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Gay People 101: Attraction To The Opposite Sex

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I feel like this thread is necessary for the continuation of society...

I don't know if you guys know this or not, but I'm not straight. However, I do not feel like this should place me or other gay people on this path to be reduced down to little more than the label that has been assigned to us. I am so tired of being treated like my sexuality is some sort of indicator that there are certain things that I'm just unable to do or that I am so much different from them. I am sick of people acting like I'm a completely different species because of this one minuscule fact. I'm a person just like you or your sibling or that sociopath down the street. I don't come with some sort of special ingredients like some premium meal at McDonalds. Having said that, I'm just making this so I can resolve at least one major issue that I've come across and so that in the future you can come at me upright and not result in a conversation that makes me want to go full Solaris and Dragon Rush you and also to just speak on behalf of other gay people who deal with this issue because I know that I am not the only gay person who is a part of the STRUGGLE.

Now, this applies to all double standardization that is so common, but the topic I want to address today is this apparent belief that gay men are just unable to find women attractive or admire them in some way. Yes, being gay means that I find men sexually attractive. Yes, it means that I would rather date a guy over a girl in most situations. No, it does not mean that I'm completely unable to appreciate a woman's beauty or find her attractive, physically or otherwise. If you think that then you might as well think that straight guys can't find another man attractive in some form and can only be attracted to women, but we all know this isn't true and no one questions it when a man does appreciate another male's beauty. This is an annoying and rather single minded belief is apparently more common than it seems, and both non-members and members of the LGBT community hold it. It may seem "odd" that someone who is attracted to the same sex would find someone of the opposite sex attractive, but that doesn't mean that it's something that's just completely incapable of happening and that doesn't mean that you need to question it if and when it does happen. A mindset like that is like thinking that just because I'm a soccer player I can't be interested in basketball or, if you want to get more precise, I can only be attracted to other soccer players. Do you see how foolish that sounds? Being gay doesn't automatically turn someone off to all things of the opposite sex. Gay people are more complex than just their sexuality may imply and sexuality in general is more complex than whatever label people may assign to it. This isn't Divergent. We don't pick a faction in our teenage years and remain with that faction until we die without any opportunity to branch out and visit other factions or explore other areas of life. As such, I ask that we do not act as though that is the case with sexuality either. I ask that we do not act like one simple word can explain the entire way a person thinks and take a minute to learn about them and see things through their eyes instead going off some preconceptions or misguided beliefs that we've gathered and are likely not true.

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Anyone tries to bring you down cause you happen to be attracted to other men, let me talk to them. I'll be sure to crush their skull in like paste and then feast on their corpse for you. 8D

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Gotta admit, it always puzzled me why some people find it difficult to understand that one can think people look attractive without being attracted to them.

It's not such a strange concept to acknowledge that someone or something is aesthetically pleasing~

Would be a shame to only be able to compliment the looks of those who we could possibly be attracted to.

I mean, I like complimenting people, compliments are nice and there's lots of pretty faces in the world.

Preach it.

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If you think that then you might as well think that straight guys can't find another man attractive in some form and can only be attracted to women, but we all know this isn't true and no one questions it when a man does appreciate another male's beauty.

I'd like to point out that, at least where I live, this is an extremely false statement

Outside that, wonderpful thread ^^

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Actually, I'll second what Kosher says. Where I live too, you'll probably get ripped on if you talk about another male's BEAUTY. Now I'm not talking about appearance, like I could say a guy is handsome or sharp and get away with it no problem. I can apply some of what you're saying Kyo and apply it to a straight guy's point of view. There are sometimes where I kinda just go "Eh" when comparing girls to guys, but I just can't see myself with a dude as a life partner legitimately romancing me.

What you imply about straight guys is somewhat true. I do find some guys really good-looking, but I don't appreciate them if they fool me with their appearance (I.E - cross-dressers). I also like Ama's point too. Like you can love someone but not BE IN love with them. That just measures the depth of affection.

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Hats off to you Kyo. Way to step onto the plate and express your voice on a matter insurmountable by many people.

However, this does bring up an issue that needs to be addressed. How is it that Reborn, a community that had once been a tolerable place to have fun, warranted a thread that exemplifies a sudden loss of tolerance, however major or minor of an issue it is? Why is it that Kyoyo, a good person who had his wonderful time spent on this community, face outlandish double standards that show only bigotry and rudeness on some, even just a few, members of a tolerant community?

Hit the spoiler if you want long ass, probably nonsensical rant that deals with shiznits. otherwise...

