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Femme Fatales (A Fairy/Fighting Cross-Monotype Run)

Lord Chespin

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Update #16: Overly Competitive

Well, Shelly was hard, but she wasn't Corey hard. One thing that really helped me was Squigly's ability competitive: every time she used a move to lower one of my Pokémon's stats (which was frequent), she just ended up making it stronger! Anyway, on TEH URN, I led with Painwheel and Squigly, while she led with Masquerain and Illumise. Painwheel circumvented the drop to her attack stat caused by Masquerain's intimidate by smacking Illumise with a seismic toss, while Squigly tanked a struggle bug (which just made her stronger) and a bubblebeam and finished off the Illumise with a round. Shelly sent out her Wormadam next, and it miraculously didn't hit Squigly with a mirror shot; rather, it hit Painwheel with a psybeam, while Squigly seriously injured Masquerian with a charge beam while Painwheel dented the Wormadam with a seismic toss. Shelly healed up Masquerian the next turn with an ultra potion, but it was to no avail, as Painwheel clipped its wings with a seismic toss and Squigly finished it off with a charge beam. Wormadam took out Painwheel that very turn with a mirror shot, unfortunately, but hey, at least it didn't take out the big guns, AKA Squigly. I sent out Chun-Li to replace Painwheel, and Shelly sent out Heather the Yanmega to replace her fallen Masquerain. Chun-Li destroyed the Wormadam (no, not like that, you pervert) with a flame wheel, and dodged an air cutter from Heather; Squigly, meanwhile, tanked the air cutter and fried Heather with a +6-boosted charge beam. Ouch. Anyway, all that Shelly had left was her Anorith and her Volbeat, Bugsy. Bugsy used struggle bug while Anorith used aqua jet, leaving both Squigly and Chun-Li with just a sliver of health; fortunately, they were both healthy enough to fight together and take down the Anorith with a charge-beam-mach-punch combo. With just Bugsy remaining, I used Squigly's turn to heal Chun-Li and have her do serious damage to Bugsy with a flame wheel; Squigly fainted from a dazzling gleam, but her efforts weren't in vain, as she had put up an incredible fight. I sent out Cerebella to replace her, and she knocked off Bugsy's leftovers while Chun-Li got off one last mach punch before fainting to a second dazzling gleam. Shelly used her next turn to heal Bugsy, so I used the opportunity to wail on her with Umbrella (whom I sent out to replace Chun-Li) and Cerbella; after two turns of abuse, Bugsy finally fainted, earning me the Cocoon Badge! Time to explore some new places with rock smash and get some new team members!

The team so far:

391.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 33

039.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 34

057.pngPainwheel (Female) - Lv. 33

297.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 33

122.pngUmbrella (Female) - Lv. 34

210.pngLucina (Female) - Lv. 34

P.S.: By the way, I decided to join the Magma Gang. This way, I'll fight the guys who won't resist any Fairy-type moves I would use.

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Update #17: Get On My Level, Scrublord

Honestly, I think the hardest part about Fern was his freaking Ludicolo; the rest of his tem wasn't too bad. Anyway, on TEH URN I led with Chun-Li and he led with Ferroseed. The poor thing didn't even get off a single hit before fainting to a flame wheel from Chun-Li. Fern sent out his Ludicolo next, and I sent out Lucina and had her keep spamming headbutt until Fern used up both of his super potions. I then had her use a close combat, seriously denting Ludicolo before it took out Lucina with a mega drain. I sent out our newest team mamber- C. Viper the Croagunk, formerly a member of Corey's team- and had her finish off the Ludicolo with a sucker punch. Fern sent out his Roserade next, and I sent out Umbrella. Umbrella set up a light screen and got off a psybeam, but ultimately fainted to Fern's relentless barrage of attacks. I sent out Cerebella to finish the sentient rosebush, but she got put to sleep... twice. Fortunately, she woke up fairly quickly and took out Roserade with just two knock offs. I kept her on the field for Fern's Servine, and she managed to get off a knock off before fainting. I sent out Squigly next, but unlike in the battle against Shelly, she wasn't able to land a single attack before fainting. I then decided that I was done messing around and sent out Chun-Li again, who managed to finish off the Servine with a flame wheel and a mach punch! Time to head on out to the Beryl Ward and see if we can get the key from Cain!

The team so far:

391.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 34

039.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 34

453.pngC. Viper (Female) - Lv. 34

297.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 35

122.pngUmbrella (Female) - Lv. 34

210.pngLucina (Female) - Lv. 34

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Update #18: The Arceusfather

Well, I think the battles against the Pokémon Dons went pretty well. For the first Don, I led with Umbrella, who set up a reflect before fainting. I then sent out Cerbella, who paralyzed the Pangoro with a force palm and tried to set up a belly drum; sadly, she fainted before she could do any more damage. Lucina came out next, fury in her eyes, and did massive damage to the Don with a close combat; before she could do more damage, however, the Don forced her to switch out with C. Viper with a circle throw. Fortunately, C. Viper was able to finish off the Pangoro with a single drain punch, allowing me to open the first gate.

Don #2: Don Harder went down in a similar fashion, with Umbrella setting up a reflect and Cerbella spamming force palm; this time, however, Cerbella stayed alive long enough to deliver the finishing blow. Second gate down.

Then came the hardest obstacle: Don #3: Live Free or Don Hard. The battle went more or less the same as the other two Dons, with the major difference being that I had to give Umbrella a focus sash so that she could survive a hit from the Pangoro. Cerbella then came out and spammed force palm, eventually taking down the giant death bear. And with that, we get our newest team member: Cammy the Scraggy! Time to grind her up to the same level as the rest of the team!

