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this is me depressed and her tlaking to me

[quote](20:10:03) MPLJulia: Mashieieie.
(20:10:10) Alex joined the channel.
(20:10:12) Mashew18: ....what?....
(20:10:12) N8theGr8: "Friends" is a term rarely, if ever used, to describe my school.
(20:10:20) AisuKiba: N8, I only have 3 ;x
(20:10:20) MPLJulia: Whysad?
(20:10:22) AisuKiba: real IRL friends.
(20:10:24) MPLJulia: Smile.
(20:10:24) Alex: james battle >:U
(20:10:27) Mashew18: ........Scroll up........
(20:10:28) MPLJulia: Smi. ile.
(20:10:33) AisuKiba: one who is younger than me, and two who I rarely see.
(20:10:38) MPLJulia: When'd I shoot you down, huh?
(20:10:39) AisuKiba: N8, you have friends here!
(20:10:39) Lara: -agrees with Julia-
(20:10:40) Battle between James and Alex started.
(20:10:43) N8theGr8: Only 3? Better than I. I really have one good friend now... :(
(20:10:51) Mashew18: hmph when you first came in.............
(20:10:58) AisuKiba: N8, my sister will probably go away from me so will my other one. So I'll like you and only have Lex.
(20:10:59) +AmethystStorm: One's all you need, really.
(20:11:02) Mashew18: N8!!! MOVE TO MAMMOTH ARIZONA!!!!!!
(20:11:03) AisuKiba: Ame: thank you!
(20:11:11) AisuKiba: N8, look..fact is, we all care!
(20:11:17) AisuKiba: each and every one of us, what difference do you see?!
(20:11:18) Lara is idling.
(20:11:25) AisuKiba: -waves her hand to everyone in the channel-
(20:11:29) N8theGr8: But even he...we have fun together...but we're two different people
(20:11:33) MPLJulia: I didn't mean to shoot anyone!
(20:11:34) Dorogon changed teams.
(20:11:35) Mashew18: ...so Like I said... goodbye Miss Boom.........
(20:11:39) AisuKiba: Julia: O.O
(20:11:40) MPLJulia: I didn't even realize I had a gun!
(20:11:46) Mashew18: .....not Literally shoot..... nevemrind...........
(20:11:52) Battle between Dorogon and ash15 started.
(20:11:52) MPLJulia: Sorry Mashie! Don't goooo.
(20:11:58) AisuKiba: N8, look there is no difference than people here and there. Think of us beside you.
(20:12:03) Mashew18: Luna </3 Julia </3.... oh welll........
(20:12:06) AisuKiba: I'd literally be beside you, I got that habit of stalking people.
(20:12:09) MPLJulia: We love Mashew, he's the best! Mashie shoots down all the rest!
(20:12:09) James won against Alex.
(20:12:14) Alex: OH MUTHA FUCKA
(20:12:16) Alex: ;~;
(20:12:19) AisuKiba: Julia: no more cheers for you woman.
(20:12:24) MPLJulia: wah.
(20:12:27) N8theGr8: Aisu, I can only imagine...
(20:12:28) Mashew18: ,,,,,,julia........ I didnt mean that sort of shoot down............
(20:12:28) Lara: -liked the cheer, actually-
(20:12:31) Lara: I thought it was clever.
(20:12:44) N8theGr8: I wish I could be with you all every second of the day.
(20:12:49) AisuKiba: don't we all?
(20:12:51) N8theGr8: But the fact is, I'm not
(20:12:52) Mashew18: .....do I need to explain it??........
(20:12:56) AisuKiba: sheesh I wish I had met you guys from the day I was born!
(20:12:58) AisuKiba: -hugs N8
(20:13:02) N8theGr8: Never have been, never will be...
(20:13:08) Mashew18: (20:12:03) Mashew18: Luna </3 Julia </3.... oh welll........
(20:13:11) DRAGON TAMER JDOG Ω joined the channel.
(20:13:12) AisuKiba: no one can always be with one another, besides. N8, it makes you wanna get home and see us even more!
(20:13:17) DRAGON TAMER JDOG Ω left the channel.
(20:13:18) N8theGr8: Unless I get really lucky and happen to move to Mammoth
(20:13:18) AisuKiba: I'll be on after school all the time if you ever wanna talk :3
(20:13:20) Mashew18: ....oh and Luna gets to come back... f ing perfect........................
(20:13:29) N8theGr8: Aisu...do you have a skype?
(20:13:32) Mashew18: YAY N8!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(20:13:33) AisuKiba: if you got any problems.
(20:13:36) AisuKiba: N8, I could get one for you.
(20:13:39) MPLJulia: N8, N8, He's no fool! N8 is really freaking cool!
(20:13:40) AisuKiba: if you'd like, I use to have one.
(20:13:42) ash15 won against Dorogon.
(20:13:50) AisuKiba: Julia: go join the pom pom squad yer scaring me ;;
(20:13:57) Kisame joined the channel.
(20:13:59) Alex left the channel.
(20:14:02) MPLJulia: I used to be captain...
(20:14:15) AisuKiba: ...
(20:14:16) N8theGr8: What happened?
(20:14:22) Mashew18: .......... I got turned down by a cheerleader and a princess..... great!..........................
(20:14:24) AisuKiba: N8, with what my skype? Stopped using it for some odd reason
(20:14:30) AisuKiba: Mashew: I still heart you!
(20:14:31) MPLJulia: Wha? Nothing happened, I graduated~
(20:14:34) lIlNlKl joined the channel.
(20:14:36) AisuKiba: N8, I can get a new one :3
(20:14:41) N8theGr8: Oh, right...hahaha ._.
(20:14:46) MPLJulia: It's kayyy.
(20:14:46) AisuKiba: ugh hold on okay?
(20:14:48) AisuKiba: I hurt.
(20:14:48) Lara: Nice, Julia~
(20:14:55) MPLJulia: Thank ye
(20:15:13) N8theGr8: Booooom... :/
(20:15:17) Mashew18: ......Only Kiba read that... thanks Aisu...............
(20:15:20) Red joined the channel.
(20:15:29) Mashew18: .....no boom for you.... only for Miss Boom...........
(20:15:32) lIlNlKl left the channel.
(20:15:34) N8theGr8: Mashew, don't worry..
(20:15:42) Mashew18: YOU MOVING HERE N8!?!!?!?!
(20:15:44) N8theGr8: I'd never be able to get a girlfriend...haha...
(20:15:58) N8theGr8: I can only hope
(20:16:00) Mashew18: N8 DONT THINK LIKE THAT YOU HAVE TERRA!!!!!
(20:16:14) N8theGr8: ...that was never funny...
(20:16:19) gVeR left the channel.
(20:16:22) Mashew18: ...............sooo.... bye bye Miss Boom?...... I go *death* now.......
(20:16:27) MPLJulia: Nodeath.
(20:16:31) MPLJulia: Antideath[/quote]

