your pokemon, you could have Alakazam set up reflect, then use calm mind and then proceed to start OHKOing everything with psychic / shadow ball.

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I actually trained Bouffalant up a bit and managed to get beat them! Swords Dance/Head Charge/Megahorn/Bulldoze ftw

Now I'm grinding for Ciel, and I see that not many of my pokemon are resistant to the flying type attacks.

If I were to train up a Mamoswine, what would be a good moveset?

I know Earthquake and Ice Shard, but I'm not sure what else.

Another alternative is Ampharos, which currently has:


Power Gem

Confuse Ray

Dragon Pulse

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Honestly In the first part of E15 our partner did almost all the work for me. Damn that thing they have is a BEAST.

Anyway, may I suggest Whimsicott and Galvantula for some type coverage?

Whimsicott - Prankster Leech Seed/Stun Spore/Moonblast/Hurricane or Giga Drain. Great support, mine was level 47, playing a MAJOR part in the last gym battle.

Galvantula - Compoundeyes Bug Buzz/Electroball/Thunderwave or Discharge(thunderwave isn't needed much with Prankter Stun Spore from Whimsicott)/Filler move such as Spider Web, Agility, or HP Ground

Galvantula has great Speed and Special Attack, and has been a big help right from the start.

Dragalge IS a good mon though. Not only is it VERY handy this episode, It is a Special Wall for a longer period of time. Fairy Types? where? Sludge Wave the fuck out of them.

Adaptability is a killer ability, Dragon Pulse is still decent STAB neutral coverage, It's movepool is pretty nice and it can be your Surf Slave.

Get yours today for the low price of 19,99, get the second one free!

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Interesting suggestions!

I've tried the gym battle a few times, and I've gotten to the point where I can semi-reliably kill 5/6 of their pokemon (rock tomb ftw) ...until the last one shows up.

Any suggestions for dealing with it? I initially thought about Dragalge, but I realized their pokemon has a counter move.

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Interesting suggestions!

I've tried the gym battle a few times, and I've gotten to the point where I can semi-reliably kill 5/6 of their pokemon (rock tomb ftw) ...until the last one shows up.

Any suggestions for dealing with it? I initially thought about Dragalge, but I realized their pokemon has a counter move.

My Swampert Earthquaked it. It loses it's flying type upon Mega evolving huehue.

Poison and Steel are VERY handy against it tho.

Do you have a Stealth Rocker tho? One of hers does not take very kindly to it, especially if it also switches INTO an incoming Waterfall. Dumb bitch.

But simply put any pokemon with Prankster and at least 2 usefull status moves is a great addition to your team. Meowstic, Liepard, Sableye, Volbeat and Illumise each have their great points, but I prefer Whimsicott because aesthetic.

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Thanks everyone for the feedback!

So I got a Dragalge with Hydro Pump/Sludge Bomb/Dragon Pulse/Toxic (filler?)

And Helia you were right! It's absurdly good! I'll definitely keep it on my team.

With some reevaluation I have Dragalge as well as:

Greninja with Hydro Pump/Dark Pulse/Grass Knot/Extrasensory

Arcanine with Flare Blitz/Extreme Speed/Outrage/Crunch

Golurk(?) with EQ/Hammer Arm/Rock Tomb/Phantom Force

I'd like to keep my Golurk but I'm not sure which ability to go for. Currently it has No Guard, and I wasn't sure whether to go with No Guard + Dynamic Punch or Iron Fist + Hammer Arm + Shadow Punch

Alternatively, I could switch it out for mamoswine.

For the last two slots, I'm thinking an Electric type and a Fighting type.

Has anybody used Eelektross? I was originally considering Ampharos but Eelektross has the appeal of being a mixed attacker (and Levitate!)

And then for Fighting type I currently have Primeape (Close Combat/Low Kick/Assurance/Rock Tomb), but may switch him out. Was originally thinking Breloom (Spore/Bulk Up/Rock Tomb/Mach Punch) but sadly it's not available. Any recommendations? Conkeldurr/Scrafty came to mind.

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Honestly, I like High Jump Kick on Scrafty, because you can sweep really well with it.I don't know if I would use Dragon Dance if he has Moxie, but that's up to you. Otherwise the moveset looks good

So far Dragon Dance has been useful for the speed boost, and Drain Punch has been good for maintaining its bulk. That said, if (once episode 16 comes around) I find myself lacking power I'll probably replace it with HJK.

Has anyone used Eelektross? I know its attack is the higher stat, but its special move pool is pretty versatile.

Definitely want it to have Flamethrower and Grass Knot, but as for STAB I'm not sure whether to mixed and pick Wild Charge and Crunch/Brick Break or go full Special and pick Thunderbolt and Acid Spray.

Currently have 3 physical attackers (Arcanine, Scrafty, Golurk) and 2 special attackers (Greninja, Dragalge).

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My Eelektross has the following moves: Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Brick Break, Thunder Wave
You can go physical with: Coil, Wild Charge, and any 2 of Crunch/Acrobatics/Brick Break/Rock Tomb
or special with: Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Acid Spray, Grass Knot(or Charge Beam)

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Decided to go with the special set! Seems to work well thus far: Thunderbolt/Grass Knot/Flamethrower/Acid Spray

Team seems just about finalized!

Greninja (Protean): Dark Pulse/Hydro Pump/Grass Knot/Extrasensory

Dragalge (Adaptability): Hydro Pump/Sludge Bomb/Dragon Pulse/Toxic

Scrafty (Moxie): Dragon Dance/Drain Punch/Ice Punch/Crunch

Golurk (No Guard): Hammer Arm/Earthquake/Rock Tomb/Phantom Force

Arcanine (Flash Fire): Flare Blitz/ExtremeSpeed/Crunch/Outrage

Eelektross (Levitate): Thunderbolt/Grass Knot/Flamethrower/Acid Spray

Last question: Which ability is better for Golurk? Iron Fist powers up Shadow Punch and Hammer Arm, while No Guard ensures Dynamic Punch always hits.

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