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Team tune up after the 8th gym.


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Hence topic. Just defeated the 8th gym leader so I am looking to tune up my team.

Team that defeated the leader.

Torterra Lv.59


-Rock Smash


-Giga drain (If I can find the key, will replace it with wood hammer)

Gyarados Lv.58

-Aqua Tail


-Ice fang

-Dragon dance

Scrafty Lv. 57


-High jump kick


-Brick Break

Escavalier Lv.57


-Bug buzz

-Iron head

-Sword dance

Ninetales Lv.56



-Flame burst


Manectric Lv.55 (Torn between amphy or magnezone but I have 2 steel types)



-Wild charge

-Quick attack


Aggron Lv.52

Sharpedo Lv.51

Noteable pokemon in box





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Definitely get Wood Hammer, Torterra is wasting it's time with special attacks. Also, Curse. Curse Tirterra is best Torterra.

The key is in the railnet behind a smashable wall.

Nothing to say, cause that's all it gets.

Deeeefinitely get it Ice Punch (Hitmonchan>Buneary>Scraggy) and Dragon Dance (Altaria/Gyarados/Horsea lines).

Bug Buzz? Why?

Pay a visit to the Drill Run tutor or give it Knock Off. Or ideally, both. SD isn't ideal. As bulky as it is, it's slow, so ut'll be worn down quickly enough, it's better off as a hit-and-run-er.

Go back to pre-E13 and give it Energy Ball. And Hidden Power Rock and Nasty Plot to get an amazing sweeper (a Heat Rock definitely helps).


Definitely ditch Manectric, it's terrible. I can't recommend Heliolisk enough, especially since you have a Ninetalea to activate it's Solar Power, this thing is frightening. Thunderbolt, HP Ice, Grass Knot, Dark Pulse/Surf.

Ampharos is an option, but it's bulk isn't worth it's low speed, unless yiu run Agility, but even then, it hits abiut as hard as Heliolisk does, though no Electric tyoe compares to Heliolisk, it has ~190 base Sp.Atk in the sun.

Aggron and Sharpedo are sub-par. There's way better Steel/Rock/Water/Dark types. Want me to think of some replacements?

-Already covered^^

-A waste of a slot, really

-I don't think you need it, but Ice Shard, Icicpe Crash, EQ, Body Slam is the way to go.

-Good for obvious reasons.

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Definitely get Wood Hammer, Torterra is wasting it's time with special attacks. Also, Curse. Curse Tirterra is best Torterra.

The key is in the railnet behind a smashable wall.

Nothing to say, cause that's all it gets.

Deeeefinitely get it Ice Punch (Hitmonchan>Buneary>Scraggy) and Dragon Dance (Altaria/Gyarados/Horsea lines).

Bug Buzz? Why?

Pay a visit to the Drill Run tutor or give it Knock Off. Or ideally, both. SD isn't ideal. As bulky as it is, it's slow, so ut'll be worn down quickly enough, it's better off as a hit-and-run-er.

Go back to pre-E13 and give it Energy Ball. And Hidden Power Rock and Nasty Plot to get an amazing sweeper (a Heat Rock definitely helps).


Definitely ditch Manectric, it's terrible. I can't recommend Heliolisk enough, especially since you have a Ninetalea to activate it's Solar Power, this thing is frightening. Thunderbolt, HP Ice, Grass Knot, Dark Pulse/Surf.

Ampharos is an option, but it's bulk isn't worth it's low speed, unless yiu run Agility, but even then, it hits abiut as hard as Heliolisk does, though no Electric tyoe compares to Heliolisk, it has ~190 base Sp.Atk in the sun.

Aggron and Sharpedo are sub-par. There's way better Steel/Rock/Water/Dark types. Want me to think of some replacements?

-Already covered^^

-A waste of a slot, really

-I don't think you need it, but Ice Shard, Icicpe Crash, EQ, Body Slam is the way to go.

-Good for obvious reasons.

Torterra: Will do

Scrafty: The prob here is my scrafty is female and so is my gyarados so breed for a male scraggy/karp?

Escavalier: Where is the tutor?

Ninetales: *Hunting mode engaged*

Manectric: *Wait for sun* and it may be revived after charlotte and when it get its mega.

Rotation: Feel free, although metagross is one of the planned replacement.

Edited by OmegaRa1der
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Do take a look at my guide in this section. It'll explian everything you need about breeding, from basics like the egg's species always being the same as the female parrnts (unless Ditto is in town), to advanced stuff such as breeding TM moves (as well as a link to an episode you need for that). It also lists breeding chains you'll need.

The 3 IMO best Water types in the game are Gorebyss, Feraligatr and Huntail. I'd recommend Feraligatr since it can take it's time setting up, should it need to outstall the last sun turn or 2.

Feraligatr: Ice Punch, Dragon Dance, Waterfall, Crunch. I realky don't think I need to point out that it's ability should be Sheer Force. Also, use the search feature, there's a Life Orb in the game, which gives no recoil of you've got Sheer Force.

Gorebyss: Surf/Hydro Pump, Ice Beam (pre-E13), Psychic/HP Grass/Electric, Shell Smash. Hidden Power is much better, since only Water types resist both water and ice, and they're the only ones you'll ever use your third attack for.

Huntail: inferior to the above 2, but still great. Waterfall, Ice Fang, Sucker Punch, Shell Smash.

For an Aggron swap, Metagross isn't too great for ya since you're very Ground weak. You could use it (Zen Headbutt, Meteor Mash, Agility, Brick Break/Hammer Arm), but I'd definitely recommend either Archeops or Durant. Archeops is much faster and has godly coverage (EQ(pre-E13), Rock Slide, Acrobatics, Dragon Claw), Durant has essentially 190 base Attack due to Hustle, is way faster and has a boosting move (Hone Claws, Rock Slide, Iron Head, X-Scissor). My Durant swept even freaking Charlotte, need I say more?

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