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Femme Fatales (A Fairy/Fighting Cross-Monotype Run)

Lord Chespin

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So, I decided to do something similar to what OmegaRa1der's doing and do a dual-typed monotype, with a unique twist: I can only use female Pokèmon (unless they're a male-only species; after all, even Skullgirls has Beowulf and Big Band). Anyway, here are the rules:

1) I may only use Fighting or Fairy type Pokèmon.

2) I may only use female Pokèmon.

-2a: If there is a male-only species, I may use it as long as it is part Fairy or Fighting type.

3) I have to defeat every impossible boss.

4) If there is an optional boss, I have to fight it, even if I can't use the reward Pokèmon.

This is the team so far:

392.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 52

210.pngLucina (Female) - Lv. 52

282.pngParasoul (Female) - Lv. 53

560.pngCammy (Female) - Lv. 53

308.pngCassie Cage (Female) - Lv. 52

454.pngC. Viper (Female) - Lv. 52

I also have the following Pokèmon on my PC:

682.pngValentine (Female) - Lv. 25

675.pngFeng (Female) - Lv. 32

057.pngPainwheel (Female) - Lv. 33

685.pngPeach (Female) - Lv. 42

122.pngUmbrella (Female) - Lv. 49

303.pngFilia (Female) - Lv. 32

040.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 48

297.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 52

Here are the major bosses I have to beat:

101.pngJulia: Defeated!

346.pngFlorina: Defeated!

169.pngCorey: Defeated!

313.pngShelly: Defeated!

609.pngShade: undefeated

308.pngKiki: Defeated!

445.pngSolaris: Defeated!

691.pngAya: Defeated!

478.pngSerra: Defeated!

Spr_3r_000.pngNoel: undefeated

Spr_3r_000.pngEl: undefeated

Spr_3r_000.pngRandomus: undefeated

Spr_3r_000.pngLuna: undefeated

Spr_3r_000.pngSampson: undefeated

Spr_3r_000.pngCharlotte: undefeated

Spr_3r_000.pngTerra: undefeated

Spr_3r_000.pngCiel: undefeated

And finally, this run's theme song!

Wish me luck! \(o3o)/

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dat aint no theme song, thats the sites main page!!!

so are you gonna go chimchar or Tory?

Whoops. My bad. Umm... (Edits it) YOU SAW NOTHING.

No Blaziken please. :P Take Chesnaught! And good luck, like your type combo!

I actually decided to take Chimchar. I agree, Torchic's pretty overpowered.

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Aww, Emboar gets no love. Oh well, Infernape is the better, imo.

Anyways, good luck~ The only Fairy type available before Julia right now is Igglybuff, with Cleffa being axed and all. But Perish Song Igglybuff does absolute wonders!

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Good luck! I don't think there's a lot of either of those types before the first gym so I expect Julia might actually be one of your harder fights, for a while anyway. Chimchar's a good starter anyway.

I think it's a dual-type rather than a monotype - unless you're intending to have a fairy team and a fighting team, which would be mutually exclusive; that's pretty cool in it's own way .

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Update #1: Pretty Boy, Pretty Deadly Girls

Well, Cain and Victoria went sorta well, despite Chun-Li's frailty. Chun-Li hit Cain's Nidoran with a leer, then spammed scratch until it fainted. It came pretty down to the line, too, with Cain getting a critical hit and knocking our poor fire monkey down to only one hit point, but she still managed to take it out.

Victoria, on the other hand... well... it didn't go too well. She kept up the offensive, spamming tackle until Chun-Li fainted. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to put in some more levels.

Anyway, sorry for the long gap between the first post and this post; my parents made me take a break from the computer. Anyway, I'll be back soon with the Fern battle!

The team so far:

390.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 6

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Update #2: Pyromaniac

Well, Fern was both troublesome and laughably easy. I led with our newest team member, Squigly the Igglybuff (who, sadly, knows wish but not perish song), and he led with Lotad. What followed was an epic battle of sweet kiss and pound versus absorb and the occasional bubble or growl; after 11 turns, Lotad finally fell. The rest of the battle was pathetic, as Fern's Snivy and Budew went down to Chun-Li the overleveled monkey's barrage of embers. I swear, it's so satisfying to just beat Fern's team into a bloody pulp... anyway, stay tuned for the raid on the Mosswater Factory!