I've been a part of this community for, what, nearly two years, and the first year was life changing. For how small the community this place was, I was utterly content over how fair, enjoyable, and hilarious this place was. Of course, seeing as how I've overall been absent for months, it occurred to me this place was losing its luster. I wanted to believe this place, despite my overall lower opinion, could have approved over time. But time and time again have I seen Kyo and other friends BITCH about the problems they've had with this community, ergo, clashes with my hope to ease in to this community like I did Summer 2013. I remember clear cut last Spring with Colin and Matt's love thread. And you know what? The responses they got had me, an at-the-time presumptuous asshole, and I still have some of the bastard me inside, tear jerked. So seeing as how a good friend of mine became so fed up as to make a thread to address the problem in public? Shows me that he both is tired of the double standards placed on him and has hope for the positive responses that should happen in a community that should, and does, have the same tolerable people I enjoyed my time with along with many new faces I have yet to be acquainted with.

tl;dr this thread should have been pointless but some assholes pushed my bud off the rocker and now I'm passionate

Edited by The Radiant Aeon
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I blame Shofu :V

No but in all seriousness you know that saying the bigger they are the harder they fall? Yeah well if that ever does happen to Reborn. If we ever get to big with awful people and we fall because of it, I really hope lots of people don't lose hope.

Anyway about the topic. I said this earlier on showdown, but here are my thoughts. I don't care what you do. It is your right as a HUMAN BEING to be entitled to your own decision. And whatever makes you happy is what you should do and you let no one stop you. I won't judge. If you're happy, I'm happy.

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Preach Kyo Preeeeaccccchhhhh!

Beauty is always present, regardless of gender. Every gender is capable of being attractive in my eyes, it's just that men give me those dreadfully blissful butterflies in my stomach. Just as my friends will tell me that they find Chris Hemsworth attractive, I'll tell them Anna Kendrick is perfect, because sexuality defines sexual and emotional attraction, not how one views the beauty of another.

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I totally agree with those things Kyo and it doesn't just stop at physical beauty as you've also stated in what you've said. People can be found attractive due to personality and mindset because I've found people physically attractive but when it came to their personality and mannerisms it just completely put me off. What you've said can also be applied to many sexual orientations which is great and perhaps there are a few parts in that which could be used for Gender identity since who cares whether you class yourself as male, female, agender, and many others; it doesn't change who the person is on the inside and by that I mean personality-wise. I find it irritating when people stick you with certain expectations and all when you've defined yourself as something because people always think about other scenarios, even if you think about it without any awareness of it.

To have all of these presumptions just because someone has classed themselves as something can sometimes be discriminating in certain circumstances. In most cases it isn't but there's bound to be cases where it is. It's extremely aggravating thought when people are ignorant to the fact that sexual orientation is a complicated matter and people can't choose to swing whatever ways they choose to but they can still, as Kyo said, appreciate the beauty of others. That speech should be preached Kyo as some of the things in there need to be nailed into the skulls of society. I know I steered off course slightly but I had to mention how it could be applied in other cases too.

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this perspective does actually help from my perspective since i'm in a rather, shall we say unusual spot when it comes to these sort of things. I don't really know what it's like to be straight OR gay so thank you. (Apologies for doing this to you at least once, btw. I can be offensive without realizing it.)

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Just to address the "males can get away with complimenting other males' beauty" part: where I live, if I were to compliment another guy's beauty, the reaction I would get from anyone in attendance including the guy himself would be "lol faggot" (yes I purposedly used to offensive term to give you an idea of how things work here). This is the same country where the head of the national football association went on record by saying "I am tired of having to allocate money for those damn lesbians" referring to the female football league...

So yeah, if you think your country is sexist/homophobic/racist, try Italy. And this comes from a straight guy... Incidentally, isn't the term "straight" homophobic in itself? I mean doesn't calling myself "straight" imply that those who are not like me are "wrong"?

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I am right there with you Kyo. I am gay, and yet I will not deny the fact that some women are cute/pretty. Having played straight for so long, I can even be aroused by some of them, but in the end, I prefer men. I'm just more attracted to men than women, and I identify as gay and not bi because I have only loved men. Every girl I ever dated was just there to keep my secret, and in the end several of them put two and two together when I didn't make a move on them.

There is nothing wrong with finding someone beautiful or attractive, because your sexuality isn't just about what you find pleasing to the eye. It's also about where your heart lies.

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Ever since I was a little girl, my mother always made me look at her potential online dating matches and had me judge which one was cutest, the most handsome, hottest, or had the best frame. By the end of it all, I had my own standard for male beauty.

I've always been attracted more to girls, both romantically and aesthetically.

So I understand what you're getting at here - beauty can be appreciated regardless of orientation.

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Remember kids, labels for sexuality are just models for thinking about them, not absolute truths.

@ Aeon, from what I've seen we still are one of the most accepting communities on the whole. Even so, we're all coming in with different ideas, and sometimes they clash. Threads like this exist to provide an alternative way to think about things, a practice I believe should never stop.

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