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5 Ways To Excel At Pokemon Reborn

King Jirachi

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When playing Pokemon Reborn, you'll often find yourself in hard situations, at the end of your rope, and about to throw the game down in rage. Lemme tell you five easy ways to excel at Reborn that will greatly help you in the long run.

  1. Always have common candies with you. I know they seem worthless, but trust me, when your Pokemon go over the level cap for that badge and are disobeying you, they are a blessing to have. Use about two or three and hope that your Pokemon's stats aren't severely reduced. You'll have your strongest Pokemon listening to you again, and you're Pokemon won't lose any moves it learned in the levels it lost. If you don't feel you need them, or just DON'T need them, then don't waste your money on them. Save your money for better items such as potions and status healers. Trust me when I tell you that you WILL need status healers in this game, inflicting status effects or time based damage methods are the gym leaders favorite victory method.
  2. When catching Pokemon, aim for the ones with the hidden abilities. Now, I know that it takes time to find Pokemon with hidden abilities in the wild, but trust me, it's a lot quicker than breeding and training for those IVs and EVs. You'll find that the lack of Pokemon in some parts of Reborn are inconvenient, so you'd just be wasting your time training for EVs. I can honestly say, that if it wasn't for my Goldeen with the hidden ability Lightning Rod and my Pachirisu and it's hidden ability Volt Absorb, then I would have struggled to beat the first gym. The hidden abilities are what you want to go for and if you can't find any, then use an Ability Capsule. At the current chapter, Ability Capsules aren't that hard to come by and later they even show up in shops. You'll have more time to train and breed for IVs and EVs between chapter releases.
  3. Use the field effects to your advantage. Almost every area has a field effect, and this website has a guide to those field effects for a reason. Use that guide so you can quickly take your opponents out and deliver the blow you need to beat that trainer you're stuck on.
  4. Use any event Pokemon you find. There are tons of event Pokemon spread throughout the game, and they were placed there to aid you on your travels through Reborn. You'll often find that the event Pokemon is just the Pokemon you need to beat that specific gym. I picked up the Kricketot at the start of the game, and ever since, my Kricketune has been destroying every gym I've come across with it's Fury Cutter move. Now, not all of them will help you immediately, and that's fine. Get them anyway, they can always be useful later on. Remember, if you find an event Pokemon, GRAB IT!
  5. Train often. Now, this seems like a no-brainer, but this isn't any normal training method. This is a training method I personally came up with, and have used for years. I call it Flush Training. This method of training is worthless to you if you Nuzlocke though, for the method involves training your Pokemon in the most recent wild area until they all faint. This is a cruel method that will get your Pokemon to like you less, yes, but it's effective. If you Nuzlocke, then there are only four tips to help you, but if not, then use this method, and teach your Pokemon Frustration. You'll be surprised to see the damage it deals after effectively using this training method.
  6. Now, there is only supposed to be five, but this is something that needs to be pointed out, and I CAN'T stress this enough. Know your type match-ups! If you know your type match-ups, and you use them, then GREAT! Congratulations, you don't need this tip. If not, then learn them, and get them down. I know that it's a lot to remember, but if I can learn every type match-up for every Pokemon type and use them to my advantage, then so can you.

Now, I have given you five (and for some people four or even six) tips on how to excel at Pokemon Reborn. I know that some of them are kinda obvious ones, and others seem a little ridiculous and out there, but trust me! They will work! One more thing. Even if with these tips you find your journey through Reborn difficult, don't give up. Giving up is the worst thing to do. Just keep at it, and you will eventually come out on top! With that said, whether you are old or new to Reborn, I wish you all good travels!

Edited by King Jirachi
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Thanks <3 even though I don't play reborn

Also since this is like your first post, even though this isn't specifically an introduction thread;

Hello King Jirachi,

Enjoy the forums my lord.

Your devoted citizen,


P.S. yayayayaya ORAS grunt girls cute amirite

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P.S. yayayayaya ORAS grunt girls cute amirite

They aren't grunt girls, btw, they are the admins Courtney and Shelly. I'm sorry, but Ruby and Sapphire are my favorite Pokemon games, and I have to defend their credibility. Also, I greatly appreciate the worship of my subjects and my only decree as ruler is support on my forum topics, ie this page and future ones like it.