The team so far:

391.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 16

174.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 11

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Well, Aster and Eclipse were, like Fern, not too bad. I led with Chun-Li the overleveled monkey, Fern led with Budew, and Aster and Eclipse led with Magby and Elekid. The duo mostly focused on Fern, allowing Chun-Li to spam mach punch and finish off Elekid within onlt three hits and making Aster and Eclipse use up their potion. Magby managed to take out Fern's Budew, but it was too little too late; Chun-Li finished it off with just two more mach punches. With the factory in ruins and Julia back at her gym, it's time to take her on (and see if we can get Squigly to evolve)!

The team so far:

391.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 19

174.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 18

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Not to sound like a nazi here, but Ciel's name is spelt wrong in the spoiler.

Apart from that, I look forward to how this will turn out.

Fixed it. Sorry about the typo, and thanks for the support!

That name. I LAHV IT!

Here's my seal of approval.


Yay! Thanks! I feel so special... *-*


Update #4: Operation Keep the F***ing Monkey Alive

So... yeah. As the title implies, the fight with Julia was pretty hard. Basically, Squigly isn't a very good attacker, so if Chun-Li fainted it was just about all over. Anyway, on TEH URN, I led with Chun-Li and she led with Helioptile. It wasn't that big of a threat, though; it went down to one mach punch. Where the problems really began was with her Emolga. Basically, if that thing paralyzed me, used acrobatics several times, or (God forbid) actually take out Chun-Li, it was all over. Luckily, even though Chun-Li got paralyzed by static, she managed to make Julia waste her two potions and then took out Emolga with several flame wheels, with about half her health to spare. Julia's first Voltorb came up next, so I used the relative respite to heal Chun-Li of her paralysis and to heal her back to full health with a chocolate ice cream. Chun-Li then outsped the Voltorb and OHKO'd it with a flame wheel, then shrugged off the aftermath damage. Voltorb #2 went the same way, right down to the aftermath damage. Julia's poor Blitzle didn't even get off a single hit before it fainted to a flame wheel. All that remained was Julia's ace: Electrode. Fortunately, instead of spamming charge beam or sonicboom (two moves that actually would kill me), she just used rollout, allowing Chun-Li to take it down with three mach punches... and then get finished off by the aftermath damage. RIP Exp. I still had a perfectly untouched Squigly in my party, though, so I won the battle and received the Volt Badge! With that over with, it's time to head to the Obsidia Ward and actually get a full team together!

The team so far:

391.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 20

174.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 19

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Update #5: Onwards to Victoria

Well, I'd say Victoria went pretty well. I led with our newest team member- Peach the Swirlix- and she led with her Ralts. Ralts was kind of a pain to take out- not because it was actually all that powerful, but because it was just so darn hard to hit with all the evasion boosts it gave itself. Eventually it went down after about six (many of which missed) fake tears-boosted rounds, taking with it both of Victoria's potions. Up next came Victoria's Makuhita, and it managed to paralyze Peach with a force palm, keeping her from moving! Luckily, she managed to power through the paralysis for the rest of the battle and survived another force palm and arm thrust with just six hit points to take down Makuhita with two fairy winds. Victoria sent out her ace and final Pokèmon: Pignite. I countered by switching out to Chun-Li, who tanked several arm thrusts like a boss and ended the battle with several mach punches! With that over with, it's time to delve into the slums and get a full team together!

The team so far:

391.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 21

174.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 20

684.pngPeach (Female) - Lv. 16

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:3 you should name your swirlix, cupcake!

Yeah, that would have been a good name, but I decided to name it Peach since I'm going for a fighting-game-character naming theme (Chun-Li from Street Fighter, Peach from Super Smash Bros., and Squigly from Skullgirls).

Sorry for the double post, but I already posted the update before you commented, so... yeah...

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Update #6: I Didn't Choose the Thug Life; The Thug Life Said "I Choose You"

Before I recount the battle with the Pokèmon Gang, I'd just like to welcome our three newest team members: Painwheel the Mankey, Cerebella the Makuhita, and Feng the Pancham! They may need a little grinding to catch up with the rest of the team, but that doesn't stop them from being valuable team members!

