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About Accusations & Punishments


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Recent forum activity has stirred up something in me that I hate. It's the feeling of being pointed out, accused, and suspected of wrongdoing, being labeled guilty until proven innocent. I understand that most of you would not consciously blame anyone of doing anything without proof; the problem is that some of you are doing it, whether you are aware of it or not.

Ever since I was younger, I had been bullied countless times - physically, emotionally, and otherwise. It wasn't teasing or trolling of any kind. It was assault and blame-gaming. Every single time that this was reported, I was sent to an authority and punished. I, the bullied, got in trouble - not for starting fights, but for being a part of them. While this was going on, the bullies themselves were not given any punishment; they did not even have their involvement written down.

I understand that none of you are like those bullies or like that authority. Nonetheless, any form of accusation without evidence brings back a large wave of trauma. Every time you address the majority, the minority, or anyone or anything of doing anything wrong without the readers/audience deserving the accusation, you bring back that trauma.

If you feel offended by the possible actions of others, it is okay to note what actions may offend you. It is NOT okay to act as if those reading your text or listening to your voice will potentially do those actions. Assuming that anyone will do wrongdoing is itself wrong. It is a form of bullying. It is antagonization. It is the expression of a lack of faith in the audience. It is offensive.

I would not have written this post if the issue had not already come up, if the members of the forum had not already made this mistake. I hope you will do the same as me from now on - making sure that you do not accuse innocent people and only bringing up a tough subject like this if a sufficient amount of the audience has actually done the offensive action.

Thank you. :)

Edited by Rezilia
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First, I'm going to say that I'm no stranger to being accused of things I didn't do or having my actions misunderstood in Reborn, so I feel you.

Secondly, I'd say you'd be better off bringing this matter to an authority first (assuming you haven't). Making a post like this can make you get exactly the kind of attention you don't want - Bullies tend to be insecure, and with insecurity comes a fear of exposition. Thus, exposition tends to cause an aggressive response.

Third, I'll discuss this in further detail privately if you want - Since I've no desire to call you out on anything - but I'd suggest rewording the post. There's a few things that could be taken the wrong way, and I sincerely believe you've composed it with good intentions.

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I think that what you've said is true to a certain extent but some people may think that others may do those actions and it may not be the person willing to have thoughts like that but have actually had stuff like that happen before. I'm guilty of antagonizing people but I don't do it unless I have a really strong reason to. I guess you're talking about when people do it for no reason what so ever though if I'm correct Rez? I find that what you've said for the most part is accurate and sorry if I ever make you feel that trauma but I feel that Reborn is quite a strong community compared to many other forums online so you should only feel that rarely here. I do hope though that you find more comfort here though as time goes on and that big wave of trauma doesn't come to you anymore.

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No, y'all haven't ever done it before. Thanks for the support. :)

I didn't mean to word anything offensively; if I did, I apologize.

Mainly this was in response to a small number of members who have been...aggressive about their opposition to certain things that offended them, although not by other members. I just felt they were going a bit too far when laying that foundation. It's nothing to report; they didn't do anything wrong. They just sounded a bit too headstrong. :)

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Very well spoken, Rez.

I am, however, going to echo Kurotsune and suggest that you forward your concern on this matter to an auth like Dan or Tacos, for they are the best audience for your concerns.

And like magicsam said, this is a strong community. It shouldn't happen very often if ever, so you might want to suggest bringing it up to someone if such an incident ever occurs and is worthy of attention.

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Can't we all just have fun on the interwebz? This is a game that we all love and a forum that should be acting as a community. I'm sorry that you've been experiencing these things, but the mods and admins are here to help

Edited by fireflame
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