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So I'm new and guess I'm supposed to introduce myself...


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So... Hi, I guess.

Name(s): Aut, Autumn, Autumneverlast, Adrian Umbra (or variations on that with or without the space)

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Personality: INTJ (though it doesn't always stay constant)

Alignment: True neutral (with some leanings towards chaotic)

Favorite Type: Dark

Favorite Pokemon: Absol

Interests: Gaming, Programming, Anime, Reading

To be honest, I always feel a little awkward introducing myself, especially online like this. I've been playing Reborn for only a little while now (less than a month) and have started three runs, my newest being to have a go at Episode 15 and seeing what's changed. So... yeah. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, I'll try to answer.

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Thanks, been a fun game so far and looking forward to getting further this time than in my previous two runs.

Gotta catch that Absol, dangit

And I really enjoyed the first two seasons of RWBY, looking forward to the third!

Edited by Autumneverlast
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But my name isn't Squidward...

Alright Autumn,






Anyways, I hope you enjoy your time on the Reborn Forums! #pigswag

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Hello Autumn,

Welcome to the forums.



P.S. what's your favourite language? :3

To speak, German, though I'm not fluent. To listen to, Japanese.

Welcome to your Wonderland~

"We hope to see you again!"


Wassup mah boi?! Welcome to Reborn!

Happy to be here, though I don't see any peace that true warriors should be striving for...

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Welcome to Reborn, don't feel nervous to ask anyone here for advice or help we all were newbies at one time and we all get stuck sometimes with something, now if you need me I shall be in my dark corner where I let the nightmares come out to play.

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I'm not saying I like you, but I like you, so you can totally stay.

welcome to Reborn \o/ wololololo

Seeing your team... :D

Welcome to Reborn, don't feel nervous to ask anyone here for advice or help we all were newbies at one time and we all get stuck sometimes with something, now if you need me I shall be in my dark corner where I let the nightmares come out to play.

Will do, though I'm mostly trying to go it with as little help for Episode 15 as possible. Granted, a little help would have been appreciated when I tried to find out what the egg from Obsidia Slums was, but it's really my fault that I went and wasted my time hatching a Drowzee (which is a 'mon that I'm not a big fan of).

And for those I'm not specifically replying to, I'm still reading your comments and thank you very much for the welcomes!

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Well met Autumn. It's times like this that Winter should be here. oh well

Welcome to Reborn!

All those alts though. You're Person#8 since Person#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6 and #7 are taken. I haven't seen person #2, #4, #5 and #7 in a while. I don't remember who #6 is. This the daily insanity you'll get from me, I suppose.

Anyway, do check the Community Rules to the left, and right above the Community Rules, is the search bar. And above that, is the link to the Reborn Server! Do join us there cuz everyone is crazy \o/

I hope you enjoy your eternal never ending permanent holyshitthisisgoingtotakeforevertoend stay in Reborn!

I'll see you around \o/


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