The team so far:

391.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 34

039.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 35

453.pngC. Viper (Female) - Lv. 35

297.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 36

122.pngUmbrella (Female) - Lv. 34

210.pngLucina (Female) - Lv. 35

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Update #19: Give Me the Key, Toroko!

Well, Cain was a little tricky, but he wasn't too bad. I led with Umbrella, and he led with Dewott. Umbrella set up double screens, then took out Dewott fairly quickly with two psybeams. I switched out to C. Viper, and he switched out to Nidoking. C. Viper managed to get a mub bomb off, lowering Nidoking's accuracy, but ultimately she fainted to from a thrash (although said thrash did leave Nidoking confused). I sent Umbrella back out, and the gods of hax must have been smiling upon us, because Cain's Nidoking hurt itself out of confusion, leaving it in prime position to get taken down by a psybeam. Sadly, Umbrella fainted from a psybeam the next turn, she at least got off one last psybeam. I switched out to Chun-Li, who spammed flame wheel while Cain desperately healed his injured pile of bile; fortunately, the super potions gave out before Chun-Li did, and all that remained was his Venomoth. Chun-Li got off a flame wheel, but was seriously injured by a psybeam; all she had left in her before she fainted to a gust was one last mach punch. I quickly sent out Cammy, who tanked a gust and took down the weakened moth with a payback! And so I got the key to the wasteland... or not, since Cain decided to run off after Heather, even though giving me the key would have taken all of five seconds. Sigh... I guess I might as well follow him... At least Chun-Li finally evolved...

The team so far:

392.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 36

039.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 35

453.pngC. Viper (Female) - Lv. 36

559.pngCammy (Female) - Lv. 36

122.pngUmbrella (Female) - Lv. 36

210.pngLucina (Female) - Lv. 35

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Update #20: A Lighter Shade of Grey

Well, Shade was... honestly, pretty anticlimactic. I led with C. Viper, and he led with Corey. Must be weird, fighting the Pokémon you used to own in life... anyway, C. Viper survived a thunderbolt and knocked Corey down to low health with a sucker punch, then dd chip damage with a venoshock while Shade healed Corey. C. Viper fainted the next turn, but got off one last sucker punch before fainting, forcing him to spend his next turn healing Corey and giving Cammy (whom I had sent in to replace C. Viper) the perfect opportunity to swing in and take out Corey with a single crunch, giving her a moxie boost. She then proceeded to tear through Doublade and Trevenant, outspeeding them and ending them with a single crunch each; she probably could have swept his whole team, but she ended up getting overleveled after defeating Trevenant, so I had to sit her out for the rest of the battle. Shade sent out his Rotom next, and I switched out to Cerebella; she proceeded to wipe the floor with its spiky rump, taking it down with just a single knock off. Shade then sent out his Banette, and I switched out to Lucina. She bit the Banette and got hit by a shadow claw; fortunately, her speed got raised thanks to rattled and she managed to outspeed and finish off the psychotic doll with a bite. Shade sent out his ace and last Pokémon, Chandelure, next, and I sent out Cerebella. The hax gods were on our side, as they made Chandelure's hidden power electric do minimal damage, allowing Cerebella to finish off the sentient chandelier with two knock offs. And so we receive our fourth badge, the Omen Badge... and get to watch our new friends from the orphanage get kidnapped. Joy. Time to head out to Apophyll Academy so we can get the tools necessary to rescue them!

The team so far:

392.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 38

297.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 39

454.pngC. Viper (Female) - Lv. 38

560.pngCammy (Female) - Lv. 41

122.pngUmbrella (Female) - Lv. 38

210.pngLucina (Female) - Lv. 38

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Update #21: Mind-Muk

Well, ZEL's Muk was a little tricky, but the rest of his team was pretty easy. I led with Lucina, and he led with Galceon. Glaceon managed to get off an ice shard, but ultimately fainted from a close combat before it could do any major damage. ZEL then sent out his big guns: the PULSE Muk. I switched out to Umbrella, but she was only able to get off a single psychic before she fainted. I then switched out to Crimson Viper, and she managed to tank a mud bomb and get off two sucker punches before fainting. Lucina came back out next, and while ZEL healed their Muk, she managed to get off a close combat; sadly, she fainted the next turn from a sludge wave. I decided to send out Chun-Li next, and she dodged a mud bomb and got two close combats and a flame wheel before fainting to a muddy water; fortunately, she got ZEL to use up their last ultra potion in the process. Finally, Cammy came out and finished off the Muk with a crunch. With the boost from moxie that she received, she went on to outspeed and sweep the rest of ZEL's team, ending the battle! Time to head on out to Apophyll Academy!

The team so far:

392.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 40

297.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 40

454.pngC. Viper (Female) - Lv. 40

560.pngCammy (Female) - Lv. 42

122.pngUmbrella (Female) - Lv. 40

210.pngLucina (Female) - Lv. 40

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Update #22: Flame On

Well, Cal, like Shade, was pretty anticlimactic. I led with Umbrella, and he led with Infernape. Umbrella outsped the ape (for a mime, she's pretty speedy) and OHKO'd it with a psychic, proving to Cal that our monkey is superior. Cal sent out his Delphox, and I switched out to Cammy. Cammy survived a mystical fire and went on to OHKO the fox with a crunch. What does the fox say? Nothing, 'cause it's dead. I kept Cammy on the field, and she tanked a fire fang from Cal's Charizard and kept spamming crunch, making Cal use up his ultra potions. She then tanked another fire fang and finished off the Charizard; sadly, Cal's Magmortar ended her run, finishing her with a focus blast. I sent out our newest team member, the mascot of Apophyll Academy, and (in my headcanon, at least) the daughter of Kiki's Medicham... Cassie Cage the Medicham! ...And she only got off a fake out and a power trick before fainting. Bravo. Eh, to quote Cain, "the first time's always rough". Anyway, with Cassie down, I switched out to Chun-Li, who got off a shadow claw and tanked a solarbeam before finishing the Magmortar with a close combat. Cal sent out his Typhlosion next, and I switched out to C. Viper. C. Viper just spammed sucker punch, and the hyper-offensive Typhlosion was only able to get off a weakened hidden power and charge up a solarbeam (not actually use it, mind you, just charge it up). With Typhlosion down, all that remained was Cal's Blaziken, the toughest starter to beat... and Umbrella outsped it and broke its brain with a psychic. Time to head on back down the mountain and challenge Kiki!