this is me happy and NOTHING
[quote](22:22:37) Mashew18: MISS BOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ BOOOOOM BOOOM BOOOM ZAAAAAAP BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JULIA♥♥♥♥♥♥
(22:22:48) AisuKiba: MASHEW!
(22:22:52) AisuKiba: -shakes him-
(22:22:56) Mashew18: you and N8
(22:23:08) Mashew18: oh man she lost which means she wont stay to talk for a bit =[
(22:23:19) N8theGr8: ^ Evil
(22:23:26) Will: Well, I'm a bit more awake, now...
(22:23:27) MPLJulia: illl talkkk.
(22:23:30) MPLJulia: what are we talking about.
(22:23:33) AisuKiba: dun know
(22:23:34) MPLJulia: if its coffee im interested.
(22:23:35) N8theGr8: Chocolate Poptart
(22:23:42) Lara: -offers coffee!-
(22:23:43) Dorogon changed teams.
(22:23:43) AisuKiba: -sits on N8's head with her dog bone-
(22:23:45) Mashew18: I dont know yet hmmmm oh i know! Julia♥ or Julia</3
(22:23:47) N8theGr8: I'm a bit hyper now
(22:23:50) Battle between Dorogon and ash15 started.
(22:23:57) ash15 forfeited against Dorogon.
(22:24:05) Mashew18: *hands her coffees* there you go
(22:24:06) MPLJulia: coffee poptart.
(22:24:06) Battle between Dorogon and ash15 started.
(22:24:07) AisuKiba: yes I can see but if you run I'll fall.
(22:24:19) MPLJulia: everyonemust be HYPAR.
(22:24:20) Will: They're going to ask you questions about yourself.
(22:24:36) Lara: -shall be HYPAR!-
(22:24:38) Mashew18: errr not.... interesting Julia oh and im ok from earlier I got shot down I mean turne down but I ok now~
(22:24:44) *** Will is really shaky right now. ***
(22:24:45) ═══ Announcement: Lara- Ash- Val- Bleze- Will-
(22:24:48) Lara: Hey now, I am not, Will. =/
(22:24:55) Mashew18: HYPAR HYPAR HYPAR
(22:24:59) ash15 won against Dorogon.
(22:25:02) *** Will really needs that doctor's appointment. ***
(22:25:03) MPLJulia: mrrr. Okay. starting to kick in.
(22:25:08) Mashew18: what?
(22:25:10) MPLJulia: kickickick.
(22:25:10) N8theGr8: Coffee poptart FTW
(22:25:17) Forsaken joined the channel.
(22:25:20) Mashew18: KICKS!!! lol
(22:25:23) MPLJulia: kickickickickick. that's fun to type.
(22:25:29) Lara: -tries it out-
(22:25:30) Mashew18: But anyways shes hyper im gonna be ignored oh well >>
(22:25:32) MPLJulia: you know what else is fun type?
(22:25:34) Will: kickickickickick
(22:25:34) Dorogon: I just did a test whit shuckle and shuckle defense can go up to 2236 O_O
(22:25:35) MPLJulia: lollipop
(22:25:35) N8theGr8: kickickickickick
(22:25:40) Lara: kickickickick
(22:25:42) MPLJulia: lollipoplollipop
(22:25:48) MPLJulia: type it with one hand
(22:25:49) Lara: That takes effort. I keep wanting to put in the extra k's. XD
(22:25:50) N8theGr8: Dorogon: wut
(22:25:51) Will: Zzzzzzzzzzap!
(22:25:57) MPLJulia: its also fun to say out loud quickly.[/quote]