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Suiciding to the gym leaders is a good way to gain exp and evs. I remember getting my Krabby to level 60 as well as max attack evs just from constantly fighting Samson. Of course, since you'll be losing battles, you'll also be losing money. Try using up all your money buying useful items like repels before you try this method

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Suiciding to the gym leaders is a good way to gain exp and evs. I remember getting my Krabby to level 60 as well as max attack evs just from constantly fighting Samson. Of course, since you'll be losing battles, you'll also be losing money. Try using up all your money buying useful items like repels before you try this method

This is a good method, but and my Flush Method is similar except that in the flush method you'll get too a point where your Pokemon will be too fast to be taken out by the wilds. At that point you can just head back to the Pokemon Center and heal your fainteds then repeat the process again.

I showed this to a new player and he found this really helpful. :)

I'm glad that my thread has already started to impact new players to the game. This was my main intention as many of my friends that I have introduced this game to quit before beating the first gym because it was too hard and I didn't want any more future players doing that.

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Haha yeah one of my friends almost did that as well. I introduced them to Trubbish and Krikitune~

Trubbish is good, if you give him poison gas, poison spikes, or toxic, Acid Spray, and his hidden ability is anything except sticky hold, though preferably aftermath, then he'll destroy your opponents. Kricketune is the champ in reborn though, if you keep him as your strongest and make sure he learns Fury Cutter, then you should be able to 0HKO most pokemon a gym leader uses as long as the Fury Cutter has been used in succession three times in a row.

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I have actually been stuck on Bugsy's younger sister Shelly for quite sometime. I found that Growlithe is a big help against her bug pkemon, but I've been using Litleo instead cuz as first stage it has higher stats then Growlithe, though if I find a Fire stone, then I'll use it cuz Arcanine's stats are much greater than Pyroar's. And it's not that I'm not following my own advice as much as her pokemon are much faster than mine, so I've been Flush Training in the crystal caverns under the staircase so my Trubbish, Chingling (I know, bad type matchup, but it knows Charge Beam, which is the strongest electric move I got and effective since more than half of her bug types are part flying), and my Noibat aren't puny. Though, now that I think of it, I should train my Mareep, it can learn much stronger electric moves than Charge Beam.

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Growlithe is the MVP of shelley's gym.

Flame Burst converts the field from forest to fiery field, which not only powers up your attacks but also damages non fire types in the process, it's incredibly useful.

The major problem there is the keywords "damages non fire types". That's not something I want. My choice team normally has no fire types, and being that the only two obtainable fire types to that point in the game are Growlithe and Litleo, it doesn't help either.

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The major problem there is the keywords "damages non fire types". That's not something I want. My choice team normally has no fire types, and being that the only two obtainable fire types to that point in the game are Growlithe and Litleo, it doesn't help either.

... Actually you can have a decent amount of Fire types at that point. You can get Charmander/Cyndaquil/Torchic/Chimchar/Tepig/Fennekin, Pansear, Litleo, Vulpix, Numel, Growlithe, and Ponyta, all before Shelly.

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You can get Charmander/Cyndaquil/Torchic/Chimchar/Tepig/Fennekin, Pansear, Litleo, Vulpix, Numel, Growlithe, and Ponyta, all before Shelly.

I aplogize, but I have been unable to run into any of those, and the first six are starters, and I much prefer my Feraligatr. Also, the Pansear can only be caught under a bridge in the Opal ward while it is raining, and my game rarely rains and when it does the Pansear is not there. Though, it would be much appreciated if I could be directed to the locations of the Numel and Ponyta. I do apologize for forgetting the Pansear though.

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I agree with all beside 4 and 5 :v

In 4, well, there's a thing called "mono-type run) which make that kinda useless since you're restricting yourself from using other type Pokemon(but on normal run, yes)

On 5, changing Pokemon in battle is also a good way to train, but I get your point there :)

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I agree with all beside 4 and 5 :v

In 4, well, there's a thing called "mono-type run) which make that kinda useless since you're restricting yourself from using other type Pokemon(but on normal run, yes)

On 5, changing Pokemon in battle is also a good way to train, but I get your point there :)

Changing Pokemon in battle is a good method yes, especially so if you are nuzlocking, but it can get monotonous and sometimes you forget. There's also that chance that the opponent knows the dreaded and highly annoying move pursuit which they always just happen to use when you are switching out (I swear it's programmed to automatically switch to that by default if you switch) or have Arena Trap or Shadow Tag. Flush Training removes all those mistakes and problems by just not even considering them. Also, I have no idea what a "Mono-type Run" is.

Personally, I've never needed Common Candies. None of my Pokémon have even reached Level 70 yet, even though I'm completely caught up.

Well, this guide was mainly made for beginners, and there may be some of them that they may not need. These are more suggestions to help than they are the 5 commandments of Pokemon Reborn. But, please keep this guide in mind, because these tips can be helpful to even veterans of Pokemon Reborn.

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