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(ding) Dinner's ready! [E15 spoilers]


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How's that for a non-suspicious title?


I'd like the full run down, your team, what you thought of her team, what strategy did you use?

For me :

I found her to be pretty easy. Her team really did not even come close to what I imagined for her to have. Where's the elegance? Where's the beauty? Very misleading.

So, my team consisted of Whimsicott(47, still have to train it more), Gigalith(56,only there because Sturdy and Stealth Rocks), Dragalge(74), Galvantula(75), Swampert(75) and Houndoom(73).

So I started off with Whimsicott against Togekiss, Stun Spore, it got hax, Leech Seed. Switch for gigalith, Togekiss still out sped, Gigalith flinched. Second round it got haxd again so I set up stealth rocks and have it a stone edge, plus hax and Leech Seed damage it went down. Out came Gliscor, so I switched into Houndoom, hoping to out speed. I did and landed not only a crit with Flamethrower, it got burned as well. Houndoom got KO'd by a crit from EQ I believe. Then I sent out Swampert, Ciel used a potion, I hit it with Waterfall, that went on for three rounds, Gliscor still alive, I go for another waterfall and that dumb git switches in her Talonflame! Like what? Takes massive SR damage of course, walks into a waterfall and goes down. It comes Archeops, I switch back into Whimsicott to sun it cuz this thing is fast, but the stun spore misses and it takes down Whimsicott. I send out Dragalge but it out speeds as well, I believe hitting an earthquake. I send out gigalith while I max revive Swampert, gigalith goes down and out comes Swampert. I manage to take it down with a waterfall as well. Back into gliscor, which also went down again to waterfall. Out came Altaria, so I healed Swampert up a little, then went for a rock tomb (good thing I found that tm in the water treatment center) which dropped the speed, after which an earthquake took it down. She really shouldn't take the flying part out of a flying gym.

I forgot her 6th Pokemon tho. Was it Chatot or Arodactyl? Either way it probably went down to Galvantula.

What's your experience with Ciel? Still stuck? Or all set for E16 with a fresh badge?

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I did have a bit of trouble in my first game savefile,the fast togekiss with the flinches caught me a bit off guard,and the semi dmg seaking didnt put as much work vs the gliscor as I hoped. As my team on the first save was really slow,and not that good in balance (Delphox,Gigalith,Drapion,Seaking,Hariyama and Gardevoir), I was kind of forced to use my Delphox almost only on the Togekiss to steal her hold item.After that Gigalith saved me,was really glad I had him in the team,after few softresets got the tactic right.

The second run was pretty easy. Was debating to box sceptile or not,but I kept it and was happy with the decision. Leaf storm or leaf blade demolished the gliscor and archeops(crits helped), and ampharos destroyed 3 more members. Ampharos died to Mega Altaria,but the intimidate from Arcanine made her almost useless with the weak eq.The other 3 members were pretty much collecting dust in that match.

Edited by CrazySheriff
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lv 72 ice beam bred protean Greninja. lv 75 mamoswine, lv 75 magnezone, lv 71 tyrantrum, lv 75 azumarill and lv 66 smeargle.

Magnezone easily dispatched of Togekiss with a Zap plate Analytic Discharge. Greninja ohkoed Archeops. Tyrantrum beat Talonflame. And Greninja sweep as Gliscor was ohkoed by ice beam as was Noivern. Mega Altaria was a 2hko. Freeze hax came into play here as ice beam brought Mega Altaria down to yellow and it froze. Ciel used a hyper potion and 2 more ice beams beat Altaria. Greninja basically destroyed Ciel.

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Charge Beam female Meowstic came through yet again. I'm pretty sure her and my greninja basically bodied her entire team, especially because it's a defensive team. We'll likely get to battle the offensive flying trainer Heather soon...

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After Ciel kind of wiped the floor with me with her stupid Gliscor, I got her down to her Altaria, but it outsped me and I died.

My Team:
Infernape lvl 75

Flygon lvl 75

Luxray lvl 75

Gardevoir lvl 73

Vaporeon lvl 75

Leavanny lvl 72

Basically all I did was buy some Full heals. Started with Gardevoir and gave it an X-Speed. Afterwards, I spammed Calm mind to +5-6, and after that, spammed Moonblast til she died.

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Cinccino's Bullet Seed was a 2HKO on the Togekiss. It used either Nasty Plot which went to waste or Air Slash which almost fainted my Belle. It then proceeded to Rock Blast Noivern I believe. Or my beloved Vileplume Maleficent shot it down with Moonblast. Crawdaunt destroyed Archeops, Gliscor and Talonflame with STAB Adaptability Mystic Water boosted Aqua Jet. Toulouse the Sylveon 2HKOed Mega Altaria with Moonblast, while it could do nothing back.

It was the easiest leader so far, honestly. Too big of a water priority weakness. She was supposed to be defensive too, but how are you going to be defensive with Archeops, Talonflame and Noivern?