Ithink ill jsut give up on Julia =*[ </3
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Looks Like Kitty and Wolfie have something going on read as I give them advice then they disappear
[quote](23:12:09) N8theGr8: No problem
(23:12:10) +AmethystStorm: Saying anything afterwards is always awkward. You know.
(23:12:18) +AmethystStorm: It's like "So........... Yep."
(23:12:18) N8theGr8: Not really :(
(23:12:21) Mashew18: Not Really lol.
(23:12:26) +Miss Kitty: Seeeeeeexxxxxxx.
(23:12:28) +AmethystStorm: Well.
(23:12:30) Mashew18: I make more money than you~
(23:12:35) N8theGr8: What could be AWKWARD to us?!?!
(23:12:37) +AmethystStorm: When there are 8 people in the room with you.
(23:12:38) +AmethystStorm: Yeah, it is.
(23:12:48) +Miss Kitty: ...But tonight?
(23:12:50) Mashew18: No it isnt it makes it more intersting
(23:13:06) [+INF]Amor: ( You eople... >> )
(23:13:10) Mashew18: OH! and Wolfie better to have B happen than A cause A is sad <<
(23:13:12) [+INF]Amor: ( *people )
(23:13:14) Mashew18: *people
(23:13:24) +Miss Kitty: Ameee...
(23:13:27) +Miss Kitty: But tonight...?>
(23:13:29) [+INF]Amor: ( Beat you to it~ )
(23:13:30) N8theGr8: Woman + Alcohol + Motel = Happy, HAPPY man
(23:13:32) +AmethystStorm: What about tonight...?
(23:13:38) Blezerker: Lol n8
(23:13:41) +Miss Kitty: Just usssss?
(23:13:43) Mashew18: I jsut told you Wolfie~ lol xD
(23:13:46) +AmethystStorm: .....Oh, so.
(23:13:47) N8theGr8: SEXY TIEM
(23:13:47) +Miss Kitty: ...And maybe a hawt asian guy?
(23:13:48) +AmethystStorm: Um.
(23:13:52) +AmethystStorm: ...>.>;
(23:13:57) Blezerker: Lol....................
(23:13:58) Mashew18: THats extra Kitty >>
(23:14:06) AisuKiba: ...
(23:14:06) Mashew18: WOLFIE PLEASE TELL ME YOU TOP! DX
(23:14:08) +Miss Kitty: I get a special discount.
(23:14:10) N8theGr8: Bread costs $2 extra
(23:14:14) +AmethystStorm: Yeah, alright.
(23:14:14) AisuKiba: -runs away from this-
(23:14:15) AisuKiba: ;;
(23:14:16) +Miss Kitty: ...Sometimes I dom.
(23:14:16) N8theGr8: NO SEX FOR YOU
(23:14:18) Mashew18: IF NOT YOU BETTER BE PAYED A LOT OF MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(23:14:19) +AmethystStorm: ....Ohhhh. So uh.
(23:14:22) +AmethystStorm: I have to uh.
(23:14:26) +AmethystStorm: Take out the trash.
(23:14:28) +AmethystStorm: I'll be back soon.
(23:14:32) N8theGr8: Amethyst used Harden!
(23:14:32) Mashew18: Wolfie...... XD lol
(23:14:42) +Miss Kitty: I'll be back soon. <3333~~~~
(23:14:44) [+INF]Amor: ( Aww, Storm left! )
(23:14:48) Lan: liz
(23:14:53) Mashew18: Kitty did Wolfie get all.... Hardened lol xD have fun you 2 remember PROTECTION!
(23:14:56) N8theGr8: Amor, let them be alone for a bit
(23:14:57) Mashew18: And better B than A!
(23:15:03) [+INF]Amor: ( Aww, now Kitty left! :'( )[/quote]
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Well at least maybe finally they will ve together~ after my advice they should be good lol we will find out tomorrow but.I forgot to tell wolfie something oh well maybe he will figure it out on his own lol. Well this top info reciever for the investagation squad is signing off until next time cya!!
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[quote name='mashew' post='2918' date='Aug 13 2010, 12:34 AM']this is me depressed and her tlaking to me