The team so far:

392.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 42

297.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 42

454.pngC. Viper (Female) - Lv. 42

560.pngCammy (Female) - Lv. 43

122.pngUmbrella (Female) - Lv. 43

308.pngCassie Cage (Female) - Lv. 42

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Update #23: Pyrrhic Victoria

Well, the final battle with Victoria wasn't too bad. I led with Cassie Cage, and she led with Scraggy. Scraggy intimidated Cassie, cutting her attack, but fortunately she circumvented this with a power trick, then tanked a payback and OHKO'd Scraggy with a high jump kick. Victoria's Heracross, however, was a different story. Poor Cassie was only able to get off two high jump kicks (which didn't even do all that much, thanks to Heracross' bug typing) before Heracross night slash'd her to death. Fortunately, a very angry Chun-Li came out and mopped the floor with the beetle the next turn; not even a chocolate ice cream from Victoria could save it. Victoria then sent out her Gallade, and I switched out to Lucina, who now knows play rough! She missed her mark with the first play rough, allowing Gallade to get off a free swords dance, but luckily she managed to tank a psycho cut with just 26 hit points remaining, then OHKO'd Gallade with a play rough. Victoria set out her ace and strongest Pokémon, Emboar, and I switched out to Cerebella. Cerebella spammed force palm, while Emboar spammed rollout; eventually, Cerebella proved to be the tankier Pokémon, surviving four rollouts with just 10 hit points and finishing off Emboar. All that remained on Victoria's team was her own Hariyama, and I switched out to C. Viper. C. Viper wasn't able to do much damage with a sucker punch, but the next turn she did significantly more damage using drain punch, and even managed to poison the Hariyama while it flubbed a belly drum. From there, all it took was a single venoshock to finish off Hariyama and earn me he right to face Kiki. Time to do so after I heal up the team!

The team so far:

392.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 42

297.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 42

454.pngC. Viper (Female) - Lv. 42

210.pngLucina (Female) - Lv. 43

122.pngUmbrella (Female) - Lv. 43

308.pngCassie Cage (Female) - Lv. 42

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Update #24: Mental Breakdown

Well, Kiki was a little hard, but still kind of anticlimactic. I led with Cassie Cage, and she led with Machamp. Machamp went down quite easily to a fake out and a high jump kick, causing her to switch out to her next Pokémon: Gallade. I switched out to Chun-Li to take it on. Chun-Li got a critical hit off with a shadow claw, and just barely survived a field-boosted strength; she then spammed shadow claw while Kiki spent her turn healing Gallade; ultimately, not even healing Gallade could save it from Chun-Li's claws of chaos. Chun-Li stayed on the field while Kiki sent out her Lucario... and the poor jackal went down to a single flame wheel. (slow clapping) Anyway, Kiki sent out her Toxicroak next, and I switched out to C. Viper. It was a tense standoff between the two Gym Leader's Toxicroak, that ended promptly when C. Viper OHKO'd Kiki's Toxicroak with a field-boosted mud bomb. Kiki sent out her Hitmonlee afterwards, and I switched back out to Cassie Cage. Cassie tanked a strength and managed to injure it with a fake out, then went in for the kill with a high jump kick. All that Kiki had left was her ace, Medicham. I sent out Cerebella to counter it, but all she managed to do before fainting was get off a knock off, getting rid of Medicham's sitrus berry. With Cereblla down, I sent out Umbrella, and she survived an ice punch and managed to take it down by spamming psychic like nobody's business! And so, I earn... nothing, because Kiki fainted and had a freak-out moment, and wants to be alone. Can't I just have my badge now, in case she dies while I'm off saving Cain? No? Okay...

The team so far:

392.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 43

297.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 42

454.pngC. Viper (Female) - Lv. 43

210.pngLucina (Female) - Lv. 43

122.pngUmbrella (Female) - Lv. 43

308.pngCassie Cage (Female) - Lv. 42

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Keep up the good work!

Aw, thanks! Anyway...

Update #25: The Great Rescue

Well, Aster and Eclipse barely posed a challenge, so I'll be condensing the battle against them and the battle against Taka into one post. The first battle, where Aster and Eclipse gang up on you, was really pretty uneventful. I led with Cerebella and Cammy, and Cerebella pretty much weakened everything on Aster and Eclipse's team while Cammy tore through them all, just getting stronger with each one she knocked out. I only took me about three minutes to defeat them.

Taka, on the other hand, actually posed a bit of a challenge. I led with Cerebella, and he led with Klefki. The key ring took a ton of abuse (and by abuse I mean repeated force palms to the face), and the three layers of spikes it set up didn't help matters much. It eventually got paralyzed, and even later still finally fainted, taking Taka' s two ultra potions with it. I kept Cerebella on the field while Taka sent out his Gligar; sadly, she wasn't even able to get a single hit off on it before fainting. I switched out to Lucina (who didn't take as much damage from the spikes as I thought she would) and she tanked two acrobatics with just a sliver of health left while spamming play rough, taking down the Gligar with two hits (one of which was a critical hit). Taka sent out his Cradily next, and I kept Lucina on the field, letting her get off one last close combat before Cradily took her down with a giga drain. Cassie Cage came out next, and took the Cradily down with a fake out and a high jump kick. All that remained was Taka's Chatot; fearing the worst, I sent out Umbrella and began spamming psychic. To my amazement, Chatot's chatter- the move that swept me so many time in the past- didn't affect Umbrella at all, because she had soundproof (I KNEW that ability would come in handy one day!)! As such, she was able to take down Chatot with ease, ending the fight and allowing me to free Cain. Time to save Apophyll!

