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Hello, Reborn!!


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Hey guys, the name's Shawn. I've been stalking this forum for a few months now and decided to introduce myself just now :P

I've been under the weather the past few months (still am technically, just now getting back on the internet) so forgive my tardiness. Besides reborn I casually play YGO and play other pokemon rom hacks. Hopefully you'll see me more in this community.

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Well met CED.

Late welcome to Reborn!

I already tried to stay under the weather too. It sucked. Apparently staying under the weather is "invading weather's personal space" or something. W/e, it's too late to remember~

Anyway, do check the Community Rules to the left, and right above the Community Rules, is the search bar. And above that, is the link to the Reborn Server! Do join us there cuz everyone is crazy \o/

I hope you enjoy your eternal never ending permanent holyshitthisisgoingtotakeforevertoend stay in Reborn!

I'll see you around \o/

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