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Fire Emblem Fates Thread


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Has anyone noticed that Aqua/Azura is in the middle of the official artwork and not the main character, and yet in the box art, she isn't there? She's obviously a big character... But what if she leads the third DLC path, the neutral one? Idk, it just seems weird to me that she wouldn't be on the box art but stands center stage in official art. She's definitely a hug character... But why? I haven't looked into her character too much so if the answer is obvious, rip me.

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They generally like to throw in mythological elements of various cultures when making FE games. Most of the sacred, or holy weapons come from myths as do the names of characters, and FE6 and 7 (mostly 7) heavily referenced the Song of Roland (Which I'm fairly certain is French) , going so far as to

Include Roland himself as the defender of Durandal, a boss in the game.

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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For anybody who doesn't know, a store in China broke street date so... Yeah. Serenes forums are exploding as streams of the game are going on right now. Won't post anything here because I know a lot of people don't appreciate spoilers, but figured I'd let you all know.

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For anybody who doesn't know, a store in China broke street date so... Yeah. Serenes forums are exploding as streams of the game are going on right now. Won't post anything here because I know a lot of people don't appreciate spoilers, but figured I'd let you all know.

What is wrong with humanity? This'll probably be my last post as well since I don't want anything to get spoiled. The only game I spoiled was smash bros for the roster...since I wanted to know if the leaked list was true. I'd advise for no one to post anything from the leakers here though.

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I'll be following the leaks besides support convos and story elements, but I won't be posting any of it here. If anybody really wants to talk about them send me a pm or message me on skype.

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Okay, so this is actually really important. If you are dead set on avoiding spoilers, don't click the spoiler. All I'll say is that there has been a change to S Ranks that alot of people have wanted but didn't really expect to get.

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weird how it's limited to two specific characters and each depends on the version of the game you get

It's weird that it's split between the versions, definitely, but only two people makes sense. I mean, an army of what, 20 or 30 people? Only 1 or 2 of them being gay or bi is probably about normal, especially if it's seen as taboo in universe. Plus this IS one of Nintendo's first foray's into this sorta territory, so it makes sense they'd be wanting baby steps.

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It's weird that it's split between the versions, definitely, but only two people makes sense. I mean, an army of what, 20 or 30 people? Only 1 or 2 of them being gay or bi is probably about normal, especially if it's seen as taboo in universe. Plus this IS one of Nintendo's first foray's into this sorta territory, so it makes sense they'd be wanting baby steps.

I agree, baby steps are the way to go here. Personally, I like that Zero is one of them since he's been one of my favorite characters shown so far. I'm straight, but if he turns out to be a well developed character, Ill consider marrying him at least in one playthrough.

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Been playing Fates, and watching ahead in some streams. My soul is drained. This game is really fricking dark. I like it.

Gameplay is also much improved from Awakening, with better maps, and a more reasonable Lunatic mode. (Nobody except the cleric is getting killed in one round of combat, for example)

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Been playing Fates, and watching ahead in some streams. My soul is drained. This game is really fricking dark. I like it.

Gameplay is also much improved from Awakening, with better maps, and a more reasonable Lunatic mode. (Nobody except the cleric is getting killed in one round of combat, for example)

Feet are in this game.... Yay

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I've been getting farther into Fates, and one thing I've noticed is that this game has had a pretty large stat deflation from Awakening, for both the player characters and the enemies. (Growth rates are far lower than in Awakening) Also, they greatly lowered HP growths and bases in general for everybody. At chapter 10 of Nohr Lunatic mode, the only unit on my team that breaks 25 HP is Arthur (the glorious blonde fighter with the jaw of justice), and my armor knight doesn't even do that. Very few enemies have had more than 30 HP, and most of them that do are bosses.

Due to almost no characters being able to survive more than two rounds of combat (especially with the enemies constantly using attack stance, and they have very clever usage of guard stance when they use it) this game feels like it's trying to heavily emphasize the player phase, which is the exact opposite of what Awakening did with ridiculously high stat growths and a broken pair-up. (These made the enemy phase more important in Awakening) Just pairing two units up and throwing them into enemy territories does not work in Fates like it did in Awakening, and I love that.

Also, only the thief Zero and the player created character with speed set as his stat asset have been consistently able to double attack.

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there's an attack and defense stance now? What are the benefits of those?

Attack Stance: When two units are adjacent to each other and one of them engages in combat, the unit adjacent to the unit who is currently fighting will always do a dual strike that does half of the damage that their attack would usually do to that enemy. Dual strikes can miss, and Attack stance will not be activated should the unit in combat already be in Guard stance. Enemies make great use of this on higher difficulties, and the additional damage forces the player to act quickly and rid themselves of the foes attacking them, which emphasizes the player phase.

Guard Stance: Replaces Pair-Up from Awakening. To get into Guard stance, just use the Pair-up command. When in guard stance, the leading unit gets stat boosts based on the supporting unit's class. The lead and supporting unit can be switched around. The supporting unit will always protect the lead unit from enemy dual strikes, and for every attack the lead unit deals/gets hit with a shield gauge builds up. When the shield gauge is full, one normal attack will always be negated by the supporting unit. Enemies that make use of this stance are very dangerous.

So basically a massive balance change for the better.

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So somebody over on SerenesForest made this avatar customizer using the options in the games. I thought it was pretty cool and figured I would share. I ended up making one of my oc's, and another of each gender that I might use for my playthroughs.




If you couldn't tell, there is a certain facial feature I am particularly excited about.

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yeah, you like the eyepatch a lot.

Even with all the options for the male avatar... I still can't make a combination I like. I really dislike his base look and all his hair options are really, really bad. But the female has so many cool hair options.

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Gotta agree with you there Mael. The male hair options are awful.

This is the best I can do:


Wouldn't usually go for unnatural hair colours like that but I think in this case it does suit the rest of the look particularly well.

prevent all damage that would be done in combat this turn- ungodly amounts of wool gets in the way of everything?

Looks like it's going to be an offensive spell that has the side effect of healing you for 10 HP whenever you use it. So basically they didn't learn that Nosferatu-esque spells are horrendously broken.

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