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Easy, but I believe part of that is because she has a similar weakness as the gym leader before her (ice) and she lives next to a a cave full of ice types. Mamoswine and walrein took out most of her stuff with little support

Also I'd like to add that flying is a top teir type with an amazing balanced offensive and defensive core. The major problem is that it requires an experienced player and good switches. And AI never switches hardly

Edited by Zane0144
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Jolly Moxie Ice Fang Dragon Dance Gyrados on the circus top field DD boosts attack and speed by two stages Moxie maxes attack absolute total annhilation. Gyrados was lv 72 at the end of the battle. Excadrill with swords dance and rock slide was my backup

Edited by Stealth
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Jolly Moxie Ice Fang Dragon Dance Gyrados on the circus top field DD boosts attack and speed by two stages Moxie maxes attack absolute total annhilation. Gyrados was lv 72 at the end of the battle. Excadrill with swords dance and rock slide was my backup

Dayum Gyarados still goes in~

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This late in the game, we have access to a decent variety of mons. Thats probably a big factor.

My first try against her was bad, because i had nothing to tank/outspeed archeops.

But a quick redo later with a better team and it became easy.

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nidoking defeated togekiss(one shot crit poison jab )

gyarados defeated gliscor,noivern and archeops (the first two with ice fang and archeops with a single waterfall )

magnezone defeated talonflame and altaria(single discharge and for altaria magnet raise+metal sound+flash cannon ohko)

she didnt have the chance to use the hyper potions,thanks to the critical hit poison jab in the beginning(the others fell directly with one shot)

Edited by Bessi
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I level in between episodes, so I had entire team on lvl 74.

Aggron with bred Head Smash






Basically my Aggron did most of the work. After one Autotomize, she outsped Both Togekiss and Archeops, bopping both with Head Smash. Clawitzer tanked Gliscor and got an OHKO with Water Pulse. Same with Gardevoir, one Moonblast and bye bye Noivern. Aggron took to Flare Blitzes from Talonflame to get another Autotomize and a Head Smash. Here comes Mega Altaria! Pixilate Hyper Voice did nothing, while a Head Smash and an Iron Head was enough to get me a badge, while Aggron was chilling in yellow health.

Besides one Hyper Voice, Ciel didn't benefit from her field at all this battle. Shame.

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I found her mostly easy, except for the Gliscor. The Mega Altaria also gave some problems, but Crobat's Cross Poison took it out quickly after it fainted Sylveon.

I was 10-11 levels above her, though, so it wasn't exactly an even playing field.

Edited by Ice Cream Sand Witch
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Hmm Ciel was pretty easy, considering that Samson gave me a little bit more trouble.

Her Gliscor was surprisingly good, it walled most of my hits and my Greninja was out at that point. Mega Altaria was very meh, took it out in two hits. Mega evolution was pretty boss, it got my heart beating pretty fast.

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Had it quite easy, even if I took in mostly my B-team: Archeops, Azumarril, Metagross and Greninja got overleveled (thanks Solaris), so yeah.
I took in Manectric and Gyarados (which only landed the final hit, because:) and deleveled my Greninja with Surf/Ice beam (The rest wasn't needed in battle).
Togekiss went down to a Charge/Discharge-combo, and besides the Mega-Altaria the rest were OHKO's. I didn't expect it to mega-evolve, so that one took almost 50% damage before axing Greninja. It has to be told they all were level 74-75.
Overall, pretty easy. Especially due to Talonflame not having Gale Wings (which could've given me a challenge).

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Gyarados(Jolly), Electivire(Adamant) and Aggron(Impish) did the job. Magmortar(Modest) and Nidoking(Timid) were there as backup.

-Togekiss went down with two Ice Fangs from Gyarados.

-Moxie activates, then comes Noivern and Ice fang again. Noivern down.

-(Mega)Altaria: Gyarados misses the Aqua Tail and goes down to a Hyper Voice.

-Go Electivire! Thunder Punch crits but don´t OHKO Altaria.

-Altaria is changed for Gliscor. Earthquake! Bye Electivire.

-Aggron Time! Roost by Gliscor. Double edge almost OHKO´s Gliscor. Earthquake again! Aggron tanks it.

-Gliscor goes down with another Double Edge

-Talonflame! Used a Cotton candy on Gyarados. Aggron down!

-Go Gyarados! Aquatail OHKO´s Talonflame after receiving a Brave Bird. Moxie activates.

-Mega Altaria again. Used Cotton Candy on Aggron. She fully recovers Altara. Ice Fang fails. Gyarados down.

-Aggron time! (again): Altaria Earthquakes but Aggron tanks it. HEAVY SLAM! WHAMMO! OHKO Mega Altaria!

and down goes Seel.

Edited by nemesish
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Ciel was surprisingly easier than some of the recent leaders, for me at least. My swampert dealt with her archeops, gliscor, talonflame, and altaria, while my gardevior dealt with her togekiss and noivern

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She was kinda easy to me too. I just sent out my Chandelure to scorch everything. Though that M-Altaria stopped my sweep. It also looks so pretty. It was still very manageable though.

Ame said that Ciel's supposed to be a bulky setup attacker, so she's easy to deal with as long as you don't let her setup. It's mostly the AI's problem. They don't really know how to properly use setups, so it's kinda easy.

We'll be facing a hyper offensive flying type trainer in the future anyway, so I guess that makes up for that.

Yeah for the dragon gym my mist will suuure come in handy lol

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My Pachirisu and Gigalith put in all the work against Ciel. Nuzzle + Electro Ball & Stealth Rock and Stone Edge were the end of her. Swampert handled the Gliscor pretty easily. Explosion on the Mega-Altaria for the spectacular finish

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