...Also, I'd like to take a moment to celebrate 25 updates! Thank you to everyone who's followed me throughout this journey so far, and I'll see you all in the next update!

The team so far:

392.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 43

297.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 43

454.pngC. Viper (Female) - Lv. 43

210.pngLucina (Female) - Lv. 43

122.pngUmbrella (Female) - Lv. 44

308.pngCassie Cage (Female) - Lv. 43

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Update #26: I Hope You Die in a Fire (Actually, this pretty accurately sums up my feelings towards Solaris)

Well, I can say hands down that Solaris was the second hardest boss in this run so far, beaten only by Corey. I wouldn't have been able to do it without reading Eagleby18's strategy that he used in his monogen run, so kudos to him and be sure to check out his run if you haven't already!

Anyway, on TEH URN, I led with Lucina and he led with- of course- Garchomp. I kept switching between all my team members, letting them take the blows for Lucina and allowing me to switch Lucina back in and rack up intimidate debuffs on Garchomp (I had swapped her ability with the last ability capsule). After Cammy, Chun-Li, and C. Viper fainted, Cerebella (man, what is it with me and C's?!) managed to tank a fire fang with her thick fat and knocked off the Garchomp's leftovers; by that point, however, she had to take a dragon rush to the face and only had 10 hit points left, so I used her last turn conscious to revive C. Viper, just as a failsafe. I then switched in Lucina one last time and had her spam play rough until she fainted, sufficiently weakening Garchomp enough to get Solaris to use one of his full restores. With Lucina down, I sent out my ultimate weapon: Peach the ex-Swirlix, now a fully evolved Slurpuff! She managed to dodge a stone edge and tank a second one while setting up two layers of cotton guard, then tanked fire fangs left and right like a boss while setting up three fake tears. She then kept spamming drain kiss while I prayed for the best; amazingly, Solaris ran out of Full Restores before Peach ran out of PP for drain kiss, ending the fight! Also, is it me, or does Solaris seem kind of subtly childish? I mean, first he attacked Amaria just because he lost back at the factory, then he stopped the battle because he couldn't curb-stomp you with a single Pokémon, and then he killed Kiki on a whim? I bet he's going to have a major villainous breakdown...

Anyway, Kiki died in the battle (as did her Medicham), so I guess my badge is invalidated now. (Sigh) I KNEW you should have given it to me earlier! Anyway, time to head out to the wasteland and get our actual fifth badge...

The team so far:

392.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 45

297.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 45

454.pngC. Viper (Female) - Lv. 45

210.pngLucina (Female) - Lv. 45

685.pngPeach (Female) - Lv. 42

308.pngCassie Cage (Female) - Lv. 45

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Update #27: The Key Ingredient

Well, compared to Solaris, Cain wasn't really all that hard. I led with Chun-Li, and he led with Venomoth. The poor moth didn't even get off a single hit before it fainted to a flame wheel from Chun-Li. Cain sent out his ace- Nidoking- next, and I switched out to C. Viper. C. Viper tanked a hit and lowered Nidoking's accuracy with a mud bomb, but then Cain switched Nidoking out for his Haunter; fortunately for me, this backfired right in his face when C. Viper got off a sucker punch, knocking out the ghost with one hit. He sent Nidoking back in, and I switched C. Viper out for Cerebella. She set up a belly drum, then finished off the Nidoking with a knock off; sadly, this weakened her enough to get knocked out by a single razor shell from Cain's Samurott. I countered by sending out Cammy, and she tanked a fury cutter and a revenge while setting up a dragon dance and spamming high jump kick, leading to a 2HKO on Samurott. All that Cain had left was his Muk, whom I countered with Umbrella. She managed to tank a sludge bomb and 2HKO'd Muk using psychic, ending the fight and giving me the right to enter the wasteland! Here we go!

The team so far:

392.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 45

297.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 45

454.pngC. Viper (Female) - Lv. 45

560.pngCammy (Female) - Lv. 45

122.pngUmbrella (Female) - Lv. 45

308.pngCassie Cage (Female) - Lv. 45

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Update #28: Mr. Bigglesworth is Love, Mr. Bigglesworth is Life

Well, Mr. Bigglesworth wasn't too bad, but I think that's because I got a little lucky. He led with two Trubbish, and I led with Chun-Li and Umbrella. Chun-Li flame wheel'd one of the Trubbish into oblivion, while Umbrella psyhic'd the other. With both of the Trubbish down, Mr. Bigglesworth decided to do his own dirty work and came at me. He missed a gunk shot, got off a drain punch on Umbrella, and then missed another gunk shot while Chun-Li chipped away at him with flame wheel and Umbrella wailed on him with psychic; after 3 turns of punishment, he went down, earning me a dawn stone (perfect for that Gallade I'll eventually get) and Venoshock! Time to quit stalling and take on Aya!