Anyway, the Pokèmon Gang went down pretty easily. I led with Feng and Cerebella, and they led with two Scraggy. The Scraggy ganged up on Cerebella, taking her out in two turns; fortunately, she was able to hold out long enough to help Feng take down the stronger of the two scraggy and at least slightly weaken the third, stronger Scraggy. I sent out Painwheel next, and through a combination of karate chops from Painwheel and comet punches from Feng, I took out the third Scraggy. Then came the big boss Scrafty... and things started to go a little wrong. Feng and Painwheel managed to just barely hold on for one final turn, but then both fainted to Scraggy and Scrafty's furious fists, giving them a boost from Moxie in the process. Fortunately, this allowed me to send out the big guns: Peach and Chun-Li. Together, the Scraggy and Scrafty went down within the turn! With the Slums cleared, it's time to head to the Coral Ward and meet Cain again!

The team so far:

391.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 22

174.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 20

684.pngPeach (Female) - Lv. 18

056.pngPainwheel (Female) - Lv. 15

296.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 15

674.pngFeng (Female) - Lv. 15

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Update #7: Oshawhat

Well, Cain wasn't too hard; I probably could have beaten him a lot more easily if I didn't use my new team members, but hey, they need the experience. Anyway, he led with Grimer, and I led with Feng. Feng got off a work up and started spamming comet punch, coming really close to taking out Grimer all on her own; alas, Cain simply healed up Grimer every time its health got low, and eventually Feng fainted first. Painwheel came out next, and she did a little better, getting off several critical hits with karate chop; sadly, she too went down before she could take out Grimer. The saga of the unstoppable Grimer eventually ended by Cerebella's hand, as she managed to finish it off with a fake out. Up next came Cain's Nidorino, so I swapped out for Chun-Li and took it down with two sun-boosted flame wheels. Kind of anticlimactic, isn't it? Up next came Venonat, so I switched out to Cerebella, who tanked a confusion and temporarily forced Venonat to swap out with a whirlwind (also blowing away the mist that had settled on the field). Cain's newly acquired Oshawott got dragged out, and it put up a decent fight, coming dangerously close to taking down the weakened Cerebella; fortunately, she managed to paralyze it with a force palm, then outspeed and finish it with another force palm. All that remained was Venonat, and it went down pretty fast to a flame wheel from Chun-Li. With Cain defeated, it's time to head to the park and see just what's causing all of the plant problems!

The team so far:

391.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 23

174.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 20

684.pngPeach (Female) - Lv. 18

056.pngPainwheel (Female) - Lv. 15

296.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 17

674.pngFeng (Female) - Lv. 16

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Update #8: Rollin', Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'...

Well, the PULSE Tangrowth was honestly a little anticlimactic. I led with Chun-Li, and pretty much just spammed flame wheel until Tangrowth died. Sure, it put up something of a fight, but ultimately it only took off about two-thirds of Chun-Li's health before she took it down. With that over with, it's time to head over to the Onyx Ward and see if we can get our second badge easily and painlessly! (Spoilers: We don't because Fern's a grasshole).

The team so far:

391.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 23

174.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 20

684.pngPeach (Female) - Lv. 18

056.pngPainwheel (Female) - Lv. 16

296.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 17

674.pngFeng (Female) - Lv. 16

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Update #9: The Gift of Fire

Well, Fern probably would have been harder had I not started with a fire-type starter. I led with Peach, and he led with Lombre. Lombre put up one heckuva fight, spamming bubblebeam and absorb like nobody's buisness; eventually, poor Peach went down. Cerebella came out to cover for her, and managed to take down the weird lily-pad frog thigh with a fake out and a force palm! Fern sent out his Servine next, but it went down pretty fast from a flame wheel by Chun-Li. Fern sent out his ace, Roselia, and I switched out to Feng. Feng managed to do serious damage with two work-up-powered slashes, but ultimately fainted from a barrage of mega drains. Painwheel came out and got off a seismic toss, but ultimately met the same fate as Feng. Cerebella, too, fell to the terror that was the Grasshole's ace. Fortunately, Chun-Li came out and plucked the rose, knocking it out with a single flame wheel. Between this fight and the Tangrowth, I think we've all learned a valuable lesson: monkey OP. Anyway, onward to Florina!