this is me happy and NOTHING

[b][color="#FF0000"]Ithink ill jsut give up on Julia =*[ </3[/color][/b][/quote]

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Jesus Kitkat, looks like I can't judge Ame anymore...no wonder he charges so much...


And Bullet, don't make Mashew do something he doesn't wanna do. If he wants to move on, let him. And like I said, he WILL find someone. It's not as much of a matter of 'if' as it is a matter of 'when'.

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Because Gardevoir is awesome <3

[quote](22:45:25) [Reborn]Gardevoir joined the channel.
(22:45:26) Bullet: o_o
(22:45:27) Bullet: HAI GARDEVOIR!!!!!!♥♥♥
(22:45:45) Geo: Should stuck with MPL >>
(22:45:53) [Evo]Kicks: OMFG GARDEVOIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(22:45:53) Will: I agree with Geo
(22:45:56) Bullet: What did MPL stand for? >_>
(22:46:02) [Reborn]Gardevoir: Why helloww everybody...
(22:46:04) Will: Monkey Pro League
(22:46:04) [Evo]Kicks: Monkey Pro League
(22:46:08) Bullet: o_o
(22:46:12) Bullet: lol
(22:46:12) [Evo]Kicks: I like your color Gardevoir~♥
(22:46:17) Bullet: DESTROY N8!
(22:46:18) TheMiddleMan: might pwn lemmings
(22:46:38) Geo: The power yet unknown XP
(22:46:40) N8theGr8: Hai GG
(22:46:47) [Reborn]Gardevoir: Say...
(22:46:52) [Reborn]Gardevoir: Amor isn't around now, is she?
(22:46:55) Bullet: no
(22:46:57) [Evo]Kicks: Lol Gardevoir we are the.. INVESTAGATION SQUAD!!!!
(22:46:58) Will: I don't know
(22:46:59) [Reborn]Gardevoir: There's something I'd like to speak with her about...
(22:47:03) Bullet: O_O
(22:47:05) [Reborn]Gardevoir: ...Well, kinda.
(22:47:06) [Evo]Kicks: No her Vesica or Vesa arent >>
(22:47:07) [Reborn]Gardevoir: :3
(22:47:08) N8theGr8: WILL DON'T SEND OUT AMOR
(22:47:10) N8theGr8: WHATEVER YOU DO
(22:47:12) [Reborn]Gardevoir: ...Now, now!
(22:47:18) [Reborn]Gardevoir: I promise, I wouldn't dare hurt her...
(22:47:19) Will: She's mad at me about something, and I haven't the slightest idea where she is
(22:47:20) Bullet: lol
(22:47:22) Geo: Will dont be stupid
(22:47:23) [Evo]Kicks: Or else >3
(22:47:28) [Reborn]Gardevoir: ...Is that so... That's too bad....
(22:47:28) N8theGr8: GG...
(22:47:33) Will: Too bad.
(22:47:36) [Evo]Kicks: I know where her brothers are~ they are training
(22:47:44) Bullet: eh
(22:47:44) [Evo]Kicks: too too bad
(22:47:48) [Reborn]Gardevoir: Her brothers?
(22:47:53) [Reborn]Gardevoir: ...They're no good.
(22:47:55) N8theGr8: Vesica and Vesa
(22:47:56) [Evo]Kicks: Yeah her Brothers >>
(22:48:00) [Evo]Kicks: No good?
(22:48:02) [Reborn]Gardevoir: People don't love them as much as they love her....
(22:48:06) [Reborn]Gardevoir: EVERYBODY loves her...
(22:48:07) Geo: *holds scythe* can i slice her already
(22:48:09) Bullet: lol
(22:48:12) [Reborn]Gardevoir: I used to be the star of the show!
(22:48:13) Bullet: Loves who?
(22:48:25) *** Will sits on his cloud in the Stratosphere loling at the current conversation. ***
(22:48:25) N8theGr8: Gardevoir, you're ALWAYS the star of the show