The team so far:

392.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 45

297.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 45

454.pngC. Viper (Female) - Lv. 45

560.pngCammy (Female) - Lv. 45

122.pngUmbrella (Female) - Lv. 45

308.pngCassie Cage (Female) - Lv. 45

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Update #29: One is a Space for Waste, the Other is a Waste of Space

Well, Fern wasn't too bad, although he did have his moments. I led with Chun-Li, and he led with Ferrothorn. The poor thing died from a single flame wheel; Chun-Li didn't even take any damage from iron barbs. Fern switched out to Krokorok next, and I switched out to Cammy. Cammy tanked a thunder fang while setting up a dragon dance, then OHKO'd the crocodile with a high jump kick. Fern sent out his Scyther next, and I sent out Chun-Li again. She got off a flame wheel, but Scyther survived it and got off a wing attack, taking Chun-Li down to 30 hit points; fortunately, Fern spent the next turn healing scyther, allowing Chun-Li to finish it off with another flame wheel. Fern's Roserade came out next, and I sent out C. Viper; sadly, she fainted before she could get a single attack off. Umbrella came out to avenge her, and she managed to tank an extrasensory and one-shot Roserade with a psychic. All that Fern had left was his Serperior, and I sent out Cerebella to take it on. Cerebella knocked off its leftovers and proceeded to do massive damage with a critical hit force palm; sadly, she fainted to two giga drains and an iron tail. I sent out Cassie Cage to get revenge, and she damaged and flinched Serperior with a fake out; unfortunately, my big clumsy idiot fingers accidentally hit fake out again, making her waste a turn while Fern set up leech seeds. It didn't really matter, though, since Fern had Serperior use iron tail instead of something actually useful like giga drain, allowing Cassie Cage to finish it off with a high jump kick. With that... thing... out of the way (why can't we just feed him to the wasteland already?!), Fern and the wasteland are watching us fight Aya; let's show him that we're not as wimpy as he things we are!

The team so far:

392.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 45

297.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 45

454.pngC. Viper (Female) - Lv. 45

560.pngCammy (Female) - Lv. 45

122.pngUmbrella (Female) - Lv. 45

308.pngCassie Cage (Female) - Lv. 45

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Update #30: Aya the Hurricane

Gotta admit, I really enjoyed the match with Aya! It was the closest battle I've had in a long while, even if I did beat it on my first try! Anyway, I led with Chun-Li and Umbrella while she led with Tentacruel and Nidoqueen. Umbrella did serious damage to Tentacruel with a psychic, while Chun-Li did some damage to Nidoqueen with a shadow claw (although she did get poisoned); to my horror, however, both of Aya's Pokémon used sludge wave, taking down Umbrella! Cassie Cage came out, and while Aya healed Tentacruel, I had Cassie Cage fake out Nidoqueen (she also got poisoned; the hax gods were not on my side this fight) and had Chun-Li use shadow claw on Tentacruel. Chun-Li went down the next turn to a sludge wave barrage, while Cassie got off another high jump kick, taking out Nidoqueen. Aya sent out her ace- Dragalae- and I sent out Cerebella, who promptly knocked off Dragalgae's black sludge while Cassie Cage high jump kicked Dragalgae in the face before fanting to an icy wind. Cammy came out next, and she managed to get off a high jump kick while Cerbella finished off Tentacruel with a smellingsalt; Tentacruel, however, was able to get off one last toxic spikes before it fainted, poisoning Cerebella and Cammy. Aya sent out her Gengar next, but all it managed to do was get off an icy wind before Cerbella knock off'd it back to the depths of the ax'd. Cammy, meanwhile, crunch'd Dragalgae to death, getting a nifty moxie boost! Sadly, Cerbella and Cammy were so weakened after all that that Aya's Drapion and Venusaur were able to finish off both of them in a single turn, although Cammy did at least get off one last high jump kick on Venusaur. All that I had left was C. Viper, property of the former poison gym leader; amazingly, she managed to pull through and finish the weakened Venusaur with a venoshock, then KO'd Drapion with a series of drain punches! Aya has a bit of a breakdown after I beat her, but unlike Kiki and Corey she actually has the decency to give me the dang badge... and so I finally get the Venom Badge, formerly the third but now my fifth badge! Time to save those kids!

The team so far:

392.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 45

297.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 46

454.pngC. Viper (Female) - Lv. 45

560.pngCammy (Female) - Lv. 46

122.pngUmbrella (Female) - Lv. 45

308.pngCassie Cage (Female) - Lv. 45

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Update #31: Sirius Business

Well, Sirius wasn't too bad, even though I technically only won because I had Cain with me. I led with Umbrella, Cain led with Nidoking, and Sirius led with Hitmontop and Chandelure (AKA Chekhov's Gun Personified). Poor Umbrella got knocked out before she could even attack, thanks to a fake out from Hitmontop and a shadow ball from Chandelure; Cain wasn't even able to do much damage, only slightly weakening Chandelure with a poison tail. I sent out Chun-Li next, and she did massive damage to Chandelure with a shadow claw; unfortunately, she took massive damage herself from Chandelure's shadow ball, and got knocked out by a high jump kick from Hitmontop, but Cain actually managed to use shadow ball... on Hitmontop. (facepalms) Seriously, I love you, Cain, but you have the AI of a slug. Anyway, I sent out Cammy next, and Cain's Nidoking tanked a psychic while miraculously knocking out Chandelure with a shadow ball; poor Cammy didn't even get a single hit off, as Hitmontop knocked her out before she could even attack. I sent out C. Viper while Sirius sent out Manectric. Both of Sirius' Pokémon teamed up on Nidoking, taking it down, but allowing C. Viper to get off a free mud bomb, significantly injuring Manectric. Cain sent out his Samurott next. Sirius switched out his Manectric for his Probopass, causing C. Viper to whiff a sucker punch but allowing Samurott to do massive damage to Probopass with a critical-hit razor shell while tanking a high jump kick. Sirius spent his turn healing Probopass and knocking down Samurott's health to just a sliver while C. Viper did serious damage to Probopass with a mud bomb and Cain finished it off with a razor shell. Sirius' Manectric came out next, and it finished off Cain's exhausted Samurott with a crunch, while C. Viper tanked a high jump kick from Hitmontop and knocked Manectric down into the red with a mud bomb. Cain sent his Venomoth out next, and while Sirius healed his Manectric C. Viper failed another sucker punch while Hitmontop sucker punched Venomoth and Venomoth giga drain'd Manectric. The next turn, C. Viper sucker punched Manectric and Venomoth tanked an ice fang and dodged a sucker punch by putting Manectric to sleep with a sleep powder. With Manectric asleep, I had C. Viper drain punch Hitmontop, injuring it while it knocked out Venomoth with a sucker punch. Cain sent out his Haunter after this, and it finished off Hitmontop with a shadow ball while C. Viper drain punch'd Manectric to death. Sirius sent out his final two Pokémon: Honchkrow and his ace, Seviper. Haunter wasted its turn using mean look while C. Viper did serious damage to the bird with a drain punch; sadly, the bird flipped me the bird by one-shotting her with a brave bird, although this did seriously injure it. Haunter, meanwhile, was predictably knocked out by a single night slash by Seviper. I sent out Cassie Cage, but accidentally had her use power swap, causing her to get one-shot by a brave bird from Honchkrow, although this seriously hurt Honchkrow. Muk, meanwhile, tanked a aqua tail while settig up a minimize, so at least that made it harder to hit. Down to my last Pokémon, I sent out Lucina, and she tanked a critical-hit foul play and an aqua tail while slamming Seviper with a strength as Muk missed a mud bomb. Lucina tanked another foul play while she and Muk ganged up on Seviper (which missed an aqua tail, by the way) with a strength and a mud bomb. The next turn, Honchkrow took down Lucina with a brave bird, taking itself down in the process; and so, I ran out of Pokémon and let Cain repay me for saving him back on Azurine Island. After a minute or so of a battle of the wonky AIs, Cain's AI proved to be slightly more competent and finished off Seviper, repelling Team Meteor from the Yureyu HQ! Let's get those kids to safety now!

The team so far:

392.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 46

210.pngLucina (Female) - Lv. 48

454.pngC. Viper (Female) - Lv. 47

560.pngCammy (Female) - Lv. 47

122.pngUmbrella (Female) - Lv. 47

308.pngCassie Cage (Female) - Lv. 47

P.S.: Sorry for the wall of text; I just wanted to record this battle as accurately as possible.

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Sub-Update: Apologies

Hey! I just figured I owed everyone who follows this an apology for taking so long to update it; the past week's been kind of busy for me. Also, I apologize in advance for the lack of updates over the coming weekend; I'm going away for a family reunion, and my parents don't want me on the computer when there's other stuff to do there. So, I promise that after this weekend, the updates will start coming again, and I'll get back to you guys with the battle against Bennett! See you then!

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Update #32: The Bugman Lives

I'M BAAAAA-AAAAACK! Did you guys miss me? I'll try to keep the updates coming more frequently, I promise! Also, I'm amazed that this has gotten over 1,000 views! Thank you to everybody who has read this topic, and I hope you continue to find it enjoyable!

Anyway, Bennett was harder than I expected, but not too hard. I led with Squigly (who I made sure to grind up and evolve), and he led with Larvesta. Larvesta did significant damage to Squigly with a zen headbutt, but she retaliated with a hyper voice, taking out the field and knocking out Larvesta with the damage from the shattered field. Sadly, his Vivillion knocked Squigly out the next turn before she could attack it, but her job (breaking the field) had been done, and Lucina (who came out next) managed to take the butterfly down with two play roughs after tanking a draining kiss. I switched out to Chun-Li while Bennett sent out Dustox. Dustox set up a quiver dance, but got slammed by a flame wheel from Chun-Li; Bennett then spent the next three turns desperately trying to heal Dustox, even having Dustox use moonlight once he had run out of berry ice creams. It was all futile in the end, though, as it went down to a flurry of ferocious flame wheels (yay alliteration), leading to him sending out Masquerain. I sent out Cassie Cage to take it on, but she wasn't able to do much, only denting its health with a fake out and two high jump kicks before fainting to a signal beam and a hydro pump. I switched out to Cammy, and she shrugged off two signal beams and took out the irritating fly with two crunches; unfortunately, she had taken heavy damage, and fainted to a signal beam from Bennett's Butterfree. Lucina came out to avenge her fallen comrade, and started spamming play rough; however, Butterfree got smart and got off a giga drain, allowing it to heal itself for just enough damage to last long enough to KO Lucina. Fortunately, it only had a little sliver of health left, so Chun-Li was able to finish it with a flame wheel. The only bug Bennett had left was arguably the best one competitively: Venomoth. I sent out Cerebella, and both 'mon set up: Venomoth with a quiver dance, and Cerebella with a belly drum. Cerebella then tanked a signal beam and ended the fight with a knock off, ending Bennett and allowing me to take on Serra!

The team so far:

392.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 50

210.pngLucina (Female) - Lv. 48

040.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 48

560.pngCammy (Female) - Lv. 48

297.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 48

308.pngCassie Cage (Female) - Lv. 48

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Update #33: Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, What Would Happen if You Fall?

