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I'm alecz, I like pokemon


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Hello alecz,

I was reading your post and I was wondering after the first line, "Is this guy a programmer?"

But after reading your second post, I guess you are :P

The game was made using RPG Maker and Pokemon Essentials, so yes it is a coded game.

Just wondering, what kind of programming do you do? What's your favourite language? :3

I know a bit about programming, I took two courses in high school (Java) and two in university (Python, C).

Anywho, I hope you enjoy the forums.



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DarkSPITE not SPRITE ;_>; people get that mixed up all the time </3

Yeah I loved my programming courses, they were always lots of fun. I'm more into the algorithm analysis and data structures side of things, it's quite fun. Very akin to puzzles :3 never learned by myself though, I can't be assed to learn anything by myself, too lazy :P

Well I guess I'm learning something on my own. I'm working on a fangame with some other members here, it's called Pokemon Se7en. You should check it out if you're interested (it's not released yet though, we're still working on the initial release). I've been having to learn how to use RPG Maker and the scripting language it uses as I help them make the game.

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Well I'm sure you know that there are things such as arrays, array lists, trees, graphs, etc. in programming. These are all types of data structures and we use them for various purposes. There are lots of different types of data structures (many types of trees and graphs) and each data structure has its uses. Some data structures are great for storing data, others are great for retrieving data (searching) and some are good for sorting data (greatest to least, alpha order). When I say good at, I mean they have a low runtime complexity (basically they run faster than something with a high runtime complexity :P)

Algorithm analysis is basically looking at algorithms and figuring out what their runtime complexity is. There are like three or four notations that are used for different types of runtime complexity analysis but the one I've learned is the worst case runtime analysis which is big-O notation. So many exam questions asking to formally prove the runtime complexity of certain algorithms holy shit, they were killer :'( but it's good to know the runtime complexity of algorithms so you know which is better to use in certain scenarios. You can find the complexity for lots of popular algorithms like bubble sort and merge sort on the internet if you just do a quick google search. You can also formally prove the runtime complexity of your own algorithms if you write one.

Edit; also yeah I thought of this name (don't ask me for origin stories :( this thread isn't even about me) when I named a character for an MMORPG I used to play and everyone there called me Dark (some people got my name confused and called me DarkSprite as well :P). Where'd your name come from alecz? I'm assuming it's just another way to spell the name Alex?

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Yes, that's basically what algorithm analysis is :3

We don't time how long it takes for them to complete though, because the amount of time any algorithm takes to complete is dependent on the size of the problem (how much data you have to sort). However we can classify a runtime complexity that helps us determine which algorithm will be faster. For example a search algorithm with complexity of O(n) will always finish faster than a search algorithm with complexity of O(n^2) (provided of course that the algorithms work on the same problem).

EDIT; (n is the size of the problem by the way)

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Welcome to Rebo--UMBREON aosidfiawh8th0ehwudsnfisdnkadsnoignasd

... Uh, sorry you had to see that. We're not always that crazy yes we are no we're not shh zephy stop talking to yourself yes we are.

Welcome to Reborn \o/ do you like shiny Umbreon I like shiny Umbreon. Wololoooo

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Hello and Welcome to the Community of Reborn friend, you will find many people here have very little sanity, expert believe prolonged time in the community will have this effect on you, not sure why they should think that, anyway i'll go sneak back to my dark corner where all the nightmares come out to play.

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