(22:48:30) [Evo]Kicks: ...Well she was the first to come in here >> then they came in and the siblings share the spotlight!
(22:48:31) Bullet: You still are Gardevoir
(22:48:33) [Reborn]Gardevoir: I used to be in the spotlight, the stage, the silver screen!
(22:48:36) [Reborn]Gardevoir: Now...
(22:48:37) N8theGr8: You still are
(22:48:39) [Reborn]Gardevoir: Now I'm just a villain...
(22:48:44) Will: She doesn't want your spotlight
(22:48:45) Bullet: not really.....
(22:48:45) N8theGr8: No you're not
(22:48:46) [Reborn]Gardevoir: I don't want to be a villain...
(22:48:51) Bullet: You're not
(22:48:52) [Reborn]Gardevoir: Everyone hates me though...
(22:48:54) [Evo]Kicks: Amor is the spotlight We are the highlights and you asrent a villian
(22:48:54) [Reborn]Gardevoir: I know
(22:48:56) Will: then don't be mean
(22:48:56) N8theGr8: WE DON'T
(22:48:57) Geo: Blah Gardevoir,just be n8
(22:48:57) Bullet: I don't T_T
(22:49:03) N8theGr8: *hugs GG*
(22:49:03) Geo: beat*
(22:49:08) [Reborn]Gardevoir: I just wanted to have fun...
(22:49:12) Bullet: I ♥ you Gardevoir....
(22:49:14) [Reborn]Gardevoir: I never meant to hurt anyone...
(22:49:16) N8theGr8: <3 GG
(22:49:19) Will: It's all fun and games...
(22:49:19) [Evo]Kicks: You didnt hurt anyone!!
(22:49:23) N8theGr8: <3 <3 <3
(22:49:29) [Evo]Kicks: we did have fun~ I had fun battling you!!!!!
(22:49:30) Will: but still, you're no villain
(22:49:30) James left the channel.
(22:49:36) Geo: *goes throws up*
(22:49:39) [Reborn]Gardevoir: ...Thank you all...
(22:49:39) Bullet: N8's the villain.....
(22:49:39) [Evo]Kicks: Agrees with Will
(22:49:39) Will: wut.
(22:49:44) [Evo]Kicks: Your Welccome~
(22:49:47) N8theGr8: Time to somewhat try to win but probably lose!
(22:49:50) Bullet: See?
(22:49:53) N8theGr8: 8D
(22:49:55) [Evo]Kicks: N8!!! save this log and post it >>
(22:49:57) Bullet: xD
(22:49:59) N8theGr8: Why?
(22:50:02) Bullet: Kitty will probably
(22:50:03) Find the Horizon won against Kaoro.
(22:50:08) [Evo]Kicks: For the Investagation squad >> duuuuh
(22:50:11) N8theGr8: I don't even know how
(22:50:12) Bullet: Oh no....
(22:50:14) Kaoro left the channel.
(22:50:20) Find the Horizon: SD Leafeon is a beast
(22:50:22) N8theGr8: Just copypaste the whole thing?
(22:50:35) Bullet: I though Gardevoir wasn't supposed to be in the stupid thread >_>
(22:50:37) [Evo]Kicks: Yes N8
(22:50:41) Bullet: sigh.....
(22:50:43) SpiderPool joined the channel.
(22:50:43) [Evo]Kicks: She is now~
(22:50:48) N8theGr8: You should probably get someone else to do that
(22:50:50) Bullet: MURDER N8 NOW GARDEVOIR!
(22:50:51) [Evo]Kicks: Bullet You do it N8 doesnt know how too
(22:50:52) N8theGr8: My client crashes
(22:50:56) Geo: Bullet that whole thread make me wanna throw up
(22:51:01) Bullet: exactly
(22:51:03) [Evo]Kicks: Geo shut the F up
(22:51:08) dragonnoid joined the channel.[/quote]
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Well looks like GG wants to talk to amor O_o wonder why.... oh and Kitty and Wolfie talk about sex more