The team so far:

391.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 25

039.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 21

684.pngPeach (Female) - Lv. 20

056.pngPainwheel (Female) - Lv. 21

296.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 21

674.pngFeng (Female) - Lv. 20

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Update #10: Darude Sandstorm

Well, once I figured out what I was doing, Florina wasn't too hard. I led with Chun-Li, and she led with Maractus. Since Maractus could outspeed and 2HKO most of my Pokèmon, I decided to nip it in the bud (yay, plant puns!) and took it out with two flame wheels and a mach punch, making Florina waste one of her super potions in the process. Her Breloom came up next, and I switched out to Peach to counter it. Peach got hit by a leech seed, but managed to set up a fake tears and then OHKO'd the Breloom with a critical hit fairy wind! Florina sent out her Ferroseed next, and I countered by sending out Painwheel. The Ferroseed set up a sandstorm, but Painwheel just set up a focus energy and spammed karate chop, getting off several critical hits and eventually taking it down, making Florina waste her last super potion in the process! Her Cacnea came out afterwards, and I countered by sending out Feng. Feng set up a work up, then began spamming slash while Cacnea kept spamming pin missile, which mercifully usually only hit two or three times and Feng resisted (although she did need assistance from a chocolate ice cream to stay healthy). Eventually, Feng managed to eke out a knockout, and Florina sent out her newest Pokèmon: Cottonee. I switched out to Peach, but other than setting up a fake tears and getting off a fairy wind, she wasn't really able to do much before fainting; she was, however, able to knock it down into the red by using an endeavor before fainting. Cerebella came out and managed to take out Cottonee with a fake out and a knock off, leaving only Florina's ace: Cradily. Since Cerebella had gotten seeded by Cottonee before it fainted, I tried switching out to Feng; sadly, the poor panda wasn't able to do much before fainting. Cerebella came out swinging, spamming force palm like nobody's business; eventually, thanks to Cradily only spamming smack down instead of, oh, I dunno, actually setting up, Cerebella managed to take the giant prehistoric polyp down (with a little help from a chocolate ice cream, of course). And thus, I earned the Canopy Badge! Time to head to the Jasper and Beryl Wards and see if we can get to the root (get it it's a pun) of the plant problem!

The team so far:

391.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 25

039.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 21

684.pngPeach (Female) - Lv. 22

056.pngPainwheel (Female) - Lv. 21

296.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 22

674.pngFeng (Female) - Lv. 21

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So... yeah... as the title implies, I had a little trouble with Taka. Seriously, the Tangrowth sufficiently weakened my team enough for that freaking Chatot to completely sweep my team! After countless tries, TEH URN began with me sending out Feng to take on Taka's Lileep. Lileep was a cakewalk- all I had to do was just spam karate chop until Lileep fainted, making him use up his super potion in the process. The same can't be said for his Tangrowth, however. I switched out to Squigly, and she managed to confuse it with a sweet kiss before fainting. Our newest team member- Lucina the Granbull- came out next, and did considerable damage to the Tangrowth, even managing to paralyze it with a lick before fainting. Painwheel came out next, and seriously injured the Tangrowth with several seismic tosses, but ultimately she fell too. I decided I had done enough messing around and sent out Chun-Li, who swooped in and managed to put the poor Tangrowth out of its misery with just two flame wheels (she didn't even get hit, thanks to the Tangrowth's paralysis)! All that remained was the most problematic Pokémon: Chatot. Chun-Li managed to get off a mach punch before being OHKO'd by a chatter, and Cerebella managed to do some damage with a fake out. Feng then took one for the team and took a chatter meant for Cerebella, allowing her to come back out and get off another fake out. I knew from previous runs that Cerebella wasn't tough enough to survive another chatter, so I used her last turn conscious to revive Chun-Li with a revive I had conveniently found nearby prior to the battle, allowing her to swoop in and finish off Chatot with one last mach punch! With the Jasper Ward (or, well, what's left of it) saved, it's time to liberate the Beryl Ward from whatever malfeasance has put this plague of plants over it!

