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So, I figured this topic would be nice as a blanket for recommendation threads. Post here asking for a kind of game and hopefully get an answer. Or read through previous Q&As.

Personally I feel like I want a time dump game, like an RPG that I can spend hours grinding on and actually feel like I get somewhere. I got done with KH2 and something slower sounds nice.

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Well, not sure what kind of setting you like in an RPG, but I'd always recommend the Dark Souls series to anyone who likes action RPGs. They're difficult, but insanely fun games, and there's practically no end to what level your character can be, so grinding is definitely something you may do. If you haven't played Final Fantasy X or Tales of the Abyss, those are both excellent games as well, and I've spent numerous hours grinding in both. FFX actually has bonus bosses at the colosseum that are impossible for a casual player to beat due to their insane amounts of health and damage. My party can deal 99,999 damage with basics after grinding, but I have yet to beat the final collosseum boss. So grinding will DEFINITELY get you somewhere in that game. Tales of the Abyss is a game that you'll have to beat multiple times to reach maximum damage potential, but the gameplay's so fun with so many sidequests that it's worth it imo. I've beaten it 3 times and I still haven't completed it all.

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Personally I never liked the FF series too much. It felt like an unnecessary race through a menu with the ATB gauges. I'm also no stranger to the Souls series. The Tales series might be an idea though...

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I don't know what sorta consoles you have access to, but I find the Atelier series, (particularly Rorona, Meruru & Ayesha) to be a brilliant way to spend a lot of time, and with the focus on item crafting and your continually imoroving items, it really feels like you're progressing. Although certain games in the series, like Rorona or Totori, don't have the best pacing, others really fix that issue.

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Personally I never liked the FF series too much. It felt like an unnecessary race through a menu with the ATB gauges. I'm also no stranger to the Souls series. The Tales series might be an idea though...

FFX isn't real-time and doesn't have ATB gauges, so you have all the time you want in the menus, but I can understand if it's just the turn-based combat that gets to you. I'll agree that action RPGs are by far the better way to go. I've greatly enjoyed all the Tales games I've played, with Abyss being at the top followed by Legendia. (Though for some reason a lot of people don't like Legendia. :( )

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For mmorpgs or MMOs, I highly recommended Guild Wars 2, Final Fantasy 14; Realm Reborn, or TERA. They're all really good games and are beautiful, but it's based or personal preference on stuff. GW2 is a one time purchase, FF14 is subscription, and TERA is free. Tera and GW2 have similar combat, but FF14 and GW2 have random events in areas (or fates) to level. Just do your research, but all are great games.

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Hmm...Xenoblade is a fantastic game to play even though the level system is a bit complex. The hardest mode is to go through the game without doing sidequests (which there are a ton of) as doing those will make the game pretty easy.

Golden Sun, Any of the Tales Games, and the Last Story are all RPGs I really liked. The Xenosaga series is turn based, but its very heavy Sci-fi based and the combat is a little slow (and II's is kind of confusing and complex starting out) so that's not a series I can recommend (even though I could talk about it for hours).

I haven't actually played too many PS2 RPGs so there's not much I can reccomend. I played Symphonia and I enjoyed it, even though a majority of the bosses are pitifully easy (Gnome was one of the very few I struggled a bit on). If you haven't played it, I'd try Chrono Cross. There's no level up system, but the music alone is worth playing it (and there are a lot...I mean a lot of characters you can play as).

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