(20:46:55) [Reborn]Gardevoir: Say...
(20:47:00) [Reborn]Gardevoir: Amor isn't around now, is she?
(20:47:03) Bullet: no
(20:47:05) [Evo]Kicks: Lol Gardevoir we are the.. INVESTAGATION SQUAD!!!!
(20:47:06) Will: I don't know
(20:47:07) [Reborn]Gardevoir: There's something I'd like to speak with her about...
(20:47:11) Bullet: O_O
(20:47:13) [Reborn]Gardevoir: ...Well, kinda.
(20:47:14) [Evo]Kicks: No her Vesica or Vesa arent >>
(20:47:16) [Reborn]Gardevoir: :3
(20:47:16) N8theGr8: WILL DON'T SEND OUT AMOR
(20:47:19) N8theGr8: WHATEVER YOU DO
(20:47:20) [Reborn]Gardevoir: ...Now, now!
(20:47:26) [Reborn]Gardevoir: I promise, I wouldn't dare hurt her...
(20:47:27) Will: She's mad at me about something, and I haven't the slightest idea where she is
(20:47:29) Bullet: lol
(20:47:31) Geo: Will dont be stupid
(20:47:32) [Evo]Kicks: Or else >3
(20:47:36) [Reborn]Gardevoir: ...Is that so... That's too bad....
(20:47:37) N8theGr8: GG...
(20:47:42) Will: Too bad.
(20:47:45) [Evo]Kicks: I know where her brothers are~ they are training
(20:47:52) Bullet: eh
(20:47:53) [Evo]Kicks: too too bad
(20:47:56) [Reborn]Gardevoir: Her brothers?
(20:48:02) [Reborn]Gardevoir: ...They're no good.
(20:48:03) N8theGr8: Vesica and Vesa
(20:48:05) [Evo]Kicks: Yeah her Brothers >>
(20:48:09) [Evo]Kicks: No good?
(20:48:10) [Reborn]Gardevoir: People don't love them as much as they love her....
(20:48:14) [Reborn]Gardevoir: EVERYBODY loves her...
(20:48:16) Geo: *holds scythe* can i slice her already
(20:48:18) Bullet: lol
(20:48:20) [Reborn]Gardevoir: I used to be the star of the show!
(20:48:21) Bullet: Loves who?
(20:48:33) *** Will sits on his cloud in the Stratosphere loling at the current conversation. ***
(20:48:33) N8theGr8: Gardevoir, you're ALWAYS the star of the show
(20:48:38) [Evo]Kicks: ...Well she was the first to come in here >> then they came in and the siblings share the spotlight!
(20:48:39) Bullet: You still are Gardevoir
(20:48:41) [Reborn]Gardevoir: I used to be in the spotlight, the stage, the silver screen!
(20:48:44) [Reborn]Gardevoir: Now...
(20:48:46) N8theGr8: You still are
(20:48:48) [Reborn]Gardevoir: Now I'm just a villain...
(20:48:52) Will: She doesn't want your spotlight
(20:48:53) Bullet: not really.....
(20:48:54) N8theGr8: No you're not
(20:48:55) [Reborn]Gardevoir: I don't want to be a villain...
(20:49:00) Bullet: You're not
(20:49:00) [Reborn]Gardevoir: Everyone hates me though...
(20:49:02) [Evo]Kicks: Amor is the spotlight We are the highlights and you asrent a villian
(20:49:02) [Reborn]Gardevoir: I know
(20:49:04) Will: then don't be mean
(20:49:05) N8theGr8: WE DON'T
(20:49:05) Geo: Blah Gardevoir,just be n8
(20:49:06) Bullet: I don't T_T
(20:49:12) N8theGr8: *hugs GG*
(20:49:12) Geo: beat*
(20:49:16) [Reborn]Gardevoir: I just wanted to have fun...
(20:49:21) Bullet: I ♥ you Gardevoir....
(20:49:23) [Reborn]Gardevoir: I never meant to hurt anyone...
(20:49:25) N8theGr8: <3 GG
(20:49:28) Will: It's all fun and games...
(20:49:28) [Evo]Kicks: You didnt hurt anyone!!
(20:49:32) N8theGr8: <3 <3 <3
(20:49:38) [Evo]Kicks: we did have fun~ I had fun battling you!!!!!
(20:49:39) Will: but still, you're no villain
(20:49:39) James left the channel.
(20:49:44) Geo: *goes throws up*
(20:49:47) [Reborn]Gardevoir: ...Thank you all...
(20:49:47) Bullet: N8's the villain.....
(20:49:47) [Evo]Kicks: Agrees with Will
(20:49:48) Will: wut.
(20:49:52) [Evo]Kicks: Your Welccome~
(20:49:55) N8theGr8: Time to somewhat try to win but probably lose!
(20:49:58) Bullet: See?
(20:50:02) N8theGr8: 8D
(20:50:03) [Evo]Kicks: N8!!! save this log and post it >>
(20:50:05) Bullet: xD
(20:50:08) N8theGr8: Why?
(20:50:11) Bullet: Kitty will probably
(20:50:11) Find the Horizon won against Kaoro.
