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[Spoiler] Infuriating Gym "Puzzle"


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So I'm at Serra's mansion and thought I'd be about to battle her and Bennett but apparently she has a whole gym now. And there's nothing bad bout that but as it is you have to search for an error in the symmetry of each of these little rooms and break through that point to get to the next? So I couldn't really find any hint on where I had to smash the wall and trial'n-error-ed through the gym getting a lot of damage each time I hit the wrong tile.
And the first time I was like ok I'm going to break them and go heal up but there was another room behind the wall. So I beat the trainers, killed half my team by searching the right tile and wanted to take a look at what's behind there cuz it's all new and exciting but apparently there is Bennett waiting for me there immediatly starting a battle against my team of undeads.
So I am not a fan of letting my dear companions die and would appreciate if there would at least be a choice to go and prepare for the battle like it was before ep15... I guess the whole eat-up-a-lot-of-dmg-while-getting-through-this-field thing wouldn't really make any sense then but at least make the part where we have to smash the wall detectable <~<


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It is detectable though. In the room before Bennett look at the plants. Yeah you see where you went wrong now? On the left side there should be two blue plants but instead there is a purple one. Pretty simple where the correct spot to smash was, you just need to observe. The game punishes you for not observing by forcing a battle onto you, and that's good design imo.

I say keep it tbh.

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That said, how many people are trial-and-erroring this as opposed to actually taking guesses?

And, how obvious or not is the third rooms' one?

The 1st 2 were fairly noticeable but I still have no clue what the actual reason behind the last one's tile is

...Personally don't think you need to trial-and-error in this gym , it's not that hard

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