The team so far:

391.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 27

039.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 23

056.pngPainwheel (Female) - Lv. 23

296.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 23

674.pngFeng (Female) - Lv. 23

210.pngLucina (Female) - Lv. 23

...Also, I have a Youtube Channel now, where I'm doing a playthrough of Pokémon Reborn with a friend! You can check it out here if you want! #ShamelessSelfPlug

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Update #12: Reap What You Sow

Well, compared to the Taka battle, the battle against Taka and ZEL wasn't nearly as bad. The trick is to take out ZEL first, and then you can focus exclusively on Taka. Anyway, I led with Painwheel and Cerbella, and they led with Glaceon and Lileep. I had Cerebella smack Glaceon with a fake out, and then Painwheel whacked the stunned Galceon with a karate chop. Painwheel took out the Glaceon with another karate chop the next turn, while Cerebella seriously injured the Lileep with a force palm, forcing Taka to spend the next turn healing it with a super potion. ZEL sent out their Espeon next, and it managed to OHKO Painwheel with a psybeam; fortunately, Cerebella managed to OHKO it in return with a knock off. ZEL's Un=mbreon came out next, and I sent out Feng to help take it down. Cerebella and Feng annihilated it the next turn with a force-palm-karate-chop combo, leaving only Taka. Cerebella then set up a belly drum (she had learned it during the battle, after beating Espeon), while Feng KO'd the Lileep with a circle throw. The almighty PULSE Tangrowth came out next, and I had the beefed-up Cerebella spam knock off while Feng spammed slash. Feng fainted before the Tangrowth did, but luckily Cerebella took out the Tangrowth the next turn, earning Squigly (who I replaced Feng with) some sweet EXP. All that remained was Chatot, and it targeted Squigly with chatter instead of Cerebella, allowing Cerebella to one-shot the Chatot with a force palm, ending the fight and saving the Jasper Ward! Also, shock-horror, it turns out the man behind this all was... Corey, the Beryl Ward Gym leader! Guess I'll be fighting him in the corrosive mist field; luckily, I have a trick up my sleeve for him...

In other news, my mystery egg turned out to be a Frillish. Funny thing is, I'm doing a ghost-type monotype run on a different file, and I'm probably going to end up with an Azuril. Once I get up to that point in that file, could somebody swap the two eggs between those two files? I'll put them up when the time comes. I'd greatly appreciate it!

The team so far:

391.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 27

039.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 25

056.pngPainwheel (Female) - Lv. 24

297.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 27

674.pngFeng (Female) - Lv. 25

210.pngLucina (Female) - Lv. 25

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Update #13: The Battle of Beryl Ward (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Toxin)

I think I named Update #11 prematurely. Corey was HELL. It easily took me about twenty tries to defeat him. Eventually, I finally managed to do it when I learned to work with the corrosive mist field instead of around it, giving my entire team pecha berries and having Chun-Li use a field-boosted flame wheel. Anyway, on TEH URN, I led with Painwheel and Corey led with Skrelp. Painwheel set up a focus energy, tanked a bubble, shrugged off poison thanks to her berry, and finished off Skrelp with two assurances, surviving an acid in the process. Since Painwheel was now poisoned and down to only four hit points, I switched out to Chun-Li, who managed to OHKO Corey's Croagunk (and a future team member) with a single flame wheel, eating her Pecha Berry in the process. I then swapped out to Cerebella for his Grimer, and she set up a belly drum, then proceeded to smash both Grimer and Skuntank with one hit each; sadly, she fainted from aftermath damage after Skuntank fainted. I sent out Lucina to fight Corey's Nidorina, and after a long, drawn-out battle involving many turns of headbutts, receiving several double kicks and bites, and Corey using a super potion to heal his Nidorina, Lucina managed to reign victorious... and then got knocked out from poison damage the next turn. *Sigh* All that remained was his ace, his most problematic Pokémon, the stopper of a thousand runs: his Crobat. (Seriously, it has dual STAB moves that are super effective against every Pokémon I can use!) I switched out to Chun-Li, and then... two miracles happened. First, she managed to tank an air cutter from Corey's Crobat; second, she managed to burn Crobat with flame wheel. Words could not describe my joy. She managed to get off one last mach punch before fainting to a second air cutter, but her work had already been done. I sent out Painwheel next; she fainted, but her purpose- to stall Crobat out- had been accomplished just by her mere presence. I switched out to Squigly next, and miraculously she managed to take an air cutter and weaken Crobat with a charge beam, leaving it with just enough health to get taken out by burn damage. YES! And with that I earn... a front row seat to Corey's suicide. I know he felt horrible and wanted to end it all, but couldn't he have given me his badge first? After all that work... oh well...