(20:50:17) [Evo]Kicks: For the Investagation squad >> duuuuh
(20:50:20) N8theGr8: I don't even know how
(20:50:21) Bullet: Oh no....
(20:50:22) Kaoro left the channel.
(20:50:28) Find the Horizon: SD Leafeon is a beast
(20:50:30) N8theGr8: Just copypaste the whole thing?
(20:50:43) Bullet: I though Gardevoir wasn't supposed to be in the stupid thread >_>
(20:50:45) [Evo]Kicks: Yes N8
(20:50:50) Bullet: sigh.....
(20:50:51) SpiderPool joined the channel.
(20:50:52) [Evo]Kicks: She is now~
(20:50:56) N8theGr8: You should probably get someone else to do that
(20:50:59) Bullet: MURDER N8 NOW GARDEVOIR!
(20:50:59) [Evo]Kicks: Bullet You do it N8 doesnt know how too
(20:51:00) N8theGr8: My client crashes
(20:51:05) Geo: Bullet that whole thread make me wanna throw up
(20:51:10) Bullet: exactly
(20:51:12) [Evo]Kicks: Geo shut the F up
(20:51:17) dragonnoid joined the channel.
(20:51:19) Lan left the channel.
(20:51:22) [Evo]Kicks: Bullet shush unless you dont want GArdevoir in there
(20:51:22) N8theGr8: Seriously
(20:51:24) Jormundgand won against Jackie.
(20:51:28) N8theGr8: OMFGSTFUGTFO
(20:51:32) Bullet: lol
(20:51:33) Battle between dragonnoid and RIVAL Gary started.
(20:51:41) +Miss Kitty: What's Kitty probably doing?
(20:51:43) N8theGr8: *is always my reaction to Geo*
(20:51:44) +AmethystStorm: Guys, chill.
(20:51:48) N8theGr8: Sex?
(20:51:53) +Miss Kitty: Besides that?
(20:51:54) +AmethystStorm: Seriously, if it causes that much of a problem we'll have to close it.
(20:51:55) [Evo]Kicks: So its your choice either you post this log in there ior she dont go in
(20:51:58) N8theGr8: Mewing?
(20:52:00) [Evo]Kicks: Lol
(20:52:13) [Evo]Kicks: Kitty is giving Wolfie good feelings?
(20:52:13) Will: Hohohoo... how fun tonight is...
(20:52:17) +Miss Kitty: ...Maybe.
(20:52:19) Bullet: lol
(20:52:22) N8theGr8: Mewmewmew~
(20:52:24) [Evo]Kicks: With her toungue >>
(20:52:30) [Evo]Kicks: I MEAN!
(20:52:33) Find the Horizon: hot!
(20:52:35) +Miss Kitty: Meow meow~
(20:52:35) [Evo]Kicks: no thats what i mean >>
(20:52:36) N8theGr8: Uh, GG, shall we?
(20:52:37) [Reborn]Gardevoir: ..to be fair, you all do make it way too easy..
(20:52:37) Find the Horizon: ...
(20:52:41) Bullet: lol
(20:52:48) +AmethystStorm: .....*pets kitty* Shhhh.
(20:52:49) SpiderPool left the channel.
(20:52:52) [Evo]Kicks: Easy to what Gardevoir? be the damsel in distress
(20:52:53) Bullet: I want to see N8 die xD
(20:52:59) N8theGr8: -_-'
(20:53:00) [Evo]Kicks: more like shoves her head down XD
(20:53:06) N8theGr8: Thanks for your support guys
(20:53:06) Geo: *follows the path Knight took*
(20:53:11) N8theGr8: REALLY appreciate it
(20:53:18) *** N8theGr8 is pissed off ***
(20:53:19) [Reborn]Gardevoir: No, to poke fun... I mean I don't even /have/ to say anything with that and it's already gossiplicious~
(20:53:28) [Reborn]Gardevoir: Oooooh, N8.
(20:53:30) Find the Horizon: Gossiplicious?
(20:53:31) [Reborn]Gardevoir: I appreciate you.
(20:53:32) Will: gossiplicious... lol...
(20:53:33) [Reborn]Gardevoir: Good luck!
(20:53:38) N8theGr8: Let's just do this... :/
(20:53:41) Bullet left the channel.
(20:53:43) N8theGr8: Good luck...
(20:53:46) [Evo]Kicks: GOOD LUCK YOU TWO!! ~ ♥
(20:53:51) Will: Have fun~!
(20:53:57) N8theGr8: I'll try
(20:53:58) Find the Horizon: Good lick N8 :u
(20:54:02) Find the Horizon: luck*
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Well, after finally getting Heather and Corey together, they...fought. Terribly. It really didn't prove much, but upon further investigation, I asked Corey why he became a leader anyway. Turns out, Corey's only a leader to be able to follow Heather. I know, deep down in Corey's twisted heart, that he cares about his daughter.