Well, honestly, I think Serra was actually easier than her son. I led with Squigly the fieldbreaker, and she led with Cryognal. Squigly tanked a frost breath (thank God, the snowflake didn't use flash cannon) and broke the field with a hyper voice, taking her and the Cryognal down to low health. Serra used an ultra potion, while Squigly chipped away at its health with another hyper voice; she then got knocked out by a second frost breath. With Squigly down, I sent out Cassie Cage to avenge her, and after getting off a fake out she endured a flash cannon and kicked the snowflake so hard it shattered. With that down, I sent out Cammy while Serra sent out Nikki Minaj Jynx. Cammy got blasted with an energy ball, but shrugged off the damage and took out Jynx with a single crunch. Serra sent out Vanilluxe, and Cammy tanked a signal beam and ran at the giant hunk of ice cream with a high jump kick... and missed, knocking herself out. (sigh) I sent out Cerebella to replace her, and she knocked off the Vanilluxe's leftovers (so that's why Cammy missed) and tanked two signal beams to finish it off with a close combat. Serra sent out her Glaceon next, and I sent out Cassie Cage again. the poor Glaceon didn't even get a chance to attack; Cassie kept up the offensive pressure, and the Glaceon went down to a fake out and a high jump kick. I kept Cassie on the shattered field while Serra sent out her Aurorus (which, by the way, made the arena hail) and flew through the air with a high jump kick... and smacked into a wall, leaving her weakened enough to get finished by a frost breath. Man, luck isn't really on my side today. Anyway, I sent out Chun-Li next, and she took the dinosaur down with a mighty close combat. The last hurdle in my way was Serra's ace, Frosslass. I sent out Cerebella to counter it, and she did massive damage with a knock off, swatting away Frosslass' leftovers and forcing Serra to use her two ultra potions. After a few more knock offs, Serra ran out of potions and Frosslass fell, earning me my sixth badge, the Rime Badge! Time to head to the freshly-moved Pokémart and heal Anna Nostra!

The team so far:

392.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 50

210.pngLucina (Female) - Lv. 49

040.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 48

560.pngCammy (Female) - Lv. 49

297.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 49

308.pngCassie Cage (Female) - Lv. 49

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Update #34: Doctor, Doctor, Give Me the News

Gotta admit, the battle against Sigmund was actually one of the harder battles I've faced, even if I did beat it on my first try. I led with one of our newest team members, Parasoul the Gardevoir, and he led with Jolteon. Parasoul set up a misty terrain while Jolteon set up a double team, then set up a calm mind while Jolteon spammed hidden power. Parasoul did serious damage to it with a draining kiss, tanked another hidden power, and finished off Jolteon with a psychic. Sigmund then decided he was through playing around and whipped out his ace: Electivire. Parasoul survived a low kick with tons of health to spare and did massive damage with a psychic twice (Sigmund took a turn to heal), but then went down to a single ice punch (curse you, weak physical defenses!) Lucina came out and missed a play rough, giving Sigmund a free turn to heal himself, but then he got stupid and used low kick, which Lucina shrugged off. She then managed to actually land a play rough; unfortunately, disaster struck when Sigmund managed to burn Lucina with a fire punch, halving her offensive output. She still managed to get off a play rough, as well as a headbutt and a close combat after Sigmund healed, but then she fainted due to burn damage and an ice punch. I sent out C. Viper, and she managed to poison Sigmund with a sucker punch (thanks, poison touch!) and proceeded to tank a thunder punch and a low kick to finish it off with a venoshock. Great... except I still had to go through over half of his team. I kept C. Viper on the field while Sigmund sent out his Luxray. Thanks to intimidate, she wasn't able to do serious damage to it with a poison jab, but she was able to poison it before she fainted. A very angry Cerebella came out next, and she annihilated the annoying little lion with a ferocious close combat. With the Luxray down, I switched out to Cammy while Sigmund sent out his Lanturn. Lanturn got off a discharge and a bubblebeam, but Cammy survived it and took it down with two high jump kicks, getting a boost from moxie in the process. Cammy then managed to get a high jump kick off on Sigmund's newly-sent-out Eelectross, but she fainted to a discharge immediately afterwards. Fortunately, the Eelectross was pretty weakened by the kick, so all it took was a flame wheel from Chun-Li to finish it off. A very desperate Sigmund sent out his last Pokémon: Rotom. Chun-Li significantly injured it with a flame wheel, but then she got paralyzed by a discharge, and then she got confused the next turn on top of the paralysis, so she wasn't really able to do anything before she fainted from a discharge and self-inflicted damage. Fortunately, Cerebella came out, tanked an ominous wind, and ended the Rotom with a knock off!

...and then Sigmund gets blasted through the wall by Saphira's Dragonite. Yay. With Spahira captured, it's time to head on down to the Meteor base and stop their nefarious deeds!

The team so far:

392.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 51

210.pngLucina (Female) - Lv. 49

282.pngParasoul (Female) - Lv. 49

560.pngCammy (Female) - Lv. 49

297.pngCerebella (Female) - Lv. 50

454.pngC. Viper (Female) - Lv. 49

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Update #35: The Day the Earth Stood Steelix

Hey! Sorry for the lack of updates; I've been getting sucked into Terraria 1.3. Since I've hit a standstill in Terraria, however (DAMN YOU, SKELETRON!), I've decided to take a break and get back into Pokémon Reborn. Anyway, the Steelix battle was harder than I expected. I led with Cassie Cage, but all she was able to do was get off a fake ff before the Steelix OHKO'd her. I sent out Lucina next, but she wasn't even able to get off a single hit before fainting (although she did lower its attack courtesy of intimidate). Chun-Li came out after that, and she got a close combat off before fainting to an earthquake. With her down, I switched out to Cammy, and she tanked an earthquake and a stone edge while getting off high jump kicks left and right before she fainted to an iron head. Fortunately, she managed to get Steelix to eat its sitrus berry, and still left it with less than half health. C. Viper came out, and she got off two drain punches before fainting to an iron head, leaving the Steelix with just a sliver of health, which was then finished off by Parasoul with a psychic. Victory! Now it's time totake down that Abra and stop all of this teleportation madness!