The team so far:

391.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 29

039.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 29

057.pngPainwheel (Female) - Lv. 28

297.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 28

674.pngFeng (Female) - Lv. 28

210.pngLucina (Female) - Lv. 28

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Update #14: Cave Story

Well, I'd say that the second battle against Aster and Eclipse went pretty well. I led with Lucina, Victoria led with Pignite, and Aster and Eclipse led with Solrock and Lunatone. Pignite started up a rollout on Lunatone, while Solrock and Lunatone ganged up on Pignite with a rock slide and a fire spin; Lucina, meanwhile, just bit the Solrock, forcing Aster and Eclipse to spend their next turn healing it. Pignite kept rolling out, while Lunatone missed a psybeam and Lucina bit Solrock again, knocking it down to only half its HP. The next turn, Pignite fot lucky with the field and damaged the Lunatone with a now super-effective rollout, KO'ing it; Solrock, meanwhile, went down to another bite. All that remained was Aster and Eclipse's Electabuzz and Magmar; unfortunately, they managed to take down the weakened Pignite, and Lucina was only able to get off a single close combat before fainting (although Victoria was able to pick up the slack with her Scraggy, which seriously damaged their Magmar and made them spend the next turn healing it). I sent out our newest team member, Umbrella the Mr. Mime, and had her sent up a reflect while Scraggy got off a payback and Electabuzz set up a light screen. I then had her spam psybeam; unfortunately, Victoria's Scraggy got burned from Magmar's flame body, and both Scraggy and Umbrella fainted from several swifts from Electabuzz. I sent out Chun-Li, and Victoria sent out Hariyama. At first, not much happened; Chun-Li wasn't able to KO the weakened Electabuzz with a mach punch and Hariyama got confused and injured itself. Fortunately, Chun-Li was able to finish off Electabuzz with a mach punch and Hariyama broke free of confusion to finish off Magmar, allowing me to free Victoria! With that over with, it's time to head back to the Lapis Ward and join a gang... I'm not sure which gang to join, so I'll leave it up to you guys! See you next time!

The team so far:

391.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 32

039.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 31

057.pngPainwheel (Female) - Lv. 31

297.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 31

122.pngUmbrella (Female) - Lv. 31

210.pngLucina (Female) - Lv. 32

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Update #15: Paved with Good Intentions

Well, Victoria was ultimately pretty easy. I led with Painwheel, and she led with Scraggy. Poor Painwheel wasn't able to do too much damage to Scraggy, as all she had was karate chop; eventually, she fainted to a barrage of brick breaks. (Seriously, though, where did Victoria get the brick break TM?! Kiki?!) Anyway, I then switched out to Squigly, and she managed to get Victoria to waste her two super potions; sadly, she fainted too. I decided I was done messing around and sent out Cerebella, who then managed to finish off the Scraggy with one force palm. Victoria sent out her Pignite next, and I sent out Umbrella. Umbrella sent up a substitute, but Pignite managed to break it with a take down; luckily, the second substitute she set up managed to survive a round of arm thrusts from Pignite, allowing her to 2HKO it with two psybeams. Victoria's Hariyama came out next, and I switched out to Lucina. Lucina managed to paralyze Hariyama with a lick, then proceeded to spam headbutt until it fainted. All that remained was Victoria's Kirlia, so I switched out to Cereblla, who managed to tank a psychic and take it down with two knock offs. Time to challenge Shelly! ...At least, once I get through her endless book puzzle of death...

The team so far:

391.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 32

039.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 31

057.pngPainwheel (Female) - Lv. 31

297.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 32

122.pngUmbrella (Female) - Lv. 32

210.pngLucina (Female) - Lv. 33

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