Objective: Get Corey to tell his real feelings to his daughter, Heather.

Mission Guidelines:

1) Try and pry Corey open further! I already figured out that he DOES care about Heather somewhere, just keep asking questions

2) Try and convince Heather that Corey in fact does care about her (he did join the league just to follow her...)

After this is done, we will try and get Corey and Heather together...however, this can only be done on Friday.

I WOULD have logs, but LIKE I SAID, MY CLIENT CRASHES, and I crashed. This is why people should start listening to me more often... -_-
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Excellent job, Nate. It's upsetting to me that there isn't a log, but I'm not upset at you at all. I'm upset that I've been on for two straight nights working on those two, and then the night I can't be there at all, this happens. XD Bleh.

We'll definitely have to work on Corey more. I feel that he'll actually be easier than Heather. Buuuut, if you or mashew want to work her over...She doesn't like me much at all. All I get are "whatevers" and "pshs".

Edit: Nevermind. I have gotten a hold of a chat log. I am happy now. <3

Things to ask Corey about:
1. What "nightmare" were you talking about?
2. What is Heather holding on to hope about that you think will never happen?
3. What's wrong with hope? Have you given up on hope? Why?
4. Why did Heather leave home?
5. Do you have a wife? (Likely a better question: what happened to your wife?)

And for the record... Daaang. So you guys could have kept him talking, but Horizon butted in about a battle? How lame is that?! (Though I hear there's apparently more in the battle log, so I'll tentatively retract that statement for the moment.)
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Lol I'm proud of both of you!!! Investagation high five!!!!! And I'll work on heather for some reason I can get more out of girls than I thought... Lol I winder why well Monday I'll be on the job ok? We need to have a meeting Sunday!! ( maybe tomorrow but I have a party ) but I'll try ok? Oh and also we need positions as in we need to know who is who in the squad ok? Also gardevoir is awesome~
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That's a great attitude for a fan, ash~. I like it!

Mashew, I will not be here all weekend, sorry~. But glad to hear you're on it for Monday.

By the way, we have our first on-the-side assignment! Last night, we were challenged to "prove our group worth" to one of the members. They want us to get information out of Shade. When I asked what kind of info, they said:
-Any connection with the other leaders
-"if he is truly hiding what he is inside, he seems full of secrets"

I couldn't agree more about the second bullet. I told him we'd go for it. Luckily, there's no time limit. XD
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