The team so far:

392.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 51

210.pngLucina (Female) - Lv. 51

282.pngParasoul (Female) - Lv. 52

560.pngCammy (Female) - Lv. 52

308.pngCassie Cage (Female) - Lv. 51

454.pngC. Viper (Female) - Lv. 52

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Well, Abra went by pretty well. I led with Cassie Cage, and she got off a fake off before fainting to a hyper beam. Cammy came out next, and she managed to get in a high jump kick before fainting to another hyper beam. Chun-Li went out next, and while Abra recharged she whacked it with a flame wheel, burning it. However, rather than stand there and die from a hyper beam, I swapped her out for Parasoul, who took the blow for her and allowed her to come back out and finish Abra while it recharged. With all that chaos over with, it's time to finally challenge Noel!

The team so far:

392.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 51

210.pngLucina (Female) - Lv. 51

282.pngParasoul (Female) - Lv. 52

560.pngCammy (Female) - Lv. 52

308.pngCassie Cage (Female) - Lv. 51

454.pngC. Viper (Female) - Lv. 52

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Update #37: L (Get it it's a visual pun)

Well, Noel was honestly pretty tricky, but I think the battle went pretty well. I led with C. Viper, and he led with Wigglytuff. C. Viper just kept spamming poison jab; despite Noel's best efforts to heal it with ultra potions, all it was able to do was get off a single dazzling gleam before it fell. Noel then sent out his most problematic Pokémon: Porygon-Z. I switched out to Cammy and prayed to the hax gods that it wouldn't affect me with a status condition with Tri-attack... and to my joy, it didn't! Cammy hung in there with just 13 hit points, and took down the glitchy mess of polygons with just one high jump kick! Noel sent out his Swellow next, and I switched out to Lucina. Lucina tanked a brave bird and did serious damage to it with a play rough, and then Swellow's flame orb kicked in. I braced for a guts-boosted STAB Facade, but to my shock, it used brave bird instead, which Lucina survived with 23 hit points; she then retaliated with a play rough, finishing the bird. Noel then sent out his second-most dangerous Pokémon, as well as arguably the hardest Pokémon to face against a normal-type gym leader: Cinccino. Sure, it may be a one-trick pony with its skill link plus multi-hit move combo, but jeez, it's one heck of a trick! Anyway, I sent out Chun-Li to take it on, but to my horror, Cinccino outsped it and took it down with a barrage of tail slaps before she could even get a single hit in! Just when I had all but given up hope, I sent out Cassie Cage... and after landing a fake out, she took a bullet seed with just one hit point remaining, then proceeded to land a high jump kick and OHKO'd Cinccino! Y'know, I should really sacrifice a goat to the hax gods or something... anyway, I sacrificed Cassie Cage to heal Cammy, as I knew she wouldn't stand a chance against Noel's newly sent-out Girafarig. One psychic later, Cassie was down and I switched out to Cammy. Unfortunately, Cammy got paralyzed by a thunder wave and wasn't able to attack the first turn she was out, but she tanked a HP fire and seriously injured Girafarig with a bite... and then got immobilized by paralysis the next turn, just soaking up another HP fire. Noel tried healing Girafarig the next turn, but Cammy managed to break through paralysis, damage it severely with a crunch, and then tank a second HP fire with just seven hit points to... get immobilized by paralysis. *facepalm* Anyway, I healed Cammy with a berry ice cream, and she managed to take two thunderbolts and hang on long enough to finish the goddamned giraffe with a final crunch. All that remained was Noel's ace, Clefable... and it was honestly kind of a pushover! All it did was spam moonblast, allowing Parasoul to come in and set up a calm mind, then spam psychic until it fainted! With that over with, it's time to find out what happened to Saphira!

The team so far:

392.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 51

210.pngLucina (Female) - Lv. 52

282.pngParasoul (Female) - Lv. 52

560.pngCammy (Female) - Lv. 53

308.pngCassie Cage (Female) - Lv. 52

454.pngC. Viper (Female) - Lv. 52

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Update #38: Don't Make Me Fern This Car Around

Well, once I knew what I was doing, Fern wasn't too bad. I led with Parasoul, and he led with Fraxure. Fraxure went down fast to a draining kiss (seriously, it's got to be pretty embarrassing to be kissed to death), and Fern sent out Krookodile while I switched out for Lucina. The surprisingly-intelligent crocodile used an earhquake (probably its strongest move, which Lucina didn't resist), which Lucina shrugged off anyway before retaliating with a play rough, taking out the crocodile with a critical hit. Fern's Ferrothorn came out next, but it predictably went down to a field-boosted flame wheel from Chun-Li before it could even attack; Fern's Roserade went down the same way, although it did leave Chun-Li with only seven hit points thanks to an extrasensory. Fern sent out his ace- Serperior- next, and I sent out C. Viper. Amazingly, Fern didn't have it use its most useful move (giga drain), instead having it use dragon pulse and glare; this allowed C. Viper to take it down quite quickly with a poison jab and a venoshock. All that Fern had left was his Scyther... and man, it proved to be a pain in the arse. I sent Chun-Li back out, but all she was able to do was get off a single flame wheel before Fern finished off the weakened monkey with a x-scissor. Cassie Cage came out swinging with a fake out to avenge her fallen comrade, but she accidentally raised Scyther's speed in the process thanks to Scyther's steadfast; fortunately Fern wasted his next two turns healing Scyther, allowing Cassie to spam zen headbutt until it was knocked back down to low health. She then tanked an x-scissor with a little health to spare and finished off the Scyther with a zen headbutt, ending the fight! ...And yet Fern still refuses to acknowledge me as the better trainer... sigh...

Anyway, this next update may not come for a while, because I've got a lot of exploring to do throughout Route 1. Sorry for the delay in advance, and I'll see you after I'm done!

The team so far:

392.pngChun-Li (Female) - Lv. 52

210.pngLucina (Female) - Lv. 52

282.pngParasoul (Female) - Lv. 53

560.pngCammy (Female) - Lv. 53

308.pngCassie Cage (Female) - Lv. 52

454.pngC. Viper (Female) - Lv. 52

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